3,990 research outputs found

    An overview on floral diversity of Arawali forest: A potential source for natural dyes

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    The present study presents an overview on floral diversity and identifies Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) that can be used as Natural Dye sources in textile sector. This was a descriptive study; Historical, as well as current data was collected through surveys and interviews. Individual and focus group interviews with tribal members were conducted to gather information regarding details of forest proximity. This collective study indicates that the Aravalli hill ranges constitute the most dominant hilly area of Rajasthan. Most of the forests are over the hilly areas i.e. in Udaipur, Rajasamand, Kota, Baran Sawai Madhopur, Chittorgarh, Sirohi, Bundi, Alwar, Jhalawar and Banswara districts, which make up for about 50 per cent of the forests of the state. Khakara, semal, rohida, gadha palash, mokha, marod phalli, davai, van gulab etc. are identified as red chroma, amaltash, awla, gundhi, babool etc.are identified as yellow and related chroma. Forests are major components of the earth’s natural resources and they are increasingly critical to the welfare of the economy, environment, and population. Gum products, starch products, antimicrobial resources, paper industry products may be collected from hilly forest areas and can be easily adopted at cottage level for gainful employment of tribal women

    A villányi Somsich-hegy természeti értékei, a veszélyeztető tényezők és természetvédelmi teendők = Natural values of Mt Somsich near Villány, threatening factors and necessary conservation actions

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    A Somsich-hegy a Villányi-hegység kevéssé ismert, ám lokálisan jelentős természeti értékekkel rendelkező tagja. Növényzetéről eddig mindössze néhány elszórt florisztikai adat és egy néhány soros jellemzés született. Jelen tanulmány célja a Somsich-hegy természetközeli élőhelyeinek jellemzése, az itt előforduló védett növények aktuális egyedszámának megadása, a természeti értékeket veszélyeztető tényezők összefoglalása, valamint javaslatok megfogalmazása a természetvédelmi problémák megoldására. A Somsich-hegyen (a teljesen mesterséges élőhelyeket leszámítva) öt élőhelytípust különítettem el, amelyek közül a karsztbokorerdő a legértékesebb. A területről eddig 15 védett növényfajt jeleztek, amelyek közül jelenleg 11 található itt meg. A természeti értékek fennmaradását veszélyeztető faktorok részben a kis kiterjedésből és az elszigeteltségből adódnak, részben illegális tevékenységekre vezethetők vissza. A kedvezőtlen hatások nem szüntethetők meg teljesen, mérséklésükre azonban van lehetőség.</jats:p


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    ABSTRAKNyeri kepala adalah rasa nyeri atau rasa tidak nyaman pada seluruh daerah kepala. Nyeri kepala merupakan salah satu gangguan sistem saraf yang paling umum dialami oleh masyarakat. Wanita lebih sering terjadi nyeri kepala dibandingkan pria dikarenakan faktor hormonal yang terjadi saat menstruasi. Selain faktor hormonal yang dapat menyebabkan nyeri kepala saat menstruasi, 56,7% stres mempengaruhi nyeri kepala saat menstruasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat stres terhadap nyeri kepala saat menstruasi pada mahasiswi program studi pendidikan dokter Universitas Syiah Kuala. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian observational analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional, yaitu penelitian untuk mencari hubungan faktor r esiko (tingkat stres) dengan efek (nyeri kepala saat menstruasi) dengan cara pengumpulan data sekaligus pada suatu waktu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi fakultas kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala angkatan 2011, 2012, 2013 yang telah terpilih secara probability, menggunakan teknik cluster sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 82. Data di analisis dengan uji chi square dengan nilai ?=0,1. Data dari hasil uji chi square menunjukkan terdapat nilai yang signifikan antara tingkat stres dengan nyeri kepala saat menstruasi dengan p value 0,002 (


