22 research outputs found

    Significance of sensor location in real-time traffic state estimation

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    Short-term congestion caused due to traffic incidents or other road environment factors significantly reduces traffic flow capacity of a link which forms a major part of travel time delays. Accurate and reliable estimate of real-time traffic state is essential for optimizing network performance during unpredictable events. Inaccurate estimate of current traffic state produces unreliable travel-time estimations which lead to ineffective traffic management strategies during traffic incident. This study highlights the accuracy and reliability of traffic state estimate when a traffic flow prediction model is not provided with information about duration and impact of the incident on traffic flow capacity of the link. Cell Transmission Model (CTM) is used for prediction of traffic state and measurements from the sensor are combined in Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to minimize square of error between predicted and measured traffic state. A simple link is used to highlight the difference between actual traffic state and estimated traffic state using a naive prediction model for real-time traffic state estimation. Analysis of simulation results shows that estimate of traffic state is reliable and accurate for cells upstream of the measurement sensor when incident occurred downstream of measurement sensor. Whereas when incident location is upstream of measurement sensor, the estimated traffic state for downstream cells of measurement sensor is more close to actual traffic condition

    Enhanced cooperative car-following traffic model with the combination of V2V and V2I communication

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    Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication are emerging components of intelligent transport systems (ITS) based on which vehicles can drive in a cooperative way and, hence, significantly improve traffic flow efficiency. However, due to the high vehicle mobility, the unreliable vehicular communications such as packet loss and transmission delay can impair the performance of the cooperative driving system (CDS). In addition, the downstream traffic information collected by roadside sensors in the V2I communication may introduce measurement errors, which also affect the performance of the CDS. The goal of this paper is to bridge the gap between traffic flow modelling and communication approaches in order to build up better cooperative traffic systems. To this end, we aim to develop an enhanced cooperative microscopic (car-following) traffic model considering V2V and V2I communication (or V2X for short), and investigate how vehicular communications affect the vehicle cooperative driving, especially in traffic disturbance scenarios. For these purposes, we design a novel consensus-based vehicle control algorithm for the CDS, in which not only the local traffic flow stability is guaranteed, but also the shock waves are supposed to be smoothed. The IEEE 802.11p, the defacto vehicular networking standard, is selected as the communication protocols, and the roadside sensors are deployed to collect the average speed in the targeted area as the downstream traffic reference. Specifically, the imperfections of vehicular communication as well as the measured information noise are taken into account. Numerical results show the efficiency of the proposed scheme. This paper attempts to theoretically investigate the relationship between vehicular communications and cooperative driving, which is needed for the future deployment of both connected vehicles and infrastructure (i.e. V2X

    Inferring Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Crashes on Highway Traffic: A Doubly Robust Causal Machine Learning Approach

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    Highway traffic crashes exert a considerable impact on both transportation systems and the economy. In this context, accurate and dependable emergency responses are crucial for effective traffic management. However, the influence of crashes on traffic status varies across diverse factors and may be biased due to selection bias. Therefore, there arises a necessity to accurately estimate the heterogeneous causal effects of crashes, thereby providing essential insights to facilitate individual-level emergency decision-making. This paper proposes a novel causal machine learning framework to estimate the causal effect of different types of crashes on highway speed. The Neyman-Rubin Causal Model (RCM) is employed to formulate this problem from a causal perspective. The Conditional Shapley Value Index (CSVI) is proposed based on causal graph theory to filter adverse variables, and the Structural Causal Model (SCM) is then adopted to define the statistical estimand for causal effects. The treatment effects are estimated by Doubly Robust Learning (DRL) methods, which combine doubly robust causal inference with classification and regression machine learning models. Experimental results from 4815 crashes on Highway Interstate 5 in Washington State reveal the heterogeneous treatment effects of crashes at varying distances and durations. The rear-end crashes cause more severe congestion and longer durations than other types of crashes, and the sideswipe crashes have the longest delayed impact. Additionally, the findings show that rear-end crashes affect traffic greater at night, while crash to objects has the most significant influence during peak hours. Statistical hypothesis tests, error metrics based on matched "counterfactual outcomes", and sensitive analyses are employed for assessment, and the results validate the accuracy and effectiveness of our method.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, 8 table

    A Driving Risk Surrogate and Its Application in Car-Following Scenario at Expressway

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    Traffic safety is important in reducing death and building a harmonious society. In addition to studies of accident incidences, the perception of driving risk is significant in guiding the implementation of appropriate driving countermeasures. Risk assessment can be conducted in real-time for traffic safety due to the rapid development of communication technology and computing capabilities. This paper aims at the problems of difficult calibration and inconsistent thresholds in the existing risk assessment methods. It proposes a risk assessment model based on the potential field to quantify the driving risk of vehicles. Firstly, virtual energy is proposed as an attribute considering vehicle sizes and velocity. Secondly, the driving risk surrogate(DRS) is proposed based on potential field theory to describe the risk degree of vehicles. Risk factors are quantified by establishing submodels, including an interactive vehicle risk surrogate, a restrictions risk surrogate, and a speed risk surrogate. To unify the risk threshold, acceleration for implementation guidance is derived from the risk field strength. Finally, a naturalistic driving dataset in Nanjing, China, is selected, and 3063 pairs of following naturalistic trajectories are screened out. Based on that, the proposed model and other models use for comparisons are calibrated through the improved particle optimization algorithm. Simulations prove that the proposed model performs better than other algorithms in risk perception and response, car-following trajectory, and velocity estimation. In addition, the proposed model exhibits better car-following ability than existing car-following models

