16 research outputs found

    Alzheimer-Like Cell Alterations after Vanadium Pentoxide Inhalation

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    Vanadium (V), a widely distributed transition metal, has been considered toxic, which depends on the valence of the compound. V pentoxide (V2O5) is considered the most harmful. Its long-term exposure produces neurotoxicity. Mice exposed to inhaled V2O5 displayed less tubulin+ in testicular cells and dendritic spines loss, cell death, and CA1 neuropil modifications, considered as the result of V interaction with the cytoskeleton, which made us suppose that V2O5 inhalation could initiate CA1 cell alterations comparable to what happen in the brains of Alzheimer disease (AD) patients. This study intends to demonstrate pyramidal CA1 cytoskeletal changes in rats which inhaled V2O5. Twenty rats were exposed to V2O5 0.02 M one hour, three times a week for several months. Our findings showed that V2O5-exposed rats had cell death that reached 56,57% after six months; we also observed collapsed strong argyrophilic nuclei and characteristic flame-shaped somas in all V2O5-exposed animals hippocampus CA1 compared to controls. We also found somatodendritic deformations. Neurite’s cytoskeleton exhibited visible thickening and nodosities and prominent dendritic spine loss. Our results demonstrate that V2O5 induces AD-like cell death with evident cytoskeletal and synaptic alterations

    Behavioral and Cytological Differences between Two Parkinson’s Disease Experimental Models

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    The knowledge about the biochemical and behavioral changes in humans with PD has allowed proposing animal models for its study; however, the results obtained so far have been heterogeneous. Recently, we established a novel PD model in rodents by manganese chloride (MnCl2) and manganese acetate (Mn (OAc)3) mixture inhalation. After inhaling, the rodents presented bilateral loss of SNc dopaminergic neurons. Later, we conclude that the alterations are of dopamine origin since L-DOPA reverted the alterations. After six months, SNc significantly reduced the number of cells, and striatal dopamine content decreased by 71%. The animals had postural instability, action tremor, and akinesia; these symptoms improved with L-DOPA, providing evidence that Mn mixture inhalation induces comparable alterations that those in PD patients. Thus, this study aimed to compare the alterations in two different PD experimental models: 6-OHDA unilateral lesion and Mn mixture inhalation through open field test, rotarod performance and the number of SNc dopaminergic neurons. The results show that the Mn-exposed animals have motor alterations and bilateral and progressive SNc neurons degeneration; in contrast, in the 6-OHDA model, the neuronal loss is unilateral and acute, demonstrating that the Mn exposure model better recreates the characteristics observed in PD patients

    Detection of kinase domain mutations in BCR::ABL1 leukemia by ultra-deep sequencing of genomic DNA

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    The screening of the BCR::ABL1 kinase domain (KD) mutation has become a routine analysis in case of warning/failure for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Philadelphia (Ph)-positive patients. In this study, we present a novel DNA-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) methodology for KD ABL1 mutation detection and monitoring with a 1.0E−4 sensitivity. This approach was validated with a well-stablished RNA-based nested NGS method. The correlation of both techniques for the quantification of ABL1 mutations was high (Pearson r = 0.858, p < 0.001), offering DNA-DeepNGS a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 82%. The clinical impact was studied in a cohort of 129 patients (n = 67 for CML and n = 62 for B-ALL patients). A total of 162 samples (n = 86 CML and n = 76 B-ALL) were studied. Of them, 27 out of 86 harbored mutations (6 in warning and 21 in failure) for CML, and 13 out of 76 (2 diagnostic and 11 relapse samples) did in B-ALL patients. In addition, in four cases were detected mutation despite BCR::ABL1 < 1%. In conclusion, we were able to detect KD ABL1 mutations with a 1.0E−4 sensitivity by NGS using DNA as starting material even in patients with low levels of disease.Tis project was funded in part by CRIS CANCER FOUNDATION

    Detection of kinase domain mutations in BCR::ABL1 leukemia by ultra-deep sequencing of genomic DNA

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    The screening of the BCR::ABL1 kinase domain (KD) mutation has become a routine analysis in case of warning/failure for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Philadelphia (Ph)-positive patients. In this study, we present a novel DNA-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) methodology for KD ABL1 mutation detection and monitoring with a 1.0E-4 sensitivity. This approach was validated with a well-stablished RNA-based nested NGS method. The correlation of both techniques for the quantification of ABL1 mutations was high (Pearson r = 0.858, p < 0.001), offering DNA-DeepNGS a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 82%. The clinical impact was studied in a cohort of 129 patients (n = 67 for CML and n = 62 for B-ALL patients). A total of 162 samples (n = 86 CML and n = 76 B-ALL) were studied. Of them, 27 out of 86 harbored mutations (6 in warning and 21 in failure) for CML, and 13 out of 76 (2 diagnostic and 11 relapse samples) did in B-ALL patients. In addition, in four cases were detected mutation despite BCR::ABL1 < 1%. In conclusion, we were able to detect KD ABL1 mutations with a 1.0E-4 sensitivity by NGS using DNA as starting material even in patients with low levels of disease

    Famílies botàniques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    Jet stream position explains regional anomalies in European beech forest productivity and tree growth.