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    Guru memiliki peranan penting dalam terciptanya proses dan hasil pendidikan yang berkuliatas. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru tidak terlepas dari implementasi kurikulum, yaitu suatu penerapan konsep, ide, program dan tatanan kurikulum kedalam praktik pembelajaran. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru dalam pembelajaran yang akan dibahas meliputi kemampuan merencanakan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan penilaian pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja mengajar guru SMAN piloting kurikulum 2013 dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang mengungkapkan tentang kinerja mengajar guru di SMAN piloting kurikulum 2013 di kota Bandung dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh SMA Negeri piloting kurikulum 2013. Sampel dari penelitian ini merupakan perwakilan dari SMAN cluster satu, cluster dua dan cluster tiga. Subjek penelitian adalah tiga orang guru kelas X masing-masing merupakan perwakilan dari SMA cluster satu, cluster dua dan cluster tiga Kota Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah rubrik penilaian mengunakan rating scale. Kinerja guru terhadap hasil belajar kogintif siswa tidak memiliki hubungan yang negatif dengan kata lain tidak ada hubungan antara kinerja mengajar guru terhadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Kinerja guru terhadap hasil belajar psikomotor siswa berkorelasi positif dengan pengaruh 32%. Kinerja guru terhadap hasil belajar afektif siswa juga memiliki korelasi positif dengan pengaruh 19%. Artinya kinerja guru SMA negeri piloting kurikulum 2013 Kota Bandung berkategori baik dalam pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar. Teachers have an important role in the creation of educational processes and outcomes berkuliatas. Implementation of learning that teachers can not be separated from the implementation of the curriculum, which is an application of the concepts, ideas, programs and instructional practices into the curriculum structure. Learning activities that teachers in learning to be discussed include the ability to plan learning, teaching practices and learning assessment. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of SMAN piloting teachers teach the curriculum in 2013 in the implementation of the curriculum in 2013 in Bandung. This study is a descriptive study that revealed about the performance of teachers teaching in SMAN piloting the curriculum in 2013 in the city in the implementation of learning. The population of this research is all SMA piloting the curriculum, 2013. The sample of this study is representative of SMAN cluster one, two clusters and clusters of three. Subjects were three teachers each class X is representative of a high school cluster, cluster two and cluster three Bandung. The instrument used was a rating scale using the assessment rubric. Teacher performance on the cognitive learning students have a negative relationship with other words there is no relationship between the performance of teachers teaching to students' cognitive learning outcomes. Teacher performance on learning outcomes of students psychomotor positively correlated with the effect 32%. Teacher performance to student affective learning outcomes also have a positive correlation with the effect 19%. This means that the performance of the domestic country high school teachers piloting the curriculum in 2013 Bandung is good in the implementation of the learning process

    Insulin Solution Stability and Biocompatibility with Materials Used for an Implantable Insulin Delivery Device Using Reverse Phase HPLC Methods

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    open access articleAbstract: Insulin (Humulin® R IU500) has been delivered from an implantable artificial pancreas in diabetic rats and pigs. The artificial pancreas which was implanted in the peritoneum was fabricated from several biocompatible materials such as polycarbonate, stainless steel, polyurethane, titanium and a polyurethane resin. The device also contains a glucose responsive smart gel which controls the di usion of insulin dependent on the surrounding glucose environment. As the insulin reservoir is refillable and in contact with the device materials, assessing its biocompatibility with these various device component materials was conducted. Insulin can undergo chemical degradation mainly via a deamidation reaction on glutamine and asparagine residues rendering its biological hormone functionality. Two Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) methods were developed and validated for detection of insulin and degradant Asn A21 desamido insulin (method A) and insulin and degradant Asn B3 desamido insulin (method B). Material biocompatibility studies show that stainless steel and titanium are suitable for an implantable insulin delivery device design over a 31-day period. The use of polycarbonate and polyurethane could be considered if the insulin reservoir in the device was only to remain in the device for less than 11 days after which time there is a loss in cresol which acts in a protective capacity for insulin stability

    Online Yoga-Based and Standard Exercises for Patients with a Rotator Cuff Injury Awaiting Surgery: A Feasibility Study

