517 research outputs found

    Different forms of TFIIH for transcription and DNA repair: Holo-TFIIH and a nucleotide excision repairosome

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    AbstractYeast TFIIH that is active in transcription can be dissociated into three components: a 5-subunit core, the SSL2 gene product, and a complex of 47 kDa, 45 kDa, and 33 kDa polypeptides that possesses protein kinase activity directed towards the C-terminal repeat domain of RNA polymerase II. These three components can reconstitute fully functional TFIIH, and all three are required for transcription in vitro. By contrast, TFIIH that is highly active in nucleotide excision repair (NER) lacks the kinase complex and instead contains the products of all other genes known to be required for NER in yeast: RAD1, RAD2, RAD4, RAD10, and RAD14. This repairosome is not active in reconstituted transcription in vitro and is significantly more active than any of the constituent polypeptides in correcting defective repair in extracts from strains mutated in NER genes

    The Extended Blue Continuum and Line Emission around the Central Radio Galaxy in Abell 2597

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    We present results from detailed imaging of the centrally dominant radio elliptical galaxy in the cooling flow cluster Abell 2597, using data obtained with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This object is one of the archetypal "blue-lobed" cooling flow radio elliptical galaxies, also displaying a luminous emission-line nebula, a compact radio source, and a significant dust lane and evidence of molecular gas in its center. We show that the radio source is surrounded by a complex network of emission-line filaments, some of which display a close spatial association with the outer boundary of the radio lobes. We present a detailed analysis of the physical properties of ionized and neutral gas associated with the radio lobes, and show that their properties are strongly suggestive of direct interactions between the radio plasma and ambient gas. We resolve the blue continuum emission into a series of knots and clumps, and present evidence that these are most likely due to regions of recent star formation. We investigate several possible triggering mechanisms for the star formation, including direct interactions with the radio source, filaments condensing from the cooling flow, or the result of an interaction with a gas-rich galaxy, which may also have been responsible for fueling the active nucleus. We propose that the properties of the source are plausibly explained in terms of accretion of gas by the cD during an interaction with a gas-rich galaxy, which combined with the fact that this object is located at the center of a dense, high-pressure ICM can account for the high rates of star formation and the strong confinement of the radio source.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in press, 34 pages, includes 6 PostScript figures. Latex format, uses aaspp4.sty and epsf.sty file

    Star formation activities in early-type brightest cluster galaxies

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    We identify a total of 120 early-type Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) at 0.1<z<0.4 in two recent large cluster catalogues selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). They are selected with strong emission lines in their optical spectra, with both H{\alpha} and [O II]{\lambda}3727 line emission, which indicates significant ongoing star formation. They constitute about ~ 0.5% of the largest, optically-selected, low-redshift BCG sample, and the fraction is a strong function of cluster richness. Their star formation history can be well described by a recent minor and short starburst superimposed on an old stellar component, with the recent episode of star formation contributing on average only less than 1 percent of the total stellar mass. We show that the more massive star-forming BCGs in richer clusters tend to have higher star formation rate (SFR) and specific SFR (SFR per unit galaxy stellar mass). We also compare their statistical properties with a control sample selected from X-ray luminous clusters, and show that the fraction of star-forming BCGs in X-ray luminous clusters is almost one order of magnitude larger than that in optically-selected clusters. BCGs with star formation in cooling flow clusters usually have very flat optical spectra and show the most active star formation, which may be connected with cooling flows.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures and 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    X-ray absorption spectroscopy systematics at the tungsten L-edge

