123 research outputs found

    Ambulatory monitoring of electrodermal and cardiac functioning in anxiety and worry

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    Emotions are an integral part of the human experience and their interpretation can provide valuable but also misleading clues about oneself and other people’s state of mind. Negative emotional states can be perceived as uncomfortable and – when experienced chronically – can develop into anxiety and mood disorders. The more pervasive these disorders the more severely they affect and disable a person’s everyday functioning and often their sleep as well. According to Lang and colleagues (1998), emotions may be expressed verbally, behaviorally, and physiologically, i.e., emotions can be reported, observed, and objectively measured. Each measurement approach provides important, unique, and often conflicting information that can be used in the assessment and treatment evaluation of psychological disorders affecting the emotions. Autonomic measures have been used to indicate the physiological components of emotions, such as those along the worry-anxiety-fear-panic spectrum. Worry has been shown to suppress cardiac responses to imaginal feared material (see Borkovec, Alcaine, & Behar, 2004) and reduce autonomic variability (Hoehn-Saric, McLeod, Funderburk, & Kowalski, 2004; Hoehn-Saric, McLeod, & Zimmerli, 1989). Results for panic and anticipatory anxiety are less conclusive but theoretically these states should go along with increased autonomic arousal. Abnormal autonomic arousal might also be present during sleep as both panic disorder and worrying have been associated with sleeping difficulties. However, most empirical research has been confined to the laboratory where high internal validity is achieved at the cost of poor ecological validity. Thus, the purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to extend and validate laboratory findings on worry, anticipatory anxiety, and panic using ambulatory monitoring. Twenty-four hour monitoring not only can give valuable insights into a person’s daytime emotional experience but also allows observing how these emotions might affect their sleep in their natural environment. In the following chapter, the reader will be introduced to a conceptual framework that ties together worry, anxiety, fear, and panic, and related anxiety disorders (section 2.1), to autonomic arousal and electrodermal and cardiac arousal in particular (section 2.2), to sleep and its relation to autonomic arousal and anxiety disorders (section 2.3), and to ambulatory monitoring (section 2.4). After illustrating the aims of this thesis (chapter 3), chapters 4 to 6 present the results of three empirical studies conducted as part of this doctoral research. The first study deals solely with electrodermal monitoring and how it is affected by confounding variables in an ambulatory context (chapter 4). The next study then seeks to investigate the relationship between electrodermal arousal and anticipatory anxiety and panic in a sample of panic disorder patients and healthy controls. The last study focuses primarily on the effect of trait and state worry on subjective and objective sleep and electrodermal and cardiac arousal in a group of high and low worriers. Chapters 7 to 9 summarize and integrate the findings from these three empirical studies, discuss methodological limitations, and provide an outlook into future research

    Ambulatory monitoring of electrodermal and cardiac functioning in anxiety and worry

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    Emotions are an integral part of the human experience and their interpretation can provide valuable but also misleading clues about oneself and other people’s state of mind. Negative emotional states can be perceived as uncomfortable and – when experienced chronically – can develop into anxiety and mood disorders. The more pervasive these disorders the more severely they affect and disable a person’s everyday functioning and often their sleep as well. According to Lang and colleagues (1998), emotions may be expressed verbally, behaviorally, and physiologically, i.e., emotions can be reported, observed, and objectively measured. Each measurement approach provides important, unique, and often conflicting information that can be used in the assessment and treatment evaluation of psychological disorders affecting the emotions. Autonomic measures have been used to indicate the physiological components of emotions, such as those along the worry-anxiety-fear-panic spectrum. Worry has been shown to suppress cardiac responses to imaginal feared material (see Borkovec, Alcaine, & Behar, 2004) and reduce autonomic variability (Hoehn-Saric, McLeod, Funderburk, & Kowalski, 2004; Hoehn-Saric, McLeod, & Zimmerli, 1989). Results for panic and anticipatory anxiety are less conclusive but theoretically these states should go along with increased autonomic arousal. Abnormal autonomic arousal might also be present during sleep as both panic disorder and worrying have been associated with sleeping difficulties. However, most empirical research has been confined to the laboratory where high internal validity is achieved at the cost of poor ecological validity. Thus, the purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to extend and validate laboratory findings on worry, anticipatory anxiety, and panic using ambulatory monitoring. Twenty-four hour monitoring not only can give valuable insights into a person’s daytime emotional experience but also allows observing how these emotions might affect their sleep in their natural environment. In the following chapter, the reader will be introduced to a conceptual framework that ties together worry, anxiety, fear, and panic, and related anxiety disorders (section 2.1), to autonomic arousal and electrodermal and cardiac arousal in particular (section 2.2), to sleep and its relation to autonomic arousal and anxiety disorders (section 2.3), and to ambulatory monitoring (section 2.4). After illustrating the aims of this thesis (chapter 3), chapters 4 to 6 present the results of three empirical studies conducted as part of this doctoral research. The first study deals solely with electrodermal monitoring and how it is affected by confounding variables in an ambulatory context (chapter 4). The next study then seeks to investigate the relationship between electrodermal arousal and anticipatory anxiety and panic in a sample of panic disorder patients and healthy controls. The last study focuses primarily on the effect of trait and state worry on subjective and objective sleep and electrodermal and cardiac arousal in a group of high and low worriers. Chapters 7 to 9 summarize and integrate the findings from these three empirical studies, discuss methodological limitations, and provide an outlook into future research

