1,994 research outputs found

    Behavioral Regulation Sport Questionnaire: Gender and Sport Invariance in Portuguese Athletes

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    Versão depositada: post-printThis study aimed to analyze measurement invariance of the Behavioral Regulation Sports Questionnaire (BRSQ) across the gender and four different sports. In addition, we examined nomological validity via basic psychological needs satisfaction. Participants totaled 1,812 Portuguese athletes (1,220 males and 592 females; aged 15–59 years, Mage ¼ 17.72, SD ¼ 5.51) from football (n ¼ 596), basketball (n ¼ 273), swimming (n ¼ 800), and parasport (n ¼ 143). The BRSQ measurement model was invariant across the gender and these four sports. The scale confirmed nomological validity in that satisfaction of the basic psychological needs positively predicted autonomous forms of motivation and negatively predicted more controlled motivation and amotivation as suggested by self-determination theory. In light of this evidence for BRSQ construct validity, composite reliability, nomological validity, and invariance across the gender and four different sports, this scale is a useful tool for the coaches of the aforementioned sports in their efforts to evaluate their athletes’ motivation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burnout e percepção do absentismo em trabalhadores do sector bancário : contributos do modelo das exigências-recursos do trabalho

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008Esta investigação visa estudar a percepção do absentismo dos trabalhadores do sector bancário e sua relação com variáveis de stress e strain ocupacionais. O modelo das exigências-recursos do trabalho (JD-R) e utilizado para estudar as exigências(exigências do trabalho e conflito trabalho-familia) e recursos (latitude de decisão e estratégias de coping), seu impacto no burnout e no absentismo percebido pelos trabalhadores e ainda o papel mediador do burnout na relação entre as exigências e o absentismo percebido. A amostra constituiu-se de 59 empregados do BES, provenientes de 3 dos departamentos com maior taxa de absentismo. Analisamos o efeito de três grupos de variáveis preditoras (variáveis demográficas; exigências; e recursos) sobre as dimensões centrais do burnout (exaustão e cinismo), de acordo com as previsões do modelo JD-R. Postulamos um modelo hierárquico para o teste de hipóteses, recorrendo a análise de regressão múltipla. As evidencias suportam as hipóteses: quanto maior o nível de exigências maior o nível de exaustão registado pelos sujeitos; quanto menor o nível de recursos disponíveis maior e o nível de exaustão; quanto maior o nível de exigências maior o nível de cinismo; e quanto menor o nível de recursos disponíveis maior o nível de cinismo. Verificou-se também que a relação com as exigências foi mais forte para a exaustão do que para o cinismo. Porem, a relação com os recursos foi mais forte para a exaustão do que para o cinismo, ao contrario do hipotetizado. A hipótese de mediação não recebeu suporte dos resultados. Paralelamente, examinamos a percepção dos sujeitos relativamente a auto-estimativas de absentismo, e comparações subjectivas dessas mesmas auto-estimativas com a media do absentismo dos colaboradores de outros departamentos da empresa, e a percepção de validade de vários motivos para ausentarem-se ao trabalho. São discutidas questões futuras de investigação que conThis study examined the perception of absenteeism of bank employees and its relationship with variables of occupational stress and strain. We use the model of job demands-resources (JD-R) to study the demands (job demands and work-family conflict) and resources (decision latitude and coping strategies), its impact on burnout and on the perception of absenteeism by workers and the mediating role of burnout in the relationship between demands and perception of absenteeism. The sample was composed of 59 bank employees of BES, from 3 of the departments with the highest rate of absenteeism. We examined the effect of three groups of predictive variables (demographic, demands and resources variables) on the key aspects of burnout (exhaustion and cynicism), in line with forecasts of the model JD-R. We adopted a hierarchical model for the testing of hypotheses, using the multiple regression analysis. The results support the hypotheses: as higher the demands level, higher the level of exhaustion registered by the subject; as lower the level of resources available, higher the level of exhaustion; as higher the demands level, higher the level of cynicism; and as lower the level of resources available, higher the level of cynicism. It also appeared that the relationship with the demands was stronger for exhaustion than for the cynicism. However, the relationship with the resources was stronger for the exhaustion than for the cynicism, unlike the hypothesized. The mediation hypothesis was also not support by the results. In addition, we examined the perception of the subjects for self-estimates of absenteeism, and comparisons of these subjective selfestimates with the average absenteeism of employees in other departments of the company, and the perception of validity of several reasons to meet or unattended to the work. Some issues are discussed for future research

    La odisea de Europa en la globalización: un viaje hacia la Europa federal

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    El tema de la competitividad y de las exportaciones, ha estado muy de moda ultimamente y en Colombia son varias las actividades que se han realizado en torno a esta temática. Desde estudios como los contratados con la firma Monitor la creación del Consejo de competitividad.

