1,185 research outputs found


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    PERANCANGAN ULANG KEMASAN ENTING-ENTING GEPUK CAP KLENTENG DAN 2 HOOLO - Perancangan ulang kemasan, Enting-enting, Klenteng dan 2 Hool


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    Skripsi ini mengambil judul Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan Teknik Bertelepon pada Pembelajaran Sejarah untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Kesejarahan Siswa (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Siswa Kelas X IIS 7 di SMA Negeri 1 Lembang). Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kesejarahan siswa pada pembelajaran sejarah, karena selama ini siswa mempelajari materi sejarah tidak diikuti dengan pemahaman kesejarahan yang baik, sehingga hasil dari pembelajaran sejarahnya rendah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan menggunakan desain penelitian model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart. Desain tersebut terdiri dari empat tahapan yakni perencanaan (plan), tindakan (act), observasi (observation), dan refleksi (reflection). Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan, menunjukan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran kooperatif dengan teknik Bertelepon dapat meningkatkan pemahaman kesejarahan siswa. Hal ini terlihat dari perolehan skor masing-masing indikator mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklusnya. Adapun indikator dari pemahaman kesejarahan yaitu berkonsentrasi selama proses pembelajaran, mengidentifikasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan pokok mengenai masa lalu yang dikaitkan dengan masa kini, mencari dan menemukan fakta-fakta sejarah dari berbagai sumber dan memberikan kesimpulan dengan menggunakan bahasa sendiri. Meskipun terdapat empat indikator, namun indikator mengidentifikasi pertanyaan-pertanyaan pokok mengenai masa lalu yang dikaitkan dengan masa kini, serta indikator mencari dan menemukan fakta-fakta sejarah dari berbagai sumber lebih dominan muncul pada saat metode pembelajaran kooperatif dengan teknik Bertelepon diterapkan. Hal ini disebabkan karena penggunaan dua sumber belajar yang berbeda, yakni sumber tertulis melalui wacana dan sumber audio visual melalui film. Penggunaan kedua sumber belajar tersebut menjadikan pemahaman kesejarahan siswa meningkat dan lebih aktif saat proses pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran kooperatif dengan teknik Bertelepon dapat menjadi solusi dalam pembelajaran sejarah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kesejarahan siswa.;-- This research is entitled Application of the Cooperative Learning Method with Telephone in Teaching History to Improve Students' Historical Understanding (Classroom Action Research on X IIS 7 Class SMAN 1 Lembang). This research aimed to improve students' historical understanding in the teaching-learning process of history, because all this time the students learn the material of history without followed by a good historical understanding, so the result of their historical learning was poor.The method used is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) using Kemmis and McTaggart study model design. The design consists of four phases, which are planning, action, observation, and reflection. Based on the research that has been carried out, the application of cooperative learning method with telephone can improve students' historical understanding. It can be seen from the acquisition of scores of each indicator which was increasing in each cycle.The indicators of the historical understanding are to concentrate during the learning process, to identify the main questions about the past that is associated with the present, to look for and to find the historical facts from various sources and to provide conclusions using his own language. Even though there are four indicators, but the indicator to identify the main questions about the past that is associated with the present, as well as the indicator to look for an to find the historical facts from different sources was more dominant when cooperative learning method with telephone applied. It could be happened because of the use of two different learning resources, the written resources through discourse and audio-visual resources through the film. The use of both learning resources made students' historical understanding improved and also made the students more active during the learning process. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning method with telephone can be a solution in the learning of history to improve students' historical understanding

    Peran Anggota DPRD Dalam Pengajuan Dan Pembahasan RAPERDA Menjadi PERDA (Studi Di DPRD Kota Blitar)

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    : Role of Local Council Members in Submission dan Discussion of Local Regulation Draft (RAPERDA) into Local Regulation (PERDA) (Study in Blitar City Local Council). Members of Local Council in carrying out its functions in the field of regulation granted the right to submit a RAPERDA into PERDA. Cconstitutional change must be able to drive productivity of Blitar City Local Council members to use their rights in the submission and discussion of regulation draft be pro PERDAs with people. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Members of Local Council have a good role in both the submission and discussion of draft regulation becomes PERDA, (2) In the implementation the mechanism of RAPERDA\u27s submission and discussion that proposed by members of council to be PERDA dominated by members of council, and (3) Factors that influence members of Local Council in lawmaking in Blitar City, are : (a) Until now the government has not Blitar Local Regulation Program yet, (b) Lack of budget funds provided by Blitar Government in submission dan discussion of proposed RAPERDA to be PERDA by council member, (c) The ability of legislators who are less competent in the field of the submission and discussion of draft regulation becomes PERDA, and (d) Agenda\u27s of Council members that too much

