56 research outputs found

    Spiral arm triggering of star formation

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    We present numerical simulations of the passage of clumpy gas through a galactic spiral shock, the subsequent formation of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and the triggering of star formation. The spiral shock forms dense clouds while dissipating kinetic energy, producing regions that are locally gravitationally bound and collapse to form stars. In addition to triggering the star formation process, the clumpy gas passing through the shock naturally generates the observed velocity dispersion size relation of molecular clouds. In this scenario, the internal motions of GMCs need not be turbulent in nature. The coupling of the clouds' internal kinematics to their externally triggered formation removes the need for the clouds to be self-gravitating. Globally unbound molecular clouds provides a simple explanation of the low efficiency of star formation. While dense regions in the shock become bound and collapse to form stars, the majority of the gas disperses as it leaves the spiral arm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures: IAU 237, Triggering of star formation in turbulent molecular clouds, eds B. Elmegreen and J. Palou

    Shocks, cooling and the origin of star formation rates in spiral galaxies

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    Understanding star formation is problematic as it originates in the large scale dynamics of a galaxy but occurs on the small scale of an individual star forming event. This paper presents the first numerical simulations to resolve the star formation process on sub-parsec scales, whilst also following the dynamics of the interstellar medium (ISM) on galactic scales. In these models, the warm low density ISM gas flows into the spiral arms where orbit crowding produces the shock formation of dense clouds, held together temporarily by their external pressure. Cooling allows the gas to be compressed to sufficiently high densities that local regions collapse under their own gravity and form stars. The star formation rates follow a Schmidt-Kennicutt \Sigma_{SFR} ~ \Sigma_{gas}^{1.4} type relation with the local surface density of gas while following a linear relation with the cold and dense gas. Cooling is the primary driver of star formation and the star formation rates as it determines the amount of cold gas available for gravitational collapse. The star formation rates found in the simulations are offset to higher values relative to the extragalactic values, implying a constant reduction, such as from feedback or magnetic fields, is likely to be required. Intriguingly, it appears that a spiral or other convergent shock and the accompanying thermal instability can explain how star formation is triggered, generate the physical conditions of molecular clouds and explain why star formation rates are tightly correlated to the gas properties of galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. MNRAS in pres

    The morphology of the Milky Way - II. Reconstructing CO maps from disc galaxies with live stellar distributions

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    The arm structure of the Milky Way remains somewhat of an unknown, with observational studies hindered by our location within the Galactic disc. In the work presented here we use smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and radiative transfer to create synthetic longitude-velocity observations. Our aim is to reverse-engineer a top down map of the Galaxy by comparing synthetic longitude-velocity maps to those observed. We set up a system of N-body particles to represent the disc and bulge, allowing for dynamic creation of spiral features. Interstellar gas, and the molecular content, is evolved alongside the stellar system. A 3D-radiative transfer code is then used to compare the models to observational data. The resulting models display arm features that are a good reproduction of many of the observed emission structures of the Milky Way. These arms however are dynamic and transient, allowing for a wide range of morphologies not possible with standard density wave theory. The best fitting models are a much better match than previous work using fixed potentials. They favour a 4-armed model with a pitch angle of approximately 20 degrees, though with a pattern speed that decreases with increasing Galactic radius. Inner bars are lacking however, which appear required to fully reproduce the central molecular zone.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The role of previous generations of stars in triggering star formation and driving gas dynamics

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    We present hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of sub galactic regions including photoionising and supernova feedack. We aim to improve the initial conditions of our region extraction models by including an initial population of stars. We also investigate the reliability of extracting regions in simulations, and show that with a good choice of region, results are comparable with using a larger region for the duration of our simulations. Simulations of star formation on molecular cloud scales typically start with a turbulent cloud of gas, from which stars form and then undergo feedback. In reality, a typical cloud or region within a galaxy may already include, or reside near some population of stars containing massive stars undergoing feedback. We find the main role of a prior population is triggering star formation, and contributing to gas dynamics. Early time supernova from the initial population are important in triggering new star formation and driving gas motions on larger scales above 100 pc, whilst the ionising feedback contribution from the initial population has less impact, since many members of the initial population have cleared out gas around them in the prior model. In terms of overall star formation rates though, the initial population has a relatively small effect, and the feedback does not for example suppress subsequent star formation. We find that MHD has a relatively larger impact than initial conditions, reducing the star formation rate by a factor of 3 at later times.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    A Synthetic 21-cm Galactic Plane Survey of an SPH Galaxy Simulation

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    We have created synthetic neutral hydrogen (HI) Galactic Plane Survey data cubes covering 90 degrees < l < 180 degrees, using a model spiral galaxy from SPH simulations and the radiative transfer code TORUS. The density, temperature and other physical parameters are fed from the SPH simulation into TORUS, where the HI emissivity and opacity are calculated before the 21-cm line emission profile is determined. Our main focus is the observation of Outer Galaxy `Perseus Arm' HI, with a view to tracing atomic gas as it encounters shock motions as it enters a spiral arm interface, an early step in the formation of molecular clouds. The observation of HI self-absorption features at these shock sites (in both real observations and our synthetic data) allows us to investigate further the connection between cold atomic gas and the onset of molecular cloud formation.Comment: MNRAS accepted; 11 pages, 12 figure

    The structure of HI in galactic disks: Simulations vs observations

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    We generate synthetic HI Galactic plane surveys from spiral galaxy simulations which include stellar feedback processes. Compared to a model without feedback we find an increased scale height of HI emission (in better agreement with observations) and more realistic spatial structure (including supernova blown bubbles). The synthetic data show HI self-absorption with a morphology similar to that seen in observations. The density and temperature of the material responsible for HI self-absorption is consistent with observationally determined values, and is found to be only weakly dependent on absorption strength and star formation efficiency.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Observational Bias and Young Massive Cluster Characterisation II. Can Gaia accurately observe young clusters and associations?

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    Observations of clusters suffer from issues such as completeness, projection effects, resolving individual stars and extinction. As such, how accurate are measurements and conclusions are likely to be? Here, we take cluster simulations (Westerlund2- and Orion- type), synthetically observe them to obtain luminosities, accounting for extinction and the inherent limits of Gaia, then place them within the real Gaia DR3 catalogue. We then attempt to rediscover the clusters at distances of between 500pc and 4300pc. We show the spatial and kinematic criteria which are best able to pick out the simulated clusters, maximising completeness and minimising contamination. We then compare the properties of the 'observed' clusters with the original simulations. We looked at the degree of clustering, the identification of clusters and subclusters within the datasets, and whether the clusters are expanding or contracting. Even with a high level of incompleteness (e.g. <2%<2\% stellar members identified), similar qualitative conclusions tend to be reached compared to the original dataset, but most quantitative conclusions are likely to be inaccurate. Accurate determination of the number, stellar membership and kinematic properties of subclusters, are the most problematic to correctly determine, particularly at larger distances due to the disappearance of cluster substructure as the data become more incomplete, but also at smaller distances where the misidentification of asterisms as true structure can be problematic. Unsurprisingly, we tend to obtain better quantitative agreement of properties for our more massive Westerlund2-type cluster. We also make optical style images of the clusters over our range of distances.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA