23 research outputs found

    Symphonie-passion de Dupré: da música litúrgica à sinfónica para órgão

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    Mestrado em MúsicaMarcel Dupré (1886-1971) foi considerado um dos mais importantes organistas, particularmente pela sua excepcional capacidade de improvisação. A obra Symphonie-Passion (1924), fruto de uma improvisação realizada por este organista e compositor num concerto efectuado em Wanamaker Department, Philadelphia a 8 de Dezembro de 1921, baseou-se em quatro temas gregorianos atribuídos para o seu acto criativo: Jesu Redemptor Omnium, Adeste Fideles, Stabat Mater Dolorosa, Adorote Devote. O objectivo deste Documento de Apoio ao Projecto (DAP) visa, por um lado, identificar o relacionamento existente entre os conceitos de música litúrgica, representados pelos quatros temas gregorianos nesta obra, e respectiva influência no acto criativo de Marcel Dupré e, por outro, abordar questões de interpretação e problemática da registação e adaptação desta obra ao órgão sinfónico da Igreja da Lapa no Porto, de forma a promover uma performance devidamente fundamentada.Marcel Dupré (1886-1971) was considered one of the most important organists, particularly for its exceptional ability to improvise. The work Symphonie- Passion (1924) was the result of an improvisation performed by this organist and composer in a concert in Wanamaker Department, Philadelphia on 8th December 1921, based on four themes attributed Gregorian-chant for his creative act: Jesu Redemptor Omnium, Adeste Fideles, Stabat Mater Dolorosa, Adorote Devote. The purpose of this Documento de Apoio ao Projecto aims on one hand, to identify the relationship between the concepts of liturgical music, represented by the four Gregorian themes in this work and its influence on the creative act Marcel Dupré, and in other hand, in order to promote an informed performance, to make an approach to interpretations issues and registration, as the adaptation of this work to the symphonic organ of the Lapa Church in Porto

    Toxicidade de nanopartículas de prata e nitrato de prata em planárias Dugesia tigrina

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    Mestrado em Toxicologia e EcotoxicologiaAtualmente, as nanopartículas de prata (AgNP) são bastante utilizadas em vários produtos devido às suas propriedades únicas e excecionais, nomeadamente a sua potente atividade antibacteriana. Algumas das suas aplicações comuns são em têxteis, produtos cosméticos e tintas. Deste modo, é esperada a presença de AgNP nos sistemas aquáticos. Tendo isto em consideração, o objetivo deste trabalho é descrever os efeitos tóxicos de AgNP de diferentes tamanhos, e comparar estes efeitos com os induzidos pela exposição a AgNO3 usando as características comportamentais das planárias da espécie Dugesia tigrina. Foram efetuados testes de exposição aguda (96 h) e testes de exposição crónica (8 dias) onde foram avaliados parâmetros como a sobrevivência, a locomoção, alimentação e regeneração cefálica. Foram selecionadas AgNP de diferentes tamanhos (AgNP de 10-25 nm e AgNP 3-8 nm) e comparados os efeitos com os da exposição a AgNO3, de modo a analisar se a toxicidade tem origem na libertação de iões Ag ou se é devida às propriedades das diferentes nanopartículas. Os resultados mostraram que os valores de LC50 para as 24, 48, 72 e 96 h não variaram ao longo do tempo para AgNP (10-25 nm) (76.62 μg L-1) e para AgNO3 (109.1 μg L-1). As planárias experienciaram nas primeiras 24 h várias alterações morfológicas na zona da cabeça como aurículas suprimidas e principalmente dissolução da cabeça. Estes efeitos notaram-se principalmente na AgNP (10-25 nm) e AgNO3. Em relação à exposição crónica, as planárias apresentaram uma redução significativa na locomoção e na alimentação na exposição a todas as nanopartículas estudadas, sendo estes parâmetros os mais sensíveis para D. tigrina. Relativamente à capacidade de regeneração não houve efeitos significativos à exposição a Ag. A fonte de toxicidade pode estar relacionada com as propriedades das AgNP que interferem com o sistema nervoso das planárias, causando a sua morte. Este estudo demonstrou que as planárias são um organismo adequado para estudos ecotoxicológicos comportamentais e devem ser considerados em metodologias de avaliação de risco ambiental.Currently, silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are widely used in several products because of their unique and exceptional properties, particularly its potent antibacterial activity. Thus, AgNP are very often applied in textiles, cosmetics and paints. Under those circumstances, AgNP is expected to be present in aquatic systems. Taking this into consideration, the objective of the present work is to describe the toxicity of AgNP of different sizes and compare to the toxicity from AgNO3 exposure using behavioral endpoints of the planarian Dugesia tigrina. Acute exposure tests (96 h) and chronic exposure tests (8 days) were performed, in which parameters such as survival, locomotion, feeding and regeneration were evaluated. Therefore, AgNP of different sizes were selected (AgNP of 10-25 nm and AgNP 3-8 nm) and effects from exposure were compared to those from AgNO3, in order to analyze whether the source of toxicity was originated by release the ionic form of Ag or related to the inherent properties of nanoparticles. The results showed that LC50 values at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h were equal over time for AgNP (10-25 nm) (76.62 μg L-1) and for AgNO3 (109.1 μg L -1). In the first 24 h, planarians experienced several morphological alterations at the head region such as suppressed auricles and mainly head dissolution. These effects were noted mainly in AgNP (10-25 nm) and AgNO3 exposures. Regarding chronic exposure, planarians presented a significant reduction in locomotion and feeding activity upon both AgNP exposures. These endpoints revealed to be the most sensitive to D. tigrina. There were no significant effects on the regeneration test. The source of toxicity may be related to the properties of AgNP that interfere with nervous system of planarians consequently causing their death. This study demonstrated that planarians are an adequate organism for behavioural ecotoxicological studies and should be considered in environmental risk assessment methodologies

