860 research outputs found

    Desempenho reprodutivo de três rebanhos na região norte do estado do Tocantins

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    This report describes the activities developed during the Mandatory Supervised Curricular Internship held from 14/09 to 17/11/2021, at the Center for Studies, Research and Extension in Genetics and Animal Breeding (NAPGEM) of the Federal University of Tocantins, under supervision of the MV. Rodolfo Olinto R.G. de Oliveira, totaling 345 hours. The activities carried out concerned the development and improvement of studies at NAPGEM and field practices, in the areas of animal breeding and improvement, on farms and partner companies of the nucleus. Among these, we can highlight: implementation of fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) programs, induction of puberty in heifers, pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound or rectal palpation, measurement and analysis of data obtained during FTAI and some emergency surgeries. To improve knowledge, a study was carried out to analyze the reproductive performance of three herds located in the northern region of Tocantins, under consultancy by the company Monta Reproduction Animal. The results showed a difference between the conception rate of the farms, as well as the effect of body condition score (BSE) of the cow and animal category. The mandatory supervised internship is an extremely important activity for the development of skills, competences and ethical and professional responsibility of the veterinary medical professional.O presente relatório descreve as atividades desenvolvidas durante Estágio Curricular Supervisionado Obrigatório realizado no período de 14/09 a 17/11/2021, no Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Extensão em Genética e Melhoramento Animal (NAPGEM) da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, sob supervisão do MV. Rodolfo Olinto R.G. de Oliveira, totalizando 345 horas. As atividades realizadas concerniram em desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento de estudos no NAPGEM e práticas de campo, nas áreas de reprodução e melhoramento animal, em fazendas e empresas parceiras do núcleo. Dentre estas, pode-se destacar: implantação de programas de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF), indução de puberdade em novilhas, diagnóstico de gestação por ultrassonografia ou palpação transretal, mensuração e análise dos dados obtidos durante a IATF e algumas cirurgias de emergência. Como aprimoramento de conhecimento realizou-se um estudo de análise de desempenho reprodutivos em três rebanhos localizados na região norte do Tocantins, sob consultoria da empresa Monta Reprodução Animal. Os resultados mostraram diferença entre a taxa de concepção das fazendas, bem como efeito do escore de condição corporal (ECC) da vaca e categoria animal. O estágio supervisionado obrigatório é uma atividade extremamente importante para o desenvolvimento de habilidades, competências e responsabilidade ética e do futuro médico veterinário

    José Ferreira Borges — Política e Economia

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    Cultura Moderna e Contemporânea, n.2Foi no transcurso da primeira e da segunda décadas do sé culo XVIII que Portugal despertou para as novas propostas do pen­ samento moderno, Dir-se-á que esse despertar terá sido marcado pela timidez e realizado à margem das austeras bancas das escolas jesuítas, surpreso e deslumbrado abrir de olhos para as novas teses semeadas ou já em esplendorosa floração por toda a Europa, em resultado, mais do que tudo, do racionalismo cartesiano e do experimentalismo de Francis Bacon. Talvez que o mais significativo abalar do pensamento escolástico tenha passado pela aceitação de que o fenômeno religioso devia ser examinado à luz da dúvida metódica e que os homens, conhece­ dores das leis do universo, poderiam enfim disciplinar as forças da natureza, colocando-as ao serviço da Humanidade, pois o raciona­ lismo, como se afirmava, permitiria um dia conhecer tudo


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    The following article seeks to analyze the construction and the dialogue of ideas in the politics of the Brazilian Empire through the specific collection of the library of José Maria da Silva Paranhos, Viscount of Rio Branco (1819-1880), archetype of the imperial elite. Considering his influence in processes such as the peacebuilding in the Plata and the Free Womb Law, the provenance marks and notes in his library, today in the collection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rio de Janeiro, will be interpreted and related to his political, diplomatic and legal praxes, as well as with his intellectual formation and his dialogue with other actors of the time. With this, it hopes to provide a panorama of the construction of the history and of the events of his time through his relation with books, from his ex-libris to his notes and corrections.O presente artigo busca analisar a construção e o diálogo de ideias na política do Brasil Império, a partir do acervo específico da biblioteca particular de José Maria da Silva Paranhos, Visconde do Rio Branco (1819-1880), figura síntese da elite imperial. Considerando sua influência em processos como a construção da Paz Platina e a Lei do Ventre Livre, as marcas de proveniência e as anotações de sua biblioteca, hoje no acervo do Ministério das Relações Exteriores no Rio de Janeiro, serão interpretadas e relacionadas com sua atuação política, diplomática e jurídica, além de sua formação intelectual e diálogo com outros atores da época. Com isso, procura-se demonstrar um panorama da construção da história e dos eventos de seu tempo a partir de sua relação com os livros e de seu ex-libris a suas notas e correções

