556 research outputs found

    Terra Sigillata Hispánica Tardía del alfar de San Antón, en Lerma (Burgos)

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    En este trabajo se presentan una serie de materiales cerámicos tardorromanos (que consisten fundamentalmente en T.S.H.T. - Terra Sigillata Hispánica Tardía) hallados en la excavación de un cenizal en el alfar de San Antón (Mun. Lerma, prov. Burgos). Se trata del más occidental de los talleres del núcleo alfarero de la cuenca del río Arlanza, destacando la personalidad de algún fabricante de moldes que intentó imitar ciertas decoraciones de la Terra Sigillata Hispánica altoimperial, pudiendo llegar a hablar de un "alfarero de los círculos secantes". Se aborda también la proximidad existente entre lo que se han considerado centros alfareros "de la Meseta" y del "valle del río Ebro". Se hacen además ciertas reflexiones sobre un tipo de recipiente auxiliar de la actividad alfarera que permite pensar que las consideradas villae de la comarca del Campo de Lara son en realidad los diferentes talleres de un disperso complejo alfarero.In this paper a series of late Roman ceramics materials (fundamentally TSHT - Terra Sigillata Hispánica Tardía ware) are presented. This ceramic has been found in the excavation of an ashpit in the San Antón workshop (Mun. Lerma, prov. Burgos). It is the most western in the workshop of the nucleus potter of the basin of the river Arlanza. It is necessary to underline the personality of some maker of moulds that, inside the "second style" of Françoise Mayet, tried to imitate certains decorations of the early imperial Terra Sigillata Hispánica ware, being able to speak of a "potter of the secant circles". It is al so approached the vicinity among the denominated pottery centers "of the Castilian Plateau" and of the "river Ebro basin", They are also made certain considerations on a type of auxiliary vessel used in the potters' activity that allows to think that the considered roman villae of the district of the "Campo de Lara" are in fact the several workshops of a dispersed pottery complex

    Aspectos clínicos y terapéuticos poco conocidos de la miocardiopatía hipertrófica: Endocarditis infecciosa y uso de anticoagulantes directos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 25-09-2017Unidad de Insuficiencia Cardíaca y Cardiopatías Familiares del Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro de Majadahonda (Madrid, España

    Global design of analog cells using statistical optimization techniques

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    We present a methodology for automated sizing of analog cells using statistical optimization in a simulation based approach. This methodology enables us to design complex analog cells from scratch within reasonable CPU time. Three different specification types are covered: strong constraints on the electrical performance of the cells, weak constraints on this performance, and design objectives. A mathematical cost function is proposed and a bunch of heuristics is given to increase accuracy and reduce CPU time to minimize the cost function. A technique is also presented to yield designs with reduced variability in the performance parameters, under random variations of the transistor technological parameters. Several CMOS analog cells with complexity levels up to 48 transistors are designed for illustration. Measurements from fabricated prototypes demonstrate the suitability of the proposed methodology

    Integrating phylogeographic patterns of microsatellite and mtDNA divergence to infer the evolutionary history of chamois (genus Rupicapra)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The chamois, distributed over most of the medium to high altitude mountain ranges of southern Eurasia, provides an excellent model for exploring the effects of historical and evolutionary events on diversification. Populations have been grouped into two species, <it>Rupicapra pyrenaica </it>from southwestern Europe and <it>R. rupicapra </it>from eastern Europe. However, a previous study of cytochrome b revealed that the two proposed species were non-monophyletic. The reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships between animal species often depends on the markers studied. To further elucidate the evolutionary history of chamois, we extended earlier studies by analysing DNA sequences of four mitochondrial regions (ND1, 12S, tRNApro and Control Region) and microsatellites (20 loci) to include all subspecies and cover its entire distribution range.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found discordant microsatellite (μsat) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA phylogenies. Mitochondrial phylogenies form three clades, West, Central and East (mtW, mtC and mtE), at variance with taxonomic classification. Our divergence age estimates indicate an initial separation into branches mtW-mtC and mtE 1.7 million years ago (mya), in the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene, quickly followed by the split of clades mtW and mtC. Clade mtW contains haplotypes from the Iberian peninsula and the western Alps, Clade mtC includes haplotypes from the Apennines and the Massif of Chartreuse and Clade mtE comprises populations to the east of the Alps. Divergence among populations within these three major clades is recent (< 0.5 mya). New microsatellite multilocus genotypes added to previously published data revealed differences between every pair of subspecies, forming three well defined groups (μsatW, μsatC and μsatE) also with a strong geographic signature. Grouping does not correspond with the mitochondrial lineages but is closer to morphology and taxonomic classification. Recent drastic reductions in population size can be noted for the subspecies <it>ornata </it>as an extremely low diversity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The phylogeographic patterns for mtDNA and microsatellites suggest an evolutionary history with limited range contractions and expansions during the Quaternary period and reflect a major effect of the Alpine barrier on west-east differentiation. The contrasting phylogenies for mtDNA and microsatellites indicate events of hybridization among highly divergent lineages in the central area of distribution. Our study points to the importance of reticulate evolution, with periods of isolation and reduction of population size followed by expansions and hybridizations, in the diversification at the level of close species or subspecies.</p

