463 research outputs found

    The selective neurotoxin DSP-4 impairs the noradrenergic projections from the locus coeruleus to the inferior colliculus in rats

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    The inferior colliculus (IC) and the locus coeruleus (LC) are two midbrain nuclei that integrate multimodal information and play a major role in novelty detection to elicit an orienting response. Despite the reciprocal connections between these two structures, the projection pattern and target areas of the LC within the subdivisions of the rat IC are still unknown. Here, we used tract-tracing approaches combined with immunohistochemistry, densitometry, and confocal microscopy (CM) analysis to describe a projection from the LC to the IC. Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) injections into the LC showed that the LC-IC projection is mainly ipsilateral (90%) and reaches, to a major extent, the dorsal and lateral part of the IC and the intercollicular commissure. Additionally, some LC fibers extend into the central nucleus of the IC. The neurochemical nature of this projection is noradrenergic, given that tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH) colocalize with the BDA-labeled fibers from the LC. To determine the total field of the LC innervations in the IC, we destroyed the LC neurons and fibers using a highly selective neurotoxin, DSP-4, and then studied the distribution and density of TH- and DBH-immunolabeled axons in the IC. In the DSP-4 treated animals, the number of axonal fibers immunolabeled for TH and DBH were deeply decreased throughout the entire rostrocaudal extent of the IC and its subdivisions compared to controls. Our densitometry results showed that the IC receives up to 97% of its noradrenergic innervations from the LC neurons and only 3% from non-coeruleus neurons. Our results also indicate that TH immunoreactivity in the IC was less impaired than the immunoreactivity for DBH after DSP-4 administration. This is consistent with the existence of an important dopaminergic projection from the substantia nigra to the IC. In conclusion, our study demonstrates and quantifies the noradrenergic projection from the LC to the IC and its subdivisions. The re-examination of the TH and DBH immunoreactivity after DSP-4 treatment provides insights into the source, extent, and topographic distribution of the LC efferent network in the IC, and hence, contributes to our understanding of the role of the noradrenaline (NA) system in auditory processing

    Influence of deformation rate and degree of compression on textural parameters of potato and apple tissues in texture profile analysis

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    The influence of the degree of compression, at deformation rates of 50, 250 and 500 mm min-1, on the textural parameters in the texture profile analysis (TPA) of cylindrical samples of potato and apple tissues was examined. The tests were performed at up to eight different deformation levels ranging from 10% to 80%. The values of all the parameters measured in the samples of both tissues were influenced more by the degree of compression than by the deformation rate. Degrees of compression greater than 40% and 20% caused the rupture of potato and apple specimens, respectively. Regression models were fitted to express the variation of cohesiveness and chewiness with deformation rate and degree of compression. In apple and potato tissues, the degree of compression had a quadratic effect on the cohesiveness while the effect of the deformation rate was only linear. Cohesiveness was the most appropriate textural parameter for detecting effects of deformation rate and degree of compression in TPA tests of potato and apple tissues. Recoverable instantaneous springiness offers a high potential to differentiate the structural natures of different tissues. © Springer-Verlag 2002.Peer Reviewe

    Estilos de trabajo e inteligencias múltiples

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    El objetivo del trabajo es determinarla validez yflabilidad del modelo dejos estilos de trabajo, fundamentado en la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples (IM). Primero, se analizan los componentes de dicha teoría y su incidencia en el curriculum escolar. En segundo lugar, se estudia el procedimiento de evaluación. Además, se presentan los resultados del estudio empírico realizado con una muestra de 237 alumnos pertenecientes a Educación Infantil y Primaria, escolarizados en centros públicos y privados de la Región de Murcia. Del estudio realizado se desprende que los estilos están asociados a las diferentes inteligencias; además, el inventario de estilos de trabajo arroja una validez y fiabilidad altamente consistente.________________________________ The objective of this work is to determinate the validity and reliability of the model of work styles, as set out In the theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI). First, we analyze the components of this theory and their Incidence in the school curriculum. Second, we study the evaluation procedure. Additionally, we present the results of an empirical study carried out with a sample of 237 students in public and private nursery and primary schools in the province of Murcia, Spain. The study carried out reveals that the styles are associated with the different Intelligences. Furthermore, the inventory of styles shows a highly consistent validity and reliability

