27 research outputs found

    Factibilidad de disposición de los biosólidos generados en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales combinada

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    Por medio de dos pruebas piloto, la Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia y la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, con el apoyo de Empresas Públicas de Medellín, se propusieron determinar la factibilidad de disposición de los biosólidos provenientes de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales San Fernando, considerándolos como potenciales rehabilitadores de suelos degradados y como materiales de compostaje.By means of two pilot tests, Antioquia School of Engineering and Pontifical Bolivarian University , with the support of Public Service Enterprises of Medellín, decided to determine the feasibility for disposition of biosolids originating from the residual water treatment plant San Fernando considering them as potential rehabilitators for degraded soils and composting materials

    SMOS soil moisture product validation in croplands

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    A validation campaign has been carried out to evaluate the Level 2 Soil Moisture (SM) product (version 5.51) given by the European Space Agency (ESA) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite in the Pampean Region of Argentina. The study region was selected because it is a plain, avoiding topography problems, with an SMOS nominal land use class (low vegetation crops, 1-2m height). Transects of ground SM measurements were collected at 5-cm and 6-cm depth using Delta-T ThetaProbe ML2x and Stevens Hydra Probe II SM sensors, respectively. The volumetric measurements were calibrated using gravimetric and bulk density data collected at the same time as the SM sensor measurements. The SM transects covered ISEA-grid SMOS nodes over four extensive agricultural areas with prevalence of soy crops (site 1: -32.982N, -62.505E; site 2: -32.510N, -62.788E; site 3: -32.024N, -63.692E; and site 4: -37.315N, -58.868E, WGS84). The validation sites were selected taking as reference the locations of permanent SM stations property of the Argentinean Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE, National Commission of Space Activities), Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA, National Institute of Farming Technology) and Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras (IHLLA, Plain Hydrology Institute). Therefore, additionally to validate the SMOS SM product with the ground data collected during the experimental campaign, the measurements are useful to evaluate the station SM data reliability at the SMOS spatial resolution with the aim of using station data series as reference to test different versions of the SMOS SM product. Previously to the campaign, SMOS SM data variability, ESA Globcover land use classification, soil edaphic properties, water bodies and topography were analyzed around the station locations to select the best sites and the experimental methodology. Temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) temporal and spatial variability was also studied at the sites. Additionally, transects of land surface temperature were carried out with Cimel Electronique CE312 6-band radiometers concurrently with thermal-infrared (TIR) satellite overpasses. In previous works, we studied the dependence of land surface emissivities on SM. The analysis of concurrent TIR and SM data make possible to evaluate the utility of the SMOS SM product to improve land surface emissivities and temperature determinations from satellite, giving an added value to the research

    Variabilidad en la biodiversidad de la fauna edáfica epigea asociada a diferentes antecesores en un sistema de producción hortícola agroecológico

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    La diversidad de la fauna epiedáfica sobre distintos antecesores en agroecosistemas, se evaluó mediante la determinación de la abundancia de individuos, riqueza, diversidad y equitatividad de grupos taxonómicos reconocibles en 5 tratamientos: Gramíneas (G), Leguminosas (L), Gramíneas+Leguminosas (GL), Barbecho (B) y Campo Natural (CN). En G, se registró aproximadamente el 97% de los grupos taxonómicos identificados, presentando la mayor riqueza, por otra parte B y CN presentaron la menor riqueza. La riqueza y diversidad de fitófagos, zoófagos y omnívoros fue mayor en G, GL y L respecto de B y CN. De los cuatro grupos tróficos estudiados en este ambiente bajo manejo agroecológico, los más sensibles al tipo de antecesor fueron los zoófagos, que son estables cuando el antecesor no es barbecho, y tanto su abundancia como su riqueza taxonómica se mantienen altas con gramíneas como antecesor. Este grupo trófico es un importante servicio ecosistémico, por lo que estos antecesores son recomendables.The diversity of epiedaphic fauna on several predecessors in agro-ecosystems, was evaluated by determining the abundance of individuals, richness, diversity and evenness of recognizable taxonomic groups by five treatments: Grasses (G), Legumes (L), Grasses + Legumes (GL), Fallow (B) and Natural Field (CN). In G, about 97% of the taxa identified was found, showing the greatest richness, moreover B and CN had the lowest richness. The richness and diversity of herbivorous, zoophagous, and omnivores was higher in G, GL and L than B and CN. Among of the four trophic groups studied in this environment under agroecological management, the most sensitive to the type of predecessor was the zoophagous group, which are stable when the predecessor is not fallow, and both their abundance and taxonomic richness remain high with grass as predecessor. This trophic group is an important ecosystem service, so these predecessors are recommended.Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Variabilidad en la biodiversidad de la fauna edáfica epigea asociada a diferentes antecesores en un sistema de producción hortícola agroecológico