    a ficção da ciência como colecção

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    Tese de mestrado, Arte e multimédia, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes, 2011Laboratory: The fiction of science as collection is a practical-theoretical dissertation, whose work of research culminates in the project of installation Laboratório. Using the dichotomy visible/invisible as a starting point, this project reveals to the observer spaces where this relationship between the visible and the invisible are explored through the concepts of fiction associated to science and collection. This dissertation proposes a reflection about Laboratório‟s concepts base, arguing that science and collection, as forms of creating fictional realities, can be assumed as negotiators between the opposition visible/invisible. Science continuously negotiates the boundaries between the visible and invisible of the human body, by developing methods of invading, showing, representing what we are not able to see. On the other hand collection negotiates the boundaries between visible and invisible by being a physical representation of an invented reality. As references for this dissertation will be analysed two works of fiction, both finding their inspiration in science and questioning it at the same time. From literature, Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley, and from cinema, A Zed & Two Noughts by Peter Greenaway. Will be also under analysis works of two artists who make use of the mechanisms of collection to construct and represent realities. By Annette Messager, the album collection series, the installations Les pensionnaires, La chambre secrète de la collectioneuse and Pénétration. By Chohreh Feyzdjou, Boutique Product of Chohreh Feyzdjou. At last, the presentation of the installation project Laboratório, as a series of spaces which are “fictional laboratories” and spaces of collection at the same time, where the observer is introduced and, by his turn, invited to negotiate with the space the proposed relationships of visibility and invisibility. However this collections turns into visible what is intimate and invisible, and the space of collection, which is private, became exposed to a public look by the presence of the observer, he is still a stranger with no access to the meaning of the collectio

    Potential for technological modernisation and innovation based on ICT in agri-food companies of central region of Portugal

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    This paper assesses the potential for technological modernisation and innovation based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in agri-food companies located in the central region of Portugal. The survey was applied to 50 agri-food companies of Cereals, Cheese, Olive oil, Dry sausages, Honey, Wine, and Horticultural sectors. Survey results can be summarised as: The large majority of companies use computers and have Internet service. Most of companies don't have a webpage and neither use Internet for advertising campaigns, selling or buying products. Half of companies use social networks for business purposes. Most companies haven't promoted collaborators training in ICT in the last year. Companies claim that possessing a webpage and attending ICT training will be the technological solutions that will improve their productivity and/or marketing products and services. For each sector, recommendations and suggestions were provided in order to promote the use of ICT for business purposes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Potencial para a modernização tecnológica e inovação na indústria agroalimentar com base em TIC – caso de estudo da Região Centro de Portugal

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    Alavancagem da atividade económica nas pequenas e médias empresas de sectores estratégicos e tradicionais: Encorajamento na utilização de novas tecnologias, Oportunidade enorme para as novas TIC nas empresas agroalimentares, Incorporar recursos inovadores com valor acrescentado, melhorar as competências de atividade das PME, promover a modernização do sector empresarial regional, a utilização das TIC irá fomentar a economia e a competitividade dos sectores agro-alimentares tradicionaisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives

    Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de análise e reporte para vigilância epidemiológica com base na rede Médicos Sentinela

