2,412 research outputs found

    A manic episode after bilateral subthalamic stimulation in a patient with advanced Parkinson's disease

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has proven to be an effective treatment for patients with refractory symptoms in the advanced stages of Parkinson's disease. However, different psychiatric and cognitive problems may occur after DBS. We report a case of a manic episode after DBS of the subthalamic nucleus in a patient with advanced Parkinson's disease. After slow and gradually restart of the neurostimulation using the lowest effective intensity, the motor symptoms remained sufficiently under control without causing any psychiatric problems

    Social accountability 8000: ein praktikables Instrument zur Implementierung von Unternehmensethik in international tätigen Unternehmen?

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    "In diesem Beitrag wird ein neues Instrument zur Implementierung von Unternehmensethik in international tätigen Unternehmen vorgestellt und kritisch evaluiert Es handelt sich um die Zertifizierung nach Social Accountability 8000. Unternehmen sollen aktiv ethische Verantwortung übernehmen, indem sie weltweit gültigen Sozialstandards folgen und dies durch unabhängige Prüfer zertifizieren lassen. Das Konzept weist bei der operativen Umsetzung in Unternehmen eine Vielzahl praktischer Vorteile auf. Eine theoretische Analyse zeigt allerdings, dass es dem Compliance-Ansatz folgt und insofern keinen Akt freiwilliger dialogischer Willensbildung (Integritäts-Ansatz) darstellt." (Autorenreferat)"This article presents a new instrument for the implementation of business ethics within multinational companies: the certification in compliance with the standards 'Social Accountability 8000' (SA 8000). SA 8000 is a global standard for workplace conditions and a system for independently verifying factories' compliance. SA 8000's acceptance has been growing because many major corporations know that their reputation and social accountability is a competitive asset. And, they are beginning to see it as an issue of risk management. After presenting the SA 8000 the article concludes with a critical evaluation from the perspective of business ethics in order to answer the following question: does SA 8000 actually represents a practicable instrument for the implementation of business ethics within multinational companies?" (author's abstract

    Reducing the Effects of PCR Amplification and Sequencing Artifacts on 16S rRNA-Based Studies

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    The advent of next generation sequencing has coincided with a growth in interest in using these approaches to better understand the role of the structure and function of the microbial communities in human, animal, and environmental health. Yet, use of next generation sequencing to perform 16S rRNA gene sequence surveys has resulted in considerable controversy surrounding the effects of sequencing errors on downstream analyses. We analyzed 2.7×10[superscript 6] reads distributed among 90 identical mock community samples, which were collections of genomic DNA from 21 different species with known 16S rRNA gene sequences; we observed an average error rate of 0.0060. To improve this error rate, we evaluated numerous methods of identifying bad sequence reads, identifying regions within reads of poor quality, and correcting base calls and were able to reduce the overall error rate to 0.0002. Implementation of the PyroNoise algorithm provided the best combination of error rate, sequence length, and number of sequences. Perhaps more problematic than sequencing errors was the presence of chimeras generated during PCR. Because we knew the true sequences within the mock community and the chimeras they could form, we identified 8% of the raw sequence reads as chimeric. After quality filtering the raw sequences and using the Uchime chimera detection program, the overall chimera rate decreased to 1%. The chimeras that could not be detected were largely responsible for the identification of spurious operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and genus-level phylotypes. The number of spurious OTUs and phylotypes increased with sequencing effort indicating that comparison of communities should be made using an equal number of sequences. Finally, we applied our improved quality-filtering pipeline to several benchmarking studies and observed that even with our stringent data curation pipeline, biases in the data generation pipeline and batch effects were observed that could potentially confound the interpretation of microbial community data.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (1R01HG005975-01)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (award #0743432)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant NIHU54HG004969

    Dynamics of Blockchain Implementation - A Case Study from the Energy Sector

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    This case study analyzes the impact of theory-based factors on the implementation of different blockchain technologies in use cases from the energy sector. We construct an integrated research model based on the Diffusion of Innovations theory, institutional economics and the Technology-Organization-Environment framework. Using qualitative data from in-depth interviews, we link constructs to theory and assess their impact on each use case. Doing so we can depict the dynamic relations between different blockchain technologies and the energy sector. The study provides insights for decision makers in electric utilities, and government administrations

    The O2, pH and Ca2+ Microenvironment of Benthic Foraminifera in a High CO2 World

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    Ocean acidification (OA) can have adverse effects on marine calcifiers. Yet, phototrophic marine calcifiers elevate their external oxygen and pH microenvironment in daylight, through the uptake of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) by photosynthesis. We studied to which extent pH elevation within their microenvironments in daylight can counteract ambient seawater pH reductions, i.e. OA conditions. We measured the O2 and pH microenvironment of four photosymbiotic and two symbiont-free benthic tropical foraminiferal species at three different OA treatments (∼432, 1141 and 2151 µatm pCO2). The O2 concentration difference between the seawater and the test surface (ΔO2) was taken as a measure for the photosynthetic rate. Our results showed that O2 and pH levels were significantly higher on photosymbiotic foraminiferal surfaces in light than in dark conditions, and than on surfaces of symbiont-free foraminifera. Rates of photosynthesis at saturated light conditions did not change significantly between OA treatments (except in individuals that exhibited symbiont loss, i.e. bleaching, at elevated pCO2). The pH at the cell surface decreased during incubations at elevated pCO2, also during light incubations. Photosynthesis increased the surface pH but this increase was insufficient to compensate for ambient seawater pH decreases. We thus conclude that photosynthesis does only partly protect symbiont bearing foraminifera against OA

    Origen de la casiterita detrítica en los aluviones recientes de Tirados de la Vega-Golpejas (Salamanca)

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    9 páginas, 6 figuras, 5 tablas.[ES] En el sector Tirados de la Vega-Golpejas han sido detectadas dos anomalías de casiterita en los aluviones del Regato de los Lentiscos y en otros existentes al sur de Tirados de la Vega. El estudio granométrico y morfométrico de éstas casiteritas. contrastado con el de la casiterita procedente del granito de Golpejas. permite asegurar que la anomalía del Regato de los Lentiscos se debe a la dispersión de la casiterita de aquel granito. mientras que la de Tirados de la Vega procede de filones estanníferos. La aplicación del análisis factoral corrobora este hecho y permite diferenciar las casiteritas que proceden de rocas graníticas de aquellas que vienen de filones estanníferos. Según esto se puede indicar que la capacidad de migración de la casiterita desde el yacimiento estannífero de Golpejas es de unos 3 Kms.[EN] Two cassiterite anomalies have been detected in the Regato de los Lentisco and Tirados de la Vega alluviums, in the Golpejas area (Salamanca). The granometric and morphometric parameters of these cassiterites have been compared with those shown by the cassiterite crystal ocurrying in the Golpejas granite. The comparison between the two groups of data allow us to conclude that the anomaly observed in the Regato de los Lentistos has been originated by the disperssion of the cassiterite from the primary deposit of Golpejas. On the contrary, the anomaly ocurring in the alloviums to the south of Tirados de la Vega shows a different origin, and is coming from stanniferous veins. The factor anylisis corroborates the differentiation mentionated above, and indicates a migration capacite of about 3 kms. from the stannifeous deposits of Golpejas for the alluvial cassiterite.Peer reviewe