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    This study investigates the feasibility of conducting a 6-week intervention program comparing online yoga-based and standard exercises among 10 injured pre-surgery rotator cuff patients. Case reports on two patients are presented to demonstrate implementation and potential consequences of both interventions. A feasibility study was conducted after recruiting 10 patients from surgical wait list of 51 patients. Patients in both studies were assessed for shoulder flexion, abduction and external rotation range of motion and strength at aseline and 6- weeks. The SPADI questionnaire was used to assess pain/function. Most (8/10) patients in the feasibility study did not complete the full protocol. One caseworsened (yoga), while another (standard exercise) improved in strength. This does not indicate relative efficacy. SPADI results were changed by less than 10%indicating no clinically important change. Qualitative feedback suggested that patients might be open to online exercises. Developmental work is needed to define a easible intervention/study design

    Competing ideas of 'natural' in a dam removal controversy

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    In spite of general support for removal of dam structures within the ecological sciences community, local residents sometimes contest dam removals. This article examines the competing ideas of 'natural' and 'nature' that may surface in a dam removal controversy. Using the conflict of the Colliery dams of Nanaimo in northwestern Canada, the article explores how those who want the dam to stay and those who want it removed identify what is 'natural'. Through an examination of public documents, survey data, and social media, the article shows that what is 'natural' is constructed differently in epistemological, ethical, and aesthetic terms by those for and against the dam removal. Because the two sides differ in their idea of what 'nature' is, the conflicts may be difficult to resolve. This paper stresses the role of perceptions and values in environmental issues. Understanding the complex nature valuations is where the potential for truly interdisciplinary restoration projects becomes both evident and necessary.publishedVersio

    Development of a Requirements Classification Scheme for Automated Support of Software Development

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    Computer hardware technology has advanced to the point where it is feasible to develop software systems that exceed one million lines of code. Software engineering, the discipline concerned with developing these systems, typically includes the following phases in the software development cycle: requirements phase, design phase, implementation phase, test phase and the installation and checkout phase [IEEE, 1983]. This paper is concerned with a classification scheme to support knowledge-based analysis of software requirements. Because requirements in these large systems can become quite numerous and complex, it is a very difficult task to analyze them in order to identify potential problems, i.e., problems that may arise in later phases, such as incompleteness, conflict, ambiguity, and absence of testability. Current software productivity tools such as CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering), executable requirements languages, prototyping tools, and test harnesses provide much assistance in later phases of software development, but not much for the requirements phase. It is well-known in software engineering that the most costly and profound software errors are likely to occur at the requirements definition phase, early in the software development cycle. The productivity tools mentioned earlier either work from code which has been developed for the system. or work with user requirements statements which have been translated into a restricted, formal language. There are several problems with translating user requirements into a formal language very early in the project First, it is difficult for the user to understand requirements as they have been translated and interpreted by the systems analyst. Second, the systems analyst may have made wrong assumptions or interpretations in the process of translation. Finally, formal languages do not have any provision for ambiguity, and early in the requirements phase, ambiguities may exist, to be worked out as more is learned about the system

    Market-Driven Development in Frontier Ecologies

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    This dissertation investigates the interaction of market-based development policy with democratic decentralization in ecological frontiers in western India inhabited by the vast majority of the country\u27s poor. The study explores how the leaders of elected local bodies called panchayats who are driven by the imperatives of broad-based distribution deliver upwardly distributive capital-intensive development in resource-poor communities during a period of state-neoliberalization. On the basis of eighteen months of ethnographic fieldwork in eastern Gujarat, the study explores how the implication of panchayats- the world\u27s largest system of democratic politics- in large-scale politics shapes the distribution of material resources in resource-dependent communities. In the context of the state\u27s devolution of governance to non-state actors, the project investigates the role of political society actors including panchayat leaders, vote-brokers and political competitors in shaping the distribution and governance of market-led development and its impact on well-being. In doing so, the dissertation uses a mixed-method design combining a range of qualitative and quantitative techniques including archival research, household surveys, in-depth interviews, political ethnography, multi-site participant observation, and national, state and district-level data
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