860 research outputs found

    Relación entre hábitos alimenticios y estado nutricional en escolares de 8 a 12 años de una institución educativa. Carabayllo 2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la Relación entre hábitos alimenticios y estado nutricional en escolares de 8 a 12 años de una institución educativa. Carabayllo 2021”. Material y método: El estudio fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo – correlacional, de corte transversal y de diseño no experimental. La población de estudio fueron 80 escolares de 8 a 12 años. Se utilizó para la variable hábitos Alimenticios un cuestionario de 14 preguntas, así mismo para la variable estado nutricional se utilizó una hoja de registro. Para establecer los hábitos alimentarios de los escolares, de los 80 escolares encuestados y con la técnica de baremación por escala de percentiles (33.33%) se realizaron 3 categorías para clasificarlos, donde el 35% (28) se encuentra en malos hábitos de alimentación, con el 32.5% (26), encontramos a las categorías de hábitos regulares y buenos. En esta investigación al determinar la relación entre hábitos alimenticios y estado nutricional se encontró el valor (X2:13,994 con 6 grados de libertad) y un (p valor=0,030), mediante la prueba no paramétrica de Chi cuadrado de Pearson, lo que demuestra que existe una relación significativa entre ambas variables

    New records of recently described chemosymbiotic bivalves for mud volcanoes within the European waters (Gulf of Cádiz)

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    Chemosymbiotic bivalves are important members of cold seep communities and information on their distribution in theEuropean waters is still quite scarce. This study reports the presence of living populations and shell remains of some recently described bivalves such as Lucinoma asapheus, Solemya elarraichensis and Acharax gadirae as well as Bathymodiolus sp. in the mud volcanoes of the Spanish Atlantic waters. Living populations of these species were thus far only found in Anastasya, Aveiro and Almazán mud volcanoes, together with other chemosymbiotic metazoa (Siboglinum spp.), suggesting the presence of moderate seepage activity. In other mud volcanoes (Albolote, Gazul), the benthic communities are dominated by sessile filter feeders on authigenic carbonates (chimneys, slabs) and only the shell remains of some chemosymbiotic bivalves were found, indicating earlier or very low seepage conditions. The present study elaborates on the known distribution of L. asapheus and S. elarraichensis to the European waters of the Gulf of Cádiz

    La subrogación monoparental y la vulneración del derecho fundamental de igualdad ante la ley en el Perú, 2021

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    El presente informe de investigación titulado “La subrogación monoparental y la vulneración del derecho fundamental de igualdad ante la ley en el Perú”, tuvo como objetivo establecer si la subrogación monoparental quebranta el derecho fundamental de igualdad ante la ley en el Perú, siendo esta la problemática que se desarrolló en esta investigación. Nuestro estudio se desarrolló metodológicamente con el enfoque cualitativo. El escenario de estudio se enfocó en Lima Metropolitana y sus distritos en los cuales se aplicaron nuestras herramientas de investigación como son la entrevista y la recolección de datos de análisis documental para, finalmente, haciendo uso del método de triangulación, analizar los resultados y elaborar la discusión de estos. Es por ello por lo que nuestro trabajo confirmó nuestros supuestos, determinando que el derecho de igualdad ante la ley es vulnerado por la falta de regulación de la subrogación monoparental. En ese sentido, sin la modificación del artículo 7° de la Ley General de la Salud y el último párrafo del artículo 21° del Código Civil, la subrogación monoparental continuará vulnerando el derecho de igualdad ante la ley

    Ventilatory and Autonomic Regulation in Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Potential Protective Role for Erythropoietin?

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep disordered breathing and is associated with wide array of cardiovascular morbidities. It has been proposed that during OSA, the respiratory control center (RCC) is affected by exaggerated afferent signals coming from peripheral/central chemoreceptors which leads to ventilatory instability and may perpetuate apnea generation. Treatments focused on decreasing hyperactivity of peripheral/central chemoreceptors may be useful to improving ventilatory instability in OSA patients. Previous studies indicate that oxidative stress and inflammation are key players in the increased peripheral/central chemoreflex drive associated with OSA. Recent data suggest that erythropoietin (Epo) could also be involved in modulating chemoreflex activity as functional Epo receptors are constitutively expressed in peripheral and central chemoreceptors cells. Additionally, there is some evidence that Epo has anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory effects. Accordingly, we propose that Epo treatment during OSA may reduce enhanced peripheral/central chemoreflex drive and normalize the activity of the RCC which in turn may help to abrogate ventilatory instability. In this perspective article we discuss the potential beneficial effects of Epo administration on ventilatory regulation in the setting of OSA

    Carotid Body-Mediated Chemoreflex Drive in The Setting of low and High Output Heart Failure.