    Development and Evaluation of Brain Tumor Targeted Liposome Delivery System for Paclitaxel

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    Primary brain tumors are a relatively common cause of cancer-related deaths. High-grade gliomas are the most common type of primary brain cancer, and the affected patients have a median survival of less than 1 year. Almost all malignant gliomas are incurable with the present standards of healthcare. Currently accepted therapeutic adjuvants to surgery, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy, provide only a minor improvement in the disease course and life expectancy for patients diagnosed with malignant gliomas. Often, chemotherapy has failed to make any significant impact on the prognosis of disease because of significant local and systemic toxicity, problems with transport of the drug across the blood brain barrier (BBB), and a high degree of chemoresistance demonstrated by tumor cells. Newer targeted delivery systems with more specificity for gliomas, improved safety profiles, and an enhanced ability to permeate through the BBB are actively under development as the next generation glioma therapies. Blood brain barrier and vascular endothelial cells in and around glioma brain tumors highly express certain receptors such as transferrin for iron transport into brain tumors respectively. To explore the potential of this tumor induced expression of transferrin receptors for targeting drug carriers, in this study, I have developed and characterized liposome carriers containing paclitaxel, for targeted delivery to the glioma brain tumors. A liposome drug delivery system specifically aimed at glioma tumors was designed in this study. Liposomes composed of egg phosphotidylchole (EPC), hydrogenated soybean phosphatidylcholine (HSPC), cholesterol, distearoyl phosphoethanolamine-PEG-2000 conjugate (DSPE-PEG) and DSPE-PEG-biotin were prepared by the lipid film hydration and extrusion process. Transferrin (Tf) with affinity for transferrin receptors over-expressed on blood brain barrier and glioma tumor vasculature were coupled to the distal end of poly ethylene glycol coated long circulating liposomes. The liposome delivery system was characterized in terms of size, lamellarity, ligand density, and drug loading properties. The effect of lipid concentration and type in the formulation on paclitaxel loading in the liposomes was studied. Functional properties of the delivery system were evaluated for, i) in vivo blood circulation time using blood sampling method and also using a novel intravital microscopic method, ii) Selective tumor localization in both flank and intracranial glioma models, and iii) anti-tumor efficacy in mouse flank and intracranial glioma tumors. Further, in order to improve physical and chemical stability of the delivery system and hence enhance its shelf life, a lyophilized formulation and process were developed. Light scattering and electron microscopic observations of the formulations revealed presence of small unilamellar liposomes of about 133 nm in diameter. High performance gel filtration chromatography determinations of ligand coupling to the liposome surface indicated that about 72% of the transferrins were conjugated with biotin groups on the liposome surface. Optimized liposome formulation with 100 mM lipid concentration, 1:33 drug-to-lipid ratio, 5 mol% cholesterol, 5 mol% DSPE-PEG, and 0.01 mol% DSPE-PEG-biotin content yielded 1.3 ± 0.2 mg/mL liposomal paclitaxel with 97.2 ± 3% of the drug being entrapped in the liposomes. These liposomes released no significant amount of the encapsulated drug over 72 hrs at 37°C. Targeted liposomes showed significantly higher rate and extent of tumor accumulation in glioma flank tumors in vivo compared to non-targeted liposomes. Targeted liposomes also possessed long circulating properties with a T1/2 of about 9 hrs in mice. This increased circulation longevity, attributed to steric stabilization effects of PEG, enhanced target accumulation. Near infrared fluorescence imaging demonstrated that these liposomes accumulated selectively in flank tumors with tumor targeting index of 10.59 ± 1.08. Paclitaxel incorporated into the targeted liposomes delayed tumor growth by 7.7 days in 5 doses of 2 mg/Kg body weight. However, no significant tumor growth retardation was observed when paclitaxel was administered in free form (Cremophor EL solubilized form) at similar dose. A process and formulation were developed for freeze-drying the targeted liposome delivery system. Liposome formulations stabilized with 15% sucrose outside the liposomes were able to maintain particle size distribution and drug loading close to initial upon freeze-drying and rehydration. A stable and effective targeted liposome delivery system was developed for paclitaxel to take this drug selectively to glioma brain tumors. This targeted delivery system could potentially improve therapeutic benefits of anticancer drugs with and increase safety when compared to existing solution dosage forms

