245 research outputs found

    [Between] the Paintings of the Ndebele Houses: [Geo]metries and Ragged Curricula

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    The implementation of Law 10.639/2003 on the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture in Schools has demanded from Mathematics Education several studies and problematizations about the nature of the [M]mathematical knowledge present in school curricula. This Law prompts dialogues between different epistemologies, whether of Western origin, Afro-Brazilian origin, or in between these epistemologies, in order to produce new debates that fray the disciplinary logic, neutrality, universality, and uniqueness of Mathematics. Thus, based on the practice of painting houses, which is carried out by women from the Ndebele people of Africa, we can consider the curriculum a place of invention. Objectives: Learning from the Ndebele women, what paintings can emerge? Are curricula invented when Stories and practices of African cultures become the focus of study in Mathematics classes? Design: We are guided by an intervention-research, performing a review of ethnographic investigations on the sociocultural practice of painting Ndebele houses. Environment and participants: The research begins with the subjectivity processes that cross three researchers: two mathematical educators in different stages of life and a philosopher. They are all interested in following different paths with Mathematics Education, Ethnomathematics, Philosophy, and..., which make us professors, determining our conceptions of territory and research. Data collection and analysis: The records and data of this research were produced based on the works of Paulus Gerdes on the paintings of Ndebele houses, as well as other authors of African origin, allowing us to be affected by these productions and question the homogeneous curricular models. Results: With this research, we travel to Africa to find strange the mathematicS practiced by the Ndebele community and to make the mathematics curriculum strange; in this sense, contemplating knowledge at the crossroads of the school curriculum, Law 10.639/2003 and Mathematics, entails producing a notion that is closer to the affective field than the field of meanings. Conclusions: The experience of shifting sociocultural practices to the classroom, such as the sociocultural practice of painting Ndebele houses reveals a curriculum as a place of invention in which mathematicS takes place and composes other curricula capable of painting a different use for Law 10.639/2003 fraying Mathematics' neutrality, universality, and uniqueness, and developing a school curriculum that escapes, leaks, and spreads minor, distinct, and unusual knowledge

    Assessing the effect of on-farm and abattoir interventions in reducing human salmonellosis from pig meat consumption in the EU

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    Pigs are commonly infected with Salmonella spp. at the slaughterhouse, and the consumption of pig meat is hypothesised to be an important contributor to human salmonellosis. The European Union (EU) will shortly set targets for the reduction of Salmonella in pigs at slaughter for each Member State (MS), and each MS is expected to put in place a National Control Plan (NCP) in order to achieve their targets. If MSs are to realise their targets then practical interventions that consistently work must be identified

    Etude des variabilités cycliques dans le cylindre d'un moteur essence à injection directe par la PIV haute cadence

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    International audienceLes résultats obtenus à partir des mesures expérimentales par PIV haute cadence dans la chambre de combustion d'un moteur essence à injection directe ont été analysés à l'aide de la décomposition propre orthogonale (POD) dans le but d'isoler les structures cohérentes au cours d'un cycle moteur et identifier leurs variabilités cycliques. Des investigations basées sur l'analyse de la position du centre du tumble en fonction de la phase moteur, i.e. à un degré vilebrequin déterminé, montrent que les plus fortes variations apparaissent lors de la compression. Il a été démontré que les dispersions aérodynamiques dans la chambre de combustion se comportent différemment en fonction de l'ouverture de la tubulure d'admission

    Broad Geographic Distribution of Roundscale Spearfish (Tetrapturus georgii) (Teleostei, Istiophoridae) in the Atlantic Revealed by DNA Analysis: Implications for White Marlin and Roundscale Spearfish Management