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    Enhanced carotid body (CB) chemoreflex function is strongly related to cardiorespiratory disorders and disease progression in heart failure (HF). The mechanisms underlying CB sensitization during HF are not fully understood, however previous work indicates blood flow per se can affect CB function. Then, we hypothesized that the CB-mediated chemoreflex drive will be enhanced only in low output HF but not in high output HF. Myocardial infarcted rats and aorto-caval fistulated rats were used as a low output HF model (MI-CHF) and as a high output HF model (AV-CHF), respectively. Blood flow supply to the CB region was decreased only in MI-CHF rats compared to Sham and AV-CHF rats. MI-CHF rats exhibited a significantly enhanced hypoxic ventilatory response compared to AV-CHF rats. However, apnea/hypopnea incidence was similarly increased in both MI-CHF and AV-CHF rats compared to control. Kruppel-like factor 2 expression, a flow sensitive transcription factor, was reduced in the CBs of MI-CHF rats but not in AV-CHF rats. Our results indicate that in the setting of HF, potentiation of the CB chemoreflex is strongly associated with a reduction in cardiac output and may not be related to other pathophysiological consequences of HF

    Pensamiento estratégico: una vista desde el rombo filosófico de Bédard

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    Strategic thinking has evolved in the business environment, contributions from great figures such as Por-ter, Miles & Snow, Mintzberg, have made significant contributions and have redefined competitive advantag-es, overcoming obstacles and change to achieve and maintain market positions. In this context, an analytical review is proposed where the contributions of the authors mentioned above are presented from the perspective of Renée Bédard's philosophical rhombus, which allows the identification, selection and implementation of the organizational strategy and the incidence of epistemology, praxeology, ontology and axiology in it, taking into account as a final objective the relationship of the strategy with the portfolio of goods and services of the organizations. The most significant findings are linked to obtaining a holistic vision of organizational strategy, centered on the behaviors and objectives of the individuals who make it up, and from there to propose some discussions on which future research articles could be focused.El pensamiento estratégico ha evolucionado en el ámbito de los negocios, aportes de grandes figuras como Porter, Miles & Snow, Mintzberg, han hechos contribuciones significativas y han redefinido las ventajas competitivas, las superaciones de obstáculos y el cambio para lograr y mantener posiciones en el mercado. Bajo este contexto, se propone una revisión analítica en donde se exponen los aportes de los autores mencionados anteriormente desde la óptica del rombo filosófico de Renée Bédard, que permite la identificación, selección e implementación de la estrategia organizacional y la incidencia de la epistemología, la praxeología, la ontología y la axiología en esta, tomando en cuenta como objetivo final la relación de la estrategia con el portafolio de bienes y servicios de las organizaciones. Los hallazgos más significativos se encuentran vinculados a la obtención de una visión holística de la estrategia organizacional, centrada en las conductas y objetivos de los individuos que la componen y a partir de allí plantear algunas discusiones en las que se podrían centra futuros artículos investigativos

    The Cadiz Contourite Channel: Sandy contourites, bedforms and dynamic current interaction