    Identification of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 DNA methyltransferase, its Targets, and physiological roles

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    DNA methylation is widespread among prokaryotes, and most DNA methylation reactions are catalyzed by adenine DNA methyltransferases, which are part of restriction-modification (R-M) systems. R-M systems are known for their role in the defense against foreign DNA; however, DNA methyltransferases also play functional roles in gene regulation. In this study, we used single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing to uncover the genome-wide DNA methylation pattern in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. We identified a conserved sequence motif targeted by an adenine methyltransferase of a type I R-M system and quantified the presence of N(6)-methyladenine using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Changes in the PAO1 methylation status were dependent on growth conditions and affected P. aeruginosa pathogenicity in a Galleria mellonella infection model. Furthermore, we found that methylated motifs in promoter regions led to shifts in sense and antisense gene expression, emphasizing the role of enzymatic DNA methylation as an epigenetic control of phenotypic traits in P. aeruginosa Since the DNA methylation enzymes are not encoded in the core genome, our findings illustrate how the acquisition of accessory genes can shape the global P. aeruginosa transcriptome and thus may facilitate adaptation to new and challenging habitats.IMPORTANCE With the introduction of advanced technologies, epigenetic regulation by DNA methyltransferases in bacteria has become a subject of intense studies. Here we identified an adenosine DNA methyltransferase in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, which is responsible for DNA methylation of a conserved sequence motif. The methylation level of all target sequences throughout the PAO1 genome was approximated to be in the range of 65 to 85% and was dependent on growth conditions. Inactivation of the methyltransferase revealed an attenuated-virulence phenotype in the Galleria mellonella infection model. Furthermore, differential expression of more than 90 genes was detected, including the small regulatory RNA prrF1, which contributes to a global iron-sparing response via the repression of a set of gene targets. Our finding of a methylation-dependent repression of the antisense transcript of the prrF1 small regulatory RNA significantly expands our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying active DNA methylation in bacteria

    Exploring the directionality of <i>Escherichia coli </i>formate hydrogenlyase:a membrane-bound enzyme capable of fixing carbon dioxide to organic acid

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    During mixed‐acid fermentation Escherichia coli produces formate, which is initially excreted out the cell. Accumulation of formate, and dropping extracellular pH, leads to biosynthesis of the formate hydrogenlyase (FHL) complex. FHL consists of membrane and soluble domains anchored within the inner membrane. The soluble domain comprises a [NiFe] hydrogenase and a formate dehydrogenase that link formate oxidation directly to proton reduction with the release of CO (2) and H(2). Thus, the function of FHL is to oxidize excess formate at low pH. FHL subunits share identity with subunits of the respiratory Complex I. In particular, the FHL membrane domain contains subunits (HycC and HycD) that are homologs of NuoL/M/N and NuoH, respectively, which have been implicated in proton translocation. In this work, strain engineering and new assays demonstrate unequivocally the nonphysiological reverse activity of FHL in vivo and in vitro. Harnessing FHL to reduce CO (2) to formate is biotechnologically important. Moreover, assays for both possible FHL reactions provide opportunities to explore the bioenergetics using biochemical and genetic approaches. Comprehensive mutagenesis of hycC did not identify any single amino acid residues essential for FHL operation. However, the HycD E199, E201, and E203 residues were found to be critically important for FHL function

    Temporal changes in the epidemiology, management, and outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome in European intensive care units: a comparison of two large cohorts