    Probabilistic travel time progression and its application to automatic vehicle identification data

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    Travel time has been identified as an important variable to evaluate the performance of a transportation system. Based on the travel time prediction, road users can make their optimal decision in choosing route and departure time. In order to utilise adequately the advanced data collection methods that provide real-time different types of information, this paper is aimed at a novel approach to the estimation of long roadway travel times, using Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) technology. Since the long roads contain a large number of scanners, the AVI sample size tends to reduce and, as such, computing the distribution for the total road travel time becomes difficult. In this work, we introduce a probabilistic framework that extends the deterministic travel time progression method to dependent random variables and enables the off-line estimation of road travel time distributions. In the proposed method, the accuracy of the estimation does not depend on the size of the sample over the entire corridor, but only on the amount of historical data that is available for each link. In practice, the system is also robust to small link samples and can be used to detect outliers within the AVI data

    Dynamic Bayesian belief network to model the development of walking and cycling schemes

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    This paper aims to describe a model which represents the formulation of decision-making processes (over a number of years) affecting the step-changes of walking and cycling (WaC) schemes. These processes can be seen as being driven by a number of causal factors, many of which are associated with the attitudes of a variety of factors, in terms of both determining whether any scheme will be implemented and, if it is implemented, the extent to which it is used. The outputs of the model are pathways as to how the future might unfold (in terms of a number of future time steps) with respect to specific pedestrian and cyclist schemes. The transitions of the decision making processes are formulated using a qualitative simulation method, which describes the step-changes of the WaC scheme development. In this article a Bayesian belief network (BBN) theory is extended to model the influence between and within factors in the dynamic decision making process

    A new multi-anticipative car-following model with consideration of the desired following distance

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    We propose in this paper an extension of the multi-anticipative optimal velocity car-following model to consider explicitly the desired following distance. The model on the following vehicle’s acceleration is formulated as a linear function of the optimal velocity and the desired distance, with reaction-time delay in elements. The linear stability condition of the model is derived. The results demonstrate that the stability of traffic flow is improved by introducing the desired following distance, increasing the time gap in the desired following distance or decreasing the reaction-time delay. The simulation results show that by taking into account the desired following distance as well as the optimal velocity, the multi-anticipative model allows longer reaction-time delay in achieving stable traffic flows

    A platoon based cooperative eco-driving model for mixed automated and human-driven vehicles at a signalised intersection

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    The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time cooperative eco-driving strategy for a group of vehicles with mixed automated vehicles (AVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs). The lead vehicles in the platoon can receive the signal phase and timing information via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and the traffic states of both the preceding vehicle and current platoon via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. We propose a receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) method to minimise the fuel consumption for platoons and drive the platoons to pass the intersection on a green phase. The method is then extended to dynamic platoon splitting and merging rules for cooperation among AVs and HVs in response to the high variation in urban traffic flow. Extensive simulation tests are also conducted to demonstrate the performance of the model in various conditions in the mixed traffic flow and different penetration rates of AVs. Our model shows that the cooperation between AVs and HVs can further smooth out the trajectory of the latter and reduce the fuel consumption of the entire traffic system, especially for the low penetration of AVs. It is noteworthy that the proposed model does not compromise the traffic efficiency and the driving comfort while achieving the eco-driving strategy

    Visions for a walking and cycling focussed urban transport system

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    Walking and cycling can make a considerable contribution to sustainable transport goals, building healthier and more sustainable communities and contributing to traffic and pollution reduction. There have been many national and local initiatives to promote walking and cycling, but without a long term vision and consistent strategy it is difficult to see how a significant change may be achieved. This paper presents three alternative visions for the role of walking and cycling in urban areas for the year 2030: each vision illustrates a ‘desirable’ walking- and cycling-oriented transport system against a different ‘exogenous social background’. These visions have been developed through a process of expert discussion and review and are intended to provide a stimulus for debate on the potential for and desirability of such alternative futures. Each is based on the UK and represents a substantial change to the current situation: in particular, each of the visions presents a view of a society where walking and cycling are considerably more important than is currently the case and where these modes cater for a much higher proportion of urban transport needs than at present. The visions show pictures of urban environments where dependence on motor vehicles has been reduced, in two of the visions to very low levels. The methodological approach for devising visions is informed by work on ‘utopian thinking’: a key concept underlying this approach is one of viewing the future in social constructivist terms (i.e. the future is what ‘we’, as a society, make it) rather than considering the future as something that can be ‘scientifically’ predicted by the extrapolation of current trends