    BRASSINOSTEROID-MEDIATED STRESS TOLERANCE: hormone pathways, genes and function

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    Brassinosteroids (BRs) are naturally occurring plant steroid derivatives that play crucial roles in plant development and also promote tolerance to a range of abiotic stresses. Although much has been learned about their roles in plant development, the mechanisms by which BRs control plant stress responses and regulate stress-responsive gene expression are not fully known. It is also likely that the stress tolerance conferring ability of BRs is in part due to their interactions with other stress hormones. In the present study the stress tolerance effects of BR, interactions of BR with other plant hormones, and global genomic responses of BR in mediating stress tolerance were explored. Treatment with 24-epibrassinolide (EBR), a BR, enhanced dehydration tolerance o f Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), and this effect involved changes in the expression of dehydration-responsive genes. Study of EBR effects on the basic thermotolerance and salt tolerance of a collection of Arabidopsis mutants either deficient in or insensitive to abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene (ET), jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA), indicated that BR exerts anti-stress effects both independently as well as through interactions with other hormones. This study uncovered a critical role for NPR1 (NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES1), a master regulator of SA-mediated defense responses, in BR-mediated increase in stress tolerance. Yet another finding was that ABA inhibits BR effects during stress, and that BR shares transcriptional targets with other hormones. Whole-genome transcriptome analysis of BR-treated and untreated Arabidopsis seedlings under no-stress and heat stress revealed majority of the BR response genes to be related to stress tolerance, signal transduction and metabolism. Analysis of T-DNA insertion mutants of four BR response genes indicated that WRKY17, WRKY33, ACP5 and BRRLK have stress-related functions. As a final confirmation of a role for BR in stress tolerance, the AtDWF4 gene encoding a BR biosynthesis enzyme was overexpressed in seeds of Arabidopsis. Preliminary studies of transgenic seedlings showed an increase in cold tolerance and the ability to overcome ABA-induced inhibition o f germination. in In summary, the present study provides novel insights into the mechanism of BR- mediated stress tolerance by identifying genes and hormone interactions involved in this proce

