305 research outputs found

    Epifania politica del Theodosianus

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    La publicación (promulgación) romana del Código Teodosiano, en la Navidad del año 438, fue una meditada decisión política: se cerraba de este modo, en un día muy significativo para el imperio cristiano, el programa decenal de estabilización jurídica iniciado con la ley en CTh. 1, 1, 5. La exégesis detenida y minuciosa de los Gesta senatus Romani de Theodosiano publicando y una serie de reflexiones histórico-políticas confirman la veracidad de la fecha del 25 de diciembre testimoniada por el Codex Ambrosianus C 29 inf., el manuscrito medieval que contiene Gesta y Codex, y aclara las importantes motivaciones político-legislativas teodosianas.La pubblicazione (promulgazione) romana del Codice Teodosiano proprio a Natale dell'anno 438 fu una meditata scelta politica : si chiudeva così, in un giorno assai significativo per l'impero cristiano, il decennale programma di stabilizzazione giuridica avviato nel 429 con la legge in CTh. 1, 1, 5. L'esegesi attenta e minuziosa dei Gesta senatus Romani de Theodosiano publicando e una serie di riflessioni storico-politiche confermano la veridicità della data del 25 dicembre attestata dal Codex Ambrosianus C 29 inf., il manoscritto medievale che contiene Gesta e Codex, e chiarisce le importanti motivazioni politico-legislative teodosiane

    La persecuzione dei cristiani per l’appartenenza, oggi come ieri

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    An Application Of Artificial Immune System In A Wastewater Treatment Plant

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    Guaranteeing the continuity and the quality of services in network plants is a key issue in the research area of asset management. Especially when the plants are located in a wide area where machines are not continuously monitored by the operators. In particular, the pervasive adoption of smart sensors could be able to develop intelligent maintenance system through an elaboration of data coming from the machines: this data could be processed by diagnostics algorithms to warn preventively the fault status of the components or machines monitored. The algorithms’ structure is contained in a multiple system of agents that have different tasks to manage both the single machine and the information exchanged within the whole system. This paper aims to present an application of Artificial Immune System defining, for each plant section, the kind of agents employed and the related sensors that must be adopted to collect the useful data. In order to provide a practical example, the structure of an Artificial Immune System has been implemented in a wastewater treatment plant where the agents are tested with noteworthy results. © 20164928556

    Differences of Science Teaching Approaches Between in Japan and in Solomon Islands

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    Teaching is one of the vital practices in life that one can experience beforeknowing all the essential fact in life. It all started at the time of our birth to the time when we draw our last breath and it can be implemented in many different approachesbut with the same goal. However, teaching approaches comprises the principles andmethods used for instruction to be implemented by teachers to achieve the desired learning in students. These strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner and the School environment as a whole. As far as the importance of teaching approaches is concern towards this report, its content was mainly focus on the differences of Education system between Japan and Solomon Islands and their differences in their teaching approaches in the lower Secondary School attached to the Faculty of Education of Nagasaki University and in the tertiary institution classrooms particularly in science. Furthermore it also states the brief note in terms of their Education curriculum and followed by conclusion

    COL R Acinetobacter baumannii sRNA Signatures : Computational Comparative Identification and Biological Targets

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    Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) and Extensively Drug Resistant (XDR) Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab) represent a serious cause of healthcare-associated infections worldwide. Currently, the available treatment options are very restricted and colistin-based therapies are last-line treatments of these infections, even though colistin resistant (COL R) Ab have rarely been isolated yet. In bacteria, small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) have been implicated in regulatory pathways of different biological functions, however, no knowledge exists about the sRNA role on the biological adaptation in COL R Ab. Our study investigated two Italian XDR isogenic colistin-susceptible/resistant (COL S/R) Ab strain-pairs to discover new sRNA signatures. Comparative sRNA transcriptome (sRNAome) analyses were carried out by Illumina RNA-seq using both a Tru-Seq and a Short Insert library, whilst Ab ATCC 17978 and ACICU Reference Genome assembly, mapping, annotation and statistically significant differential expression (q -value ≤ 0.01) of the raw reads were performed by the Rockhopper tool. A computational filtering, sorting only similarly statistically significant differentially expressed (DE) sRNAs mapping on the same gene in both COL R Ab isolates was conducted. COL R vs. COL S sRNAome, analyzed integrating the DE sRNAs obtained from the two different libraries, revealed some statistically significant DE sRNAs in COL R Ab. In detail, we found: (i) two different under-expressed cis -acting sRNAs (Ab sRNA and Ab sRNA) mapping in antisense orientation the 16S rRNA gene A1S_r01, (ii) one under-expressed cis -acting sRNA (Ab sRNA) targeting the A1S_2505 gene (hypothetical protein), (iii) one under-expressed microRNA-size small RNA fragment (Ab sRNA) and its pre-micro Ab sRNA targeting the A1S_0501 gene (hypothetical protein), (iv) as well as an over-expressed microRNA-size small RNA fragment (Ab sRNA) and its pre-micro Ab sRNA targeting the A1S_3097 gene (signal peptide). Custom TaqMan ® probe-based real-time qPCRs validated the expression pattern of the selected sRNA candidates shown by RNA-seq. Furthermore, analysis on sRNA ΔA1S_r01, ΔA1S_2505 as well as the over-expressed A1S_3097 mutants revealed no effects on colistin resistance. Our study, for the first time, found the sRNAome signatures of clinical COL R Ab with a computational prediction of their targets related to protein synthesis, host-microbe interaction and other different biological functions, including biofilm production, cell-cycle control, virulence, and antibiotic-resistance