291 research outputs found

    Les différents ports du delta du RhÎne au Haut Empire : modÚle économique autour de la circulation et la diffusion des produits

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    Les recherches menĂ©es par le DRASSM au large des Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une concentration exceptionnelle d’épaves situĂ©e face Ă  un ancien bras du RhĂŽne, plus connu sous le vocable mĂ©diĂ©val de RhĂŽne Saint-FerrĂ©ol. SituĂ©e face Ă  cette embouchure, la mise en Ă©vidence d’une zone de mouillage associĂ©e Ă  des structures portuaires permettait de dĂ©fendre l’idĂ©e que le « complexe » des Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer constituait le seul vĂ©ritable avant-port d’Arles. Avec la prĂ©sence d’au moins trente Ă©paves chargĂ©es de matiĂšres premiĂšres, j’ai dĂ©veloppĂ© l’hypothĂšse que le RhĂŽne Saint-FerrĂ©ol Ă©tait dĂ©volu aux matiĂšres premiĂšres et que les navires chargĂ©s d’amphores, situĂ©s loin de la cĂŽte, devaient croiser au large pour Ă©viter la Camargue. Cette rĂ©flexion a conduit Ă  envisager que les autres bras du RhĂŽne, que ce soit celui de Daladel et/ou celui d’Ulmet, devaient ĂȘtre non seulement navigables mais Ă©galement rĂ©servĂ©s aux amphores.Cet article prĂ©sente une premiĂšre synthĂšse pour tenter de dĂ©finir les diffĂ©rents ports potentiels qui pourraient assurer une circulation spĂ©cialisĂ©e des marchandises. L’intĂ©gration de l’ensemble de ces critĂšres permettra de proposer un modĂšle Ă©conomique Ă  l’échelle du delta du RhĂŽne selon lequel aussi bien Arles, les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, le golfe de Fos, l’anse Saint-Gervais que les autres embouchures du RhĂŽne ne constitueraient non plus des « avant-ports » mais de vĂ©ritables ports.Research conducted by the DRASSM off Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer have revealed an exceptional concentration of shipwrecks located in front of an ancient branch of the Rhone known by the medieval term of Rhone Saint-FerrĂ©ol. The discovery of a mooring area associated with harbour structures off this mouth supported the idea that the “complex” of Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer was the only true outport of Arles. The presence of at least thirty wrecks loaded with raw materials promoted the theory that Rhone Saint-FerrĂ©ol was dedicated to raw materials and that ships loaded with amphora, located far from the coastline, must have navigated further out to avoid the Camargue. This has led to the notion that the other arms of the Rhone, whether that of Daladel and/or Ulmet were not only navigable but also reserved for amphorae.This paper will present an initial synthesis that attempts to define the different potential harbours that might have serviced a specialised traffic in merchandise. The integration of the ensemble of criteria will lead to the proposition of an economic model on the scale of the Rhone delta, according to which Arles, Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, Fos, Saint-Gervais Bay and the other mouths of the Rhone were not simply “outports” but true ports

    A contemporary multi-modal mechanical approach to training monitoring in elite professional soccer

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    Objectives: Understanding movements and mechanical demands of elite soccer players during training and competitive stressors is important for the support provision of player performance. Continued appreciation to quantify and monitor training load (TL) is apparent, however reporting multi-modal approaches in-line with competitive match-play demands remain limited. The investigation aimed to highlight a multimodal training monitoring method and its relationship to match-play. Subjects: 29 elite European soccer players participated were assessed (26.7 ± 4.07 years, height 183.4 ± 5.87 cm, body mass 78.4 ± 8.03 kg, 57.55 ± 5.32 ml.kg⁻Âč.min⁻Âč and body composition 54.12 ± 13.65 mm) with daily TL and competitive match-load data in order to quantify the relationship between both. Methods: Key match-day (MD) data and TL was analysed across a 20-week in-season period. Results: Results reported significant TL differences between training days (TDs) and TDs and competitive MD data, in addition to significant differences between TDs for both volume- and intensity- session scores (p \u3c 0.05). No differences were found between MD-1 and MD-2 session scores. Conclusion: To specific specific multi-modal approach used allows practitioners to combine key mechanical volume and intensity metrics as part of an athlete or player monitoring strategy and ensure a greater focus on targeted physical stressors

    Nouvelles donnĂ©es sur les pots dits « à garum » du Latium, d’aprĂšs les dĂ©couvertes subaquatiques du RhĂŽne (Arles)

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    Aux cĂ©ramiques Ă  sauces et salaisons de poissons d’époque romaine a Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ©e une catĂ©gorie de pots produits dans la rĂ©gion du Latium, dont quelques exemplaires ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s en Gaule mĂ©ridionale. Leur dĂ©nomination gĂ©nĂ©rique comme «  pots Ă  garum » rĂ©sulte, au dĂ©part, de deux dĂ©couvertes isolĂ©es ayant livrĂ© des macro-restes de poisson, l’une Ă  PompĂ©i et l’autre Ă  Port-La-Nautique, ainsi que d’une inscription peinte trouvĂ©e dans le RhĂŽne mentionnant de la sardine. La prĂ©sence de ces pots..

