140 research outputs found


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    Pidato Pengukuhan. Guru Besar Ekologi Tanaman. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret. Disampaikan dalam Sidang Senat Terbuka. Universitas Sebelas Maret. Pada Tanggal 24 Nopember 2007

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika sebagai Sarana Pengembangan Kreativitas Berpikir

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    Keberhasilan pembelajaran, dipengaruhi banyak faktor, antara lain model pembelajaran, strategi pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan juga bahan ajar atau materi pelajaran. Bahan ajar yang disusun mempunyai prisip relevansi, konsistensi dan kecukupan, sehingga masih memberi ruang siswa untuk mengembangkan penalaranya. Menentukan cakupan atau ruang lingkup materi pembelajaran, perlu memperhatikan jenis materi yang akan disampaikan, berupa aspek koqnitif ( fakta, konsep, prinsip, prosedur), atau aspek afektif, ataukah aspek psikomotorik

    Potential of Varies Trees Litter Containing Tannin on Agroforestry System as Nitrification Inhibitor for Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency for Soybean

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    Abstract: Soybean plants production in agroforestry system in Gunung Gajah forest were very low since the percentage of empty pods relatively high. The case presumably about soil fertility mainly is nitrification activity. The research aim is to study about the potential of trees litter containing tannin as nitrification inhibition for increasing nitrogen fertilizer efficiency. The research was conducted by survey (about trees characteristics, micro climate, soil properties, and farmers practice in soybean cultivation) and experiment method (variety, N, P, Mo, and Mg fertilizer). The yield of the research are: nitrogen in the soil is low since nitrification and oxidation process by bacteria, and leaching; The trees litter potential for inhibiting nitrification process are litter from: Mahogany, Teak, Jackfruit, Manggo, and Breadfruit (the sequence also exhibiting the sequence of litter quality as nitrification inhibition). By N, P, Mo, and Mg fertilizations the number of empty pods of soybean plant decreases so the plant seeds production obtained 0.86 ton ha -1

    In Vitro Proliferation and Acclimatization of Kepok Banana Unti Sayang (ABB) with Addition of Organic Materials

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    Pisang kepok (Musa balbisiana) mengandung genom B dengan potensi pencoklatan tinggi dan tingkat proliferasi rendah dalam kultur in vitro. Salah satu cara mengurangi pencoklatan dan meningkatkan kandungan vitamin serta hormon dalam media, yaitu dengan penambahan suplemen sintetik maupun ekstrak bahan organik alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proliferasi eksplan pisang kepok Unti Sayang dengan media diperkaya ekstrak buah dan kemampuan aklimatisasi planletnya. Penelitian ini terdiri atas 2 percobaan, pertama tahap in vitro menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap split plot dengan 2 faktor, yaitu main plot (3 taraf suhu ruang kultur) dan subplot (5 taraf ekstrak buah). Kedua, tahap aklimatisasi menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap split plot dengan 2 faktor, yaitu main plot (4 taraf media aklimatisasi) dan subplot (4 taraf vigor planlet). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan penambahan ekstrak buah pada media MS berpengaruh, sedangkan perbedaan suhu inkubasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap proliferasi eksplan pisang kepok Unti Sayang. Media MS dengan penambahan ekstrak buah pepaya (150 g L-1) dan air kelapa (100 ml L-1) memberikan hasil yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan penambahan vitamin sintetik terhadap proliferasi dan morfogenesis eksplan pisang kepok Unti Sayang. Vigor planlet pada berbagai media aklimatisasi tidak berbeda nyata dengan kemampuan hidup mencapai 92%.Kepok banana (Musa balbisiana) contains genome B with high browning potential and low proliferation rate in vitro culture. One way to reduce browning and increase levels of vitamins and hormones, is by adding synthetic supplements and natural extracts. This study aimed to determine the proliferation of kepok banana Unti Sayang explants in fruit extract enriched media and its plantlet acclimatization ability. This research consisted of 2 experiments, the first stage was in vitro using a split plot completed randomized design with two factors: main plot (3 levels of temperature of culture room) and subplot (5 levels of fruit extracts). The second stage was the plantlet acclimatization using a split-plot completed randomized design with two factors: main plot (4 levels of acclimatization media) and subplot (4 levels of plantlet vigor). The results showed that the addition of fruit extracts to MS media affected meanwhile the incubation temperature difference did not affect the proliferation of kepok banana Unti Sayang explants. Papaya fruit extract (150 g L-1) and coconut water (100 ml L-1) gave the same results with the addition of synthetic vitamins to the proliferation and morphogenesis of kepok banana Unti Sayang. Plantlet vigor in various acclimatization media is not significantly different, with the growth ability up to 92%

