9 research outputs found

    Receptor-independent modulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein phosphatase signaling in cardiac myocytes by oxidizing agents

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    The contraction and relaxation of the heart is controlled by stimulation of the beta 1-adrenoreceptor (AR) signaling cascade, which leads to activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and subsequent cardiac protein phosphorylation. Phosphorylation is counteracted by the main cardiac protein phosphatases, PP2A and PP1. Both kinase and phosphatases are sensitive to intramolecular disulfide formation in their catalytic subunits that inhibits their activity. Additionally, intermolecular disulfide formation between PKA type I regulatory subunits (PKA-RI) has been described to enhance PKA's affinity for protein kinase A anchoring proteins, which alters its subcellular distribution. Nitroxyl donors have been shown to affect contractility and relaxation, but the mechanistic basis for this effect is unclear. The present study investigates the impact of several nitroxyl donors and the thiol-oxidizing agent diamide on cardiac myocyte protein phosphorylation and oxidation. Although all tested compounds equally induced intermolecular disulfide formation in PKA-RI, only 1-nitrosocyclohexalycetate (NCA) and diamide induced reproducible protein phosphorylation. Phosphorylation occurred independently of beta(1)-AR activation, but was abolished after pharmacological PKA inhibition and thus potentially attributable to increased PKA activity. NCA treatment of cardiac myocytes induced translocation of PKA and phosphatases to the myofilament compartment as shown by fractionation, immunofluorescence, and proximity ligation assays. Assessment of kinase and phosphatase activity within the myofilament fraction of cardiac myocytes after exposure to NCA revealed activation of PKA and inhibition of phosphatase activity thus explaining the increase in phosphorylation. The data suggest that the NCA-mediated effect on cardiac myocyte protein phosphorylation orchestrates alterations in the kinase/phosphatase balance

    Oxidant sensor in the cGMP-binding pocket of PKGIα regulates nitroxyl-mediated kinase activity

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    Abstract Despite the mechanisms for endogenous nitroxyl (HNO) production and action being incompletely understood, pharmacological donors show broad therapeutic promise and are in clinical trials. Mass spectrometry and site-directed mutagenesis showed that chemically distinct HNO donors 1-nitrosocyclohexyl acetate or Angeli’s salt induced disulfides within cGMP-dependent protein kinase I-alpha (PKGIα), an interdisulfide between Cys42 of the two identical subunits of the kinase and a previously unobserved intradisulfide between Cys117 and Cys195 in the high affinity cGMP-binding site. Kinase activity was monitored in cells transfected with wildtype (WT), Cys42Ser or Cys117/195Ser PKGIα that cannot form the inter- or intradisulfide, respectively. HNO enhanced WT kinase activity, an effect significantly attenuated in inter- or intradisulfide-deficient PKGIα. To investigate whether the intradisulfide modulates cGMP binding, real-time imaging was performed in vascular smooth muscle cells expressing a FRET-biosensor comprising the cGMP-binding sites of PKGIα. HNO induced FRET changes similar to those elicited by an increase of cGMP, suggesting that intradisulfide formation is associated with activation of PKGIα. Intradisulfide formation in PKGIα correlated with enhanced HNO-mediated vasorelaxation in mesenteric arteries in vitro and arteriolar dilation in vivo in mice. HNO induces intradisulfide formation in PKGIα, inducing the same effect as cGMP binding, namely kinase activation and thus vasorelaxation

    Secretory Carrier Membrane Protein 2 Regulates Exocytic Insertion of NKCC2 into the Cell Membrane*

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    The renal-specific Na-K-2Cl co-transporter, NKCC2, plays a pivotal role in regulating body salt levels and blood pressure. NKCC2 mutations lead to type I Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening kidney disease. Regulation of NKCC2 trafficking behavior serves as a major mechanism in controlling NKCC2 activity across the plasma membrane. However, the identities of the protein partners involved in cell surface targeting of NKCC2 are largely unknown. To gain insight into these processes, we used a yeast two-hybrid system to screen a kidney cDNA library for proteins that interact with the NKCC2 C terminus. One binding partner we identified was SCAMP2 (secretory carrier membrane protein 2). Microscopic confocal imaging and co-immunoprecipitation assays confirmed NKCC2-SCAMP2 interaction in renal cells. SCAMP2 associated also with the structurally related co-transporter NCC, suggesting that the interaction with SCAMP2 is a common feature of sodium-dependent chloride co-transporters. Heterologous expression of SCAMP2 specifically decreased cell surface abundance as well as transport activity of NKCC2 across the plasma membrane. Co-immunolocalization experiments revealed that intracellularly retained NKCC2 co-localizes with SCAMP2 in recycling endosomes. The rate of NKCC2 endocytic retrieval, assessed by the sodium 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate cleavage assay, was not affected by SCAMP2. The surface-biotinylatable fraction of newly inserted NKCC2 in the plasma membrane was reduced by SCAMP2, demonstrating that SCAMP2-induced decrease in surface NKCC2 is due to decreased exocytotic trafficking. Finally, a single amino acid mutation, cysteine 201 to alanine, within the conserved cytoplasmic E peptide of SCAMP2, which is believed to regulate exocytosis, abolished SCAMP2-mediated down-regulation of the co-transporter. Taken together, these data are consistent with a model whereby SCAMP2 regulates NKCC2 transit through recycling endosomes and limits the cell surface targeting of the co-transporter by interfering with its exocytotic trafficking

    Die Lipoide mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der neueren Ergebnisse der Lipoidforschung

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