    Retos de la ingeniería para el desarrollo tecnológico de la agroindustria

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    La agroindustria en economías emergentes debe ser una prioridad estratégica para promover la competitividad. El Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, consciente de ello, lideró durante los últimos 5 años el proyecto "Agendas Prospectivas de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico", para cadenas productivas. Esta iniciativa, mediante la implementación de un Sistema de Inteligencia, identificó demandas tecnológicas que al ser analizadas permitieron reconocer, para la disciplina de la ingeniería, un conjunto de retos centrados en el fortalecimiento de la agroindustria, los cuales deberán ser afrontados por los actores de la academia involucrados con el desarrollo tecnológico./ Agroindustry in emerging economies should be a strategic priority to promote competitiveness. Aware of this, over the last 5 years, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development have taken the "Prospective Agendas for Research and Technological Development" to productive chains. This initiative, through the implementation of an Intelligence System, identified the technological demands that when analyzed allowed engineers to recognize a set of challenges focused on strengthening the agricultural industry, which must be dealt with by academic actors involved in technological development

    Violencia de género en Puebla, México, medios digitales locales, producción y consumo visual: una lectura masculina crítica

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    For government and civil society registry regarding gender-based violence against women, the issue occupies important spaces in local journalistic media in the city of Puebla, in central MexicoPara el registro gubernamental y de la sociedad civil respecto a la violencia de género en contra de las mujeres, el tema ocupa espacios importantes en medios periodísticos locales de la ciudad de Puebla, en el centro de MéxicoPara o registro do governo e da sociedade civil sobre a violência de gênero contra as mulheres, a questão ocupa espaços importantes na mídia jornalística local na cidade de Puebla, no centro do Méxic

    Profiling students’ self-regulation with learning analytics: a proof of concept

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    The ability to regulate one's own learning processes is a key factor in educational scenarios. Self-regulation skills notably affect students' ef cacy when studying and academic performance, for better orworse. However, neither students or instructors generally have proper understanding of what self-regulated learning is, the impact that it has or how to assess it. This paper has the purpose of showing how learning analytics can be used in order to generate simple metrics related to several areas of students' selfregulation, in the context of a rst-year university course. These metrics are based on data obtained from a learning management system, complemented by more speci c assessment-related data and direct answers to self-regulated learning questionnaires. As the end result, simple self-regulation pro les are obtained for each student, which can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses and, potentially, help struggling students to improve their learning habits.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2020/3

    Monitoring students’ self-regulation as a basis for an early warning system

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    Among the elements that determine a student’s academic success, their ability to regulate their own learning processes is an important, yet typically underrated factor. It is possible for students to improve their self-regulated learning skills, even at university levels. However, they are often unaware of their own behavior. Moreover, instructors are usually not prepared to assess students’ self-regulation. This paper presents a learning analytics solution which focuses on rating selfregulation skills, separated in several different categories, using activity and performance data from a LMS, as well as self-reported student data via questionnaires. It is implemented as an early warning system, offering the possibility of detecting students whose poor SRL profile puts them at risk of academic underperformance. As of the date of this writing, this is still a work in progress, and is being tested in the context of a first year college engineering course

    Insights on the (Auto)Photocatalysis of Ferritin

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    Traditionally, ferritin has been considered a photocatalyst capable of photo-oxidizing organic molecules and transferring electrons to external electron acceptors when irradiated by UV–visible light. We have designed new approaches to resolve the uncertainties regarding its photocatalytical mechanism. Experiments with an Fe(II) chelator, an electrochromic indicator, and recombinant ferritin proteins indicate that the excited electrons at the conduction band of the ferritin core do not cross the protein shell. Instead, irradiation causes the electrons to reduce the ferrihydrite core to produce Fe(II) ions. These Fe(II) ions exit the protein shell to reduce electron acceptors. In the absence of electron acceptors or chelators, Fe(II) re-enters ferritin.This work was funded by MINECO and FEDER (CTQ2015-64538). N.S. would like to acknowledge funding from the U.S. Student Fulbright Scholarship

    Supporting intensive continuous assessment with BeA in a flipped classroom experience

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    This paper presents the changes performed in a university course to adopt European Higher Education Area principles taking advantage of new technologies and educational approaches. Particularly, a Flipped Classroom model that also involves an Intensive Continuous Assessment approach is adopted, moving the presentation of theoretical contents to videos that can be watched outside of the classroom and using the classroom face-to-face time to provide explanations, problem solving and to perform assessment activities every week. A main part of innovation in the experience comes from the use of an online tool (BeA - Blended e-Assessment) that facilitates the assessment and reviewing of paper-based exams. This tool supports teachers in assessment tasks, that can be performed in a faster, simpler, more transparent and less error-prone way. The paper shows the results of an experience involving a control group and an experimentation group, in which this new approach and tool have been applied. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of both proposals. In conjunction, the paper describes how a traditional university course based on lectures can be successfully adapted to a more innovative approach based on the principles of active learning and accountability thanks to the use of our blended e-Assessment tool.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431B 2017/67Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431D 2017/12Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. TIN2016-80515-