537 research outputs found
Interdisciplinary Teaching Activities for High School Integrated to Vocational Education Promoting Reflections on Industry 4.0 Technologies and Their Implication in Society
The educational system in Brazil, especially the high school level, is characterized by a division, offering a general and humanist formation for the economic elite, and direct preparation for labor, for the working-class. Aiming to overcome this duality and contribute to the polytechnic formation of vocational education students, this paper presents and analyzes interdisciplinary teaching activities that discuss the relationships between Industry 4.0 technologies, production systems, and education. The educational product, developed and applied based on the action research methodology, consisted of identifying the students' prior knowledge, three units of teaching activities, and a final evaluation questionnaire. According to the students' background and their suggestions, the content and didact methodology of each unit was selected, including the history of industrial revolutions, technologies arising from Industry 4.0 (internet of things, data mining, and cloud computing), the challenges of the fourth Industrial Revolution on the economy and labor. Didact methodologies include dialogic lecture based on slides, hands-on practical activity experimenting Industry 4.0 technologies through free online applications, and debate. Interdisciplinary activities were developed at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo, involving students of the 4th year (last) of high school integrated into vocational education with a qualification in Industrial Automation. During the application it was observed that the use of educational product led to considerable levels of motivation and promoted reflections related to the impact of the industry 4,0 technologies in society and employment. Also, it has been verified that the didact sequence increases the student capacity to identify problems and propose possible solutions; understand labor different dimensions (technology, employment, politics, and economics); use strong argumentation based on reliable sources, proposing possible interventions. Thus, the interdisciplinary approach of technological development, considering not only the technical concepts but also the historical and sociological issues related to the application of technologies in the productive system, contributes to a critical teaching-learning process and the omni-lateral formation in vocational education
Deep autoencoders for acoustic anomaly detection: experiments with working machine and in-vehicle audio
The growing usage of digital microphones has generated an increased interest in the topic of Acoustic Anomaly Detection (AAD). Indeed, there are several real-world AAD application domains, including working machines and in-vehicle intelligence (the main target of this research project). This paper introduces three deep AutoEncoders (AE) for unsupervised AAD tasks, namely a Dense AE, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) AE and Long Short-Term Memory Autoencoder (LSTM) AE. To tune the deep learning architectures, development data were adopted from public domain audio datasets related with working machines. A large set of computational experiments was held, showing that the three proposed deep autoencoders, when combined with a melspectrogram sound preprocessing, are quite competitive and outperform a recently proposed AE baseline. Next, on a second experimental stage, aiming to address the final in-vehicle passenger safety goal, the three AEs were adapted to learn from in-vehicle normal audio, assuming three realistic scenarios that were generated by a synthetic audio mixture tool. In general, a high quality AAD discrimination was obtained: working machine data - 72% to 91%; and in-vehicle audio - 78% to 81%. In conjunction with an automotive company, an in-vehicle AAD intelligent system prototype was further developed, aiming to test a selected model (LSTM AE) during a pilot demonstration event that targeted the cough anomaly. Interesting results were obtained, with the AAD system presenting a high cough classification accuracy (e.g., 100% for front seat locations).This work is supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) - Project no 039334; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039334
Benefícios dos jogos no ensino de química
Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Jogos e brincadeiras fazem parte da vida de todos. São importantes para o
desenvolvimento das crianças, seja físico ou intelectual. Por meio destes, as crianças formam
conceitos para a vida. Dessa forma, jogos e brincadeiras se mostram estratégias pedagógicas
úteis para o ensino de adolescentes e jovens com atividades voltadas para o tema a ser estudado.