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    The recent validation of the roundscale spearfish (Tetrapturus georgii) within the western North Atlantic has introduced new complexities in the management of the overfished white marlin (Kajikia albida) in this region due to historical and contemporary misidentification between the two morphologically similar species. Compounding the management challenge for white marlin, which is currently assessed as a single Atlantic-wide stock, is an unclear picture of the extent of the roundscale spearfish\u27s overall Atlantic distribution. By using genetic tools (mitochondrial DNA ND4L-ND4 locus sequences) for species identification, we confirm that the roundscale spearfish has a much broader distribution than previously known, including the central North Atlantic and much of the western South Atlantic to at least 28°52′S. This much wider Atlantic distribution of the roundscale spearfish sympatric with its morphologically similar congeners, the white marlin and longbill spearfish (Tetrapturus pfluegeri), raises further management complexities: it increases the geographic scale for species misidentification in catch records that form the basis for stock assessments and uncertainty in currently accepted white marlin biological parameters. Additional vigilance in obtaining accurate species identification by improved fishery onboard observer training and incorporation of genetic tools is recommended for informing management of white marlin, longbill spearfish and roundscale spearfish throughout the Atlantic

    Graduandos de enfermagem e suas vivências na vacinação de áreas descobertas em um município no interior de Pernambuco

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    O estudo teve por objetivo relatar a experiência dos estudantes de enfermagem por meio da dinâmica do cuidado territorial, conhecendo o processo de fortalecimento de vínculo entre a população e Equipe da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). A ação permitiu aos discentes compreender a importância do papel dos enfermeiros nas práticas sociais, voltadas a prevenção e promoção da saúde, por meio da atuação de estudantes na oferta de vacinas, em ação de extensão com profissionais atuantes no serviço. As atividades foram desenvolvidas à população residente em áreas descobertas pela ESF no município e, consequentemente, pode contribuir para melhorar as coberturas vacinais. A relevância da ação evidenciou-se nos dados do DATASUS, que apontam queda das coberturas vacinais ao longo de anos - cenário observado em todo país. Assim, o estudo descreveu a vivência prática dos discentes e a importância de ações de extensão na qualificação do processo formativo, pois, insere o aluno no cenário do campo de prática com docentes e equipes de saúde para o desenvolvimento de ações que potencializem o cuidado a população. Diante disto, a intervenção proporcionou aos discentes um novo olhar ao processo formativo em saúde, visualizando as práticas pedagógicas aplicadas no cenário social, atendendo as necessidades de saúde da população. Ressalta-se que a participação do discente no atendimento à necessidade real da população, permitiu também evidenciar o papel que o enfermeiro exerce frente às ações de prevenção e promoção à saúde

    EGFR oligomerization organizes kinase-active dimers into competent signalling platforms

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling is activated by ligand-induced receptor dimerization. Notably, ligand binding also induces EGFR oligomerization, but the structures and functions of the oligomers are poorly understood. Here, we use fluorophore localization imaging with photobleaching to probe the structure of EGFR oligomers. We find that at physiological epidermal growth factor (EGF) concentrations, EGFR assembles into oligomers, as indicated by pairwise distances of receptor-bound fluorophore-conjugated EGF ligands. The pairwise ligand distances correspond well with the predictions of our structural model of the oligomers constructed from molecular dynamics simulations. The model suggests that oligomerization is mediated extracellularly by unoccupied ligand-binding sites and that oligomerization organizes kinase-active dimers in ways optimal for auto-phosphorylation in trans between neighbouring dimers. We argue that ligand-induced oligomerization is essential to the regulation of EGFR signalling

    Hydrocolloid Membrane Dressing in Shearing Injuries in the Distal Part of the Pelvic Limbs in Dogs