    The pharmacist in the local health control in Andalucía: evolution and body of pharmaceutical news headlines

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    Hasta mediados del siglo XIX no hubo en España una organización sanitaria municipal estable. El Cuerpo de Farmacéuticos Titulares nace en pleno bienio progresista del General Espartero, conociendo posteriormente periodos tan distintos como el reinado de Isabel II bajo el cual se inicia una organización racional de la sanidad española1. En la época actual, con el traspaso de competencias hacia las Comunidades Autónomas el Cuerpo de Farmacéuticos Titulares a sufrido una modificación importante y se ha integrado en los Servicios Autonómicos de Salud en la mayoría de las CCAA. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, analizar la evolución histórica del Cuerpo y definir su consideración como funcionarios dentro del Cuerpo Superior Facultativo de Instituciones Sanitarias de la Junta de Andalucía, concretando sus funciones dentro de las competencias que le son atribuidas en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza.Until the mid-nineteenth century in Spain there was a stable municipal health organization. Pharmacists Corps was created in full biennium General Espartero progressive, knowing later periods as diverse as the reign of Isabel II, under which initiates a rational organization of the Spanish health. At the present time, with the transfer of powers to the Autonomous Communities Corps pharmacists has undergone significant changes and has been integrated into regional health services in most regions. This study aims to analyze the historical evolution of the body and define its consideration as officers within the Senior Corps Optional Health Institutions of the Government of Andalusia, specifying their duties within the powers conferred on it in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia

    El tipo de grasa y su estado oxidativo provocan cambios en la resistencia de la membrana de los eritrocitos en pollos broiler

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    El objetivo de estetrabajo escomprobarsieldiferentegradodeinsaturacióndelagrasay la presencia de antioxidantes o alteración oxidativa dietética, afectan al estado de oxidación in vivo. Para ello se utilizaron dos métodos de estimaciónde laestabilidadde la membrana de eritrocitos: la resistencia a la hemolisis y la susceptibilidad a la peroxidación lipídica (TBARs). Se realizaron dos experimentos con pollosde carne en fase de crecimiento (4 a 18 días, Exp. 1 y 21 a 42 días, Exp. 2), utilizando grasas con distinta estabilidad oxidativa. En el experimento 1, tres raciones experimentales que contenían grasa añadida al 6 %: aceite de girasol (G), aceite de girasol oxidado (O) y aceite de girasol + 200 ppm. de acetato de alfatocoferol(V).Enelexperimento2,los3 tratamientos dietéticos incluían 6 % de linaza (L). 6 % de sebo y un pienso sin grasa añadida (C). Con relación a la tasa de hemolisis, en el primer experimento, la suplementación con acetato de alfa tocoferol dio lugar a valores inferiores al resto de tratamientos, que fueronestadísticamente significativosfrentealtratamiento(G)eldía11 de vida (P = 0.008). Una evolución similar se observa para los niveles de oxidación (TBARs) siendo lostratamientosG yO losquepresentanunamayorsusceptibilidadala oxidación (P <0.05) el día 11 (G y O vs. V) y el día 18 (O vs. V). Enelexperimento2, los animales alimentados con la grasa más insaturada (linaza), presentaron una mayor sensibilidad a la hemolisis (P = 0.032) respecto a aquellos alimentados sin grasa o con grasa saturada (sebo). De forma similar, se observa un mayor niveldeoxidaciónenla sangre de los animales alimentados con aceite rico en AGPI n-3 (P <0.001). Podemos concluir, que la presenciade productosdeoxidaciónyaltosnivelesdeinsaturaciónenla dieta, produce una mayor sensibilidad de loseritrocitosa larotura. Laincorporaciónde acetato de alfa-tocoferol permite mejorar la estabilidad de los lípidos de la membrana. Existe un paralelismo entre losresultadosde latasadehemolisisylasusceptibilidadala oxidación de los eritrocitos. Ambos métodos de determinación son capaces de discriminar estados de oxidación in vivo.This study is performed to study the effect of unsaturated fat, oxidized fat and antioxidants included in the diet, on the in vivo oxidative status. We usedtwo different methods to determine the lipid oxidation: the haemolysis level andtheTBARstest. We carried out two trials using broiler chickens ofdifferent ages and using fatsdifferingon the oxidative stability. In experiment 1, animals were fedthree dietscontaining 6%of: sunflower oil (G), oxidized sunflower oil (O) or sunflower oil + 200 ppm ofalfatocopherol acetate (V). Inexperiment2,dietsincluded6%of,linseedoil(L),tallow(S) or no added fat (C). In experiment 1, alfa-tocopherol inclusion promoted the lower haemolysis values, whichbecame significantlydifferentto(G)for 11 daysoldchickens (P = 0.008). Oxidation level (TBARs) showed a pattern similar to that shown for haemolysis. Irt particular, Gand O treatmentsshowedthehighestoxidationeffects(p<0.05) on 11 (G and O vs. V) and 18 days old chickens (O vs. V). In experiment 2, linseed oil increased haemolysis (P = 0.032) compared totreatments S andC.Treatment L, the treatment presenting higher PÜFA n-3 level, also increased (P = 0.001) the oxidation level (TBARS). From the here presented results we conclude that oxidized and high PUFA fats, included in the diet, increase haemolysis level. Moreover, inclusion of alfa-tocopherol acetate in the diet improves membrane lipid stability. Finally, results for haemolysis and oxidation present similarpattern; bothmethods are able to show in vivo oxidation status