    Is the algorithm used to process heart rate variability data clinically relevant? Analysis in male adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether the algorithm used for the heart rate variability assessment (fast Fourier transform versus autoregressive methods) influenced its association with cardiovascular risk factors in male adolescents. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 1,152 male adolescents (aged 14 to 19 years). The low frequency, high frequency components (absolute numbers and normalized units), low frequency/high frequency ratio, and total power of heart rate variability parameters were obtained using the fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods, while the adolescents were resting in a supine position. RESULTS: All heart rate variability parameters calculated from both methods were different (p<0.05). However, a low effect size (<0.1) was found for all parameters. The intra-class correlation between methods ranged from 0.96 to 0.99, whereas the variation coefficient ranged from 7.4 to 14.8%. Furthermore, waist circumference was negatively associated with high frequency, and positively associated with low frequency and sympatovagal balance (p<0.001 for both fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods in all associations). Systolic blood pressure was negatively associated with total power and high frequency, whereas it was positively associated with low frequency and sympatovagal balance (p<0.001 for both fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods in all associations). Body mass index was negatively associated with high frequency, while it was positively associated with low frequency and sympatovagal balance (p values ranged from <0.001 to 0.007). CONCLUSION: There are significant differences in heart rate variability parameters obtained with the fast Fourier transform and autoregressive methods in male adolescent; however, these differences are not clinically significant. OBJETIVO: Analisar se o algoritmo usado para avaliação da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (transformada rápida de Fourier versus autoregressivo) influencia em sua associação com fatores de risco cardiovascular adolescentes do gênero masculino. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, que incluiu 1.152 adolescentes do gênero masculino (14 a 19 anos). Componentes de baixa e alta frequência (absolutos e unidades normalizadas), razão componente de baixa frequência/componente de alta frequência e poder total da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca foram obtidos em repouso, na posição supina, usando os métodos transformada rápida de Fourier e autorregressivo. RESULTADOS: Todos os parâmetros da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca para ambos os métodos foram diferentes (p<0,05). Entretanto, um pequeno tamanho do efeito (<0,1) foi observado para todos os parâmetros. Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse entre os métodos variaram de 0,96 a 0,99, enquanto os coeficientes de variação foram de 7,4 a 14,8%. A circunferência abdominal foi negativamente associada com o componente de alta frequência, e positivamente associada com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (p<0,001 para a transformada rápida de Fourier e o autorregressivo em todas as associações). A pressão arterial sistólica foi negativamente associada com o poder total e o componente de alta frequência, enquanto foi positivamente associada com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (p<0,001 para a transformada rápida de Fourier e o autorregressivo em todas as associações). O índice de massa corporal foi negativamente associado com o componente de alta frequência, enquanto foi positivamente associado com o componente de baixa frequência e o balanço simpatovagal (valores de p variando de <0,001 a 0,007). CONCLUSÃO: Houve diferenças significantes nos parâmetros da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca obtidos com os métodos transformada rápida de Fourier e autorregressivo em adolescentes masculinos, mas essas diferenças não foram clinicamente significativas

    Impact of physical exercise in cardiovascular and metabolic parameters in post-menopausal women / Impacto do exercício físico nos parâmetros cardiovasculares e metabólicos em mulheres na pós-menopausa

