11 research outputs found

    Cone beam computed tomography in the diagnosis of Stafne bone cavity: Report of seven cases and review of the open-access literature.

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    Stafne bone cavity (SBC) is a rare entity to find on panoramic radiography and on cone beam computed tomography. We reviewed in a systematic way the open-access literature from PubMed and DOAJ. We also proposed a new methodology consisting of collaboration with private practitioners, application of participative science approach, and open science practices, and using social media tool to obtain and describe seven different cases of SBC. We finally propose a new matrix table for classification of anatomical types of SBC already described and those yet to be described in open-access literature.Stafne bone cavity (SBC) is a rare entity to find on panoramic radiography and on cone beam computed tomography. We reviewed in a systematic way the open-access literature from PubMed and DOAJ. We also proposed a new methodology consisting of collaboration with private practitioners, application of participative science approach, and open science practices, and using social media tool to obtain and describe seven different cases of SBC. We finally propose a new matrix table for classification of anatomical types of SBC already described and those yet to be described in open-access literature

    Impact of early enteral versus parenteral nutrition on mortality in patients requiring mechanical ventilation and catecholamines: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (NUTRIREA-2)

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    BACKGROUND: Nutritional support is crucial to the management of patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) and the most commonly prescribed treatment in intensive care units (ICUs). International guidelines consistently indicate that enteral nutrition (EN) should be preferred over parenteral nutrition (PN) whenever possible and started as early as possible. However, no adequately designed study has evaluated whether a specific nutritional modality is associated with decreased mortality. The primary goal of this trial is to assess the hypothesis that early first-line EN, as compared to early first-line PN, decreases day 28 all-cause mortality in patients receiving IMV and vasoactive drugs for shock. METHODS/DESIGN: The NUTRIREA-2 study is a multicenter, open-label, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial comparing early PN versus early EN in critically ill patients requiring IMV for an expected duration of at least 48 hours, combined with vasoactive drugs, for shock. Patients will be allocated at random to first-line PN for at least 72 hours or to first-line EN. In both groups, nutritional support will be started within 24 hours after IMV initiation. Calorie targets will be 20 to 25 kcal/kg/day during the first week, then 25 to 30 kcal/kg/day thereafter. Patients receiving PN may be switched to EN after at least 72 hours in the event of shock resolution (no vasoactive drugs for 24 consecutive hours and arterial lactic acid level below 2 mmol/L). On day 7, all patients receiving PN and having no contraindications to EN will be switched to EN. In both groups, supplemental PN may be added to EN after day 7 in patients with persistent intolerance to EN and inadequate calorie intake. We plan to recruit 2,854 patients at 44 participating ICUs. DISCUSSION: The NUTRIREA-2 study is the first large randomized controlled trial designed to assess the hypothesis that early EN improves survival compared to early PN in ICU patients. Enrollment started on 22 March 2013 and is expected to end in November 2015. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01802099 (registered 27 February 2013)

    Tomografia komputerowa wiązki stożkowej w diagnostyce ubytku kości Stafne'a: sprawozdanie z siedmiu przypadków i przegląd literatury otwartego dostępu.

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    Stafne bone cavity (SBC) is a rare entity to find on panoramic radiography and on cone beam computed tomography. We reviewed in a systematic way the open-access literature from PubMed and DOAJ. We also proposed a new methodology consisting of collaboration with private practitioners, application of participative science approach, and open science practices, and using social media tool to obtain and describe seven different cases of SBC. We finally propose a new matrix table for classification of anatomical types of SBC already described and those yet to be described in open-access literature.Defekt Stafnego (Stafne's bone cavity - SBC) jest rzadko spotykany w radiografii pantomograficznej i stożkowej tomografii komputerowej. Dokonaliśmy systematycznego przeglądu literatury otwartego dostępu PubMed i DOAJ. Zaproponowaliśmy również nową metodologię polegającą na współpracy z prywatnymi praktykami, zastosowanie metody partycypacyjnego podejścia naukowego i praktyki otwartej nauki oraz wykorzystanie narzędzia mediów społecznościowych do uzyskania i opisania siedmiu różnych przypadków SBC. Proponujemy nową tabelę macierzową do klasyfikacji anatomicznych typów SBC już opisanych i tych, które jeszcze nie zostały opisane w ogólnodostępnej literaturze

    Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Migration and Neurotrophic Properties of Nasal Olfactory Stem and Ensheathing Cells

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    International audienceAdult olfactory ectomesenchymal stem cells (OE-MSCs) and olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), both from the nasal olfactory lamina propria, display robust regenerative properties when transplanted into the nervous system, but the mechanisms supporting such therapeutic effects remain unknown. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are an important family of proteinases contributing to cell motility and axonal outgrowth across the extracellular matrix (ECM) in physiological and pathological conditions. In this study, we have characterized for the first time in nasal human OE-MSCs the expression profile of some MMPs currently associated with cell migration and invasiveness. We demonstrate different patterns of expression for MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-9, and MT1-MMP upon cell migration when compared with nonmigrating cells. Our results establish a correspondence between the localization of these proteinases in the migration front with the ability of cells to migrate. Using various modulators of MMP activity, we also show that at least MMP-2, MMP-9, and MT1-MMP contribute to OE-MSC migration in an in vitro 3D test. Furthermore, we demonstrate under the same conditions of culture used for in vivo transplantation that OE-MSCs and OECs secrete neurotrophic factors that promote neurite outgrowth of cortical and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons, as well as axo-dendritic differentiation of cortical neurons. These effects were abolished by the depletion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 from the culture conditioned media. Altogether, our results provide the first evidence that MMPs may contribute to the therapeutic features of OE-MSCs and OECs through the control of their motility and/or their neurotrophic properties. Our data provide new insight into the mechanisms of neuroregeneration and will contribute to optimization of cell therapy strategies

    Development of a mass spectrometry imaging method for detecting and mapping graphene oxide nanoparticles in rodent tissues

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    International audienceGraphene-based nanoparticles are continuously being developed for biomedical applications, and their use raises concerns about their environmental and biological impact. In the literature, some imaging techniques based on fluorescence and radioimaging have been used to explore their fate . Here, we report on the use of label-free mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) for graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) analyses in rodent tissues. Thereby, we extend previous work by focusing on practical questions to obtain reliable and meaningful images. Specific radical anionic carbon clusters ranging from C to C were observed for both GO and rGO species, with a base peak at / 72 under negative laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) conditions. Extension to an LDI-MSI method was then performed, thus enabling the efficient detection of GO nanoparticles in lung tissue sections of previously exposed mice. The possibility of quantifying those nanoparticles on tissue sections has also been investigated. Two different ways of building calibration curves (i.e., GO suspensions spotted on tissue sections, or added to lung tissue homogenates) were evaluated and returned similar results, with linear dynamic concentration ranges over at least 2 orders of magnitude. Moreover, intra- and inter-day precision studies have been assessed, with relative standard deviation below 25% for each concentration point of a calibration curve. In conclusion, our study confirms that LDI-MSI is a relevant approach for biodistribution studies of carbon-based nanoparticles, as quantification can be achieved, provided that nanoparticle suspension and manufacturing are carefully controlled

    Medica-Plus: A Micromegas-based proof-of-concept detector for sub-becquerel tritium activity assessment at the service of oncological research

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    International audienceTo fulfil needs in oncological research a new Micromegas detector has been developed to follow radiolabelled drugs in living organisms at the single cell level. This article describes the proof-of-concept of such a detector and compares its ability to detect and assess sub-becquerel 3H activities with a commercial β-imager