100 research outputs found

    Price Effects of Regulation: Telecommunications, Air Passenger Transport and Electricity Supply

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    Price Effects of Regulation draws on research undertaken at the OECD to quantify the effects of domestic regulatory regimes on prices in up to 50 economies for 3 sectors — international air passenger transport, telecommunications and electricity supply. The study finds wide variations in regulatory regimes across economies for each sector. The results suggest a positive relationship between the stringency of regulatory regimes and higher prices in each sector. For example, the bilateral system of restrictions on the number of air passenger flights between countries and the conditions under which they operate are estimated to collectively increase airfares by between 3 and 22 per cent.regulation - price effects - telecommunications - air transport - airlines - electricity - trade restrictions

    Bijenseizoen in Finland drie maanden kort

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    Laughter, inframince and cybernetics - Exploring the Curatorial as Creative Act

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    This thesis identifies and responds to a contemporary impasse in the curatorial, which is thought of as the realm that encompasses curating as a complex action and interaction; a verb that includes the conceiving, organising and executing of exhibitions as well as critical thinking around curation as a discipline. The current impasse in curation the thesis responds to is caused, on the one hand, through its rapid expansion since the late 1980s and, on the other, through its mainstream and populist appropriation, which confuses understandings of it. The thesis proposes a strategy for the recovery for curating’s most basic work of ‘taking care’ and situates the curatorial as a creative act. It adopts Duchamp’s inframince as an artistic concept, and uses it as a lens to reveal the role of the speculative, poetic and absurd, the personal and subjective and the instant of emergence of creativity in curatorial practice. This facilitates an essentially diffractive methodology as well as a textual method of ‘an imaginative leap’ through friction, rhythm and repetition, building on Whitehead and Barad, (among others) to connect ideas of non-linearity and relay in (art) history. Opening up this rich meshwork thus allows for a reconnection of the curatorial to its original provenance and connoisseurship. The poetic investigation of an invisible force, the inframince, which is seen as instrumental to the curatorial and meaning making in general, is underpinned by the investigation of two other major, intertwining narratives – laughter and cybernetics. This liberates the inframince’s versatility and makes it potentially an operative tool, following Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of becoming minor and O’Sullivan’s interpretation, within a wider trans-disciplinary framework of art-science collaborations. Through this discussion, the thesis then reaffirms the curatorial (as it is intended here) as a practice that shapes the collaboration between specific human and nonhuman elements: the curator, and the artist (and/or scientist) and texts, artefacts, spaces and time

    Філософсько-релігійний вплив екзистенціалізму на український мовно-літературний процес

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    Стаття підносить актуальну проблему в сьогоденні – розширення кругозору студентської молоді у створюваному творчому освітньо-виховному середовищі через знайомство з філософськими течіями, зокрема екзистенціалізмом. Такий підхід до організації навчально-виховного процесу сприятиме особистісній естетизації тих, хто навчається, зростанню їх культуротворчого рівня.Статья поднимает актуальную проблему на сегодняшнем этапе – расширение кругозора студенческой молодежи в создающейся творческой образовательно-воспитательной среде через знакомство с философскими течениями, в том числе с экзистенциализмом. Такой подход к организации учебно-воспитательного процесса будет способствовать личностной эстетизации обучаемых, повышению их культуротворческого уровня.The article raises a rather actual problem of the present – the expansion of students’ outlook at the modern creative educational environment through the acquaintance with philosophical directions and existentialism in particular. Such a method of approach to the organization of educational process will promote personal aestheticism of students and a rise in their cultural stage

    Deriving optimal data-analytic regimes from benchmarking studies.

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    In benchmarking studies with simulated data sets in which two or more statistical methods are compared, over and above the search of a universally winning method, one may investigate how the winning method may vary over patterns of characteristics of the data or the data-generating mechanism. Interestingly, this problem bears strong formal similarities to the problem of looking for optimal treatment regimes in biostatistics when two or more treatment alternatives are available for the same medical problem or disease. It is outlined how optimal data-analytic regimes, that is to say, rules for optimally calling in statistical methods, can be derived from benchmarking studies with simulated data by means of supervised classification methods (e.g., classification trees). The approach is illustrated by means of analyses of data from a benchmarking study to compare two different algorithms for the estimation of a two-mode additive clustering model.Multivariate analysis of psychological dat

    Nota toekomst Nederlandse infrastructuur voor auteursidentifiers

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    De Digital Author Identifier (DAI) is het unieke nummer voor Nederlandse wetenschappelijke auteurs. Dit nummer is in 2005 als onderdeel van het SURF DARE programma ontwikkeld en sindsdien in gebruik bij alle Nederlandse universiteiten en een aantal onderzoeksinstituten. Door de Nederlandse focus van dit systeem is de DAI volgens velen van beperkte waarde binnen het internationaal karakter van de wetenschap. Anno 2014 is er een aantal ontwikkelingen dat van invloed is op keuzes in de ontwikkeling van deze nationale infrastructuur. Dit document beschrijft de achtergrond van auteurs identifiers, de opzet van de Nederlandse DAI infrastructuur en de ontwikkeling van twee internationale standaarden. Tot slot worden enkele relevante ontwikkelingen in de nationale context waarna er een aantal conclusies en aanbevelingen voor vervolg gedaan wordt.Related to: Case Study Adoption of the DAI in the Netherlands and subsequent superseding by ORCID/ISNI DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.732750

    Ecology without Culture: Aesthetics for a Toxic World

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