269 research outputs found

    Cells exhibiting strong p16INK4a promoter activation in vivo display features of senescence

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    The activation of cellular senescence throughout the lifespan promotes tumor suppression, whereas the persistence of senescent cells contributes to aspects of aging. This theory has been limited, however, by an inability to identify and isolate individual senescent cells within an intact organism. Toward that end, we generated a murine reporter strain by “knocking-in” a fluorochrome, tandem-dimer Tomato (tdTom), into exon 1α of the p16 INK4a locus. We used this allele (p16 tdTom ) for the enumeration, isolation, and characterization of individual p16 INK4a -expressing cells (tdTom + ). The half-life of the knocked-in transcript was shorter than that of the endogenous p16 INK4a mRNA, and therefore reporter expression better correlated with p16 INK4a promoter activation than p16 INK4a transcript abundance. The frequency of tdTom + cells increased with serial passage in cultured murine embryo fibroblasts from p16 tdTom/+ mice. In adult mice, tdTom + cells could be readily detected at low frequency in many tissues, and the frequency of these cells increased with aging. Using an in vivo model of peritoneal inflammation, we compared the phenotype of cells with or without activation of p16 INK4a and found that tdTom + macrophages exhibited some features of senescence, including reduced proliferation, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activation, and increased mRNA expression of a subset of transcripts encoding factors involved in SA-secretory phenotype (SASP). These results indicate that cells harboring activation of the p16 INK4a promoter accumulate with aging and inflammation in vivo, and display characteristics of senescence

    A Cellular Automata Model with Probability Infection and Spatial Dispersion

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    In this article, we have proposed an epidemic model by using probability cellular automata theory. The essential mathematical features are analyzed with the help of stability theory. We have given an alternative modelling approach for the spatiotemporal system which is more realistic and satisfactory from the practical point of view. A discrete and spatiotemporal approach are shown by using cellular automata theory. It is interesting to note that both size of the endemic equilibrium and density of the individual increase with the increasing of the neighborhood size and infection rate, but the infections decrease with the increasing of the recovery rate. The stability of the system around the positive interior equilibrium have been shown by using suitable Lyapunov function. Finally experimental data simulation for SARS disease in China and a brief discussion conclude the paper

    Расчёт напряженно-деформированного состояния виброизоляторов сложной формы

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    Розглянуто пружно-деформований стан гумових віброізоляторів з урахуванням контактної взаємодії з деталями конструкції.Stress-strain state of rubber vibroinsulators is considered, taking into account contact interaction with construction parts

    Coupled Contagion Dynamics of Fear and Disease: Mathematical and Computational Explorations

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    Background: In classical mathematical epidemiology, individuals do not adapt their contact behavior during epidemics. They do not endogenously engage, for example, in social distancing based on fear. Yet, adaptive behavior is welldocumented in true epidemics. We explore the effect of including such behavior in models of epidemic dynamics. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using both nonlinear dynamical systems and agent-based computation, we model two interacting contagion processes: one of disease and one of fear of the disease. Individuals can ‘‘contract’ ’ fear through contact with individuals who are infected with the disease (the sick), infected with fear only (the scared), and infected with both fear and disease (the sick and scared). Scared individuals–whether sick or not–may remove themselves from circulation with some probability, which affects the contact dynamic, and thus the disease epidemic proper. If we allow individuals to recover from fear and return to circulation, the coupled dynamics become quite rich, and can include multiple waves of infection. We also study flight as a behavioral response. Conclusions/Significance: In a spatially extended setting, even relatively small levels of fear-inspired flight can have a dramatic impact on spatio-temporal epidemic dynamics. Self-isolation and spatial flight are only two of many possible actions that fear-infected individuals may take. Our main point is that behavioral adaptation of some sort must b

    Plasma–wall interaction in laser inertial fusion reactors: novel proposals for radiation tests of first wall materials

