3,035 research outputs found

    An analytic approach to number counts of weak-lensing peak detections

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    We develop and apply an analytic method to predict peak counts in weak-lensing surveys. It is based on the theory of Gaussian random fields and suitable to quantify the level of spurious detections caused by chance projections of large-scale structures as well as the shape and shot noise contributed by the background galaxies. We compare our method to peak counts obtained from numerical ray-tracing simulations and find good agreement at the expected level. The number of peak detections depends substantially on the shape and size of the filter applied to the gravitational shear field. Our main results are that weak-lensing peak counts are dominated by spurious detections up to signal-to-noise ratios of 3--5 and that most filters yield only a few detections per square degree above this level, while a filter optimised for suppressing large-scale structure noise returns up to an order of magnitude more.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A&

    Weak lensing evidence for a filament between A222/A223

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    We present a weak lensing analysis and comparison to optical and X-ray maps of the close pair of massive clusters A222/223. Indications for a filamentary connection between the clusters are found and discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Proc. IAU Colloquium 195: Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters - Intense Life in the Suburbs. Version with higher resolution available at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~dietrich/torino_proc.ps.g

    The origin of peak-offsets in weak-lensing maps

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    Centroid positions of peaks identified in weak lensing mass maps often show offsets with respect to other means of identifying halo centres, like position of the brightest cluster galaxy or X-ray emission centroid. Here we study the effect of projected large-scale structure (LSS), smoothing of mass maps, and shape noise on the weak lensing peak positions. Additionally we compare the offsets in mass maps to those found in parametric model fits. Using ray-tracing simulations through the Millennium Run NN-body simulation, we find that projected LSS does not alter the weak-lensing peak position within the limits of our simulations' spatial resolution, which exceeds the typical resolution of weak lensing maps. We conclude that projected LSS, although a major contaminant for weak-lensing mass estimates, is not a source of confusion for identifying halo centres. The typically reported offsets in the literature are caused by a combination of shape noise and smoothing alone. This is true for centroid positions derived both from mass maps and model fits.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, significant additions to v

    Leaking method approach to surface transport in the Mediterranean Sea from a numerical ocean model

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    We use Lagrangian diagnostics (the leaking and the exchange methods) to characterize surface transport out of and between selected regions in the Western Mediterranean. Velocity fields are obtained from a numerical model. Residence times of water of Atlantic origin in the Algerian basin, with a strong seasonal dependence, are calculated. Exchange rates between these waters and the ones occupying the northern basin are also evaluated. At surface, northward transport is dominant, and involves filamental features and eddy structures that can be identified with the Algerian eddies. The impact on these results of the presence of small scale turbulent motions is evaluated by adding Lagrangian diffusion.Comment: 21 pages using the elsart style. Higher resolution figures available from http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/publications/showpaper_en.php?indice=119

    Metabolic engineering of the purine biosynthetic pathway in Corynebacterium glutamicum results in increased intracellular pool sizes of IMP and hypoxanthine

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    Background: Purine nucleotides exhibit various functions in cellular metabolism. Besides serving as building blocks for nucleic acid synthesis, they participate in signaling pathways and energy metabolism. Further, IMP and GMP represent industrially relevant biotechnological products used as flavor enhancing additives in food industry. Therefore, this work aimed towards the accumulation of IMP applying targeted genetic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Results: Blocking of the degrading reactions towards AMP and GMP lead to a 45-fold increased intracellular IMP pool of 22 mumol gCDW-1. Deletion of the pgi gene encoding glucose 6-phosphate isomerase in combination with the deactivated AMP and GMP generating reactions, however, resulted in significantly decreased IMP pools (13 mumol gCDW-1). Targeted metabolite profiling of the purine biosynthetic pathway further revealed a metabolite shift towards the formation of the corresponding nucleobase hypoxanthine (102 mumol gCDW-1) derived from IMP degradation. Conclusions: The purine biosynthetic pathway is strongly interconnected with various parts of the central metabolism and therefore tightly controlled. However, deleting degrading reactions from IMP to AMP and GMP significantly increased intracellular IMP levels. Due to the complexity of this pathway further degradation from IMP to the corresponding nucleobase drastically increased suggesting additional targets for future strain optimization