Química é uma ciência complexa, mas não precisa ser difícil. Nesse artigo será mostrado como
o uso dos jogos traz benefícios a estudantes e professores por tornar a transmissão e absorção de
conhecimentos mais fácil e rápid
Estudou-se a rentabilidade da atividade leiteira de 17 propriedades da região de Lavras/MG e identificaram-se os componentes que exerceram maior influência sobre os custos finais da atividade. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente durante o período de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2005. Considerou-se a margem bruta, a margem líquida e o resultado (lucro ou prejuízo) como indicadores de eficiência econômica. Os itens componentes do custo operacional efetivo que exerceram maior influência sobre os custos da atividade leiteira foram, em ordem decrescente, alimentação (55,9%), mão-de-obra (19,1%), despesas diversas (11,3%), energia (7,1%), sanidade (4,9%), ordenha (0,74%), impostos (0,74%) e inseminação artificial (0,23%). A margem líquida e o resultado positivo indicam que os pecuaristas têm condições de produzir a médio e a longo prazo, com conseqüente capitalização. Os resultados do estudo não podem ser extrapolados por não se tratar de uma amostra probabilística.----------------------------------------------It was studied the profitability of the milk production in 17 properties in the region of Lavras (MG), and the components that had the greatest influence on the final costs of the business were identified. The data were monthly collected from January 2004 to December 2005. The gross margin, net margin, and the result (profit or loss) were taken into consideration as indicators of economic efficiency. The component items of the effective operational cost that had the greatest influence upon the costs of dairy business were, in decreasing order, feeding (55.9%), labor (19.1%), different expenses (11.3%), energy (7.1%), health (4.9%), milking (0.74%), taxes (0.74%), and artificial insemination (0,23%). The net margin and the positive result show the farmers have conditions to produce in middle and long terms, with consequent capitalization. Although, the results of the study can not be extrapolated, since they do not represent a random sampling.bovinocultura de leite, análise de rentabilidade, custo de produção, ponto de equilíbrio, cattle, production cost, breakeven point, profitability analysis, Livestock Production/Industries,
Estudou-se a rentabilidade da atividade leiteira na região de Lavras/MG, analisando a influência do tipo de sistema de criação sobre o custo de produção do leite. Foram identificados os componentes com maior influência sobre os custos finais da atividade e calculado o ponto de equilíbrio. Os dados, provenientes de 17 sistemas de produção, representando os sistemas de criação em regime de pastejo, semi-confinado e confinado, foram coletados mensalmente, entre janeiro de 2004 e dezembro de 2005. Considerou-se a margem bruta, a margem líquida e o resultado (lucro ou prejuízo) como indicadores de eficiência econômica. O tipo do sistema de criação influenciou o custo total de produção do leite e, portanto a lucratividade e rentabilidade, sendo os sistemas de produção semi-confinados os que apresentaram os menores custos totais unitários. O tipo do sistema de criação influenciou os “pesos” dos itens componentes do custo operacional efetivo da atividade leiteira, sendo esses diferentes em cada um dos três sistemas estudados. Na análise econômica, por apresentar margem líquida e resultado positivo, nos sistemas de criação confinado e semi confinado, conclui-se que a atividade leiteira tem condições de produzir no longo prazo e os pecuaristas estão se capitalizando. No entanto, no sistema em regime de pastejo os pecuaristas têm condições de produzir no médio prazo, estando se descapitalizando no longo prazo.----------------------------------------------The profitability of the milk activity was studied in the region of Lavras, MG by analyzing the influence of the types of breeding system upon the cost production of milk. It was identified the components with major influence on the final cost of the activity and calculated the breakeven point. Monthly data from 17 production systems representing the grazing regimen, semi-feedlot and feedlot systems were used for the period of January 2004 to December 2005. It was considered the gross margin, the net (profit or loss) as indicators of economical efficiency. The type of breeding system influenced the “weights’’ of the component items of the effective operational cost of dairy business, these being different in each of the three levels studied. In the economical analysis, the feedlot and semi-feedlot presented showing that dairy is profitable in the long-term and that farmers are positive net margin. In the grazing regimen, the conclusion is that milk farmers have conditions to produce in the middle-term. In the long-term; however, milk farmers have been losing money.análise de rentabilidade, bovinocultura de leite, custo de produção, sistema de criação, ponto de equilíbrio, breakeven point, breeding system, dairy cattle, production cost, profitability analysis, Livestock Production/Industries,