    Lectura de pseudopalabras en árabe y español

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    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en analizar las diferencias entre la lectura de palabras en alumnos ecuatorianos y argelinos en Educación Primaria. La muestra está formada por un grupo de 128 alumnos de una escuela de Ecuador y por otro grupo de 113 alumnos de una escuela de Argel, pertenecientes a una clase social media y sin necesidades educativas especiales. Los participantes fueron evaluados en lectura de pseudopalabras en primero y segundo curso de Educación Primaria. Las palabras utilizadas en español fueron adaptadas al árabe, teniendo en cuenta la longitud y frecuencia de cada una de ellas en esta lengua. Se llevó a cabo un diseño factorial mixto 2x2, donde el factor intersujeto fue el tipo de lengua según la consistencia ortográfica (transparente y opaca) y el factor intrasujeto el nivel educativo (primero y segundo curso de educación primaria). Los resultados del ANOVA de medidas repetidas en un factor muestran efectos significativos de ambos factores (tipo de lengua y nivel educativo) y de su interacción. Se encontró mejor precisión lectora de pseudopalabras en los niños de lengua árabe en ambos niveles educativos, un aumento de la lectura de pseudopalabras entre los dos cursos en las dos lenguas, siendo más intenso en español, y una menor diferencia en lectura de pseudopalabras entre lenguas en segundo curso. Estos resultados van en la línea de aquellos estudios que defienden las diferencias en la adquisición de la lectura en lenguas de distinta consistencia, pero no concuerdan con aquellos que apuntan que las lenguas opacas son más tardías. Se resalta la necesidad de analizar las diferencias en otras edades más tempranas y en otras medidas lectoras, controlando el grado de consistencia lingüística.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The JNK inhibitor, SP600125, potentiates the glial response and cell death induced by methamphetamine in the mouse striatum