    Scan-based immersed isogeometric analysis

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    Scan-based simulations contain innate topologically complex three-dimensional geometries, represented by large data sets in formats which are not directly suitable for analysis. Consequently, performing high-fidelity scan-based simulations at practical computational costs is still very challenging. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop an efficient and robust scan-based simulation strategy by acquiring a profound understanding of three prominent challenges in scan-based IGA, viz.: i) balancing the accuracy and computational effort associated with numerical integration; ii) the preservation of topology in the spline-based segmentation procedure; and iii) the control of accuracy using error estimation and adaptivity techniques. In three-dimensional immersed isogeometric simulations, the computational effort associated with integration can be the critical component. A myriad of integration strategies has been proposed over the past years to ameliorate the difficulties associated with integration, but a general optimal integration framework that suits a broad class of engineering problems is not yet available. In this dissertation we provide a thorough investigation of the accuracy and computational effort of the octree integration technique. We quantify the contribution of the integration error using the theoretical basis provided by Strang’s first lemma. Based on this study we propose an error-estimate-based adaptive integration procedure for immersed IGA. To exploit the advantageous properties of IGA in a scan-based setting, it is important to extract a smooth geometry. This can be established by convoluting the voxel data using B-splines, but this can induce problematic topological changes when features with a size similar to that of the voxels are encountered. This dissertation presents a topology-preserving segmentation procedure using truncated hierarchical (TH)B-splines. A moving-window-based topological anomaly detection algorithm is proposed to identify regions in which (TH)B-spline refinements must be performed. The criterion to identify topological anomalies is based on the Euler characteristic, giving it the capability to distinguish between topological and shape changes. A Fourier analysis is presented to explain the effectiveness of the developed procedure. An additional computational challenge in the context of immersed IGA is the construction of optimal approximations using locally refined splines. For scan-based volumetric domains, hierarchical splines are particularly suitable, as they optimally leverage the advantages offered by the availability of a geometrically simple background mesh. Although truncated hierarchical B-splines have been successfully applied in the context of IGA, their application in the immersed setting is largely unexplored. In this dissertation we propose a computational strategy for the application of error estimation-based mesh adaptivity for stabilized immersed IGA. The conducted analyses and developed computational techniques for scan-based immersed IGA are interrelated, and together constitute a significant improvement in the efficiency and robustness of the analysis paradigm. In combination with other state-of-the-art developments regarding immersed FEM/IGA (\emph{e.g.}, iterative solution techniques, parallel computing), the research in this thesis opens the doors to scan-based simulations with more sophisticated physical behavior, geometries of increased complexity, and larger scan-data sizes.Scan-based simulations contain innate topologically complex three-dimensional geometries, represented by large data sets in formats which are not directly suitable for analysis. Consequently, performing high-fidelity scan-based simulations at practical computational costs is still very challenging. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop an efficient and robust scan-based simulation strategy by acquiring a profound understanding of three prominent challenges in scan-based IGA, viz.: i) balancing the accuracy and computational effort associated with numerical integration; ii) the preservation of topology in the spline-based segmentation procedure; and iii) the control of accuracy using error estimation and adaptivity techniques. In three-dimensional immersed isogeometric simulations, the computational effort associated with integration can be the critical component. A myriad of integration strategies has been proposed over the past years to ameliorate the difficulties associated with integration, but a general optimal integration framework that suits a broad class of engineering problems is not yet available. In this dissertation we provide a thorough investigation of the accuracy and computational effort of the octree integration technique. We quantify the contribution of the integration error using the theoretical basis provided by Strang’s first lemma. Based on this study we propose an error-estimate-based adaptive integration procedure for immersed IGA. To exploit the advantageous properties of IGA in a scan-based setting, it is important to extract a smooth geometry. This can be established by convoluting the voxel data using B-splines, but this can induce problematic topological changes when features with a size similar to that of the voxels are encountered. This dissertation presents a topology-preserving segmentation procedure using truncated hierarchical (TH)B-splines. A moving-window-based topological anomaly detection algorithm is proposed to identify regions in which (TH)B-spline refinements must be performed. The criterion to identify topological anomalies is based on the Euler characteristic, giving it the capability to distinguish between topological and shape changes. A Fourier analysis is presented to explain the effectiveness of the developed procedure. An additional computational challenge in the context of immersed IGA is the construction of optimal approximations using locally refined splines. For scan-based volumetric domains, hierarchical splines are particularly suitable, as they optimally leverage the advantages offered by the availability of a geometrically simple background mesh. Although truncated hierarchical B-splines have been successfully applied in the context of IGA, their application in the immersed setting is largely unexplored. In this dissertation we propose a computational strategy for the application of error estimation-based mesh adaptivity for stabilized immersed IGA. The conducted analyses and developed computational techniques for scan-based immersed IGA are interrelated, and together constitute a significant improvement in the efficiency and robustness of the analysis paradigm. In combination with other state-of-the-art developments regarding immersed FEM/IGA (\emph{e.g.}, iterative solution techniques, parallel computing), the research in this thesis opens the doors to scan-based simulations with more sophisticated physical behavior, geometries of increased complexity, and larger scan-data sizes

