62 research outputs found

    Do We Have Enough ICT Specialists in the Period of eDependency?

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    After overwhelming the crisis period turbulent economic environment is typical for present days as well as permanent increasing dependability of all our activities on information and communication technology (ICT). General basis for using ICT in economy is sufficient number of well-qualified specialists with university education background, especially ICT professionals. In this contribution two research questions are formulated. Answers to them evaluate and compare real starting positions of Slovenia and the Czech Republic from the point of view of number of university graduates (with partially accent on ICT education) as driving potential in the economy. Some recommendations, proposals and forecasts for further development of education system in Slovenia and the Czech Republic are presented at the end of this contribution

    Requirements on the competence of ICT managers and their coverage by the educational system – experience in the Czech Republic

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    Global developments in the information society are placing ever greater emphasis on professionals in the area of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and especially on managers of ICT companies. This article provides a comparison of the trends in the requirements of business practice on ICT managers in 2006 and 2010 and simultaneously draws attention to the coverage of these requirements by fields of study with ICT specialization, on the example of the Czech Republic. The presented results of the obtained data indicate quite good coverage of the requirements on knowledge and skills for the role of ICT manager in the Czech education market. In addition, the article encompasses methodology that can be employed to compare qualitative quantities of the potential of the educational process with the requirements imposed on it. First published online: 12 Sep 201

    Energy Accumulation by Hydrogen Technologies

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    Photovoltaic power plants as a renewable energy source have been receiving rapidly growing attention in the Czech Republic and in the other EU countries. This rapid development of photovoltaic sources is having a negative effect on the electricity power system control, because they depend on the weather conditions and provide a variable and unreliable supply of electric power. One way to reduce this effect is by accumulating electricity in hydrogen. The aim of this paper is to introduce hydrogen as a tool for regulating photovoltaic energy in island mode. A configuration has been designed for connecting households with the photovoltaic hybrid system, and a simulation model has been made in order to check the validity of this system. The simulation results provide energy flows and have been used for optimal sizing of real devices. An appropriate system can deliver energy in a stand-alone installation

    Hydrogen technology as a tool for decarbonization of the economy of the Czech republic

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    Povezava med rezultati sprejemnih izpitov tujih študentov ekonomskih študij na Ekonomski univerzi v Pragi in njihovim študijskim uspehom

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    Background and purpose: The purpose of the article is to analyse results of entrance exams and of regularly exams for foreign students in the Czech language undergraduate study programs at four faculties of University of Economics, Prague (UEP) with the intention to investigate the dependency between the results of Entrance exams from English and mathematics and (1) results of regularly exams during the study and between (2) completion rate of the study. Design/Methodology/Approach: We have analysed 4.381 records for applicants from foreign countries who applied for studies between years 2009 and 2015. We used standard statistics methods and the method of logistic regression in the form of logit model. Results: We identified weak statistical correlation between entrance exam results from mathematics and results of regular exams. The correlation coefficient varies between 0.078 – 0.283 for investigated faculties of UEP. The same indicator for English language exams presents better values and it varies between 0.218 – 0.312. If an entrance exam result is higher by one point, the probability of successful completion of studies is multiplied by values between 1.017 - 1.042 for individual faculty per one additional point. Conclusion: The results of the research in mathematics and English language show that excellent results in entrance exam cannot not guarantee successful regularly exams. Conclusion for the probability of completing studies is that the acceptable level of points for admission foreign students is between 150 and 170 points, depending on the faculty.Ozadje in namen: Namen članka je analiza rezultatov sprejemnih izpitov in rezultatov rednih izpitov tujih študentov na dodiplomskih študijskih programih, ki se izvajajo v češkem jeziku, na štirih fakultetah Ekonomske Univerze v Pragi (UEP), z namenom raziskati odvisnost med rezultati sprejemnih izpitov iz angleščine in matematike ter (1) rezultati rednih izpitov med študijem in med (2) uspešnim zaključkom študija. Zasnova / metodologija / pristop: Analizirali smo 4.381 zapisov – prijav študentov iz tujih držav, ki so podali vlogo za študij med leti 2009 in 2015. Uporabili smo standardne statistične metode in metodo logistične regresije v obliki logit modela. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo šibko statistično povezavo med rezultati sprejemnih izpitov iz matematike in rezultati red­nih izpitov. Koeficient korelacije se giblje med 0,078 - 0,283 za preiskovane fakultete UEP. Isti kazalnik je za izpit iz angleškega jezika pokazal nekoliko boljše vrednosti, giblje se med 0,218 - 0,312. Če je rezultat pri sprejemnem izpitu višji za eno točko, je verjetnost uspešnega zaključka študija večja za faktor od 1.017 do 1.042, odvisno od posamezne fakultete. Zaključek: Rezultati analize izpitnih rezultatov iz matematike in angleščine kažejo, da odlični rezultati pri sprejem­nem izpitu ne morejo zagotoviti uspešnih rednih izpitov. Zaključek o verjetnosti dokončanja študija je, da je sprejeml­jiva raven točk za sprejem tujih študentov med 150 in 170 točk, odvisno od fakultete

