11 research outputs found

    Case report: Early-onset osteoporosis in a patient carrying a novel heterozygous variant of the WNT1 gene

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    Article presents a case study of a 35 year-old Caucasian woman who experienced multiple vertebral fractures two months after her second pregnancy. The results suggest a potential role of heterozygous WNT1 variants in the pathogenesis of early-onset osteoporosis. The authors suggest that teriparatide is one of the most appropriate available therapies for such cases

    I livelli di fosfato nell'iperparatiroidismo primario correlano con le caratteristiche cliniche e biochimiche di malattia

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    Background. Il PTH esercita un effetto fosfaturico tramite l’inibizione del cotrasportatore NaPi-IIa a livello del tubulo renale prossimale; pertanto, i livelli di fosfato (P) nei pazienti affetti da iperparatiroidismo primario (IPP) sono solitamente ai limiti inferiori della norma o francamente ridotti. Sebbene la relazione inversa fra calcio e P sia nota da tempo, l’esistenza di una correlazione tra fosfatemia e quadro biochimico e clinico nell’IPP è stata poco investigata. Materiali e metodi. Abbiamo valutato retrospettivamente i dati di 425 pazienti consecutivi (350 donne e 75 uomini) affetti da IPP ipercalcemico afferiti presso il nostro centro dal 2018 al 2023. Risultati. Una condizione di ipofosfatemia (ipoP), definita come valori di P ≤ a 2,5 mg/dL è stata riscontrata in 245 pazienti (57%), ed era lieve (2-2,5 mg/dl) moderata (1-1,9 mg/dl) e grave (< 1 mg/dl) in 183 (75%), 62 (25%) e 0 casi rispettivamente. I livelli medi di P erano significativamente inferiori negli uomini rispetto alle donne, ma la differenza si perdeva considerando le sole donne in pre-menopausa. Il quadro biochimico, inteso come valori di calcio totale e ionizzato, paratormone e calciuria delle 24 ore, era più grave nei pazienti con ipoP rispetto a quelli senza. Dal punto di vista clinico, i pazienti con ipoP presentavano una maggiore prevalenza di nefrolitiasi, ma non di osteoporosi e fratture da fragilità rispetto a quelli senza. Infine, tutti i pazienti con ipofosfatemia moderata, tranne uno, soddisfacevano almeno un criterio chirurgico. Conclusioni. I nostri dati confermano l’esistenza di una correlazione fra livelli di P e fenotipo biochimico e clinico dell’IPP. Inoltre, l’ipoP moderata potrebbe rappresentare criterio valido, economico e facilmente disponibile per consigliare la chirurgia, a prescindere dall’età e dai valori di calcemia

    Which Methodological Practice(s) for Psychotherapy Science? A Systematic Review and a Proposal

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    Three main methodological practices have been employed in psychotherapy science: the empirical-quantitative, empirical-qualitative, and theoretical one. Some scholars have argued for a monopoly of the empirical-quantitative methodological practice, sustained by scientific monism. This systematic review aims at exploring the contribution of each methodological practice to the field. Fifteen journals were searched from 2003 to 2013. A total of 9796 publications and 9915 studies met inclusion criteria and were coded for the methodological practice employed. Empirical-quantitative studies were the most published overall, over time, and in most of the journals considered. This overwhelming prevalence increased when considering the citation rates of the publications. We argue that these results are indicative of a quantitative monopoly, which in turn is due to a lack of critical thinking sustaining scientific monism. We call for disciplinary critical thinking and the consequent scientific pluralism valuing the plurality, diversity, and multiplicity of all the existing methodological practices

    An inter-comparison of size segregated carbonaceous aerosol collected by low-volume impactor in the port- cities of Venice (Italy) and Rijeka (Croatia)

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    Size-segregated studies of organic and elemental carbon (EC, OC) in aerosol is essential in understanding sources and effects on the environment. However, these studies are scarce , especially in coastal areas stressed by anthropogenic emissions and with interactions between anthropogenic and natural emissions. To partially fill this lack of information, aerosol siye segregated samples were takrđen between August 2018 and May 2019, using a MOUDI impactor. A thermal-optical analysis (EUSAAR2) allowed EC and OC determination in different size ranges. For Rijeka site, the water soluble organic carbon content (WSOC) was analysed. OC and EC average concentrations in Venice were 3.16 (± 0.97) and 0.40 (±0.13) μg/m3 in Rijeka were 2.48 (± 0.65) and 0.37 (±0.08) μg/m3. The OC size distributions were bimodal at both sites, with an accumulation mode in the size range 0, 56-0, 32 μm, a coarse mode in the range 5.6-3.2 μm . EC showed a bimodal distribution in Rijeka, a single fine mode in Venice. The EC/TC ratio was large in the fine mode at both sites , however, in Rijeka non-negligible values were found in. coarse fractions, suggesting contributions from resuspensions od carbon loaded dust and mixing of anthropogenic particles with sea spray.. The WSOC/OC analysis as function of particle size in Rijeka showed a total value of 0.51 (± 0.12) with an increase in the coarse fraction likely due to a contribution of water soluble carbon from sea spray and f biogenic emissions

