18 research outputs found

    Preoperative and Postoperative Evaluation of Multiple Giant Coronary Aneurysms by the Use of Coronary CT Angiography with 64-MDCT: A Case of Multiple Giant Coronary Aneurysms Treated with Aneurysmectomy and Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

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    A coronary artery aneurysm is an uncommon disorder and is seen as a characteristic dilatation of a localized portion of the coronary artery. Clinical manifestation of a coronary artery aneurysm varies from an asymptomatic presentation to sudden death of a patient. Although coronary aneurysms are typically diagnosed by the use of coronary angiography, a new generation of coronary 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (64-MDCT) scanners have successfully been used for evaluating this abnormality in a noninvasive manner. In the present case, we performed coronary 64-MDCT scanning preoperatively and postoperatively on a patient with multiple giant coronary aneurysms. The use of coronary 64-MDCT may provide an evaluation technique not only for diagnosis but also for follow-up after surgery for this condition

    A Competência em Informação (Coinfo) na perspectiva da educação inclusiva

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, 2017.Discute os desafios da sociedade da informação no que tange à promoção e garantia de uma educação inclusiva a partir de uma agenda estabelecida em ambiências supranacionais, internacionais e multilaterais. Destaca a necessidade de formação de professores para lidar com necessidades informacionais emergentes da prática educativa, em especial quando aplicada a pessoas com deficiência. Neste contexto, situa nos aspectos interdisciplinares entre Ciência da Informação e Educação, contribuições relacionadas tanto à inclusão quanto à atuação de docentes da Educação Básica. Admite os pressupostos teóricos e práticos da temática Competência em Informação – termo adotado para o conceito de Information Literacy – como alternativa de formação de docentes da Educação Básica na perspectiva de uma educação inclusiva. Propõe a utilização de um percurso metodológico baseado nas contribuições de estudos sobre o Paradigma Indiciário de Ginzburg o qual é composto por uma fase exploratória e uma fase aplicada. Na fase exploratória utiliza a produção científica de Ciência da Informação, especialmente nos trabalhos divulgados no Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós graduação em Ciência da Informação para identificar tendências de pesquisa sobre Competência em Informação e possíveis relações com a inclusão. Discute estas tendências relacionando-as com a tridimensionalidade que o termo inclusão propõe, a saber, inclusão social, inclusão digital e inclusão relacionada a pessoas com deficiência. Realiza a aplicação de pré testes (denominados de Pré Testes Indiciais) em situações de formação de professores. Adicionalmente analisa 18 modelos de Competência em Informação desenvolvidos em contextos internacionais cuja síntese permitiu propor grade básica para elaboração de um modelo de Competência em Informação. Na fase aplicada admite a influência teórica de conceitos de mediação como norteador da prática. Adicionalmente utiliza como método de abordagem a problematização e como técnica o desenvolvimento de um curso de formação de professores com 22 professores de uma escola púbica do Distrito Federal. Utilizou recursos didáticos originais elaborados para esta pesquisa, combinados com procedimentos de utilização e avaliação do modelo pedagógico para formação de professores em Competência em Informação numa perspectiva inclusiva. Na fase aplicada analisa a utilização deste modelo nas atividades, objetivos e habilidades propostas nas três etapas em que se estrutura, nomeadamente, pré-busca, busca propriamente dita e pós-busca. As atividades foram desenvolvidas e analisadas principalmente nas duas etapas do modelo- pré-busca e busca. Atividades de pós-busca não foram realizadas, visto que exigiriam abordagem longitudinal. Os resultados das atividades mostraram que a proposta pedagógica desenvolvida e aplicada é útil para a formação de professores de Educação Básica, em Competência em Informação numa perspectiva inclusiva.This research discusses the challenges of the information society regarding the promotion and assurance of an inclusive education based on an agenda established in supranational, international and multilateral environments. It highlights the need for teacher training to deal with informational needs emerging from educational practice, especially when applied to people with disabilities. In this context, it focuses on the interdisciplinary aspects between Information Science and Education contributions related to the inclusion and also the performance of Basic Education teachers. It admits the theoretical and practical assumptions of the theme Information Competency - a term adopted to the Information Literacy concept - as an alternative to Basic Education teachers’ training from the perspective of an inclusive education. It offers the use of a methodological path based on the contributions from studies on the Ginzburg Evidential Paradigm which is composed by an exploratory phase and an applied phase. In the exploratory phase it uses the scientific production of Information Science, especially in the works published in the National Meeting of Research and Postgraduate in Information Science to identify research trends about Information Competency and its possible relation to inclusion. It discusses those trends by relating them to the tridimensionality proposed by the term inclusion, namely, social inclusion, digital inclusion and inclusion related to people with disabilities. It performs the application of pre-tests (called Evidential Pre-tests) in situations of teacher training. Additionally it analyzes 18 models of Information Competency developed in international contexts which synthesis allowed proposing a basic grade to elaborate an Information Competency model. In the applied phase, it admits the theoretical influence of mediation concepts as a guide to the practice. Additionally it uses the problematization as an approach method and as technique the development of a teacher training course with 22 teachers from a public school in the Federal District. It used original didactic resources elaborated for this research combined with use and evaluation procedures of the pedagogical model for teachers’ training in Information Competency through an inclusive perspective. In the applied phase, it analyzes the use of this model on the activities, goals and abilities proposed through the three stages in which it is structured, namely pre-search, search itself and post-search. The activities were developed and analyzed mainly in the model stages of pre-search and search. Post-search activities were not performed, as they would require a longitudinal approach. The results of the activities showed that the pedagogical proposal developed and applied is useful to Basic Education teachers’ training in Information Competency through an inclusive perspective

