491 research outputs found

    Usage of the symbols and Dionis square in the cryptosystem of Dionis

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    The rapid developments of technology which have brought with them a host of benefits to humanity have also left behind a host of spaces which have mostly aided cyber piracy who exploit the many benefits of the internet for purposes that are in their favor,but these actions which negatively affect the privacy of all internet users. In this project I will present some modifications which are enabled through the 16x16 square of Dionis with 256 elements based in the Masonic Cipher method, with the help of which based on the rules I have created and developed it is different from all the others that have been presented so far containing some specific specifications within it, in order to make the possibility of decryption as difficult as possible for the abusers, but understandable to implement

    Una ruta matemĂ tica al meu poble, Onda

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017Aquest TFG té com a objectiu apropar les Rutes Matemàtiques a les escoles d’educació primària. En aquest cas, es tracta d’una proposta didàctica dirigida als cursos de 5è i 6è del col·legi Baltasar Rull Villar d’Onda. El fi de les Rutes Matemàtiques és aconseguir que els alumnes puguin comprovar que el seu voltant està rodejat d’elements matemàtics i que les matemàtiques no queden contextualitzades solament a l’escola. A partir d’aquesta realitat, els alumnes descobreixen l’oportunitat de qüestions i problemes matemàtics que sorgeixen de la seva vida quotidiana i voltant. Per tant, en aquesta proposta trobarem un possible camí per a treballar les rutes amb els xiquets/es. Una introducció al concepte per a 5è i una posada en pràctica per a 6è. En aquestes farem un viatge d’observació al poble d’Onda i un reconeixement al patrimoni històric. L’objectiu fonamental és que els alumnes aprenguin i gaudeixin al mateix temps. Donada la limitació d’extensió del TFG, trobarem als annexos la proposta introductòria per a 5è curs


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    I am an interdisciplinary artist working in painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, video and installation. I employ these mediums to create a coming of age story as a Dominican New Yorker, exploring masculinity, vulnerability, the supernatural, family, and religion, as well as how culture plays a role in my community and in my life

    Using Heavy Quark Fragmentation into Heavy Hadrons to Determine QCD Parameters and Test Heavy Quark Symmetry

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    We present a detailed analysis of the use of heavy quark fragmentation into heavy hadrons for testing the heavy quark effective theory through comparison of the measured fragmentation parameters of the c and b quarks. Our analysis is entirely model independent. We interpret the known perturbative evolution in a way useful for exploiting heavy quark symmetry at low energy. We first show consistency with perturbative QCD scaling for measurements done solely with c quarks. We then apply the perturbative analysis and the heavy quark expansion to relate measurements from ARGUS and LEP. We place bounds on a nonperturbative quark mass suppressed parameter, and compare the values for the b and c quarks. We find consistency with the heavy quark expansion but fairly sizable QCD uncertainties. We also suggest that one might reduce the systematic uncertainty in the result by not extrapolating to low z

    Time-optimal control of two-level quantum systems by piecewise constant pulses

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    We apply an extension of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle to derive time-optimal controls of two-level quantum systems by means of piecewise constant pulses. Global optimal solutions are obtained for state-to-state transfer in the cases with one and two controls. Exact quantum speed limits are established as a function of the sampling period. We observe numerically an exponential convergence towards the minimum time in the continuous limit when this period goes to zero. We show that this convergence is only polynomial for a linearized quantum system. We discuss the experimental impact of this result.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Allylic Cations in Solvolysis. A Case of Non-Participation

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    The rate constants and secondary deuterium Isotope ef\u27fects are measured in the solvo\u27lysis of various allyHc p-nitrobenzoates. The obtained results are explained by differences in inductive effects o>f vardous groups in the side-chain. These results are in keeping with the stepwise mechanism according to which neighboiring group n- and n-paxticiipation is not revealed in the studied solvCJ!lytic reactions

    Winterstrom mit alpiner Photovoltaik : Messergebnisse nach zwei Jahren Versuchsbetrieb

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    Die alpine Testanlage in Davos Totalp lieferte 2018 und 2019 jeweils bis zu 2000 kWh/kWp bei circa 50 % Winterstromanteil. Dies entspricht gegenĂĽber einer Vergleichsanlage im Mittelland einem Mehrertrag von 100 % ĂĽber das gesamte Jahr und 350 % im Winterhalbjahr
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