    Conceptual model for improving quality of teacher in Indonesian vocational school

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    Indonesia faces vocational teachers’ shortage both in the quantity and quality. One of Indonesian goverments’ effortsto overcome that problem is holding a Dual Expertise Program (DEP) to produce dual expertise teachers for vocational schools. However, the quality of dual expertise vocational teacher is still questionable. The purpose of this article is to give an idea related to the conceptual model framework for improving the quality of vocational teachers demonstrated by the teachers’ achievements. The authors of this article discuss factors that have an impact on the quality of vocational teachers and describe a framework based on a literature review that might contribute to improving the quality of vocational teachers, especially dual expertise vocational teachers. Based on the results of the article found that to improve the quality of vocational teacher can be improved through increasing self-efficacy and transferable skills, in addition to pay attention to teacher’s initial expertise and teaching experience

    Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Bahan Baku pada PT. Classic Prima Carpets Industries

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    PT. CLASSIC PRIMA CARPETS INDUSTRIES adalah suatu perusahaan yang memproduksi karpet yang berlokasi di Surabaya. Perusahaan ini menjual produknya baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Perusahaan memproduksi barang berdasarkan sistem job order dimana perusahaan memproduksi barang berdasarkan pesanan. Pesanan sebagian besar berasal dari luar negeri. Pesanan tersebut jumlahnya besar dan bervariasi, sedang bahan bakunya dibeli dari luar negeri. Untuk mengantisipasi permintaan (demand) perusahaan menumpuk bahan baku, sehingga sering terjadi persediaan yang berlebihan (over stock). Selain itu, pembelian bahan baku dilakukan dengan perkiraan yang berdasarkan pengalaman dari manajer pembelian. Oleh karena itu pengendalian bahan baku penting untuk dilakukan. Peramalan dilakukan untuk memprediksi kebutuhan bahan baku di masa yang akan datang. Peramalan dilakukan dengan metode Time Series. Pengendalian persediaan yang optimal perlu dilakukan agar dapat memperkecil biaya persediaan. Dari hasil pengolahan dan analisa data diperoleh bahwa pengendalian persediaan dengan metode Fixed Order Quantity (FOQ) multiple item adalah yang paling optimal. Pada akhirnya dengan pengendalian persediaan yang optimal akan diperoleh sejumlah penghematan biaya persediaan


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    Keberhasilan pembelajaran, dipengaruhi banyak faktor, antara lain model pembelajaran, strategi pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan juga bahan ajar atau materi pelajaran. Bahan ajar yang disusun mempunyai prisip relevansi, konsistensi dan kecukupan, sehingga masih memberi ruang siswa untuk mengembangkan penalaranya. Menentukan cakupan atau ruang lingkup materi pembelajaran, perlu memperhatikan jenis materi yang akan disampaikan, berupa aspek koqnitif ( fakta, konsep, prinsip, prosedur), atau aspek afektif, ataukah aspek psikomotorik. Kata kunci : Bahan ajar, media pembelajaran, kreativitas berpiki