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    La diversidad de la fauna epiedáfica sobre distintos antecesores en agroecosistemas, se evaluó mediante la determinación de la abundancia de individuos, riqueza, diversidad y equitatividad de grupos taxonómicos reconocibles en 5 tratamientos: Gramíneas (G), Leguminosas (L), Gramíneas+Leguminosas (GL), Barbecho (B) y Campo Natural (CN). En G, se registró aproximadamente el 97% de los grupos taxonómicos identificados, presentando la mayor riqueza, por otra parte B y CN presentaron la menor riqueza. La riqueza y diversidad de fitófagos, zoófagos y omnívoros fue mayor en G, GL y L respecto de B y CN. De los cuatro grupos tróficos estudiados en este ambiente bajo manejo agroecológico, los más sensibles al tipo de antecesor fueron los zoófagos, que son estables cuando el antecesor no es barbecho, y tanto su abundancia como su riqueza taxonómica se mantienen altas con gramíneas como antecesor. Este grupo trófico es un importante servicio ecosistémico, por lo que estos antecesores son recomendables.The diversity of epiedaphic fauna on several predecessors in agro-ecosystems, was evaluated by determining the abundance of individuals, richness, diversity and evenness of recognizable taxonomic groups by five treatments: Grasses (G), Legumes (L), Grasses + Legumes (GL), Fallow (B) and Natural Field (CN). In G, about 97% of the taxa identified was found, showing the greatest richness, moreover B and CN had the lowest richness. The richness and diversity of herbivorous, zoophagous, and omnivores was higher in G, GL and L than B and CN. Among of the four trophic groups studied in this environment under agroecological management, the most sensitive to the type of predecessor was the zoophagous group, which are stable when the predecessor is not fallow, and both their abundance and taxonomic richness remain high with grass as predecessor. This trophic group is an important ecosystem service, so these predecessors are recommended.Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Variabilidad en la biodiversidad de la fauna edáfica epigea asociada a diferentes antecesores en un sistema de producción hortícola agroecológico

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    La diversidad de la fauna epiedáfica sobre distintos antecesores en agroecosistemas, se evaluó mediante la determinación de la abundancia de individuos, riqueza, diversidad y equitatividad de grupos taxonómicos reconocibles en 5 tratamientos: Gramíneas (G), Leguminosas (L), Gramíneas+Leguminosas (GL), Barbecho (B) y Campo Natural (CN). En G, se registró aproximadamente el 97% de los grupos taxonómicos identificados, presentando la mayor riqueza, por otra parte B y CN presentaron la menor riqueza. La riqueza y diversidad de fitófagos, zoófagos y omnívoros fue mayor en G, GL y L respecto de B y CN. De los cuatro grupos tróficos estudiados en este ambiente bajo manejo agroecológico, los más sensibles al tipo de antecesor fueron los zoófagos, que son estables cuando el antecesor no es barbecho, y tanto su abundancia como su riqueza taxonómica se mantienen altas con gramíneas como antecesor. Este grupo trófico es un importante servicio ecosistémico, por lo que estos antecesores son recomendables.The diversity of epiedaphic fauna on several predecessors in agro-ecosystems, was evaluated by determining the abundance of individuals, richness, diversity and evenness of recognizable taxonomic groups by five treatments: Grasses (G), Legumes (L), Grasses + Legumes (GL), Fallow (B) and Natural Field (CN). In G, about 97% of the taxa identified was found, showing the greatest richness, moreover B and CN had the lowest richness. The richness and diversity of herbivorous, zoophagous, and omnivores was higher in G, GL and L than B and CN. Among of the four trophic groups studied in this environment under agroecological management, the most sensitive to the type of predecessor was the zoophagous group, which are stable when the predecessor is not fallow, and both their abundance and taxonomic richness remain high with grass as predecessor. This trophic group is an important ecosystem service, so these predecessors are recommended.Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Cumplimiento al estándar de historia clínica según la resolución 3100 de 2001 por los médicos especialistas en una clínica oftalmológica de Manizales