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    Backgound: understanding how physical exercise changes vascular and metabolic health of women with hormonal changes resulting from the menopausal period is essential for better discernment of therapeutic anti-sedentary indications. Besides that, the effects of physical exercise in post-menopause women is not entirely understood.Objectives: the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of physical exercise on specific parameters in post-menopause women’s cardiovascular and metabolic health.Design: a total of 31 participants, assisted in a primary health care were included. Twenty (20) women from a program promoted by the health service were assigned to the physically active group (AG), in which they performed many types of exercise, including stretching, aerobic and resistance training of varying intensities. Eleven (11) women on the control group (CG) were recruited at the same service and attended the institution for other ends related to their health.Results: arterial pressure had a significant diference between AG adn CG: mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) in the AG was 111±6mmHg versus 118mmHg in the CG; mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was 71mmHg in the AG versus 82mmHg in the CG. The fact that the majority of women in the AG (60%) had more than 8 years of formal education versus 37% in the CG drew attention. In both groups, most women had less than 3 children. Most women in the CG reported formal work while domestic work prevailed in the AG. Despite this, per capita income showed no difference.Conclusion: blood pressure, an important cardiovascular risk factor, is significantly lower in post-menopause women that practised regular physical exercises; in addition, socioeconomic factors is very close influencer in physical exercise engagement. Other studies are necessary to evaluate more cardiovascular variables.Backgound: understanding how physical exercise changes vascular and metabolic health of women with hormonal changes resulting from the menopausal period is essential for better discernment of therapeutic anti-sedentary indications. Besides that, the effects of physical exercise in post-menopause women is not entirely understood.Objectives: the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of physical exercise on specific parameters in post-menopause women’s cardiovascular and metabolic health.Design: a total of 31 participants, assisted in a primary health care were included. Twenty (20) women from a program promoted by the health service were assigned to the physically active group (AG), in which they performed many types of exercise, including stretching, aerobic and resistance training of varying intensities. Eleven (11) women on the control group (CG) were recruited at the same service and attended the institution for other ends related to their health.Results: arterial pressure had a significant diference between AG adn CG: mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) in the AG was 111±6mmHg versus 118mmHg in the CG; mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was 71mmHg in the AG versus 82mmHg in the CG. The fact that the majority of women in the AG (60%) had more than 8 years of formal education versus 37% in the CG drew attention. In both groups, most women had less than 3 children. Most women in the CG reported formal work while domestic work prevailed in the AG. Despite this, per capita income showed no difference.Conclusion: blood pressure, an important cardiovascular risk factor, is significantly lower in post-menopause women that practised regular physical exercises; in addition, socioeconomic factors is very close influencer in physical exercise engagement. Other studies are necessary to evaluate more cardiovascular variables

    Um estudo de caso do planejamento estratégico do IFB

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    The purpose of this article is to identify and characterize the initial stage of the IFB strategic planning, based on the perception of top management and planning team. The case study adopts a qualitative approach supported by bibliographic research techniques, to build a theoretical foundation, allied to the semistructure interview for later, application of the content analysis. As a result, we can identify that the institution opted to first define the strategic references, based on the construction of the mission, vision and values, and later, analysis of the organizational diagnosis, based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology. It was verified that the tool of strategic planning and its use are points that need to be better understood by the managers and technical planning team. The predominant characteristics of strategic planning are composed of a programmatic tool for projecting medium and long term goals and actions, of legal compliance, as it integrates and operationalizes the Institutional Development Plan (PDI). El documento tiene como objetivo identificar y caracterizar la etapa inicial de la preparación de la planificación estratégica de la IFB, desde la percepción de la alta dirección y equipo de planificación. El estudio de caso adopta un enfoque cualitativo apoyado por técnicas de la literatura para la construcción de base teórica, combinado con entrevista semiestrutura más adelante, la aplicación de análisis de contenido. Como resultado, podemos identificar que la institución fue elegido en primer realizar la definición de las referencias estratégicas, desde el edificio de la misión, visión y valores, y posteriormente el análisis de diagnóstico organizacional, basado en la metodología Balanced Scorecard. Se encontró que una herramienta de planificación estratégica y su uso son puntos que necesitan ser mejor comprendidos por los gerentes y planificación del personal técnico. Las características predominantes de la planificación estratégica, consisten en una programáticas objetivos y acciones de mediano y largo plazo, el cumplimiento legal de proyección de la herramienta, ya que, integra y opera el Plan de Desarrollo Institucional - PDI.O artigo tem por objetivo identificar e caracterizar a etapa inicial de elaboração do planejamento estratégico do IFB, a partir da percepção da alta administração e equipe de planejamento. O estudo de caso adota uma abordagem qualitativa apoiada em técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica, para construção de embasamento teórico, aliada à entrevista semiestruturada para posterior aplicação da análise de conteúdo. Como resultado, pode-se identificar que a instituição optou em realizar primeiramente a definição dos referencias estratégicos, a partir da construção da missão, visão e valores, e posteriormente, análise do diagnóstico organizacional, fundamentada na metodologia do Balanced Scorecard. Constatou-se que a ferramenta de planejamento estratégico e sua utilização são pontos que necessitam ser melhores compreendidos pelos gestores e equipe técnica de planejamento. As características predominantes do planejamento estratégico compõem-se de uma ferramenta programática de projeção de metas e ações de médio e longo prazo, de cumprimento legal, visto que integra e operacionaliza o Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional - PDI

