128 research outputs found

    Small intestine ultrasound findings on horses following exploratory laparotomy, can we predict postoperative reflux?

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    Postoperative reflux (POR) is a well-recognized complication after colic surgery in horses, particularly when presenting small intestinal pathology. Even though much has been written about the pathophysiology and management of POR, additional clinical studies are needed to better understand and anticipate this complication. The aim of the study was to provide clinical evidence of ultrasound findings in the postoperative period (three days). The study is based on transcutaneous abdominal ultrasounds of the caudoventral abdomen during the postoperative period (three days), in 58 horses, presented for an exploratory laparotomy, and compared to 20 horses that underwent general anesthesia for an elective surgical procedure. Small intestine (SI) images and videos were analyzed for loop number, loop diameter, wall thickness, motility, and echogenic type of loop contents. Ultrasound findings of horses that had a large colon pathology were similar to those of the control group. Interestingly, horses that presented an SI pathology had significantly thicker SI walls, increased loop diameter, slower motility, and hypoechoic contents, particularly in horses that had undergone small intestinal resection and anastomosis. Although the number of horses that developed POR in our study was too small for statistical analysis, they all had the aforementioned ultrasonographic changes. Abdominal ultrasound, during the postoperative period (three days), was a useful method to identify horses with abnormal small intestinal parameters. Further investigation as to whether these parameters can be used to predict POR in a larger population is warranted

    Víctimes de la criança selectiva: Els Braquicèfals

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    The role of cultural heritage in urban reuse

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    [EN] Cities face the challenge of transforming existing buildings to be reused, particularly those that are underused or not used at all. Tackling this issue, the European Commission approved in 2014 a package of measures to promote a circular economy. According to this agreement, our cities can be more sustainable and resilient by transforming these underused existing buildings with proposals for their adaptive temporary reuse, favoring the citizens’ well-being and quality of life and promoting social inclusion and economic growth with respect for the environment. This paper studies the role of heritage education in adaptive urban reuse, exploring the possibilities and methodologies for the reprogramming of existing buildings for different types of activities to offer citizens and communities the opportunity to participate in the life of the city, favouring their social inclusion. In contrast to the common new-builds or refurbishment commissions, reuse offers a greater possibility of disseminating, transforming and reinventing architectural methodologies and approaches to integrate in the design process forms of citizen participation, favouring the transition towards a model of a circular economy and more sustainable consumption. The paper analyses the possibilities of urban reuse applied to five major public heritage buildings in Barcelona: the Post Office Building, the Old Customs House, the France Train Station, the Martorell Museum and the Castle of the Three Dragons. Each of them has a particular condition regarding current uses and its public owning institution and presents specific characteristics regarding building typology, heritage protection, conservation and construction materials and techniques. The buildings date either from the late 19th century or the early 20th century and are grouped along a 1 km axis on the threshold between the historic center and the port of the city. This unique location represents a great strategic potential for the regeneration and urban reactivation of the city.This work is part of the project Co-inhabiting Barcelona - five case studies in Ciutat Vella for urban reuse and the promotion of innovative production models, supported by the City Council of Barcelona and Barcelona Science Plan and granted at the call “Scientific Research Awards for Urban Challenges in the City of Barcelona 2020”.Domenech Rodríguez, M.; López López, D.; Cornadó Bardón, C. (2022). The role of cultural heritage in urban reuse. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 607-614. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1439260761

    Aproximació històrica al debat sobre la gestió de l'aigua a la política espanyola dels segles XIX i XX

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    Our paper gives a panoramic picture of the debates that have taken place in Spain about the distribution of water resources. The historic review starts with the colonial crisis and the emergence of reform projects at the end of the XIXth century and ends with the breakdown of the Second Republic in the XXth century. Our research shows the changes of policies undertaken by different governments a long this period and the kind of actors that got active in the debates about how to fight against the country's dryness and drough

