577 research outputs found

    Contribuição para a optimização da data de início de colheita mecânica de azeitona

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    O equipamento de colheita de azeitona não recolhe frutos que se encontram no chão devido à queda natural, bem como os que permanecem na árvore após a vibração. O olivicultor quererá que qualquer destas fracções seja a menor possível, o que remete a questão para a crucial decisão da data de início da colheita

    Curvatura Da Superfície E Seu Efeito Na Variabilidade Espacial Dos Atributos Do Solo, Pinheiral - Rj/br

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    Understanding the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes is important for improving management practices and soil conservation. In turn, the spatial variability of soil properties results from variation in morphological relief characteristics. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of landform curvature on the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes in the Mar de Morros region (Pinheiral-Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil). Two adjacent landforms were selected with convex and concave curvature and sampled in a regularly spaced grid of 10 meters. A total of 56 soil samples (0-5 cm depth) from the two landforms were collected and analyzed for physical and chemical attributes. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and geostatistics. All chemical attributes showed random patterns of spatial variability in both landforms. The concave landform had higher values of pH and potassium and lower values of aluminum than the convex landform. In contrast, silt content showed spatial dependence in both the concave and convex landforms. Bulk density and clay showed spatial dependence in the convex landform. Bulk density and silt content increased from the shoulder to the footslope of both landforms. The results show that, for this study area, landform curvature has more influence on the spatial dependence of soil physical attributes than of soil chemical properties. © 2016, Federal University of Lavras. All rights reserved.22443143

    Microwave-assisted methanolysis of green coffee oil

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    AbstractOptimisation of a microwave-assisted methanolysis was performed to obtain cafestol and kahweol directly from green coffee oil (Coffea arabica). A two-factor (the methanolysis period and temperature), three-level, factorial experimental design (32) was adopted. The methanolysis procedure was performed under microwave irradiation, using closed vessel and accurate fast responding internal fibre-optic temperature probe. The effects on the responses were measured by HPLC. After 3min of microwave irradiation (hold time) at 100°C, with 500mg of green coffee oil, a yield higher than 99% was obtained. The yield of this reaction is 26% after 2h when working under conventional heating. The methods described in the literature lead to long reaction times, poor yields and formation of side products. The microwave-assisted technique proved to be faster, avoided undesired side products and gave better conversion, when compared to conventional heating process

    Estudo comparativo do desempenho de três sistemas de colheita mecânica de azeitona

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    Ao longo de três anos, foi realizado trabalho experimental em olivais com densidades de plantação compreendidas entre 100 e 150 árvores por hectare, utilizando três sistemas de colheita mecânica de azeitona, que permitiram obter resultados de capacidade de trabalho (árvores por hora). Nos três sistemas, para o destaque dos frutos foi usado o mesmo vibrador de troncos. A diferença está na recolha dos frutos derrubados: no sistema (A) foi realizada manualmente; no sistema (B) foi efectuada com um enrolador de panos montado em tractor; no sistema (C) utilizou-se um apara-frutos. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios de campo, permitem (1) apontar as limitações de cada um dos sistemas e (2) sendo conhecida a capacidade de trabalho do sistema que recolhe manualmente a azeitona, estimar para os mesmos olivais e condições de trabalho, os valores de capacidade de trabalho dos sistemas que recolhem a azeitona mecanicamente

    Influência da vibração ao tronco ou às pernada na capacidade de trabalho e nos custos da colheita mecânica de azeitona

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    Ensaios de campo realizados em Trás-os-Montes e no Alentejo mostram como a capacidade de trabalho e custos de operação são afectados quando em consequência da geometria e dimensão das oliveiras há necessidade de efectuar a vibração à pernadas, em vez da mais expedita vibração ao tronco. Os resultados obtidos são úteis para uma tomada de decisão, particularmente por parte dos agricultores possuidores de olivais menos adaptados, que tenham como objectivo adoptar a colheita mecânica

    Influence of trunk or bough shaking on the performance and costs of mechanical harvesting of olives

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    Field trials carried out in Portugal showed the penalty to be paid, both in terms of work rate and costs, whenever, due to tree geometry and size, trees had to be bough shaked rather than the normal trunk shaking. If an olive orchard with trees requiring two bough shakings could be adapted to an entirely trunk shaking orchard, simulation shows an increment between 9% and 33% in the work rate at harvesting and a reduction between 4% and 22% in harvesting cost per kilogram of olive, assuming a 4000 trees size orchard. The data collected is regarded to be very useful for decision support, particularly for those farmers owning less adapted olive orchards, aiming to adopt mechanized harvesting

