38 research outputs found

    Plan de negocios para la creación de una microempresa comercializadora de ropa maternal en la Ciudad de Ibarra, Provincia de Imbabura

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    Realizar un diagnóstico situacional con el fin de establecer las características generales del entorno para el nuevo proyecto a implementarse, con el propósito de determinar aliados, oponentes, oportunidades y riesgos.El presente trabajo comprende la elaboración de plan de negocios para la creación de una microempresa comercializadora de ropa maternal en la ciudad de Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura, realizado según las necesidades encontradas en el medio. En el diagnóstico se analizan variables como educación, nivel de ingresos, vivienda, salud, actividades económicas, tasa de crecimiento y con esta información se puede obtener una visión global de las necesidades del mercado, en especial de las mujeres embarazadas, las mismas, que necesitan de un local de comercialización de ropa maternal. En el transcurso del trabajo se puede conocer la factibilidad de generar un lugar tomando en cuenta las exigencias de las futuras madres, que sea acogedor, con una amplia gama de colores surtidos modelos y con precios competitivos que facilite la compra a quienes les gusta lucir bien durante el tiempo de gestación. El objetivo de este proyecto es que basándose en los datos reales obtenidos en el estudio se llegue a crear un local de comercialización de ropa maternal y brindar todas las comodidades al momento de la compra a las futuras madres. Se determinarán Aliados, Oponentes, Oportunidades y Riesgos al momento de crear una microempresa. Se conocerá la existencia de competencia y la demanda existente por este tipo de productos. Se analizará el monto de inversión, además se conocerá el nivel de gastos y utilidades que genera el mismo

    Forest biomass density across large climate gradients in northern South America is related to water availability but not with temperature

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    Understanding and predicting the likely response of ecosystems to climate change are crucial challenges for ecology and for conservation biology. Nowhere is this challenge greater than in the tropics as these forests store more than half the total atmospheric carbon stock in their biomass. Biomass is determined by the balance between biomass inputs (i.e., growth) and outputs (mortality). We can expect therefore that conditions that favor high growth rates, such as abundant water supply, warmth, and nutrient-rich soils will tend to correlate with high biomass stocks. Our main objective is to describe the patterns of above ground biomass (AGB) stocks across major tropical forests across climatic gradients in Northwestern South America. We gathered data from 200 plots across the region, at elevations ranging between 0 to 3400 m. We estimated AGB based on allometric equations and values for stem density, basal area, and wood density weighted by basal area at the plotlevel. We used two groups of climatic variables, namely mean annual temperature and actual evapotranspiration as surrogates of environmental energy, and annual precipitation, precipitation seasonality, and water availability as surrogates of water availability. We found that AGB is more closely related to water availability variables than to energy variables. In northwest South America, water availability influences carbon stocks principally by determining stand structure, i.e. basal area. When water deficits increase in tropical forests we can expect negative impact on biomass and hence carbon storage

    ¿Por qué implementar estudios de largo plazo en el bosque seco tropical del Caribe colombiano?