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Bioestatística, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018A Rede Médicos Sentinela, criada no início dos anos 90, consiste num sistema de observação em saúde constituído por médicos de Medicina Geral e Familiar integrados de forma voluntária. Esta rede tem como principal finalidade descrever a evolução de problemas de saúde na população portuguesa contribuindo assim para: a vigilância em saúde (em especial da gripe), a caracterização do estado de saúde da população portuguesa e o desenvolvimento de estudos de investigação epidemiológica. Os dados recolhidos através deste sistema, na maioria dos eventos de saúde em estudo, correspondem aos únicos dados de incidência relativos a estes eventos em Portugal, atribuindo assim um importante contributo para a vigilância epidemiológica. Surge então a necessidade de utilizar ferramentas informáticas de auxílio que permitam o tratamento e análise estatística dos dados fornecidos pela rede. A criação de uma nova ferramenta com todas as valências da atual e com algumas atualizações que promovam a simplificação do processo de análise por parte dos responsáveis da Rede consiste no principal objetivo deste projeto. O novo programa deve ainda ser capaz de fazer uso de novas metodologias de análise estatística. O atual programa (DBase) apresenta algumas limitações, tanto na análise de outros eventos de saúde que não a gripe como também em analises mais sofisticadas para a síndrome gripal. O novo programa (MS Tools) já não tem essas limitações estando capacitado para produzir todos os outputs necessários para a análise de cada um dos eventos de interesse, processo que anteriormente teria de ser feito recorrendo a outros softwares como o Excel, SPSS, etc. O MS Tools está ainda capacitado a utilizar novas metodologias criadas, que tornaram mais ricos os outputs obtidos e consequentemente as análises feitas pelos profissionais responsáveis pela Rede MS. Relativamente à gripe, o processo de obtenção de resultados que servem de apoio à sua monitorização epidemiológica tem utilizado métodos que analisam os períodos epidémicos na época de gripe e a intensidade de atividade gripal em cada uma das semanas. Paralelamente ao método que tem sido utilizado até aqui, é ainda explorado um novo método de monitorização da epidemia de gripe, Moving Epidemic Method, e a forma de o adaptar ao novo programa MS Tools.The Médicos Sentinela Network, created in the early 90's, consists of a health observation system made up of physicians (General and Family Medicine) who are voluntarily integrated. The main purpose of this network is to describe the evolution of health problems in the Portuguese population, thus contributing to: (i) health surveillance (especially influenza); (ii) characterization of the health status of the Portuguese population; (iii) the development of epidemiological research studies. Data collected through this system, in most health events, correspond to the only incidence data related to these events in Portugal, thus assigning an important focus to epidemiological surveillance. The need arises to use computer programs that will help in the statistical analysis and treatment of data provided by the network. The creation of a new tool that has all the strengths of the current one and that contemplates some updates that promote the simplification of the process of analysis by the people in charge of the Network is the main objective of this project. The new program should still be able to use new statistical analysis methodologies. The present program (DBase) presents some limitations, both in the analysis of other health events (besides the flu) as well as in more sophisticated analyzes for the flu syndrome. The new program (MS Tools) no longer has these limitations, since it is able to produce all the outputs required to analyze each of the events of interest, a process that previously had to be done using other software such as Excel, SPSS, etc. MS Tools is still able to use new methodologies that have made the outputs richer and consequently improve the analysis done by professionals responsible for the MS Network. In relation to influenza, the process of obtaining results that support epidemiological monitoring has used methods that analyze influenza epidemic periods and their intensity of influenza activity in each of the weeks. In parallel to the epidemiological method of influenza surveillance that has been used up to now, a new methodology (Moving Epidemic Method) has been explored and the way to adapt it to the new MS Tools program

    Thymus zygis and thymus pulegioides as a source of phenolic compounds

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    Thymus is an important genus in the West Mediterranean region, where many species are cultivated for confection of several dishes, including salads, soups, stews and sauces. Many Thymus, including T. zygis and T. pulegioides are also commonly used in traditional medicine [1]. Whist phenolic compounds are commonly associated to health-beneficial properties of Thymus, the specific phenolic composition of T. zygis and T. pulegioides is presently unknown [2]. The extracts of the aerial parts of T. zygis and T. pulegioides species were prepared with hot water as previously described [3]. Total phenolic contents were determined according to the adapted Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method [4] and the identification of the phenolic compounds was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD). The extracts of T. zygis and T. pulegioides contained 319±44 and 391±3 μg GAE/mg, respectively. Likewise other Thymus species [2], both extracts were enriched in caffeic acid derivatives, showing characteristic UV spectra maxima at 290 and 328 nm. The latter included rosmarinic acid (MW 360) and 3′-O-(8″-Z-caffeoyl)rosmarinic acid (MW 538) [2]. The two extracts also contained moderate amounts of the flavone luteolin-7-O-glucoside (MW 448) that has been previously described in others Thymus species [2]. Yet, T. zygis and T. pulegioides phenolic profiles could be clearly distinguished: while the first had high levels of the phenolic acid salvianolic acid K (MW 556; UV spectra maxima at 288, 322), the extract of T. pulegioides was enriched in eriodictyol-O-hexoside and derivatives, with typical UV spectra maxima at 283 nm. Note that salvianolic acid K has been previously described in T. vulgaris while eriodictyol-O-hexoside derivatives were previously found in T. vulgaris and T. serpyllum [2]. The phenolic compounds of T. zygis and T. pulegioides are here described for the first time