14 research outputs found

    Role of Reaction Intermediate Diffusion on the Performance of Platinum Electrodes in Solid Acid Fuel Cells

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    Understanding the reaction pathways for the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) and the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is the key to design electrodes for solid acid fuel cells (SAFCs). In general, electrochemical reactions of a fuel cell are considered to occur at the triple-phase boundary where an electrocatalyst, electrolyte and gas phase are in contact. In this concept, diffusion processes of reaction intermediates from the catalyst to the electrolyte remain unconsidered. Here, we unravel the reaction pathways for open-structured Pt electrodes with various electrode thicknesses from 15 to 240 nm. These electrodes are characterized by a triple-phase boundary length and a thickness-depending double-phase boundary area. We reveal that the double-phase boundary is the active catalytic interface for the HOR. For Pt layers ≤ 60 nm, the HOR rate is rate-limited by the processes at the gas/catalyst and/or the catalyst/electrolyte interface while the hydrogen surface diffusion step is fast. For thicker layers (>60 nm), the diffusion of reaction intermediates on the surface of Pt be-comes the limiting process. For the ORR, the predominant reaction pathway is via the triple-phase boundary. The double-phase boundary contributes additionally with a diffusion length of a few nanometers. Based on our results, we propose that the molecular reaction mechanism at the electrode interfaces based upon the triple-phase boundary concept may need to be extended to an effective area near the triple-phase boundary length to include all catalytically relevant diffusion processes of the reaction intermediates. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Pertanggungjawaban dan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen Berkaitan Dengan Perdagangan Parsel

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    Abstract—This is a consumer protection guarantee which should be by the consumer over any food products purchased from manufacturers or businessmen. For businessmen who just always worried about how to gain that much without thinking of the interests of consumers. It can be posed some problems that would constitute the subject of this research, the problem namely: 1) how form of liability in case of loss on consumers due to consume products in parcels. 2) how does the dispute resolution mechanism that creates consumer losses resulting from consuming products in parcels. This presentation method using empirical legal research, sociological issues in IE approach using an approach based on the provisions of the law and legal developments on a periodic basis. Liability in the event of the occurrence of harm on consumers due to consume products in parcel is a party – the party that made a mistake and led to losses. Parties – parties that are manufacturer, businessmen and parcel delivery service. Sanctions according to the civil code, namely compensation or administrative sanction and according to the criminal law, namely criminal confinement 5 years in prison. Consumers are dispute resolution mechanism gives rise to loss due to consume products in gifts can be made in litigation or non litigation. In trade parcels expected all parties to know about their respective responsibilities so that would not be incurred losses against consumers who consume parcels.  Abstrak—Perindungan konsumen ini adalah jaminan yang seharusnya di dapat oleh para konsumen atas setiap produk bahan makanan yang dibeli dari produsen atau pelaku usaha. Bagi pelaku usaha yang hanya selalu mementingkan bagaimana memperoleh keuntungan yang banyak tanpa memikirkan kepentingan konsumen. Dapatlah diajukan beberapa permasalahan yang akan merupakan pokok bahasan dari penelitian ini, permasalah tersebut yaitu: 1) Bagaimanakah bentuk pertanggungjawaban dalam hal terjadi kerugian pada konsumen akibat mengkonsumsi produk dalam parsel. 2) bagaimanakah mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa konsumen yang menimbulkan akibat kerugian mengkonsumsi produk dalam parsel. Penyajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris, pendekatan masalah secara sosiologis yaitu menggunakan pendekatan berdasarkan ketentuan hukum dan perkembangan hukum secara periodik.  Pertanggungjawaban dalam hal terjadinya kerugian pada konsumen akibat mengkonsumsi produk dalam parsel adalah pihak – pihak yang melakukan kesalahan dan menyebabkan terjadinya kerugian. Pihak – pihak itu adalah produsen, pelaku usaha parsel dan jasa pengiriman. Sanksi menurut hukum perdata yaitu ganti rugi atau sanksi administratif dan menurut hukum pidana yaitu sanksi pidana kurungan 5 tahun penjara. Mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa konsumen yang menimbulkan kerugian akibat mengkonsumsi produk dalam parsel dapat dilakukan secara litigasi atau non litigasi. Dalam perdagangan parsel diharapkan semua pihak mengetahui tentang tanggung jawabnya masing-masing sehingga tidak akan timbul kerugian terhadap konsumen yang mengkonsumsi parsel. &nbsp