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    El presente artículo evalúa el cumplimiento de los estándares en la historia clínica según resolución 3100 de 2019, por los médicos especialistas de una Clínica Oftalmológica en Manizales Colombia, para el segundo semestre de 2021. La auditoría de historias clínicas es parte de los procesos de calidad de la atención en salud, tiene el propósito de detectar oportunamente fallas en la práctica clínica, prevenir riesgos ético-jurídicos y velar por la seguridad de la información del paciente. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, cuantitativo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal; se definió un muestreo probabilístico sistemático obteniendo una muestra de 220 historias clínicas, se caracterizó los médicos especialistas, se aplicó el formato de calificación de historias clínicas de la institución y se definió una meta del 95% de cumplimiento del estándar. Se encontró que el 27.27% de los especialistas se aleja del estándar (calificaciones entre el 82% y el 84%), el 36.36% se acercan al estándar (calificaciones entre 90 a 94%), y el 36.36% cumplen con el estándar (calificaciones iguales o superiores al 95%). Los errores más frecuentes ocurren en el ítem de datos de identificación, motivo de consulta, enfermedad actual, antecedentes personales y antecedentes familiares; la identificación de errores frecuentes como datos de identificación inadecuados, casillas vacías o con caracteres alfanuméricos y no digitar claramente el motivo de consulta, entre otros; permitirá a la institución desarrollar un plan de mejora para que la totalidad de médicos especialistas cumplan el estándar del 95% deseado

    Does Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods Matter for Liver Health? Prospective Analysis among Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes a spectrum of liver alterations that can result in severe disease and even death. Consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPF) has been associated with obesity and related comorbidities. However, the link between UPF and NAFLD has not been sufficiently assessed. We aimed to investigate the prospective association between UPF consumption and liver health biomarkers. Methods: We followed for 1 year 5867 older participants with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. A validated 143-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to evaluate consumption of UPF at baseline, 6, and 12 months. The degree of processing for foods and beverages (g/day) was established according to the NOVA classification system. The non-invasive fatty liver index (FLI) and hepatic steatosis index (HSI) were used to evaluate liver health at three points in time. The associations between changes in UPF consumption (percentage of total daily dietary intake (g)) and liver biomarkers were assessed using mixed-effects linear models with repeated measurements. Results: In this cohort, UPF consumption at baseline was 8.19% (SD 6.95%) of total daily dietary intake in grams. In multivariable models, each 10% daily increment in UPF consumption in 1 year was associated with significantly greater FLI (β 1.60 points, 95% CI 1.24;1.96 points) and HSI (0.43, 0.29; 0.57) scores (all p-values < 0.001). These associations persisted statistically significant after adjusting for potential dietary confounders and NAFLD risk factors. Conclusions: A higher UPF consumption was associated with higher levels of NAFLD-related biomarkers in older adults with overweight/obesity and MetS

    Influence of Plant Diversity on the Numerical Response of Eriopis connexa (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to Changes in Cereal Aphid Density in Wheat Crops

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    Cereal aphids cause economic injury to wheat crops. In Argentina, Eriopis connexa is an indigenous ladybird. In the present study, the numerical response of E. connexa to changes in aphid density on wheat crops with high and low plant diversity was investigated. The study was carried out in Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina, from September to December 2007 and 2008, on two wheat crops with either a higher plant diversity (HPD) with refuge strips or a lower plant diversity (LPD) without refuge strips. Crops were sampled every week and the abundance of aphids and E. connexa was recorded. The dominant aphid species were Schizaphis graminum, Metopolophium dirhodum, and Sitobion avenae. Eriopis connexa showed a linear increase in the numerical response to an increase in aphid density, which varied in space and time. The abundance of E. connexa increased in relation to the crop development and aphid population and was higher in the HPD than in the LPD system. This predator increased its reproductive numerical response only in 2008, with a significant liner response in the HPD system. This suggests that the potential of E. connexa as a predator of cereal aphids also increases directly in proportion to landscape vegetal diversity