    Ion Selectivity and Competition in Channelrhodopsins

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    AbstractChannelrhodopsins are light-gated ion channels of green algae. They are widely used for the analysis of neuronal networks using light in the emerging field of optogenetics. Under steady-state light conditions, the two open states, O1 and O2, mediate the photocurrents with different ion conductance and selectivity. To understand the conducting process as well as its optogenetic applications, it is important to study ion binding and transport of this promiscuous cation channel. Here, we present an enzyme kinetic algorithm that allowed us to calculate the ion composition of the initial and steady-state photocurrents for multication media. The approach is based on current-voltage relations determined for the individual ions H+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. We identify and quantify the widely different competition of the ions in wild-type channelrhodopsin-2 and two high-performing channelrhodopsin variants CatCh+ and C1V1. Both variants show enhanced Ca2+ conductance, but only CatCh+ displays high steady-state Ca2+ currents at neutral pH due to reduced H+ competition and low inactivation. We demonstrate that for optogenetic applications, one should always take into account that the variable equilibria of the two open states depend on light intensity, voltage, and the ionic composition of the medium

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey VIII. Lyman-break galaxies in the ESO Deep Public Survey

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    Aims. The clustering properties of a large sample of U-dropouts are investigated and compared to very precise results for B-dropouts from other studies to identify a possible evolution from z=4 to z=3. Methods. A population of ~8800 candidates for star-forming galaxies at z=3 is selected via the well-known Lyman-break technique from a large optical multicolour survey (the ESO Deep Public Survey). The selection efficiency, contamination rate, and redshift distribution of this population are investigated by means of extensive simulations. Photometric redshifts are estimated for every Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) candidate from its UBVRI photometry yielding an empirical redshift distribution. The measured angular correlation function is deprojected and the resulting spatial correlation lengths and slopes of the correlation function of different subsamples are compared to previous studies. Results. By fitting a simple power law to the correlation function we do not see an evolution in the correlation length and the slope from other studies at z=4 to our study at z=3. In particular, the dependence of the slope on UV-luminosity similar to that recently detected for a sample of B-dropouts is confirmed also for our U-dropouts. For the first time number statistics for U-dropouts are sufficient to clearly detect a departure from a pure power law on small scales down to ~2" reported by other groups for B-dropouts.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&A, full resolution version available at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~hendrik/5880.pd

    What Is Important When We Evaluate Movies? Insights from Computational Analysis of Online Reviews

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    The question of what is important when we evaluate movies is crucial for understanding how lay audiences experience and evaluate entertainment products such as films. In line with this, subjective movie evaluation criteria (SMEC) have been conceptualized as mental representations of important attitudes toward specific film features. Based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of self-report data from online surveys, previous research has found and validated eight dimensions. Given the large-scale evaluative information that is available in online users’ comments in movie databases, it seems likely that what online users write about movies may enrich our knowledge about SMEC. As a first fully exploratory attempt, drawing on an open-source dataset including movie reviews from IMDb, we estimated a correlated topic model to explore the underlying topics of those reviews. In 35,136 online movie reviews, the most prevalent topics tapped into three major categories—Hedonism, Actors’ Performance, and Narrative—and indicated what reviewers mostly wrote about. Although a qualitative analysis of the reviews revealed that users mention certain SMEC, results of the topic model covered only two SMEC: Story Innovation and Light-heartedness. Implications for SMEC and entertainment research are discussed

    Inklusion in der Sozialen Arbeit: Darstellung am Beispiel von alt gewordenen Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung

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    Am Beispiel der Personengruppe alt gewordener Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung wird untersucht, wie unter den erschwerenden Bedingungen von Behinderung und Alter dennoch Inklusion als sozialer Prozess stattfindet. Zur Operationalisierung systemtheoretischer Aussagen bedient sich die Studie des von Otto Neurath begrĂŒndeten Konzeptes der Lebenslagen. Das vom Verfasser als Rebekka-Effekt bezeichnete PhĂ€nomen der Konstruktion von "Voralterung" wird als ein deutlicher Hinweis gewertet, dass auch unter problematischen Voraussetzungen das generalisierte Inklusionsgebot moderner Gesellschaften wirksam wird