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    Background: Mortality rates for patients with ARDS remain high. We assessed temporal changes in the epidemiology and management of ARDS patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation in European ICUs. We also investigated the association between ventilatory settings and outcome in these patients. Methods: This was a post hoc analysis of two cohorts of adult ICU patients admitted between May 1–15, 2002 (SOAP study, n = 3147), and May 8–18, 2012 (ICON audit, n = 4601 admitted to ICUs in the same 24 countries as the SOAP study). ARDS was defined retrospectively using the Berlin definitions. Values of tidal volume, PEEP, plateau pressure, and FiO2 corresponding to the most abnormal value of arterial PO2 were recorded prospectively every 24&nbsp;h. In both studies, patients were followed for outcome until death, hospital discharge or for 60&nbsp;days. Results: The frequency of ARDS requiring mechanical ventilation during the ICU stay was similar in SOAP and ICON (327[10.4%] vs. 494[10.7%], p = 0.793). The diagnosis of ARDS was established at a median of 3 (IQ: 1–7) days after admission in SOAP and 2 (1–6) days in ICON. Within 24&nbsp;h of diagnosis, ARDS was mild in 244 (29.7%), moderate in 388 (47.3%), and severe in 189 (23.0%) patients. In patients with ARDS, tidal volumes were lower in the later (ICON) than in the earlier (SOAP) cohort. Plateau and driving pressures were also lower in ICON than in SOAP. ICU (134[41.1%] vs 179[36.9%]) and hospital (151[46.2%] vs 212[44.4%]) mortality rates in patients with ARDS were similar in SOAP and ICON. High plateau pressure (&gt; 29 cmH2O) and driving pressure (&gt; 14 cmH2O) on the first day of mechanical ventilation but not tidal volume (&gt; 8&nbsp;ml/kg predicted body weight [PBW]) were independently associated with a higher risk of in-hospital death. Conclusion: The frequency of and outcome from ARDS remained relatively stable between 2002 and 2012. Plateau pressure &gt; 29 cmH2O and driving pressure &gt; 14 cmH2O on the first day of mechanical ventilation but not tidal volume &gt; 8&nbsp;ml/kg PBW were independently associated with a higher risk of death. These data highlight the continued burden of ARDS and provide hypothesis-generating data for the design of future studies

    Contribuição ao estudo da interrelação flĂșor-manganĂȘs em ratos

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    Devido a numerosas discrepĂąncias nos resultados de estudos experimentais relativos Ă  interação flĂșor-manganĂȘs, propusemo-nos a verificar se a adição de manganĂȘs 5 ĂĄgua fluoretada (1 ppm), em diferentes proporçÔes fluor-manganĂȘs, levaria a uma diferente fixaçao do halogĂȘnio. Para tanto, 24 ratos Wistar, recĂ©m-desmamados, foram mantidos em dieta padrĂŁo de caseĂ­na a 27%, recebendo na sua ĂĄgua de consumo: 1) H2O destilada (controle); 2) 1,0 ppm de flĂșor: 3) 1,0 ppm de flĂșor + 0,5 ppm de manganĂȘs (F:Mn = 2,0); 4) 1,0 ppm de flĂșor +1,0 ppm de manganĂȘs (F: Mn = 1,0). Foram anotados o peso ganho e o consumo de alimento e ĂĄgua, durante os 60 dias de experimento, apĂłs o qual as patas traseiras, dos animais sacrificados, foram autoclavadas e desossadas, e os femures retirados. Posteriormente, foram estes submetidos Ă  secagem, extração da gordura, pulverização e analise do flĂșor fixado. TambĂ©m foram efetuadas analises da composição centesimal da ração e de flĂșor e manganĂȘs nesta e nas diferentes ĂĄguas de consumo. Os resultados de percentagem do flĂșor ingerido fixado nos femures, foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste nĂŁo-paramĂ©trico de Kruskal-Wallis (nĂ­veis de 1% e 5%) mostrando que, para as proporçÔes consideradas, o flĂșor na taxa de 1 ppm, o manganĂȘs, quando administrado apĂłs o desmame, parece nĂŁo afetar a fixaçao do flĂșor. Contudo, faz-se necessĂĄrio dar continuidade aos estudos com novas proporçÔes e taxas mais elevadas de flĂșor e manganĂȘs.An experiment to determine the effects of varying the manganese concentration of the diet on the fluorine retention in the femur of rats was made. Four groups of weaning rats were fed ad libitum a 27% casein synthetic diet and were provided with water as follows: 1) distilled (control); 2) containing 1 ppm of fluorine (F); 3) 1,0 ppm F + 0,5 ppm Mn; 4) 1 ppm F + 1 ppm Mn. The weight gain and food and water consumption were measured during 60 days. The results indicated that manganese does not seem to affect the proportional fixation of fluorine in the femur. The authors think that more data should be available before a definite conclusion on the influence of the ratio F:Mn on the fluorine retention could be drawn

    Mat, Makt, Mening: Endringer i jordbruket pÄ Frosta de siste 30 Ärene

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    <p>Masteroppgave 52,5 studiepoeng</p

    Versammlung mitteldeutscher Psychiater und Neurologen in Dresden am 25. und 26. October 1902

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