241 research outputs found

    Ensaios e Opiniões Relatos sobre a conservação ex situ de anfíbios no Equador: como as experiências do Centro Jambatu e da Balsa de los Sapos podem ser aplicadas no Brasil

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    Os últimos 30 anos foram marcados por inúmeros relatos de declínios acentuados nas pop-ulações de alguns grupos de animais, especialmente vertebrados. Testudines, por exemplo, é uma dasordens com a maior proporção de espécies ameaçadas de extinção (Rhodin et al., 2017). Algo similarocorreu com algumas populações naturais de anfíbios, grupo que atualmente apresenta mais de 30% desuas espécies conhecidas sob ameaça de extinção (Stuart et al., 2004, 2008; IUCN, 2019). Todos os gruposde vertebrados, atualmente, têm mais de 20% de suas espécies inseridas em alguma das classificações deameaças propostas pela IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) — i.e., “criticamenteameaçadas”, “ameaçadas”, “vulneráveis”, além das consideradas “quase ameaçadas”. Os anfíbios com-põem o grupo mais ameaçado, com cerca de 40% de suas espécies em alguma dessas categorias (IUCN,2019). Mudanças climáticas, perda de habitat, comércio ilegal, pesticidas, introdução de espécies inva-soras e patologias, como as causadas por Ranavirus e pelo fungo Batrochochytrium dendrobatidis, sãoalgumas das principais causas desses declínios (Lips, 1999; Lips et al., 2005, 2008; La Marca et al., 2005;Mendelson et al., 2006; Bosch et al. 2018; Berger et al. 2018; Scheele et al. 2019; Puschendorf et al.2019). Embora a maioria dos registros de declínio e/ou extinção de anfíbios seja relativamente recente— os primeiros relatos datam de 1980 (e.g., Dubois, 1980) — os prognósticos não são bons e projeçõesindicam uma taxa cada vez mais alta de perda de espécies (e.g., McCallum, 2007; Alroy, 2015


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    A vacinação é um método para prevenção de doenças transmissíveis, sendo amaneira mais usada em saúde pública. No entanto, problemas como quedas detensão da rede elétrica local pode produzir variações na temperatura dearmazenamento e alterar sua composição. No contexto atual, muitos municípiosutilizam geladeiras domésticas sem nenhum controle de temperatura paraarmazenamento de vacinas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é desenvolver umdispositivo de baixo custo para monitoramento de temperaturas de geladeirasdomésticas que armazenam vacinas, enviando os dados referentes à temperaturado equipamento e quedas de energia a um site e aos responsáveis pelaepidemiologia municipal

    Botanical fungicides in the control of soybean leaf diseases / Fungicidas botânicos no controle de doenças foliares na soja

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    The soybean cultivation (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is responsible for the highest pesticides use in agriculture in Brazil. There is an environmental and social need to reduce the use of these substances in crops. The alternative products applied in agriculture such as plant extracts and essential oils, becomes necessary and indispensable, mainly in disease control. Among the plants studied, the Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.), has stood out in some studies, where relevant fungitoxic results have been demonstrated, however, there are still few works that prove its viability in the diseases management in field. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the soybean diseases alternative control through the aqueous extracts and noni essential oil application, in plantings high and low disease pressure. Two field experiments were implemented, with soybean culture, evaluating leaf, fruit aqueous extract and noni essential oil as a fungicidal action. Foliar application of noni extracts and essential oil did not differ from fungicide in Asian Rust and Anthracnose control, in the 2016/17 crop, in both experiments. Soybean productivity was similar in treatments that received leaf extract (1748,8 Kg ha-1), essential oil (1762,5 Kg ha-1) and fungicides (2031,7 Kg ha-1). Where there was no large disease pressure all agronomic characteristics were equivalent, regardless of treatment. 

    Molecular dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic in Espirito Santo (Brazil) and border States

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    This study represents the first overview of the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in Espirito Santo (ES) State, Brazil, filling in knowledge on this topic, observing data collected in the State, and aiming at understanding the epidemiological dynamics of the virus in ES, as well as its possible routes of transmission and dissemination. . Our results highlight that, so far, nine lineages have been identified with ES State. The B.1.1.33 lineage was the first with the highest occurrence in ES, remaining predominant until September 2020. The second predominant lineage was Gamma, representing 45% of the samples. The Delta lineage appears on the State scene, proving to be the next dominant lineage. This research allowed us to understand how the lineages advanced and were distributed in the State, which is important for future work, also making it possible to guide sanitary control measures. Data analyses were made through the GISAID database for ES State showed that the pandemic in the State has been evolving dynamically with lineage replacements over the months since the first notification