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    Background: Shearing wounds on the limbs of dogs usually affect the regions distally from the radiocarpal joint at the thoracic limb and from the tibiotarsal joint at the pelvic limb. The tissue coverage and re-epithelialization of the injured region are important factors that should be considered in the definitive surgical treatment. The hydrocolloid membrane promotes selective autolytic debridement and accelerates the formation of granulation tissue and epithelialization. The present study aims to describe the treatment with hydrocolloid membrane dressing of three cases of shearing wounds with concomitant orthopedic injuries in the pelvic limbs of dogs.Case: Three dogs with pelvic limb injuries after vehicular trauma were selected for treatment. Two patients had shearing lesions on the medial aspect of the pelvic limb with exposure of the tibia and fibula, the talus and the tibiotarsal joint, associated with bone loss on the medial surface of the limb and rupture of the medial collateral ligament of the tarsus. Another patient had a shearing wound on the dorsal surface of the distal region of the pelvic limb, with injury of the digital extensor tendons and bone exposure of the second and third metatarsals. Initially, the surgical debridement of the lesion was performed and during the first five days after trauma the wound was cleansed with chlorhexidine solution and topical application of crystallized sugar daily. In this initial period a dry adherent dressing was used on the lesions, without bandages for immobilization of the pelvic limb. In all dogs, the hydrocolloid membrane was applied from the sixth day after initial wound management. Immediately after the application of the hydrocolloid membrane, temporary immobilization of the affected pelvic limb with a padded Robert Jones bandage was performed. The first changes of the hydrocolloid membranes were performed after five days of their use. Subsequently, the membranes changes became more spaced and were performed within a period between 7 to 10 days. After wound repair, in one of the dogs with a shearing injury in the medial surface of the pelvic limb, the rupture of the medial collateral ligament was surgically treated with the use of anchor screws and nylon thread for the ligament reconstruction. The other dog presented with lesion in the medial surface of the pelvic limb and collateral ligament rupture was not submitted to late orthopedic surgical treatment. The latter was clinically managed and developed valgus deviation of the affected pelvic limb, but with functional use of the limb. The dog with a shearing lesion on the dorsal surface of the pelvic limb and injury to the extensor tendons was managed conservatively with use of orthosis and, after 45 days of initial trauma, the dog showed a functional lameness and absence of pain in the affected limb.Discussion: In all animals, the hydrocolloid membrane was applied on the wound from the sixth day after the initial lesion treatment. As the wound was healing the hydrocolloid dressing was changed in a more spaced period and this management allowed the proper tissue healing without complications. The wound treatment with dressing was aided by the application of temporary limb immobilization with padded bandage, until a late orthopedic procedure was performed or a final clinical resolution occurred. In general, the shearing wounds healed in a period ranging from 28 to 38 days. In conclusion, the use of the hydrocolloid membrane dressing associated with limb immobilization was an effective method for treatment of patients with shearing wounds, allowing proper healing of the affected tissues and good recovery of the limb function. The hydrocolloid membrane has the main benefits to allow the spaced changes of the dressings and the ability to stimulate the rapid healing of the wound


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    De importante caráter epidemiológico, além de fortemente inserida nos processos endêmicos, a hepatite B representa grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil, amenizado por vacinação ativa da população. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência do vírus da hepatite B em pacientes do município de Ipatinga atendidos no ambulatório de cirurgia do Instituto Metropolitano de Ensino Superior (IMES), Ipatinga-MG. Estudo descritivo com delineamento transversal em que foram selecionados pacientes submetidos à pequena cirurgia com idade superior a 18 anos. Dados comportamentais, socioeconômicos e demográficos foram obtidos por meio de questionário.Em seguida, foi realizado teste sorológico para hepatite B e aconselhamento pós-teste. Participaram da pesquisa 86 pacientes,42% homens e 58% mulheres, idade média de 45,7 anos.Em todos os pacientes avaliados não foi detectado infecção por vírus da hepatite B. Uso consistente de preservativo foi relatado por 56% e uso pregresso de droga injetável por 1% da amostra. Terapia por método de acupuntura foi relatado por 6% dos participantes, 12,8% possuíam tatuagens e 8% tiveram três ou mais parceiros no último ano. 7% dos pacientes declararam não possuir proteção vacinal e 64% desconheciam a referida vacinação. Evidenciou-se que apesar dos participantes possuírem pelo menos um fator de risco para a infecção pelo HBV, não houve correlação com a prevalência de hepatite B no grupo pesquisad