    Pristop grozda k analizi uporabe ICT storitev

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    The paper describes clustered approach to ICT services utilization analysis based on the WSA method. It allows extracting coherent groups of countries with nearly the same level of ICT services utilization based on the number of indicators analyzed. Approach is explained on case of the Czech Republic and its position in the European peloton with using available Eurostat data.Članek opisuje pristop grozda k analizi ICT storitev izhajajoč iz metode WSA. Pristop omogoča, da opredelimo koherentne skupine držav s skoraj enakim nivojem uporabe ICT storitev, pri čemer smo v analizo vključili vrsto indikatorjev. Opisani pristop smo uporabili na primeru Češke republike v Evropi, izhajajoč in podatkov Eurostat-a

    Ichnofossils from the Lower Palaeozoic of the Železné hory Mts.

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    On five key sites of the Lower Palaeozoic of the Železné hory Mountains (Bačalský rybník, Bačalský mlýn, Palác, Rabštejn and Deblov) the detailed research involving the compilation of schematic lithostratigraphic profiles (exluding site Deblov) was conducted. Individuals of ichnotaxa Zoophycos that have maximum Middle Cambrian age were described on the site Palác. This is the third oldest finding in the world. Ichnotaxa Zoophycos was further described on the site Bačalský rybník, where they are exposed quartz siltstones, the equivalent of the Dobrotiv of the Barrandian area. Ichnofossils abundant in the study area are Skolithos, Pragichnus, to a lesser extend Phycodes and Monocraterion. Skolithos on the site Rabštejn occurs in extreme size (until 90 cm). On the site Deblov community of Skolitos ichnofacies on the area measuring hundreds of square meters were described. There was also performed ichnological imaging which showed proportional representation of each ichnotaxa. Study samples for microprobe showed differences in structure and chemistry of ichnofabrics up filling and surrounding environment

    Razlike med povpraševanjem in dejanskim znanjem informatikov na trgu dela v Češki republiki

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    Global changes in the information society are placing ever greater emphasis on professionals in all areas of human activity and in the area of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) especially. This article provides methodology how to measure knowledge level requirements on ICT specialists in business, ICT and non ICT skills in graduates of tertiary education level. It shows also an example of data collecting in academic sphere and among business unites. Practical experiences from the five years research are presented at the end of in this contribution. These results are successfully applied for human resource management and innovation management in competences of ICT professionals in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Czech Republic.Globalne spremembe v informacijski družbi vse bolj vplivajo na zaposlene na vseh področjih človekove dejavnosti, še posebej na področju informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT). Članek predstavi metodologijo kako meriti raven zahtevanega znanja in spretnosti informatikov na področju IKT in na drugih zahtevanih področjih, in znanja diplomiranih diplomantov na čeških univerzah. Predstavljeno je tudi zbiranje ustreznih podatkov na univerzah in v podjetjih. Ugotovitve raziskave se koristno uporabljajo v kadrovskem managementu in managementu IKT kompetenc informatikov majhnih in srednje velikih podjetjih v Češki republiki