    Selection of fungi with biocontrol potential against the black spot disease of papaya

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    The use of fungicides is the main control measure against the black-spot disease of papaya. The biological control is an alternative to that, being the selection of mycoparasitic fungi the first step in programs aiming at this kind of control. This study aimed to obtain and select fungi with potential to the biocontrol of the black spot disease of papaya. For this purpose, 24 isolates were collected from different regions and pathosystems, and then identified morphologically and by the ITS region sequencing. In order to evaluate the mycoparasite potential, two assessments, in a randomized block design, with three replications, were carried out in a shadehouse, being the obtained isolates inoculated on papaya leaves with black spot lesions. The average time for the appearance of mycoparasitism signs and the incidence of mycoparasitized black spot lesions were evaluated. Of the 24 isolates obtained, ten were from Hansfordia pulvinata, two from Lecanicillium lecaniium, two from Simplicillium lanossoniveum, one from Sarocladium implicatum and nine from Acremonium spp. A wide variability, concerning the mycoparasitism on black spot lesions, was observed, especially for the isolates H-611, H-613, H-614 and H-615, which showed the highest colonization averages. The results demonstrate that H. pulvinata has a great potential to be used as a biocontrol agent against Asperisporium caricae

    Aspectos Relacionados à Aplicação de Videoconferências na Educação a Distância: Estudo de Caso da Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo

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    In Distance Education, there are technologies that allow communication between the student and the teacher and/or learning facilitator. Among them, videoconference is included, a synchronous tool that allows real-time contact between participants. Since the implementation of videoconferences at Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo, there have been no studies showing their impact on the learning process. Therefore, this work aimed to identify and analyze aspects related to the application of videoconferences, such as their offer and dissemination and the participation and interaction of students. For this purpose, responses provided by the facilitators after their video conferences were used, covering questions such as: academic week, day of the week and time of the video conference, disclosure of the date, number of students present and type of interaction established. 41 subjects were offered between October and December 2019, during which 2,368 videoconferences were held. The distribution of videoconferences between disciplines was not homogeneous and there was a low number of participants (6,112) in relation to the number of students enrolled (41,221). The preference for conducting videoconferences was on Mondays and on the night shift, being the use of chat and the microphone the most used forms of interaction. The initial and final academic weeks had the lowest offers of videoconferences, but there was a tendency to increase participation as the weekly content was being fulfilled. Therefore, there is a need for change in this scenario of synchronous communication, such as the implementation of strategies that encourage student participation and interaction in videoconferences. Keywords: On-line education. Educational technology. Active methodologies. Virtual interaction. Synchronous communicationNa Educação a Distância, existem tecnologias que permitem a comunicação entre o aluno e o professor e/ou facilitador de aprendizagem. Dentre elas, inclui-se a videoconferência, ferramenta síncrona que possibilita o contato em tempo real entre os participantes. Desde a implantação das videoconferências na Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo, não ocorreram estudos que mostrassem seu impacto no processo de aprendizagem. Portanto, este trabalho objetivou identificar e analisar aspectos relacionados à aplicação de videoconferências, como sua oferta e divulgação e a participação e interação dos alunos. Para tanto, foram utilizadas respostas fornecidas pelos facilitadores após a realização de suas videoconferências, abrangendo questões como: semana letiva, dia da semana e horário de realização da videoconferência, divulgação da data, quantidade de alunos presentes e tipo de interação estabelecida. Foram compreendidas 41 disciplinas ofertadas entre outubro e dezembro de 2019, período em que foram realizadas 2.368 videoconferências. A distribuição das videoconferências entre as disciplinas não foi equitativa e houve baixa quantidade de participações (6.112) em relação ao número de alunos matriculados (41.221). A preferência para realização das videoconferências foi às segundas-feiras e no turno da noite, sendo o uso de bate-papo e do microfone as formas de interação mais utilizadas. As semanas letivas iniciais e finais tiveram as menores ofertas de videoconferências, mas constatou-se uma tendência de aumento de participações conforme os conteúdos semanais iam sendo cumpridos. Portanto, verifica-se a necessidade de mudança neste cenário da comunicação síncrona, como a implementação de estratégias que incentivem a participação e interação dos alunos nas videoconferências. Palavras-chave: Educação on-line. Tecnologia educacional. Metodologias ativas. Interação virtual. Comunicação síncron

    Analysis of skin microbiota alteration in patients after chemotherapy treatment/Análise da alteração da microbiota epidermal de pacientes após tratamento quimioterápico