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    Dry forests represent almost half of the world’s tropical forests and they are the most threatened ecosystems by human activities. The growing a knowledge in preservation of the few remaining underlines the significance of establishing monitoring strategies for dry forests which would illustrate their role in the context of the tropical forests’ preservation. In 2001, we began to establish permanent monitoring parcels in the Caribe dry forest. Today, with the support of both, national and international institutions and local actors, a network of 11 widely spread across the region parcels has been established to cover the most important remnants of dry forest from the Caribbean coast, accounting all climatic gradients present. The results obtained by the network include: contents of carbon and forest diversity in relation with climatic variables, carbon fixation rates and population dynamics of important species for the restoration. However, the lack of institutional support at regional and national levels, with some important exceptions, puts at risk the continuity of this important project for the dry forest preservation in context of climatic change adaptation. Nowadays, other institutions have replied to this initiative and have made advances on their own, establishing new monitoring sites in the Caribbean forests. It is of high priority to work for the integration of these efforts in order to create a more ambitious strategy for monitoring the Caribbean forests. For this, interest and compromise from regional institutions and researchers are requiredLos ecosistemas secos ocupan casi la mitad del área total de franja tropical y están entre los más amenazados por las actividades humanas a escala global. El reconocimiento creciente de la importancia de conservar los pocos remanentes que quedan y de iniciar actividades de restauración, resalta la importancia de establecer programas de monitoreo del bosque seco. En 2001 se inició el establecimiento de parcelas permanentes de monitoreo del bosque seco Caribe, con el apoyo de instituciones nacionales e internacionales; a la fecha existen 11 ampliamente distribuidas en algunos de los remanentes de bosque seco más importantesnde la costa Caribe. Los resultados provenientes de la red incluyen el contenido de carbono y la diversidad del bosque en relaciónncon variables climáticas, tasas de fijación de carbono y dinámica de poblaciones de especies importantes para la restauración. No obstante, la falta de apoyo institucional a nivel nacional y regional, con algunas excepciones importantes, pone en peligro la continuidad de este proyecto de alta importancia para la conservación del bosque seco en el contexto de la adaptación al cambio climático. Actualmente, otras instituciones han replicado esta iniciativa y avanzado aisladamente en el establecimiento de nuevos sitios de monitoreo de los bosques del Caribe. Es altamente prioritario trabajar por la integración de estos esfuerzos ya que pueden ser la base para un programa de monitoreo más ambicioso de los bosques del Caribe. Para ello se requiere el interés y el compromiso de instituciones e investigadores de la región Caribe.

    Magazine of the Faculty of Education. Volume 3 No. 4 May 1987

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    Con beneplácito entregamos en este cuarto número de la Revista de la Facultad de Educación Preescolar, el resultado de algunas de las actividades que nos hemos propuesto. En la sección Nuestra Facultad incluimos un resumen de la propuesta de rediseño curricular del Programa de Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar cuya implementación estamos iniciando, así como las colaboraciones de estudiantes y docentes.With pleasure we deliver in this fourth issue of the Magazine of the Faculty of Preschool Education, the result of some of the activities that we have proposed. In the Our Faculty section we include a summary of the proposal of curricular redesign of the Bachelor's Program in Preschool Education whose implementation we are beginning, as well as the collaborations of students and teachers.Modalidad Presencia

    Forest Biomass Density across Large Climate Gradients in Northern South America is related to Water Availability but not with Temperature

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    Understanding and predicting the likely response of ecosystems to climate change are crucial challenges for ecology and for conservation biology. Nowhere is this challenge greater than in the tropics as these forests store more than half the total atmospheric carbon stock in their biomass. Biomass is determined by the balance between biomass inputs (i.e., growth) and outputs (mortality). We can expect therefore that conditions that favor high growth rates, such as abundant water supply, warmth, and nutrient-rich soils will tend to correlate with high biomass stocks. Our main objective is to describe the patterns of above ground biomass (AGB) stocks across major tropical forests across climatic gradients in Northwestern South America. We gathered data from 200 plots across the region, at elevations ranging between 0 to 3400 m. We estimated AGB based on allometric equations and values for stem density, basal area, and wood density weighted by basal area at the plot-level. We used two groups of climatic variables, namely mean annual temperature and actual evapotranspiration as surrogates of environmental energy, and annual precipitation, precipitation seasonality, and water availability as surrogates of water availability. We found that AGB is more closely related to water availability variables than to energy variables. In northwest South America, water availability influences carbon stocks principally by determining stand structure, i.e. basal area. When water deficits increase in tropical forests we can expect negative impact on biomass and hence carbon storage

    Refined histopathological predictors of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status: A large-scale analysis of breast cancer characteristics from the BCAC, CIMBA, and ENIGMA consortia

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    Introduction: The distribution of histopathological features of invasive breast tumors in BRCA1 or BRCA2 germline mutation carriers differs from that of individuals with no known mutation. Histopathological features thus have utility for mutation prediction, including statistical modeling to assess pathogenicity of BRCA1 or BRCA2 variants of uncertain clinical significance. We analyzed large pathology datasets accrued by the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA) and the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC) to reassess histopathological predictors of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status, and provide robust likelihood ratio (LR) estimates for statistical modeling. Methods: Selection criteria for study/center inclusion were estrogen receptor (ER) status or grade data available for invasive breast cancer diagnosed younger than 70 years. The dataset included 4,477 BRCA1 mutation carriers, 2,565 BRCA2 mutation carriers, and 47,565 BCAC breast cancer cases. Country-stratified estimates of the