    Jual beli paruh dan bulu burung enggang cula di kota Palangka Raya

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya jual beli paruh dan bulu burung enggang cula di kota Palangka Raya yang dijual belikan termasuk satwa yang dilindungi. Fokus penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana praktik jual beli bulu dan paruh burung enggang cula di Kota Palangka Raya? (2) Mengapa terjadinya jual beli bulu dan paruh burung enggang cula di Kota Palangka Raya? (3) Bagaimana tinjauan hukum ekonomi syariah terhadap jual beli bulu dan paruh burung enggang cula di Kota Palangka Raya? Subjek penelitian ini adalah penjual dan pembeli. Data penelitian dihimpun dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik jual beli yang dilakukan dengan cara online dengan cara mengirim foto dan video dan bertatap muka secara langsung dengan membawa bulu dan paruh. Alasan jual beli tersebut karena faktor ekonomi dari penjualan bulu dan paruh serta dari hasil kerajinan bisa disewakan dan faktor budaya untuk melestarikan pembuatan baju adat, aksesoris dayak dari bulu dan paruh burung enggang cula. Namun, dalam jual beli tersebut objeknya merupakan satwa yang dilindungi oleh Undang-undang sehingga praktik itu dilarang dengan peraturan. Dalam hukum ekonomi syariah khusunya dilihat dari rukun sudah terpenuhi. Tetapi tidak terpenuhi syarat jual beli sehingga termasuk jual beli yang dilarang. Namun untuk kelestarian budaya, seyogyanya aksesoris dan baju adat dibuat dari bahan sintetis bisa dari kayu atau dari plastik. ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the widespread sale and purchase of hornbill feathers and beaks in the city of Palangka Raya which are sold and traded, including protected animals. The focus of this research is (1) How is the practice of buying and selling hornbills feathers and beaks in Palangka Raya City? (2) Why is the sale and purchase of hornbill hornbills and feathers in Palangka Raya City? (3) How is the review of Islamic economic law on the sale and purchase of hornbill hornbills and feathers in Palangka Raya City? The subjects of this research are sellers and buyers. The research data were collected using observation, interview and documentation methods, then analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the practice of buying and selling is carried out online by sending photos and videos and meeting face to face with feathers and beak. The reason for buying and selling is due to economic factors from selling feathers and beaks as well as from handicraft products that can be rented and cultural factors to preserve the making of traditional clothes, Dayak accessories from hornbill feathers and beaks. However, in the sale and purchase the object is an animal protected by law so that the practice is prohibited by regulation. In sharia economic law especially seen from the pillars have been fulfilled. But the conditions of sale and purchase were not fulfilled, which included banned buying and selling. However, for cultural preservation, traditional accessories and clothes should be made of synthetic materials, either wood or plastic


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    Soybean is one of the most important food commodities in Indonesia and also it has high value. The needs continue to increase each year, but not offset by increased production become an issue that must be addressed. One attempt to increase soybean production is through the cultivation in agroforestry systems through improving the quality of soil fertility. This research aims to study the effect of various doses of litter teak and NPK fertilizer on chemical soil fertility and the potential of soybeans yield in agroforestry systems based teak crops. Experiments using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two factors, namely litter teak doses (0 ton ha-1, 2.500 ton ha-1, 5.000 ton ha-1, 7.500 ton ha-1) and doses of NPK fertilizer (60-60-60 and 60-120-60) on Grobogan soybean varieties. The variables measured were pH, organic matter content, N-total soil, cation exchange capacity (CEC), plant tissue of N, P-total soil, and component production. Data analysis using analysis of variance F-test based on the level of 5% and significantly different variables followed by Tukey’s method level of 5%. The results showed that combination treatment with various doses of teak litter NPK fertilizers can increase total nitrogen content of the soil with the highest yield of 1.69% on S1D2 treatment, but to organic matter, CEC, pH, and total soil P not significant effect. Component of soybean varieties of the highest Grobogan of 0.83 tons ha-1 in the treatment S1D1. The result was still below the average of the national soybean production

    The Improvement of Red Rice Paddy Growth by Population Arrangement and Organic Fertilizer in Dry Land

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    The requirement of red rice always increases periodically but the availability of its at wetland has been recessive by land use change and rice cultivation in general. Alternative solution is directed to dry land and be the opportunity of red rice paddy area expansion that based on appropriate technology.  In fact, red rice paddy has cultivated on the dry land in scatter plot system and the production is relatively low (1.5-2.5 ton.ha-1). Scatter plot system causes the high competition between plants and gives directly impact on production. There are many wide areas of dry land in Indonesia and still not productive, so the good cultivation method has to be created through the arrangement of plant population and organic fertilizer as good agricultural practices manifestation. The goal of research is to increase production of red rice with high quality continuously and to improve the potency of dry land and also to increase the capability of dry land as a planting area.  The research is conducted by experiment method by Randomized Completed Bock Design with plant population (scatter plot, 2, 4, 6 seeds per hole) as first factor and dose of manure (10, 3, 5, 7 ton.ha-1) as the second factor (there are 16 combination treatments). Each of combination treatments is replicated three times. The result shows that combinations of 6 seeds per hole with 3 ton.ha-1 of manure give the highest amount of productive tiller and dry weight of grain (1.3 gram per clump and it is equal with 3.25 ton.ha-1). Keywords: Red rice paddy, population arrangement, organic fertilizer, dry lan
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