    Atomismo ético de Leucipo e Demócrito

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    In this article, we start from the general thesis of theatomism – everything in the universe is composed by atoms – toassume an atomist reading of the ethical fragments of Democritus.If Leucippus and Democritus explain not only the beginning of the world, as well as the constitution of the soul and the body from therelation atom-emptiness (to be-not to be), this structure will also beapplied to the ethical maxims that we know. Despite this, the relationsoul-body is one of superiority (the knowledge that drift of the sensations it’s obscure), it is also of interdependence, that leads Democritusto blame soul when body is only a tool of its vices or the need to takecare of soul and body in the same way. However, it is in the soul thatwe must look for true knowledge (subtle), as well as the pleasures thatvalue the man. From this relation, we will also analyse the consequencesin the education as well as in the life in society

    La odisea de Europa en la globalización: un viaje hacia la Europa federal

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    The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in processing tomato crop – attack differences among four cultivars

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de LisboaThe Portuguese 2017 processing tomato season was one of the worst regarding the color parameter. The tomato coming from Ribatejo region fields was showing symptoms of irregular ripening disorder (IRR), probably caused by the large population of Bemisia tabaci present. This pest, favoured by global warming, by its versatility and resilience, has the potential to become a major pest, hence relevant to analyse different management alternatives in the processing tomato crops, such as the development of lesser susceptible or attractive cultivars (cvs). Several studies carried out on wild Solanum spp. species revealed the existence of resistance to B. tabaci through its trichomes. However, as far as we know, there are no studies conducted on cvs commonly used by farmers, either on susceptibility to this pest or on the type and distribution of its trichomes, which may influence it. This study aimed to verify and compare abundance and type of trichomes, glandular and nonglandular, in four commercial processing tomato cultivars (CXD277, H1015, H3402 and KG273) and evaluate its influence on B. tabaci attractiveness. To achieve that, two free choice trials were performed in Kagome’s greenhouse at Águas de Moura. The greenhouse was uniformly infested with B. tabaci specimens. The trichomes count was done using a stereoscopic microscope and the type recognition by scanning electronic microscopy. The analysis of variance did not reveal significant differences in the number of either nonglandular, glandular trichomes or both combined. The analysis of the number of nymphs on the leaves, excluding H3402, revealed a significant lower number of nymphs on KG273, but only in the 1st trial. There were no correlations between nymphs and trichomes counts. So, this factor was considered not determinant for a different infestation and, probably, does not play a role on different attractiveness of B. tabaci on commercial cvs. Other factors that can affect attractiveness are discussedN/

    Luz Saúde buyout: Equity valuation

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    Luz Saúde is on the main players on Portuguese private healthcare business, owning 9% of the market share. It became the first Portuguese healthcare listed company in 2014 with an initial price of €3.20 per share; in the same year, the insurance company Fidelidade, bought 96% of the company and became the majority shareholder at that time. Currently, the capital is mainly divided by Fosun (49%) and Fidelidade (49.7%). In 2018 it was decided by both to buyout the rest of the dispersed shares, offering €5.71 per share. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to value the equity side of Luz Saúde and reach a fair price per share and to conclude over the reasonableness of the price offered by Fosun and Fidelidade to the minority investors. As the purpose of the thesis is to value only the equity side, the valuation methodology followed the free cash-flow to the equity approach and relative valuation based on comparable companies. Dividend discount model was not used since Luz Saúde never paid any dividend and it is not expectable that it will do so.Luz Saúde é uma das principais empresas a atuar em Portugal no setor da saúde privada, com uma quota de mercado estimada na ordem dos 9%. Em 2014, tornou-se na primeira empresa Portuguesa da área da saúde a entrar em bolsa, com o preço inicial de €3.20 por ação; no mesmo ano, a seguradora Fidelidade comprou 96% do capital desta, tornando-se no acionista maioritário. Atualmente, o capital da mesma encontra-se maioritariamente dividido em apenas dois acionistas, sendo eles a Fosun (49%) e a Fidelidade (49.7%). Em 2018, foi aprovada a saída de bolsa da Luz Saúde, tendo sido proposto €5.71 por ação. Deste modo, esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar os capitais próprios da Luz Saúde e concluir sobre a razoabilidade do preço oferecido pela Fosun e pela Fidelidade aos restantes acionistas. A metodologia utilizada na avaliação baseou-se no modelo de free cash flow to the equity e por múltiplos de mercado. A metodologia de dividend discount model não foi considerada para a elaboração desta tese dado a política rígida de distribuição de dividendos da Luz Saúde, nunca tendo distribuído qualquer valor desde que se tornou uma empresa cotada