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    A series of mononuclear six-coordinate tungsten compounds spanning formal oxidation states from 0 to +VI, largely in a ligand environment of inert chloride and/or phosphine, has been interrogated by tungsten L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The L-edge spectra of this compound set, comprised of [W&lt;sup&gt;0&lt;/sup&gt;(PMe&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;)&lt;sub&gt;6&lt;/sub&gt;], [W&lt;sup&gt;II&lt;/sup&gt;Cl&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(PMePh&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;)&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;], [W&lt;sup&gt;III&lt;/sup&gt;Cl&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(dppe)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;][PF&lt;sub&gt;6&lt;/sub&gt;] (dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane), [W&lt;sup&gt;IV&lt;/sup&gt;Cl&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;(PMePh&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;], [W&lt;sup&gt;V&lt;/sup&gt;(NPh)Cl&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;(PMe&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;], and [W&lt;sup&gt;VI&lt;/sup&gt;Cl&lt;sub&gt;6&lt;/sub&gt;] correlate with formal oxidation state and have usefulness as references for the interpretation of the L-edge spectra of tungsten compounds with redox-active ligands and ambiguous electronic structure descriptions. The utility of these spectra arises from the combined correlation of the estimated branching ratio (EBR) of the L&lt;sub&gt;3,2&lt;/sub&gt;-edges and the L&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt; rising-edge energy with metal Z&lt;sub&gt;eff&lt;/sub&gt;, thereby permitting an assessment of effective metal oxidation state. An application of these reference spectra is illustrated by their use as backdrop for the L-edge X-ray absorption spectra of [W&lt;sup&gt;IV&lt;/sup&gt;(mdt)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(CO)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;] and [W&lt;sup&gt;IV&lt;/sup&gt;(mdt)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(CN)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;]&lt;sup&gt;2–&lt;/sup&gt; (mdt&lt;sup&gt;2–&lt;/sup&gt; = 1,2-dimethylethene-1,2-dithiolate), which shows that both compounds are effectively W&lt;sup&gt;IV&lt;/sup&gt; species. Use of metal L-edge XAS to assess a compound of uncertain formulation requires: 1) Placement of that data within the context of spectra offered by unambiguous calibrant compounds, preferably with the same coordination number and similar metal ligand distances. Such spectra assist in defining upper and/or lower limits for metal Z&lt;sub&gt;eff&lt;/sub&gt; in the species of interest; 2) Evaluation of that data in conjunction with information from other physical methods, especially ligand K-edge XAS; 3) Increased care in interpretation if strong π-acceptor ligands, particularly CO, or π-donor ligands are present. The electron-withdrawing/donating nature of these ligand types, combined with relatively short metal-ligand distances, exaggerate the difference between formal oxidation state and metal Z&lt;sub&gt;eff&lt;/sub&gt; or, as in the case of [W&lt;sup&gt;IV&lt;/sup&gt;(mdt)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;(CO)&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;], add other subtlety by modulating the redox level of other ligands in the coordination sphere

    Applicability of Precision Medicine Approaches to Managing Hypertension in Rural Populations

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    As part of the Heart Healthy Lenoir Project, we developed a practice level intervention to improve blood pressure control. The goal of this study was: (i) to determine if single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that associate with blood pressure variation, identified in large studies, are applicable to blood pressure control in subjects from a rural population; (ii) to measure the association of these SNPs with subjects’ responsiveness to the hypertension intervention; and (iii) to identify other SNPs that may help understand patient-specific responses to an intervention. We used a combination of candidate SNPs and genome-wide analyses to test associations with either baseline systolic blood pressure (SBP) or change in systolic blood pressure one year after the intervention in two genetically defined ancestral groups: African Americans (AA) and Caucasian Americans (CAU). Of the 48 candidate SNPs, 13 SNPs associated with baseline SBP in our study; however, one candidate SNP, rs592582, also associated with a change in SBP after one year. Using our study data, we identified 4 and 15 additional loci that associated with a change in SBP in the AA and CAU groups, respectively. Our analysis of gene-age interactions identified genotypes associated with SBP improvement within different age groups of our populations. Moreover, our integrative analysis identified AQP4-AS1 and PADI2 as genes whose expression levels may contribute to the pleiotropy of complex traits involved in cardiovascular health and blood pressure regulation in response to an intervention targeting hypertension. In conclusion, the identification of SNPs associated with the success of a hypertension treatment intervention suggests that genetic factors in combination with age may contribute to an individual’s success in lowering SBP. If these findings prove to be applicable to other populations, the use of this genetic variation in making patient-specific interventions may help providers with making decisions to improve patient outcomes. Further investigation is required to determine the role of this genetic variance with respect to the management of hypertension such that more precise treatment recommendations may be made in the future as part of personalized medicine

    Physical Activity May Facilitate Diabetes Prevention in Adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE—The aim of this study was to examine the association of physical activity with glucose tolerance and resting energy expenditure (REE) among adolescents

    Risk factors for acquisition of hepatitis C virus infection: a case series and potential implications for disease surveillance

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    BACKGROUND: Transmission of hepatitis C vims (HCV) is strongly associated with use of contaminated blood products and injection drugs. Other "non-parental" modes of transmission including sexual activity have been increasingly recognized. We examined risk factors for acquiring HCV in patients who were referred to two tertiary care centers and enrolled in an antiviral therapy protocol. METHODS: Interviews of 148 patients were conducted apart from their physician evaluation using a structured questionnaire covering demographics and risk factors for HCV acquisition. RESULTS: Risk factors (blood products, injection/intranasal drugs, razor blades/ toothbrushes, body/ear piercing, occupational exposure, sexual activity) were identified in 141 (95.3%) of participants; 23 (15.5%) had one (most frequently blood or drug exposure), 41 (27.7%) had two, and 84 (53.4%) had more than two risk factors. No patient reported sexual activity as a sole risk factor. Body piercing accounted for a high number of exposures in women. Men were more likely to have exposure to street drugs but less exposure to blood products than women. Blood product exposure was less common in younger than older HCV patients. CONCLUSION: One and often multiple risk factors could be identified in nearly all HCV-infected patients seen in a referral practice. None named sexual transmission as the sole risk factor. The development of a more complete profile of factors contributing to transmission of HCV infection may assist in clinical and preventive efforts. The recognition of the potential presence of multiple risk factors may have important implications in the approach to HCV surveillance, and particularly the use of hierarchical algorithms in the study of risk factors