4,482 research outputs found

    Solving multi-objective hub location problems by hybrid algorithms

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    In many logistic, telecommunications and computer networks, direct routing of commodities between any origin and destination is not viable due to economic and technolog- ical constraints. In that cases, a network with centralized units, known as hub facilities, and a small number of links is commonly used to connect any origin-destination pair. The purpose of these hub facilities is to consolidate, sort and transship e ciently any commodity in the network. Hub location problems (HLPs) consider the design of these networks by locating a set of hub facilities, establishing an interhub subnet, and routing the commodities through the network while optimizing some objective(s) based on the cost or service. Hub location has evolved into a rich research area, where a huge number of papers have been published since the seminal work of O'Kelly [1]. Early works were focused on analogue facility location problems, considering some assumptions to simplify network design. Recent works [2] have studied more complex models that relax some of these assumptions and in- corporate additional real-life features. In most HLPs considered in the literature, the input parameters are assumed to be known and deterministic. However, in practice, this assumption is unrealistic since there is a high uncertainty on relevant parameters, such as costs, demands or even distances. In this work, we will study the multi-objective hub location problems with uncertainty.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Retratos de Alfonso X el Sabio en la Primera Partida (British Library, Add. ms.20.787). Iconografía y cronología

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    Bibliografía de la miniatura alfonsí

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    Retratos de Alfonso X en el Libro de los Juegos de Ajedrez, Dados y Tablas

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    Colectivos excluidos o postergados y negociación colectiva

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    Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DER2015-63701-C3-1-

    Los cuidados de la salud en personas que viven con diabetes: enfoque etnográfico antropológico y perspectiva de género

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    La diabetes es una enfermedad que constituye un síndrome, cuyo crecimiento se registra con mayor velocidad en sociedades con condiciones de vida y de trabajo precarias y los cuidados cotidianos son fundamentales para controlar su progresión. El presente trabajo muestra el valor heurístico e interpretativo y la potencialidad explicativa del aporte del enfoque etnográfico y de la perspectiva de género para el análisis de las prácticas de cuidado en un grupo de adultos mayores que vive con diabetes tipo 2. El trabajo se llevó a cabo con un grupo de diabéticos y con profesionales de la salud en un centro de atención primaria de salud (CAPS) de José León Suárez, municipio de San Martín, provincia de Buenos Aires, en el período 2013-2016. Identificamos y analizamos acciones de cuidado (incluido el autocuidado) producto del conocimiento autorizado del grupo en articulación con los profesionales de salud del CAPS. Estas acciones individuales, grupales y colectivas conforman lógicas de cuidado que promueven el cuidado de sí. Esta propuesta metodológica se inscribe en la tradición del trabajo de campo colaborativo.Diabetes, a disease that constitutes a syndrome, is growing more quickly in societies with precarious living and working conditions. Daily care practices are fundamental in preventing it from progressing. This work shows the heuristic and interpretative value and the explanatory potential of an ethnographic approach and a gender perspective in the analysis of care practices in a group of elder adults living with type 2 diabetes. The research was carried out with diabetes group participants and health professionals in a primary healthcare center in José León Suárez, municipality of San Martín, province of Buenos Aires, during the period 2013-2016. We identified and analyzed care activities (including self-care) that resulted from the authoritative knowledge of the group in connection with the healthcare center professionals. Such individual, group and collective actions generate care logics that promote care of oneself. The methodological proposal of this study is framed within the tradition of collaborative fieldwork