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    This study investigates the effect of the selective Jun NH2-terminal kinase 1/2 (JNK1/2) inhibitor, (SP600125) on the striatal dopamine nerve terminal loss and on the increased interleukin-15 (IL-15) expression and glial response induced by methamphetamine (METH). Mice were given repeated low doses of METH (4Â mg/kg, i.p., three times separated by 3Â h) and killed 24Â h or 7 d after the last dose. SP600125 (30Â mg/kg, i.p) was administered 30Â min before the last METH injection. Results indicate that METH produced dopaminergic axonal neurotoxicity reflected as a marked decrease in the striatal density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) fibres and dopamine transporter-immunoreactivity (DAT-ir) 24Â h after dosing. These effects were not modified by SP600125. This compound also failed to prevent the long-term loss of dopamine levels and DAT observed 7 d following METH injection. Nevertheless, SP600125 potentiated METH-induced striatal cell loss reflected by an increase in Fluoro-Jade immunostaining, cleaved capase-3 immunoreactivity and the number of terminal deoxyncleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) positive cells. In line with a deleterious effect of JNK1/2 inhibition, SP600125 increased the astroglial and microglial response induced by METH and interfered with drug-induced IL-15 expression. Together these data indicate that, not only does SP600125 fail to protect against the dopaminergic damage induced by METH but also, in fact, it potentiates the glial response and the non-dopaminergic striatal cell loss caused by the drug. © 2013 CINP.Peer Reviewe

    The genetic audiogenic seizure hamster from Salamanca: The GASH:Sal

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    Producción CientíficaGASH:Sal hamster strain and the control Syrian hamsters. The GASH:Sal constitutes an experimental model of reflex epilepsy of audiogenic origin derived from an autosomal recessive disorder. Thus, the GASH:Sal exhibits generalized tonic–clonic seizures, characterized by a short latency period after auditory stimulation, followed by wild running, a convulsive phase, and finally stupor, with origin in the brainstem. The seizure profile of the GASH:Sal is similar to those exhibited by other models of inherited AGS susceptibility, which decreases after six months of age, but the proneness across generations is maintained. The GASH:Sal can be considered a reliable model of audiogenic seizures, suitable to investigate current antiepileptic pharmaceutical treatments as well as novel therapeutic drugs

    Molten salt attack on multilayer and funcionally-graded YSZ coating

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    [EN] Thermal barrier coatings have been extensively studied in the last years in order to increase the operational temperature of the current gas turbines as well as to improve the coating lifetime. Many coating characteristics must be met to achieve these requirements (low thermal conductivity, high thermal fatigue resistance...); therefore, complex systems have been engineered for these purposes. One of the possibilities to optimise the different properties deals with the design of multilayer or functionally-graded coatings where various types of microstructures with different characteristics are combined. One of the most important cause of gas turbines degradation relates to the attack of different type of particles which are suspended in the atmosphere (sand, fly ash...). These solid particles are molten at the operational temperatures and then, the molten salts chemically react with the coating. For this reason, the present research was focused on this type of attack. In the present work, the molten salt attack of various YSZ coatings with multilayer and functionally-graded design was addressed. Two different type of microstructures were specifically combined for this design: the APS coating microstructure obtained from conventional (microstructured) powder and a bimodal structure with nanozones obtained from nanostructured feedstock. Besides, different salts were used to simulate different attack environments (desert sand and volcanic fly ash). Findings show that nanozones act as barrier against the penetration of molten salts toward deeper layer. However, a layer formed by nanozones can detach when the salt attack is too aggressive. Hence, functionally-graded coatings, where two types of microstructures are combined through the whole coating, become ideal to diminish the molten salt attack.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project MAT2015-67586-C3-R) as well as A. Borrell and L. Navarro thanks for their post-doc (RyC-2016-20915) and pre-doc (BES-2016-077792) contracts respectively. P. Carpio acknowledges the Valencia Government for his post-doc contract (APOSTD/2016/040).Carpio-Cobo, P.; Salvador Moya, MD.; Borrell Tomás, MA.; Navarro-López, L.; Sánchez, E. (2018). Molten salt attack on multilayer and funcionally-graded YSZ coating. Ceramics International. 44(11):12634-12641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.04.062S1263412641441