    Evaluation of the AR4 CMIP3 and the AR5 CMIP5 model and projections for precipitation in northeast Brazil

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    This article compares the sensitivity of IPCC CMIP3-AR4 and CMIP5-AR5 models used on the latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in representing the annual average variations (austral summer and autumn) on three regions in Northeastern Brazil (NNEB) for the periods 1979–2000 using the CMAP (Climatology Merged Analysis of Precipitation) data as reference. The three areas of NNEB chosen for this analysis were the semiarid, eastern, and southern regions. The EOF analysis was performed to investigate how the coupled models resolve the temporal variability of the spatial modes in the Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST), which drives the interannual variations of the rainfall in the Northeastern Brazil. CMIP3-AR4 and CMIP5-AR5 models presented a good representation of the annual cycle of precipitation. Results from correlation and mean absolute error analysis indicate that both CMIP3 and CMIP5 models produce large errors and barely capture the interannual rainfall variance during austral summer and autumn in Northeast Brazil, this features is closely related to the poor representation of the modes of SST variability in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean. For the summer and autumn rainfall projections (2040–2070) in the semiarid region, there was no convergence between the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. During the summer and autumn in the eastern sector, both the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models projected rainfall above the mean for the 2040–2070 period

    Localization Of Metastasis Within The Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsies: A Predictor Of Additional Axillary Spread Of Breast Cancer? [localização Da Metástase No Interior Dos Linfonodos Sentinelas: Um Preditor De Disseminação Adicional Axilar Em Câncer De Mama?]