    Ekstraksi Fitur Produk dan Bug Potensial dari Data Opini Pengguna

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    Proses evolusi dan pemeliharaan ini dikenal sebagai proses yang memiliki biaya dan waktu tinggi. Maka dari itu sangat penting untuk dapat mengidentifikasi masalah yang ada pada perangkat lunak guna meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi proses. Salah satu sumber yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah data opini pengguna. Timbal balik yang diberikan oleh pengguna ini merepresentasikan keinginan pengguna dan dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengarahkan alokasi usaha pengembangan dan pemeliharaan perangkat lunak serta meningkatkan kualitas produk. Metode terbaru yang bisa dimanfaatkan adalah metode collocation finding. Akan tetapi, metode ini belum mampu menangkap fitur-fitur yang jarang disebutkan seperti pada opini pengguna yang termasuk saran fitur baru. Peningkatan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan aturan bahasa dalam mendapatkan fitur yang jarang disebutkan. Penelitian menganalisa pola linguistik yang umumnya terdapat pada data opini untuk mendapatkan aturan ekstraksi fitur. Selain itu juga ditambahkan proses pruning untuk menghilangkan hasil ekstraksi yang kurang relevan. Data yang digunakan merupakan data opini dari Application distribution platform atau app store. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode ini mampu meningkatkan nilai presisi dan recall dari metode collocation. Dengan pendekatan tersebut diharapkan rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih lengkap pada pengembang perangkat lunak. =============================================================================================== Evolution and maintenance process are known by the huge cost and slow implementation. It is important for developers to determine what features that should be improved and new features that should be built. For this purpose, developer can utilize user opinion data. Opinion provided by user represents user requirement and can be used to direct the allocation of development and maintenance effort as well as improving the quality of software. One of the most recent method that can be used is collocation finding. However, this method is not able to capture the features that are rarely mentioned as in the new feature suggestions. We built a model to improve the quality of product features extraction by utilizing the dependency rules. We analyzed common linguistic pattern of opinion data to construct the extraction rule. Beside that, we also perform pruning process to eliminate unrelevant result from the extraction process. We use data review from application distribution platform or app store. The result shows that the proposed method is better in recall and precision compared to collocation method itself. This approach is expected to provide more information for the developer

    Game Edukasi Asmaul Husna Berbasis Android Untuk Pelajar

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    Seiring berkembangnya zaman, Game pada saat ini sangat berkembang dengan cepat. Banyak anak muda sekarang yang sering bermain sampai lupa akan waktu dan lupa untuk belajar sehingga meningkatnya rasa malas pada anak muda sekarang. Game Edukasi Asmaul Husna ini dirancang menggunakan software adobe animate 2019 yang dimulai dengan membuat storyboard untuk mengetahui apakah game sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Game Edukasi Asmaul Husna ini ditujukan kepada pelajar dan anak-anak agar dapat belajar sambil bermain. Hasil dari game  ini berupa materi, dan soal-soal yang dilengkapi dengan music dan suara dari setiap objek. Game Edukasi ini sebagai media pembelajaran untuk pelajar dan anak-anak agar mereka dapat lebih senang dalam menghafal asmaul husna.Kata Kunci : Game, Asmaul Husna, Adobe Animate  Along with the development of the times, the game at this time is growing very quickly. In this era so that Many young people often play until they forgot the time and forgot to study so that young people get feel lazy today. This Asmaul Husna Educational Game was designed using adobe animate 2019 software, which started by creating a storyboard to find out whether the game was as desired. This Asmaul Husna Educational Game is aimed at students and children so they can learn while playing. The results of this game are in the form of materials, and questions that are equipped with music and sounds from each object. This Educational Game is a learning medium for students and children so that they can be happier in memorizing Asmaul Husna.Keywords: Game, Asmaul Husna, Adobe Animat


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    ABSTRACTThe aim of this research was to know whether there is a significant effect of collaborative writing strategy at the tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang. This research is quasi-experiment and was conducted by using a quantitative method, with 35 students as the sample which taken non-random by using purposive sampling. The Population was students at the tenth grade of SMAN 10 Tangerang. The hypothesis data was tested using the formula of Wilcoxon Sign Rank. The result of the study showed that effect of collaborative writing gave positive significant effect towards students’ writing skill. The reaction of students towards collaborative writing showed a significant result. Their score increased because of students learnt how to produce a genre text (recount text) with their peers who had a score which is above the minimum criteria. Students who had a score below minimum criteria. got guidance from their peers who had score above minimum criteria. Moreover, students had pre-test scores which are below minimum criteria, got increased score of post-tests after getting guidance by their peers. In summary, there was an improvement in students’ writing skill after the implementation of learning how to produce text by using collaborative writing.Keywords: Writing Skill, Collaborative Writing