    A Rare Case of Aortic Valve Myxoma: Easy to Confuse With Papillary Fibroelastoma

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    Myxoma of the aortic valve is an exceedingly uncommon condition. In this article, we report the case of a 72-year-old man with myxoma arising from the aortic valve. We extirpated the mass and repaired the aortic valve with the patient under cardiopulmonary bypass. The postoperative course was uneventful. Histological examination confirmed that the mass was a myxoma

    Fluorescence Switchable Block Copolymer Particles with Doubly Alternate-Layered Nanoparticle Arrays

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    The precise self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs) and inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) under 3D confinement offers microparticles with programmable nanostructures and functionalities. Here, fluorescence-switchable hybrid microspheres are developed by forming doubly alternating arrays of Au NPs and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) within polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) BCP domains. These doubly alternating arrays afford controlled nonradiative energy transfer (NRET) between the QDs and Au NPs that is dependent on the layer-to-layer distance. Solvent-selective swelling of the hybrid particles tunes the distance between layers, modulating their NRET behavior and affording switchable fluorescence. The particle fluorescence is "OFF" in water through strong NRET from the QDs to Au NPs, but is "ON" in alcohols due to the increased distance between the Au NP and QD arrays in the swollen P4VP domains. The experimentally observed NRET intensity as a function of interparticle distance shows larger quenching efficiencies than those theoretically predicted due to the enhanced quenching within a 3D-confined system. Finally, the robust and reversible fluorescence switching of the hybrid particles in different solvents is demonstrated, highlighting their potentials for bioimaging, sensing, and diagnostic applications

    Fine Phantom Image from Laser-induced Proton Radiography with a Spatial Resolution of Several μm

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    The advantages of a laser-driven proton acceleration have prompted studies of laser-induced proton radiography. As the CR-39 solid-state nuclear-track detector is suitable for measuring charged particles and can be used in proton radiography, we studied laser-induced proton radiography with the CR-39 for several years, and we were able to obtain a spatial resolution of about 10 μm. For obtaining an image with a spatial resolution of a few μm, we investigated the effect of the CR-39 etching conditions on the spatial resolution and carried out imaging experiments using fine phantoms. Experiments were performed using the 100-TW titanium-sapphire laser system at the Advanced Photonics Research Institute of the Gwangju Institute of Science Technology. We have demonstrated that images with a spatial resolution of about several μm can be achieved using laser-induced proton radiography.1221sciescopuskc