    Ayahuasca: farmacología, efectos agudos, potencial terapéutico y rituales

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    La ayahuasca es una preparación botánica alucinógena compuesta de Banisteriopsis caapi y Psychotria viridis que, tradicionalmente, ha sido consumida por grupos indígenas de la Amazonia. Este brebaje contiene el agonista serotoninérgico N,N-dimetiltriptamina (DMT) y alcaloides inhibidores de la monoaminooxidasa (IMAO) (harmina, harmalina y tetrahidroharmina). La literatura científica hasta el momento sugiere que la administración o ingesta aguda de la ayahuasca no es mal tolerada, incluso en aquellos casos en los que se ha registrado un uso crónico de la misma, no habiéndose informado sobre toxicidad en ningún estudio en humanos. No obstante, teniendo en cuenta la limitación del uso de una muestra sana y joven en la mayoría de los ensayos llevados a cabo, y los datos escasos referentes a patologías previas de tipo cardíaco y hepático, así como el uso combinado con otras sustancias, se sugiere una contraindicación importante al consumo de ayahuasca. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión abarcando desde la composición y mecanismos de acción de la propia ayahuasca y sus efectos, tanto deseados como adversos de su ingesta, hasta el uso de dicha sustancia como terapia farmacológica en el marco de las drogodependencias, alcoholismo y trastornos afectivos, además de una breve descripción de las connotaciones de su uso en rituales organizados.Ayahuasca is a botanical hallucinogenic preparation which is made up of Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis, consumed by indigenous groups of the Amazonia region. This beverage contains the serotoninergic agonist N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and monoamine oxidase-inhibiting alkaloids (harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine). Scientific literature has until now suggested that the administration or acute consumption of ayahuasca is not badly tolerated, even in situations where consumers have endured chronic use of the substance, no study having detected any effect of toxicological nature in humans. However, taking into account the limitations of performing most studies on a young and healthy sample, and the scant data on preexisting hepatic and cardiac pathologies, as well as the combined use of ayahuasca with other substances, a warning about the contraindication of ayahuasca use is suggested. The aim of this work is to put forward an overview through the composition and action mechanisms of ayahuasca and the desired and adverse effects of its administration. The use of this preparation as a new pharmacological therapy on substance abuse and affective disorders is explained, as well as a brief description regarding the connotations of ayahuasca use in organized rituals

    Effects of a single session of SMR neurofeedback training on anxiety and cortisol levels.

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    Objectives. According to some studies, a putatively calming effect of EEG neurofeedback training could be useful as a therapeutic tool in psychiatric practice. With the aim of elucidating this possibility, we tested the efficacy of a single session of ↑sensorimotor (SMR)/↓theta neurofeedback training for mood improvement in 32 healthy men, taking into account trainability, independence and interpretability of the results. Methods. A pre-post design, with the following dependent variables, was applied: (i) psychometric measures of mood with regards to anxiety, depression, and anger (Profile of Mood State, POMS, and State Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI); (ii) biological measures (salivary levels of cortisol); (iii) neurophysiological measures (EEG frequency band power analysis). In accordance with general recommendations for research in neurofeedback, a control group receiving sham neurofeedback was included. Results. Anxiety levels decreased after the real neurofeedback and increased after the sham neurofeedback (P < 0.01, size effect 0.9 for comparison between groups). Cortisol decreased after the experiment in both groups, though with significantly more pronounced effects in the desired direction after the real neurofeedback (P < 0.04; size effect 0.7). The group receiving real neurofeedback significantly enhanced their SMR band (P < 0.004; size effect 0.88), without changes in the theta band. The group receiving sham neurofeedback did not show any EEG changes

    Drogas emergentes: catinonas sintéticas ('sales de baño')

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    Las catinonas sintéticas son una nueva clase de drogas de diseño de tipo psicoestimulante y alucinógeno y con efectos similares a la cocaína, la metilendioximetanfetamina (MDMA) u otras anfetaminas. El abuso de catinonas sintéticas, con frecuencia incluidas en los productos vendidos como 'sales de baño', se puso de moda a principios de 2009, lo que llevó a la clasificación legislativa en toda Europa en 2010 y a la lista I de clasificación de drogas dentro de los Estados Unidos en 2011. Los estudios clínicos recientes indican que el mecanismo de acción de la catinona sintética afecta a los sistemas centrales de monoaminas. En esta revisión abordaremos la historia de estas drogas, su mecanismo de acción, la toxicología y los aspectos legales.Synthetic cathinones are a new class of designer drug of the hallucinogenic stimulant type with effects similar to cocaine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and other amphetamines. The abuse of synthetic cathinones often included in products sold as 'bath salts' became fashionable in early 2009, which led to legislative classification across Europe in 2010 and Schedule I drug classification in the USA in 2011. Recent clinical studies indicate that the action mechanism of synthetic cathinone affects the central monoamine systems. In this paper we will review the history of these drugs, their action mechanism, toxicology and legal aspects

    Drogas legales emergentes: marihuana sintética, kratom, salvia divinorum, metoxetamina y los derivados de la piperazina