    An inter-comparison of size segregated carbonaceous aerosol collected by low-volume impactor in the port- cities of Venice (Italy) and Rijeka (Croatia)

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    Size-segregated studies of organic and elemental carbon (EC, OC) in aerosol is essential in understanding sources and effects on the environment. However, these studies are scarce , especially in coastal areas stressed by anthropogenic emissions and with interactions between anthropogenic and natural emissions. To partially fill this lack of information, aerosol siye segregated samples were takrđen between August 2018 and May 2019, using a MOUDI impactor. A thermal-optical analysis (EUSAAR2) allowed EC and OC determination in different size ranges. For Rijeka site, the water soluble organic carbon content (WSOC) was analysed. OC and EC average concentrations in Venice were 3.16 (± 0.97) and 0.40 (±0.13) μg/m3 in Rijeka were 2.48 (± 0.65) and 0.37 (±0.08) μg/m3. The OC size distributions were bimodal at both sites, with an accumulation mode in the size range 0, 56-0, 32 μm, a coarse mode in the range 5.6-3.2 μm . EC showed a bimodal distribution in Rijeka, a single fine mode in Venice. The EC/TC ratio was large in the fine mode at both sites , however, in Rijeka non-negligible values were found in. coarse fractions, suggesting contributions from resuspensions od carbon loaded dust and mixing of anthropogenic particles with sea spray.. The WSOC/OC analysis as function of particle size in Rijeka showed a total value of 0.51 (± 0.12) with an increase in the coarse fraction likely due to a contribution of water soluble carbon from sea spray and f biogenic emissions

    CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential

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    This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 "The Ocean of Tomorrow" Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concept of Cells of Ecosystem Functioning, based on connectivity, is introduced to define natural units of management and conservation. The definition of Good Environmental Status, as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is fully embraced to set the objectives of the project, by adopting a holistic approach that integrates a full set of disciplines, ranging from physics to bio-ecology, economics, engineering and many sub-disciplines. The CoCoNet Consortium involved scientist sfrom 22 states, based in Africa, Asia, and Europe, contributing to build a coherent scientific community

    CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential

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    This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 “The Ocean of Tomorrow” Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concept of Cells of Ecosystem Functioning, based on connectivity, is introduced to define natural units of management and conservation. The definition of Good Environmental Status, as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is fully embraced to set the objectives of the project, by adopting a holistic approach that integrates a full set of disciplines, ranging from physics to bio-ecology, economics, engineering and many sub-disciplines. The CoCoNet Consortium involved scientist sfrom 22 states, based in Africa, Asia, and Europe, contributing to build a coherent scientific community

    CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential

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    This volume contains the main results of the EC FP7 "The Ocean of Tomorrow" Project CoCoNet, divided in two sections: 1) a set of guidelines to design networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas; 2) a smart wind chart that will allow evaluating the possibility of installing Offshore Wind Farms in both seas. The concept of Cells of Ecosystem Functioning, based on connectivity, is introduced to define natural units of management and conservation. The definition of Good Environmental Status, as defined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is fully embraced to set the objectives of the project, by adopting a holistic approach that integrates a full set of disciplines, ranging from physics to bio-ecology, economics, engineering and many sub-disciplines. The CoCoNet Consortium involved scientist sfrom 22 states, based in Africa, Asia, and Europe, contributing to build a coherent scientific community

    Editorial. A supplement of Scires-it on the COCONET european project

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    The Supplement to vol. 6, 2016 of SCIRES-IT contains the result of CoCoNet (Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas, coupled with sea-based wind energy potential), a project of the EU Oceans of Tomorrow programme (http://www.coconet-fp7.eu). The European Union requires Open Access to the results of the projects resulting from its support to scientific advancement. This is in full accordance with the policy of SCIRES-IT, an eco-sustainable open–access journal, which joins the main principles of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access with the aims of the International Convention on Biological Diversity. CoCoNet tackled two problems that are closely linked with each other: the protection of the marine environment and clean energy production. Hence, the Supplement is divided into two parts that, together, form a unicum