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    Dry-wall laser inertial fusion (LIF) chambers will have to withstand strong bursts of fast charged particles which will deposit tens of kJ m−2 and implant more than 1018 particles m−2 in a few microseconds at a repetition rate of some Hz. Large chamber dimensions and resistant plasma-facing materials must be combined to guarantee the chamber performance as long as possible under the expected threats: heating, fatigue, cracking, formation of defects, retention of light species, swelling and erosion. Current and novel radiation resistant materials for the first wall need to be validated under realistic conditions. However, at present there is a lack of facilities which can reproduce such ion environments. This contribution proposes the use of ultra-intense lasers and high-intense pulsed ion beams (HIPIB) to recreate the plasma conditions in LIF reactors. By target normal sheath acceleration, ultra-intense lasers can generate very short and energetic ion pulses with a spectral distribution similar to that of the inertial fusion ion bursts, suitable to validate fusion materials and to investigate the barely known propagation of those bursts through background plasmas/gases present in the reactor chamber. HIPIB technologies, initially developed for inertial fusion driver systems, provide huge intensity pulses which meet the irradiation conditions expected in the first wall of LIF chambers and thus can be used for the validation of materials too

    Spatial Pattern Switching Enables Cyclic Evolution in Spatial Epidemics

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    Infectious diseases often spread as spatial epidemic outbreak waves. A number of model studies have shown that such spatial pattern formation can have important consequences for the evolution of pathogens. Here, we show that such spatial patterns can cause cyclic evolutionary dynamics in selection for the length of the infectious period. The necessary reversal in the direction of selection is enabled by a qualitative change in the spatial pattern from epidemic waves to irregular local outbreaks. The spatial patterns are an emergent property of the epidemic system, and they are robust against changes in specific model assumptions. Our results indicate that emergent spatial patterns can act as a rich source for complexity in pathogen evolution

    Polygenic risk scores have high diagnostic capacity in ankylosing spondylitis

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    We would like to thank all participating subjects with AS and healthy individuals who provided the DNA and clinical information necessary for this study. The TASC study was funded by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) grants P01-052915, R01-AR046208. Funding was also received from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston CTSA grant UL1RR02418, Cedars-Sinai GCRC grant MO1-RR00425, Intramural Research Program, NIAMS/NIH, and Rebecca Cooper Foundation (Australia). This study was funded, in part, by Arthritis Research UK (Grants 19536 and 18797), by the Wellcome Trust (grant number 076113), and by the Oxford Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre ankylosing spondylitis chronic disease cohort (Theme Code: A91202). JZB was funded by a grant from the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (LD18H120001LD). The New Zealand data was derived from participants in the Spondyloarthritis Genetics and the Environment Study (SAGE) and was funded by The Health Research Council, New Zealand. HX was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 81430031) and China Ministry of Science and Technology (973 Program of China 2014CB541800). We acknowledge the Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study. This is led by the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The survey was conducted by NatCen and the genome-wide scan data were analysed and deposited by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Information on how to access the data can be found on the Understanding Society website https: www.understandingsociety.ac.uk/. French sample collection was performed by the Groupe Française d’Etude Génétique des Spondylarthrites, coordinated by Professor Maxime Breban and funded by the Agence Nationale de Recherche GEMISA grant reference ANR-10-MIDI-0002. We acknowledge and thank the TCRI AS Group for their support in recruiting patients for the study (see below). The authors acknowledge the sharing of data and samples by the BSRBR-AS Register in Aberdeen. Chief Investigator, Prof Gary Macfarlane and Dr. Gareth Jones, Deputy Chief Investigator created the BSRBR-AS study which was commissioned by the British Society for Rheumatology, funded in part by Abbvie, Pfizer and UCB. We are grateful to every patient, past and present staff of the BSRBR-AS register team and to all clinical staff who recruited patients, followed them up and entered data – details here: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/iahs/research/epidemiology/spondyloarthritis.php#panel1011. The QIMR control samples were from parents of adolescent twins collected in the context of the Brisbane Longitudinal Twin Study 1992–2016, support by grants from NHMRC (NGM) and ARC (MJW). We thank Anjali Henders, Lisa Bowdler, Tabatha Goncales for biobank collection and Kerrie McAloney and Scott Gordon for curating samples for this study. MAB is funded by a National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) Senior Principal Research Fellowship (1024879), and support for this study was received from a National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) program grant (566938) and project grant (569829), and from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation and Rebecca Cooper Medical Research Foundation. We are also very grateful for the invaluable support received from the National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society (UK) and Spondyloarthritis Association of America in case recruitment. Additional financial and technical support for patient recruitment was provided by the National Institute for Health Research Oxford Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit and NIHR Thames Valley Comprehensive Local Research and an unrestricted educational grant from Abbott Laboratories. This research was funded/supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London and/or the NIHR Clinical Research Facility. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Cartilage-specific <i>Sirt6</i> deficiency represses IGF-1 and enhances osteoarthritis severity in mice.