    Factores de risco do carcinoma do pulmão

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina, área cientifoca de Pneumologia, apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraIntrodução: O carcinoma do pulmão (CP) é um dos tumores malignos mais frequentes e considerado o carcinoma mais letal em todo Mundo. Daí que, é de extrema importância a quantificação e evidenciação dos factores de risco no que diz respeito à sua influência no risco de desenvolvimento do Carcinoma do Pulmão. Objectivos:Avaliar o papel dos diversos factores de risco no processo de carcinogénese pulmonar e concluir os factores que influenciam, positivamente ou negativamente, o risco de desenvolver Carcinoma do Pulmão. Desenvolvimento:A abordagem deste tema centra-se na elevada incidência do Carcinoma do Pulmão e do papel dos diversos factores intrincados neste processo. São descritos os vários factores de risco envolvidos na alteração da incidência do Carcinoma do Pulmão. Através de uma pesquisa realizada na Pubmed foram obtidos cerca de 350 artigos, dos quais foram seleccionados 150, pelo nome do artigo, ano de publicação e leitura dos respectivos abstracts e dos quais seleccionei 105 para o desenvolvimento deste tema. Conclusão:O tabagismo (activo e passivo), a susceptibilidade genética, a exposição à sílica, pó da madeira, asbesto, radão e poluição ambiental são factores de risco associados, de forma consistente, ao aumento do risco de Carcinoma do Pulmão. Fármacos como os Antidepressívos Tricíclicos (ATD) e Terapêutica Hormonal de Substituição (THS) também têm sido associados a um aumento da incidência de Carcinoma do Pulmão. HIV, Tuberculose, Clamydophila pneumoniae, carcinomas prévios, Artrite Reumatóide, DPOC e défice de α1 – antitripsina estão também associados a um aumento do risco de Carcinoma do Pulmão. O consumo de β-carotenos, vegetais, fruta, vitaminas (A, B6 e C), Selénio, Cobre e Zinco estão associados a uma diminuição do risco, assim como determinados fármacos: Estatinas, AINE’s e Aspirina. Este conhecimento permite uma actuação a nível preventivo, alertando a população para os factores mais prejudiciais e encorajando-o a adoptar um estilo de vida saudável.Introduction: Lung canceris one of themost frequentmalignant tumorsand is considered themost lethalcancerin the wholeworld.So, it isextremely importantto quantify anddisclosureof the risk factorsinregard totheir influence on therisk of developinglung cancer. Objectives: To evaluate the role of various risk factors in the process of lung carcinogenesis and conclude the factors that influence, positively or negatively, the risk of developing lung cancer. Development: The approach of this theme focuses on the high incidence of lung cancer and the role of various factors in this intricate process. Describe various risk factors involved in altering the incidence of lung cancer. Through a survey conducted in Pubmed were obtained about 350 articles, of which 150 were selected, by item name, year of publication and reading of their abstracts and 105 of which have selected to develop this theme. Conclusion: Cigarette smoking (active and passive), genetic susceptibility, exposure to silica, wood dust, asbestos, radon and environmental pollution are associated risk factors, consistent, increased risk of lung cancer. Drugs such as tricyclic antidepressants and Hormone Replacement Therapy have also been associated with increased incidence of lung cancer. HIV, TB, Clamydophila pneumoniae, previous cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, COPD and lack of α1 - antitrypsin deficiency are also associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. The consumption of β-carotene, vegetables, fruit, vitamins (A, B6 and C), Selenium, Copper and zinc are associated with a decreased risk as well as certain drugs: Statins, aspirin and NSAIDS. This knowledge allows a preventive action level, alerting people to the most harmful factors and encouraging him to adopt a healthy lifestyle