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    Purpose: To explore the relationship between morphological characteristics and histologic localization of metastasis within sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) and axillary spread in women with breast cancer. Methods: We selected 119 patients with positive SLN submitted to complete axillary lymph node dissection from July 2002 to March 2007. We retrieved the age of patients and the primary tumor size. In the primary tumor, we evaluated histologic and nuclear grade, and peritumoral vascular invasion (PVI). In SLNs we evaluated the size of metastasis, their localization in the lymph node, number of foci, number of involved lymph nodes, and extranodal extension. Results: Fifty-one (42.8%) patients had confirmed additional metastasis in non-sentinel lymph nodes (NLSN). High histologic grade, PVI, intraparenchymatous metastasis, extranodal neoplastic extension and size of metastasis were associated with positive NLSN. SLN metastasis affecting the capsule were associated to low risk incidence of additional metastasis. After multivariate analysis, PVI and metastasis size in the SLN remained as the most important risk factors for additional metastasis. Conclusions: The risk of additional involvement of NSLN is higher in patients with PVI and it increases progressively according the histologic localization in the lymph node, from capsule, where the afferent lymphatic channel arrives, to the opposite side of capsule promoting the extranodal extension. Size of metastasis greater than 6.0 mm presents higher risk of additional lymph node metastasis.3511483489Giuliano, A.E., Mapping a pathway for axillary staging: A personal perspective on the current status of sentinel lymph node dissection for breast cancer (1999) Arch Surg., 134 (2), pp. 195-199Ernst, M.F., Voogd, A.C., Balder, W., Klinkenbijl, J.H., Roukema, J.A., Early and late morbidity associated with axillary levels I-III dissection in breast cancer (2002) J Surg Oncol., 79 (3), pp. 151-155Edge, S.B., Niland, J.C., Bookman, M.A., Theriault, R.L., Ottesen, R., Lepisto, E., Emergence of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer as standard-of-care in academic comprehensive cancer centers (2003) J Natl Cancer Inst., 95 (20), pp. 1514-1521Noguchi, M., Sentinel lymph node biopsy as an alternative to routine axillary lymph node dissection in breast cancer patients (2001) J Surg Oncol., 76 (2), pp. 144-156Veronesi, U., Paganelli, G., Viale, G., Luini, A., Zurrida, S., Galimberti, V., A randomized comparison of sentinel-node biopsy with routine axillary dissection in breast cancer (2003) N Engl J Med., 349 (6), pp. 546-553Fisher, B., Anderson, S., Bryant, J., Margolese, R.G., Deutsch, M., Fisher, E.R., Twenty-year follow-up of a randomized trial comparing total mastectomy, lumpectomy, and lumpectomy plus irradiation for the treatment of invasive breast cancer (2002) N Engl J Med., 347 (16), pp. 1233-1241Giuliano, A.E., Hunt, K.K., Ballman, K.V., Beitsch, P.D., Whitworth, P.W., Blumencranz, P.W., Axillary dissection vs no axillary dissection in women with invasive breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis: A randomized clinical trial (2011) JAMA., 305 (6), pp. 569-575Giuliano, A.E., Kirgan, D.M., Guenther, J.M., Morton, D.L., Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymphadenectomy for breast cancer (1994) Ann Surg., 220 (3), pp. 391-401Czerniecki, B.J., Scheff, A.M., Callans, L.S., Spitz, F.R., Bedrosian, I., Conant, E.F., Immunohistochemistry with pancytokeratins improves the sensitivity of sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with breast carcinoma (1999) Cancer., 85 (5), pp. 1098-1103Albertini, J.J., Lyman, G.H., Cox, C., Yeatman, T., Balducci, L., Ku, N., Lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy in the patient with breast cancer (1996) JAMA., 276 (22), pp. 1818-1822Veronesi, U., Paganelli, G., Galimberti, V., Viale, G., Zurrida, S., Bedoni, M., Sentinel-node biopsy to avoid axillary dissection in breast cancer with clinically negative lymph-nodes (1997) Lancet., 349 (9069), pp. 1864-1867Kamath, V.J., Giuliano, R., Dauway, E.L., Cantor, A., Berman, C., Ku, N.N., Characteristics of the sentinel lymph node in breast cancer predict further involvement of higher-echelon nodes in the axilla: A study to evaluate the need for complete axillary lymph node dissection (2001) Arch Surg., 136 (6), pp. 688-692Veronesi, U., Paganelli, G., Viale, G., Galimberti, V., Luini, A., Zurrida, S., Sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary dissection in breast cancer: Results in a large series (1999) J Natl Cancer Inst., 91 (4), pp. 368-373Van Zee, K.J., Manasseh, D.M., Bevilacqua, J.L., Boolbol, S.K., Fey, J.V., Tan, L.K., A nomogram for predicting the likelihood of additional nodal metastases in breast cancer patients with a positive sentinel node biopsy (2003) Ann Surg Oncol., 10 (10), pp. 1140-1151Cserni, G., Boross, G., Maráz, R., Leidenius, M.H., Meretoja, T.J., Heikkila, P.S., Multicentre validation of different predictive tools of non-sentinel lymph node involvement in breast cancer (2012) Surg Oncol., 21 (2), pp. 59-65(2010) AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, , American Joint Committee on Cancer. 7th ed. 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(2009) Clin Transl Oncol., 11 (3), pp. 165-171Hwang, R.F., Krishnamurthy, S., Hunt, K.K., Mirza, N., Ames, F.C., Feig, B., Clinicopathologic factors predicting involvement of nonsentinel axillary nodes in women with breast cancer (2003) Ann Surg Oncol., 10 (3), pp. 248-254Mustać, E., Matusan-Ilijas, K., Marijić, B., Smokvina, M., Jonjić, N., Predicting the likelihood of additional nodal metastases in breast carcinoma patients with positive sentinel node biopsy (2010) Int J Surg Pathol., 18 (1), pp. 36-41Viale, G., Maiorano, E., Pruneri, G., Mastropasqua, M.G., Valentini, S., Galimberti, V., Predicting the risk for additional axillary metastases in patients with breast carcinoma and positive sentinel lymph node biopsy (2005) Ann Surg., 241 (2), pp. 319-325Bolster, M.J., Peer, P.G., Bult, P., Thunnissen, F.B., Schapers, R.F., Meijer, J.W., Risk factors for non-sentinel lymph node metastases in patients with breast cancer. 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    Farmer’s evaluation of a rolling canvas prototype against his own system for harvesting olives

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    An olive grower was invited to organise a full day harvesting test based on two rolling canvas prototypes, using his own trunk shaker, tractors and labour. This paper reports the results observed, making also a comparison with the usual harvesting method followed by the farmer, based on a trunk shaker and canvas manually placed under the trees. Results show that the rolling canvas based system has got a slightly higher work rate, and according to the workers, is less demanding in terms of physical effort
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