    Enduits peints et mosaïques en contexte de décharge fluviale: le cas du dépotoir Arles-RhÎne 3

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    International audienceDuring the underwater exploration of barge Arles-RhĂŽne 3, which sank on the right bank of the Rhone river, substantial layers of rubbish and dump were excavated on top of the boat. Among thousands of amphorae and ceramic vessels, a number of wall-painting fragments was also recovered. Although their erosion makes their study difficult, these fragments offer an insight into the building and decoration techniques at use in ancient Arles. This paper, wich includes a study of mosaic fragments and tessellae found in the same layers, also contributes to a wider reflection on how to analyse dumping and deposal sites.Dans le cadre de la fouille du chaland Arles-RhĂŽne 3, qui fit naufrage sur la rive droite du fleuve, d'importants niveaux de dĂ©potoir accumulĂ©s au-dessus du bateau ont Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©s. Outre un enchevĂȘtrement de milliers d'amphores et de cĂ©ramiques, le matĂ©riel sorti de l'eau comprenait un lot d'enduits peints fragmentaires. Bien qu'Ă©rodĂ©s et donc d'Ă©tude difficile, ces enduits constituent un tĂ©moignage des techniques de construction et de dĂ©cor des artisans d'Arles antique. Leur Ă©tude, associĂ©e Ă  celle des fragments et tesselles de mosaĂŻque Ă©galement retrouvĂ©s, s'insĂšre par ailleurs dans une rĂ©flexion plus large sur l'analyse de ces contextes trĂšs particuliers que sont les dĂ©potoirs

    Effects of self-generated electric and magnetic fields in laser-generated fast electron propagation in solid materials: Electric inhibition and beam pinching

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    We present some experimental results which demonstrate the presence of electric inhibition in the propagation of relativistic electrons generated by intense laser pulses, depending on target conductivity. The use of transparent targets and shadowgraphic techniques has made it possible to evidence electron jets moving at the speed of light, an indication of the presence of self-generated strong magnetic fields

    Are there differences in elite youth soccer player work rate profiles in congested versus regular match schedules?

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    Official international tournaments in which youth soccer players participate can involve very congested schedules. Yet no information regarding physical and technical match performance during congested versus regular (non-congested) cycles is available. In this study, accelerations, decelerations, mean metabolic power, and technical performance (offensive and defensive variables) were compared across very congested (VCM; 10 international matches played over 3 successive days, including 2 days with 2 consecutive matches separated by a 4-5 hr interval) and 10 regular (non-congested) match periods (NCM) in elite male Under 15 (U15, n=11) and Under 17 (U17, n=13) soccer players. Players wore a 15-Hz GPS unit with a 100-Hz tri-axial accelerometer. The session-RPE was assessed 30 min post-match. Results showed a higher number of accelerations/min observed in VCM vs NCM (U15; 2.27±0.35 vs 2.12±0.23; effect size [ES]=0.49; U17; 2.27±0.41 vs 2.01±0.31; ES=0.69). Decelerations/min were higher during VCM (U15; 1.99±0.27 vs 1.84±0.25; ES=0.55; and U17; 1.98±0.35 vs 1.80±0.27; ES=0.56). Mean metabolic power was higher in the VCM (U15; 0.42±0.06 vs 0.37±0.02; ES=1.08; U17; 0.46±0.03 vs 0.30±0.03; ES=1.94). Technical actions/min were higher in the VCM for U17 (ES=1.60 and 1.37, for offensive and defensive performance, respectively); but lower (during VCM) for U15 (ES=3.59 and 0.28, for offensive and defensive performance). U15 reported a higher session-RPE in the VCM (7.9±0.5 AU vs 6.9±0.5 AU). The findings suggest that running activity in these youth players was unaffected overall in tournaments with congested schedules and that the intensity of match-play was actually greater than in regular match schedules

    Fish & Ships

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    Les poissons et leurs dĂ©rivĂ©s sont durant l’AntiquitĂ© une des bases de l’alimentation en MĂ©diterranĂ©e. Pour autant, l’état de nos connaissances sur ces produits souffre aujourd’hui encore de nombreuses lacunes, que cet ouvrage tente partiellement de combler. Pour cela, il Ă©tait nĂ©cessaire de rĂ©unir des Ă©tudes de spĂ©cialistes de diffĂ©rents horizons, d’une part pour faire le point sur des zones qui dĂ©sormais sont les vitrines de nos disciplines - l’Afrique et la pĂ©ninsule IbĂ©rique notamment -, et d’autre part pour mettre l’accent sur des aires gĂ©ographiques ou des pĂ©riodes qui sont encore trop peu connues ou Ă©tudiĂ©es. Cet ouvrage, articulĂ© autour de trois thĂšmes respectivement dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  des approches historiographiques et technologiques, Ă  des Ă©tudes archĂ©ologiques sur l’Afrique et, enfin, Ă  d’autres consacrĂ©es au reste de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e, est majoritairement composĂ© d’articles Ă©crits par de jeunes chercheurs dont les travaux rĂ©cents constituent un apport documentaire fondamental pour le renouvellement des problĂ©matiques qui sont Ă  l’origine de la rencontre publiĂ©e ici. En ce sens, ce volume marque une Ă©tape dans l’avancĂ©e de nos connaissances en ce domaine