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    ObjectivesPrior studies noted that chondrocyte SIRT6 activity is repressed in older chondrocytes rendering cells susceptible to catabolic signalling events implicated in osteoarthritis (OA). This study aimed to define the effect of Sirt6 deficiency on the development of post-traumatic and age-associated OA in mice.MethodsMale cartilage-specific Sirt6-deficient mice and Sirt6 intact controls underwent destabilisation of the medial meniscus (DMM) or sham surgery at 16 weeks of age and OA severity was analysed at 6 and 10 weeks postsurgery. Age-associated OA was assessed in mice aged 12 and 18 months of age. OA severity was analysed by micro-CT, histomorphometry and scoring of articular cartilage structure, toluidine blue staining and osteophyte formation. SIRT6-regulated pathways were analysed in human chondrocytes by RNA-sequencing, qRT-PCR and immunoblotting.ResultsSirt6-deficient mice displayed enhanced DMM-induced OA severity and accelerated age-associated OA when compared with controls, characterised by increased cartilage damage, osteophyte formation and subchondral bone sclerosis. In chondrocytes, RNA-sequencing revealed that SIRT6 depletion significantly repressed cartilage extracellular matrix (eg, COL2A1) and anabolic growth factor (eg, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)) gene expression. Gain-of-function and loss-of-function studies in chondrocytes demonstrated that SIRT6 depletion attenuated, whereas adenoviral overexpression or MDL-800-induced SIRT6 activation promoted IGF-1 signalling by increasing Aktser473 phosphorylation.ConclusionsSIRT6 deficiency increases post-traumatic and age-associated OA severity in vivo. SIRT6 profoundly regulated the pro-anabolic and pro-survival IGF-1/Akt signalling pathway and suggests that preserving the SIRT6/IGF-1/Akt axis may be necessary to protect cartilage from injury-associated or age-associated OA. Targeted therapies aimed at increasing SIRT6 function could represent a novel strategy to slow or stop OA

    Suplementacija s antioksidansima i serumski lipidi kod bolesnika s Graves-ovom bolesti: Učinak na LDL-kolesterol

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    The effect of supplementation with a fixed combination of antioxidants (beta-carotene, selenium, vitamins C and E) on serum lipids was monitored in patients with newly detected Graves\u27 disease. Measurements were made prior to the commencement of therapy and after 30 and 60 days. Patients were randomized into two groups. Test group comprised patients who received antioxidant supplementation in addition to methimazole, while patients treated with methimazole only were in the control group. The concentration of total and HDL-cholesterol increased significantly in test and control groups (p < 0.05) but these groups did not differ significantly. Concentration of LDL-cholesterol increased significantly in the test group only (p < 0.005) and was significantly different from the control group 60 days after the commencing the therapy (p < 0.005). Significant increase in the LDL-cholesterol concentration in the test group requires further investigations.U ovom istraživanju promatran je učinak suplementacije fiksnom kombinacijom antioksidansa (beta-karoten, selen, vitamin C i E) na koncentracije serumskih lipida, u odnosu na brzinu postizanja eutiroze. Mjerenja su obavljena u bolesnika s novo otkrivenom Graves-ovom bolešću liječenih metimazolom (tiamazolom) prije početka terapije, te nakon 30 i 60 dana. Bolesnici su bili randomizirani u dvije skupine. Test skupinu sačinjavali su bolesnici koji su dodatno uzimali antioksidanse, a kontrolnu skupinu bolesnici koji su uzimali samo metimazol (tiamazol). Koncentracije ukupnog i HDL-kolesterola u serumu rasle su tijekom terapije kod bolesnika iz obje skupine (p < 0,05) no, nisu se međusobno značajno razlikovale 60 dana nakon početka terapije. Kod bolesnika test skupine, koncentracija LDL-kolesterola se značajno povećala (p < 0,005) i bila je značajno različita od one u kontrolnoj skupini (p < 0,005), 60 dana nakon početka liječenja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da suplementacija s ovom kombinacijom antioksidansa nema značajnog utjecaja na promjene koncentracije serumskih lipida kod bolesnika s Graves-ovom bolešću 60 dana nakon početka terapije, s izuzetkom LDL-kolesterola. Zbog značajnog porasta koncentracije LDL-kolesterola kod bolesnika s Graves-ovom bolešću, koji su dodatno uzimali antioksidanse, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja u cilju pojašnjenja opisanih promjena