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    A pesar de su amplia oferta y disponibilidad a través de internet, muchas de las drogas de abuso emergentes siguen siendo desconocidas para un gran número de médicos y profesionales sanitarios. Las alternativas herbales a la marihuana (también conocidas como marihuana sintética), tales como el K2 o el spice, son un grupo de hierbas que contienen una mezcla de materia vegetal además de cannabinoides de origen sintético. El Kratom, es un producto vegetal derivado de Mitragyna speciosa Korth que tiene efectos similares a los de los opioides, y que se emplea para el tratamiento del dolor crónico y el alivio de los síntomas de retirada de los opiáceos. La Salvia divinorum es un alucinógeno con una farmacología muy singular que tiene cierto potencial terapéutico, pero que ha sido prohibido en muchos estados debido a las preocupaciones con respecto a sus efectos adversos de tipo psiquiátrico. La Metoxetamina se ha convertido recientemente en la 'ketamina legal' disponible a través de internet. Además, los derivados de la piperazina, una clase de compuestos similares a la anfetamina que incluyen la BZP y TMFPP, han aparecido como una versión legal del 'éxtasis'. Todos estos compuestos psicoactivos son percibidos como drogas seguras por los usuarios y están disponibles en internet a un golpe de ratón. Desafortunadamente, estas drogas tienen efectos indeseables dependiendo de la dosis y de la mezcla de drogas y oscilan de efectos mínimos a efectos serios sobre la salud. Este artículo revisa la farmacología, los efectos clínicos, la toxicidad y el manejo de su intoxicación para que los profesionales de la salud conozcan todas estas drogas emergentes de origen sintéticoDespite its wide range and availability over the Internet, many emerging abuse drugs remain unknown to many doctors and health professionals. Herbal marijuana alternatives (also known as synthetic marijuana), such as K2 or 'spice', are a group of herbal mixtures containing vegetable matter in addition to synthetic cannabinoids. Kratom is a plant product derived from Mitragyna speciosa Korth that has similar effects to opioids, and is used for the treatment of chronic pain and alleviating the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Salvia divinorum is a hallucinogenic drug with a therapeutic potential, but has been banned in many states due to concerns about its psychiatric effects. Methoxetamine has recently become the 'legal ketamine' available over the Internet. In addition, piperazine derivatives, a class similar to amphetamine including BZP and TMFPP compounds have emerged as a legal version of 'ecstasy' All these psychoactive compounds are perceived as safe drugs for people and are available online. Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects depending on the dose and the mixture of drugs with health effects ranging from slight to serious. This article reviews the pharmacology, clinical effects, toxicity and managing of these drugs

    La estimulación transcraneal con corriente directa (tdcs) como tratamiento coadyuvante en el trastorno por consumo de tabaco: situación actual y perspectivas de futuro

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    El tabaquismo es una de las primeras causas mundiales prevenibles de enfermedades y muertes prematuras. La nicotina es la base farmacológica de la adicción, y su dependencia desencadena una serie de cambios psicobiológicos, conductuales y cognitivos. Existen varias estrategias efectivas para ayudar a dejar de fumar, pero el porcentaje de tasas de éxito a largo plazo es muy bajo. Por lo tanto, es importante explorar y estudiar nuevas técnicas alternativas para el tratamiento del trastorno por consumo de tabaco (TCT), que puedan ofrecer más variedad de recursos terapéuticos y mejorar sus resultados en el ámbito clínico. Estudios recientes de estimulación transcraneal con corriente directa (tDCS), aplicada sobre la corteza prefrontal dorsolateral (CPFDL), han mostrado resultados prometedores en la reducción del craving y el consumo de tabaco. Su uso se justifica por su papel importante en la regulación de los mecanismos de control inhibitorio y recompensa (circuitos dopaminérgicos), que se encuentran disfuncionales en pacientes con TCT. Los hallazgos sugieren que la tDCS aplicada sobre la CPFDL, puede ser una técnica efectiva como terapia coadyuvante paya ayudar a dejar de fumar. Sin embargo, se necesita más investigación y, por ello, se describen propuestas futura

    Odd- and Branched-Chain Fatty Acids in Lamb Meat as Potential Indicators of Fattening Diet Characteristics

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    There is a growing interest of researchers in meat authentication in terms of geographical and dietary background of animals, and several analytical methods have been proposed for the purpose of investigating this. We hypothesized that the odd- and branched-chain fatty acid (OBCFA) profile in intramuscular fat (IMF) might suffice to distinguish lamb meat entering the food chain supply on the basis of the type of diet fed to lambs during the fattening period. A total of 30 individual OBCFA profiles, quantified by gas chromatography, of IMF of Manchego lambs were used. During the fattening period (42 days), the lambs were fed three diets differing in concentrate composition: (i) Control, concentrate typical of commercial fattening rations, rich in starch and based on cereals and soybean meal; (ii) Camelina, similar to Control but replacing 50% of the soybean meal with camelina meal; and (iii) Fibrous, concentrate rich in neutral detergent fiber (NDF), based on fibrous by-products and not including cereals nor soybean meal. The OBCFA were grouped into three classes (linear odd, iso and anteiso fatty acids) and were then submitted to a linear discriminant analysis, using the feeding treatments as grouping variable and the OBCFA class contents in IMF as quantitative variables. The results suggested that a high NDF to starch ratio of the concentrate, being the lowest for Control (CON) treatment and the highest for Fibrous (FIB) treatment, would be negatively related to the odd/anteiso ratio and positively related to the iso/(anteiso+odd) FA ratio in IMF. Determination of OBCFA profile in lamb meat would be useful to monitor the feeding regime (starch- or NDF-rich) of lambs entering the food chain supply