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    The mechanistic pathways connecting ocean-atmosphere variability and terrestrial productivity are well-established theoretically, but remain challenging to quantify empirically. Such quantification will greatly improve the assessment and prediction of changes in terrestrial carbon sequestration in response to dynamically induced climatic extremes. The jet stream latitude (JSL) over the North Atlantic-European domain provides a synthetic and robust physical framework that integrates climate variability not accounted for by atmospheric circulation patterns alone. Surface climate impacts of north-south summer JSL displacements are not uniform across Europe, but rather create a northwestern-southeastern dipole in forest productivity and radial-growth anomalies. Summer JSL variability over the eastern North Atlantic-European domain (5-40E) exerts the strongest impact on European beech, inducing anomalies of up to 30% in modelled gross primary productivity and 50% in radial tree growth. The net effects of JSL movements on terrestrial carbon fluxes depend on forest density, carbon stocks, and productivity imbalances across biogeographic regions

    Triaje: instrumentos de priorización de las urgencias pediátricas

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    El triaje pediátrico estructurado es un proceso de evaluación clínica preliminar para priorizar la atención por grado de urgencia, identificar riesgo vital, asegurar la reevaluación de los pacientes que deben esperar, decidir el área más apropiada para atenderlos y optimizar la calidad de la atención.  Objetivo: determinar la utilidad de los métodos de triaje, Triángulo de Evaluación Pediátrica, Sistema de Alerta Temprana y SAVE A CHILD para la correcta identificación y jerarquización inicial de la gravedad de la enfermedad en niños. Material y métodos: estudio transversal de prueba diagnóstica realizado en el Servicio de Urgencias en Pediatría. Criterios de inclusión: ingreso por triaje. Criterios de exclusión: niños ya hospitalizados, ingreso por causa administrativa. Muestreo aleatorio simple. Se inició con la clasificación por un médico pediatra en triaje y asignación de nivel de gravedad (I-V) según The Canadian Paediatric E.D. Triage and Acuity Scale como estándar de referencia. Simultáneamente se recolectaron datos mediante los métodos Triángulo de Evaluación Pediátrica, Sistema de Alerta Temprana y SAVE A CHILD. Los datos obtenidos se corroboraron por un segundo pediatra al brindar la atención definitiva. Resultados: se evaluaron 1,120 niños; 560 ingresaron directamente del triaje a una cama de urgencias pediátricas (84.6% clasificados como nivel I, II o III) y 560 fueron revisados inicialmente en el consultorio después del triaje (20.2% nivel II o III). La sensibilidad para The Canadian Paediatric E.D. Triage Acuity Scale fue de 82%, obtuvimos especificidad de 80% y cociente de verosimilitudes positivo 4.16 (OR = 4.99; p < 0.001); para el Triángulo de Evaluación Pediátrica la sensibilidad fue de 81%, especificidad de 87% y cociente de verosimilitudes positivo 6.25 (OR 111; p < 0.001); para el Sistema de Alerta Temprana sensibilidad de 80%, especificidad de 85% y cociente de verosimilitudes positivo 5.2 (OR 92.3; p < 0.001); para SAVE A CHILD sensibilidad de 90%, especificidad de 23% y cociente de verosimilitudes positivo 1.2 (OR 15.2; p < 0.001). Conclusiones: el estudio demostró que el Triángulo de Evaluación Pediátrica, el Sistema de Alerta Temprana y SAVE A CHILD fueron instrumentos útiles para identificar y clasificar la gravedad de una emergencia pediátrica; el mejor resultado se obtuvo cuando se emplearon en conjunto

    Melatonin Pretreatment Effect in a Parkinson Disease Experimental Model Induced by the Inhalation of Manganese in Mice

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    Parkinson disease (PD) is characterized by dopaminergic neuron loss of the substantia nigra compacta (SNc) and motor alterations. Here, we used the experimental model of inhalation of the mixture of manganese chloride (MnCl2) and manganese acetate Mn (OAc)3 for inducing PD. This model causes bilateral and progressive degeneration of the SNc dopaminergic neurons. Melatonin has antioxidant properties and it has been suggested that it contributes to the protective effect in neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, we aimed to determine whether melatonin pretreatment protects against the Mn-induced alterations. Before Mn inhalation, three groups were trained for motor performance (1. control group, 2. Mn mixture exposed without pretreatment, and 3. melatonin-pretreated/Mn-exposed groups) for motor tests. The motor coordination was evaluated through the single-pellet reaching task and the beam-walking test. After five months, all the animals were sacrificed. Dendritic spines were counted in the striatum medium-sized spiny neurons and the number of TH-immunoreactive neurons in the SNc. Our findings show that the melatonin-pretreated animals had better motor coordination and less dendritic spines and TH immunoreactive neuron loss than the Mn-inhalation-only group. Therefore, melatonin pretreatment has a neuroprotective effect and could be considered an alternative treatment before the more severe PD symptoms appear