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    The human body is inhabited by millions of micro-organisms, which play an auxiliary role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as in the immune protection of the host. The human skin contains an immense number of micro-organisms, which vary with the local interferences and appear different according to the area where they inhabit. However, such micro-organisms are in constant modification due to some disturbances. Knowing that chemotherapy is a very aggressive treatment for human cells and based on other related researches, the work in question is an evaluation of the changes caused by the epidermal microbiota in cancer patients after the chemotherapy treatment. The methods consisted in the collection of samples by sterile swab rubbed in the patients' skin pre- and post-chemotherapy treatment, and in the analysis of the samples, which were sown in three culture media with different properties. Subsequently, the main bacteria that grew in the medium were isolated and identified by means of Gram staining and biochemical tests. Some qualitative changes were found at the species level; however, we detected the preservation of the micro-organisms Staphylococcus epidermidis, the main colonizers of the skin and that present beneficial role for the host. Therefore, the results are positive when evaluated from a collaboration point of view to improve patients' quality of life. A more complete analysis of the microbiota is now required through molecular techniques, so that quantitative results can be verified

    Estudo do Uso do Aquecimento Solar Aplicado ao Setor Industrial Têxtil Brasileiro

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    Os setores produtivos têxteis com maior peso no consumo de energia são os de acabamentos e o tingimento, quando comparados com os setores da fiação, tecelagem e confecção. As etapas de acabamento e tingimento têm uma forte componente térmica, o que demanda implementar outros tipos de energias. O estudo de caso prevê avaliar o uso da energia solar, por meio de tecnologias termosolares inovadoras no setor industrial têxtil brasileiro

    Estudo morfo-anatômico de Hortia oreadica e análise da composição química dos óleos essenciais das folhas, flores e frutos

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    Hortia oreadica (Rutaceae), known as "quina-do-campo" and "para-tudo", is popularly used as stimulant and stomachic. The aims of this study was to perform:  morphological description and the study of the behavior of individuals of H. oreadica in relation to seasonal variations; anatomical study of the leaves and young stems; phytochemical screening of the powdered leaves; identify the components of the essential oil from inflorescences, leaves and fruits. The morphological and anatomical studies of the plant leaves and young stem were performed according to conventional techniques of plant anatomy. The essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger apparatus and analyzed by GC/MS. It was observed that H. oreadica is a shrub with simple and alternate sheets. Leaf blade glabrous on both sides with translucent points. Inflorescence corymb of dicásio, with about 580 flowers; thick branches. Flower with color ranging from pink to vinaceous and copious nectar. Green fruit, capsular and black seeds. Anatomically it was verified secretory cavities, prismatic crystals, and predominantly anomocytic stomata. The major components of the essential oil from the leaves, flowers and fruits were: amorpha-4,7(11)-diene and bicyclogermacrene. The morphological study of H. oreadica contributed to understanding the behavior of adult’s plants in relation to seasonal variation. Anatomical analysis of the leaves and young stems provided parameters for the correct identification of this species. This work presents the chemical composition of the essential oils from leaves, flowers and fruits of H. oreadica collected in Pirenópolis (Goiás)Hortia oreadica (Rutaceae), conhecida como quina-do-campo e para-tudo, é utilizada popularmente como estimulante e estomáquica. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram realizar: a descrição morfológica e o estudo do comportamento dos indivíduos de H. oreadica em relação às variações sazonais; o estudo anatômico das folhas e caule jovem; a triagem fitoquímica do pó das folhas e identificar os componentes do óleo essencial das inflorescências, folhas e frutos. Os estudos morfológicos da planta e anatômicos das folhas e caule jovem foram realizados de acordo com as técnicas convencionais de anatomia vegetal. Os óleos essenciais foram obtidos por hidrodestilação em um aparelho de Clevenger e analisados por CG/EM. Observou-se que H. oreadica é um subarbusto, com folhas simples e alternas. Lâmina foliar glabra em ambas as faces com pontos translúcidos. Inflorescência corimbo de dicásio, com cerca de 580 flores; ramos espessos. Flor com coloração variando do rosa ao vináceo e com néctar copioso. Fruto verde, capsular e sementes pretas. Anatomicamente verificaram cavidades secretoras, cristais prismáticos, e estômatos predominantemente anomocíticos. Os componentes majoritários no óleo essencial das folhas, flores e frutos foram: o amorfa-4,7(11)-dieno e o biciclogermacreno.  O estudo morfológico de H. oreadica contribuiu para a compreensão do comportamento dos indivíduos adultos, em relação às variações sazonais. A análise anatômica das folhas e caule jovem forneceu parâmetros para a correta identificação botânica desta espécie. Este trabalho apresentou a composição química do óleo essencial das folhas, flores e frutos de H. oreadica, coletados em Pirenopólis (Goiás)