    Associations of common breast cancer susceptibility alleles with risk of breast cancer subtypes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

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    Introduction: More than 70 common alleles are known to be involved in breast cancer (BC) susceptibility, and several exhibit significant heterogeneity in their associations with different BC subtypes. Although there are differences in the association patterns between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers and the general population for several loci, no study has comprehensively evaluated the associations of all known BC susceptibility alleles with risk of BC subtypes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers. Methods: We used data from 15,252 BRCA1 and 8,211 BRCA2 carriers to analyze the associations between approximately 200,000 genetic variants on the iCOGS array and risk of BC subtypes defined by estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and triple-negative- (TN) status; morphologic subtypes; histological grade; and nodal involvement. Results: The estimated BC hazard ratios (HRs) for the 74 known BC alleles in BRCA1 carriers exhibited moderate correlations with the corresponding odds ratios from the general population. However, their associations with ER-positive BC in BRCA1 carriers were more consistent with the ER-positive as

    Assessing associations between the AURKAHMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers

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    While interplay between BRCA1 and AURKA-RHAMM-TPX2-TUBG1 regulates mammary epithelial polarization, common genetic variation in HMMR (gene product RHAMM) may be associated with risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Following on these observations, we further assessed the link between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Forty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 15,252 BRCA1 and 8,211 BRCA2 mutation carriers and subsequently analyzed using a retrospective likelihood appr

    Refined histopathological predictors of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status : a large-scale analysis of breast cancer characteristics from the BCAC, CIMBA, and ENIGMA consortia

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    Abstract Introduction The distribution of histopathological features of invasive breast tumors in BRCA1 or BRCA2 germline mutation carriers differs from that of individuals with no known mutation. Histopathological features thus have utility for mutation prediction, including statistical modeling to assess pathogenicity of BRCA1 or BRCA2 variants of uncertain clinical significance. We analyzed large pathology datasets accrued by the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA) and the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC) to reassess histopathological predictors of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status, and provide robust likelihood ratio (LR) estimates for statistical modeling. Methods Selection criteria for study/center inclusion were estrogen receptor (ER) status or grade data available for invasive breast cancer diagnosed younger than 70 years. The dataset included 4,477 BRCA1 mutation carriers, 2,565 BRCA2 mutation carriers, and 47,565 BCAC breast cancer cases. Country-stratified estimates of the likelihood of mutation status by histopathological markers were derived using a Mantel-Haenszel approach. Results ER-positive phenotype negatively predicted BRCA1 mutation status, irrespective of grade (LRs from 0.08 to 0.90). ER-negative grade 3 histopathology was more predictive of positive BRCA1 mutation status in women 50 years or older (LR = 4.13 (3.70 to 4.62)) versus younger than 50 years (LR = 3.16 (2.96 to 3.37)). For BRCA2, ER-positive grade 3 phenotype modestly predicted positive mutation status irrespective of age (LR = 1.7-fold), whereas ER-negative grade 3 features modestly predicted positive mutation status at 50 years or older (LR = 1.54 (1.27 to 1.88)). Triple-negative tumor status was highly predictive of BRCA1 mutation status for women younger than 50 years (LR = 3.73 (3.43 to 4.05)) and 50 years or older (LR = 4.41 (3.86 to 5.04)), and modestly predictive of positive BRCA2 mutation status in women 50 years or older (LR = 1.79 (1.42 to 2.24)). Conclusions These results refine likelihood-ratio estimates for predicting BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status by using commonly measured histopathological features. Age at diagnosis is an important variable for most analyses, and grade is more informative than ER status for BRCA2 mutation carrier prediction. The estimates will improve BRCA1 and BRCA2 variant classification and inform patient mutation testing and clinical management