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    The Cadiz Contourite Channel is the largest and most prominent contourite channel in the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, and is known to channelise the southern branch of the Lower Core of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) as it flows westwards from the Gibraltar Gateway. The channel lies in water depth between 650 and 1500 m, is 150 km long, 2–12 km wide, up to 120 m deep, and broadly s-shaped in plan view. It has several associated subparallel marginal channels and shorter spillover channel segments. Its geometry is controlled by the interaction of a strong bottom current with the seafloor morphology, affected by neotectonic deformation and diapiric intrusion. Bottom photographs and dredge hauls reveal a channel floor shaped by high-energy flow, in places with bare rock, boulders and gravel, and elsewhere covered with sandy contourites. The rocky substrate and derived clasts are formed of authigenic iron-rich carbonates, testifying the high degree of fluid escape from adjacent diapiric ridges and mud volcanoes. The sandy substrate shows a wide range of current-induced bedforms including small, straight-crested ripples, large sinuous sand waves and dunes (wavelength 3.5–5 m, height 0.3–0.9 m), weak surface lineation on sands, and aligned gravel stringers and deep erosive scours around large boulders. Bedform orientation indicates flows directed to the south/south-west (main channel) and west (spillover channel), which can be related to MOW bottom currents, and current velocities that vary between about 0.2 and 0.8 m s− 1, even in the same channel location. However, current vane orientation was clearly responding, at least in part, to tidal effects and periodicity in the Gulf of Cadiz at the time the photographs were taken. Maximum current velocities are achieved by a combination of barotropic and internal tides (probably generated at the continental slope) that reinforce the normal MOW flow. In addition, meteorologically-induced internal waves with periods shorter than tidal ones may exert an even greater influence on current intensity, especially when they occur at times of sudden changes of meteorological forcing. This effect further influences MOW variability. In all cases, the funnelling effect of the Cadiz Channel amplifies tidal or meteorologically-induced bottom currents

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia- departamentos de santander y norte de santander.

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    No aplicaEl enfrentamiento armado en Colombia ha causado un sufrimiento profundo, manteniendo a las víctimas en silencio durante extensos periodos. Las iniciativas comunitarias de memoria se proponen dar voz a estos afectados y erigir una narrativa colectiva del conflicto, abogando por la verdad, justicia, reparación y no repetición como pilares fundamentales para alcanzar una sociedad más equitativa. La violencia ha ocasionado la ruptura del entramado social y ha generado numerosas complicaciones en la sociedad, subrayando así la necesidad de adoptar un enfoque psicosocial completo con el objetivo de alcanzar una auténtica transformación y reconciliación. Se examina el caso de Ernesto, una familia afectada por el exilio, debido a las amenazas y diversas situaciones de violencia en su territorio. Con base a este caso se exponen interrogaciones circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas que pudiesen ser realizadas al protagonista de este relato. Seguidamente se aborda la masacre de El Salado en 2000, equilibrando los emergentes psicosociales tanto de la vida cotidiana como la causa sociohistórico de esta sociedad. Se evidencian huellas significativos desde el inicio de las dimensiones bio-psico-socioculturales. En el discurso, se identifican elementos teóricos relacionados con la intimidación, la resiliencia y las prácticas de innovación. Posteriormente, se presenta el informe analítico y reflexivo del paso 3 del diplomado junto con el vínculo de la representación del video de YouTube realizado durante el proceso. Se concluye resaltando la complejidad psicosocial en contextos de violencia, enfocándose en la restauración de la dignidad y la necesidad de consolidar espacios participativos. La exposición destaca la importancia de la imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para la sanación y transformación social.The armed conflict in Colombia has caused profound suffering, keeping victims silent for extended periods. Community memory initiatives aim to give voice to these affected individuals and construct a collective narrative of the conflict, advocating for truth, justice, reparation, and non-repetition as fundamental pillars for achieving a more equitable society. Violence has led to the breakdown of social fabric and has created numerous complications in society, emphasizing the need to adopt a comprehensive psychosocial approach to achieve genuine transformation and reconciliation. The case of Ernesto, a family affected by exile due to threats and various violent situations in their territory, is examined. Based on this case, circular, reflective, and strategic questions that could be posed to the protagonist of this story are formulated. Subsequently, the El Salado massacre in 2000 is addressed, identifying psychosocial emergents from both everyday life and the socio-historical process of this community. Significant impacts are evident across bio-psycho-socio-cultural dimensions. In the discourse, symbolic elements related to violence, resilience, and transformative experiences are identified. Finally, the analytical and reflective report from step 3 of the diploma, along with the link to the YouTube video produced during the process, is presented. The conclusion emphasizes the psychosocial complexity in contexts of violence, focusing on the restoration of dignity and the need to consolidate participatory spaces. The presentation underscores the importance of image and narrative as tools for healing and social transformation