    Medium and large sized mammals of the Boqueirão da Onça, North of Bahia State, Brazil

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    The mosaic of protected areas of Boqueirão da Onça (8.636&nbsp;km²), created in the north of Bahia state, is located in the Caatinga, an exclusively Brazilian biome, but exposed to a range of anthropic impacts that threaten its species and natural resources. Few data are available for various zoological groups in Caatinga, including mammals. In order to characterize the community of mammals of this region, considering species richness, we installed 80 camera-trap stations. With a sampling effort of 10,370 camera-days we recorded 28 species (22 wild and six domestic). Opportunistically, we recorded four mammals, resulting in a total richness of 32 species, five of which are included in the global list of endangered species, and seven in the national list. The results are significant, since the richness of wild mammals of the Boqueirão da Onça (S&nbsp;=&nbsp;26) presented a high value when compared to other Caatinga localities. During the study we found evidence of human activities threatening the conservation of the region, such as poaching and deforestation. Therefore, there is an urgent need in the publication of the Management Plan of the recently created Boqueirão da Onça National Park, to minimize negative impacts on biodiversity and ensure the maintenance of ecological processes

    Team emergency assessment measure (TEAM) of non-technical skills: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the TEAM tool

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to conduct the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the original Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) tool into the Brazilian Portuguese language and investigate the internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and concurrent validity of this new version (bp-TEAM). Methods: Independent medical translators performed forward and backward translations of the TEAM tool between English and Portuguese, creating the bp-TEAM. The authors selected&nbsp;23&nbsp;videos from final-year medical students during in-situ emergency simulations. Three independent raters assessed all the videos using the bp-TEAM and provided a score for each of the&nbsp;12&nbsp;items of the tool. The authors assessed the internal consistency and the inter-rater reliability of the tool. Results: Raters assessed all&nbsp;23&nbsp;videos. Internal consistency was assessed among the&nbsp;11&nbsp;items of the bp-TEAM from one rater, yielding a Cronbach's alpha of&nbsp;0.89. inter-item correlation analysis yielded a mean correlation coefficient rho of&nbsp;0.46. Inter-rater reliability analysis among the three raters yielded an intraclass correlation coefficient of&nbsp;0.86 (95%&nbsp;CI&nbsp;0.83‒0.89), p &lt; 0.001. Conclusion: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the TEAM tool presented acceptable psychometric properties, similar to the original English version


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    O trabalho fornece uma grande importância na relação do indivíduo junto a sociedade, e é uma das práticas mais antigas e utilizadas para a obtenção de renda na vida de muitas famílias. Junto com o tempo as formas de trabalho vêm se modificando a cada instante, porém nem sempre essas práticas de trabalho possuem repercussões positivas na saúde dos indivíduos, pois as mesmas podem ser portadores maléficos no equilíbrio biopsicossocial desses trabalhadores


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    A partir do século XX, o desemprego gerado pela crise no modo de produção capitalista, provocou transformações significativas no sistema organizacional e social do trabalho. Dentre as mudanças, destaca-se o aumento do trabalho informal, estratégia utilizada pelos trabalhadores como alternativa para buscar sua subsistência (SILVA, 2020). Guimarães (2004), afirma que em meios a tantas atividades informais, estão as feiras livres, que por sua vez ocupam um papel fundamental na economia