CERVEJARIA COMO ESPAÇO EDUCADOR: : uma perspectiva interdisciplinar para a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi promover um processo interdisciplinar entre professores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, a saber, física, química, biologia e processos industriais, acerca das fases de produção cervejeira, a fim de desenvolver uma proposta de visitação técnica interdisciplinar ao ambiente de uma cervejaria. Esta pesquisa, caracterizada por uma abordagem qualitativa e de natureza exploratória-descritiva e propositiva, dividiu-se em quatro partes: I) a leitura de artigos e normativas e a Pesquisa de campo, com a participação no processo de produção de cerveja no Centro Multidisciplinar de Tecnologia Cervejeira do Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP), campus Sertãozinho; II) a descrição dos conteúdos disciplinares, das ciências da natureza e processos industriais, presentes nos diferentes momentos do processo de produção de cerveja; III) a identificação dos potenciais interdisciplinares dos conteúdos listados e suas interfaces; IV) divulgação de um material que apresente as relações entre os conteúdos científicos e tecnológicos do processo de produção de cerveja, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar e contextualizada no mundo do trabalho, que auxiliarão docentes e discentes na elaboração de guias didáticos para visitação técnica no ambiente da cervejaria. A partir da leitura de artigos e normativas foram elucidados conceitos em diferentes âmbitos: tipos de cerveja e formas de produção, mundo do trabalho, logístico, jurídico e educativo. A pesquisa de campo aconteceu com a participação dos pesquisadores em todas as fases do processo de produção cervejeira. Foram elencadas doze fases: Malteação, Moagem, Mosturação, Filtração, Fervura, Whirlpool, Resfriamento, Fermentação, Maturação, Carbonatação, Envase e Pasteurização. Todas as fases do processo receberam uma completa descrição e, posteriormente, foi elaborada uma tabela de construção coletiva acerca dos conteúdos disciplinares que estão presentes nas grades curriculares das disciplinas e que aparecem de forma prática ao longo da produção de cerveja. A seguir, deu-se início ao processo interdisciplinar da pesquisa por meio de uma reunião presencial com os professores e pesquisadores envolvidos, ponto máximo de diálogo e interação para a criação do material norteador para planejamento e construção de atividades interdisciplinares no ambiente da cervejaria, apresentado no formato de um Diagrama de Venn. Ao final desta pesquisa, verifica-se que a pesquisa alcançou seus objetivos ao trazer uma vertente com inovação desafiadora: entender o ambiente da cervejaria como espaço educador, com potencialidades didáticas interdisciplinares para um ensino mais integral e contextualizado para a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica
Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers as a tensile reinforcement of the Pinus elliotti and Manilkara huberi wood species
In wood structures, the elements subjected to bending stresses, such as the beams, present a fracture initiated in the tensile region, and under these conditions, the use of laminated composite materials is presented as an alternative solution in the form of repair or reinforcement. This research aimed to evaluate the influence of the use of carbon fibers laminated composites in tensile reinforcement in the direction parallel to grain of Pinus elliotti and Manilkara huberi wood species. The Viapol two-component epoxy adhesive was used in the lamination and fixation of the unidirectional carbon fiber in the wood species. Ten specimens with no defects (reference) and 10 specimens were prepared for each crack length (25 and 50mm) with and without the reinforcement (60mm × 50mm) by the laminated composite. The tensile tests were performed in accordance with the requirements of the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 7190 (1997). From the results of the statistical analysis, the use of the carbon fiber composite was able to restore the tensile strength of the cracked samples (partial or total) in relation to samples without defects, demonstrating the potential of the laminates in carbon fibers as an alternative solution in repair for both wood species
Occurrence of asthma symptoms and of airflow obstruction in amateur swimmers between 8 and 17 years of age
Objective: To determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms and of airflow obstruction in amateur swimmers between 8 and 17 years of age, as well as to assess the awareness of asthma and asthma management among these swimmers, their parents, and their coaches. Methods: Our sample comprised 1,116 amateur swimmers who completed a modified version of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood written questionnaire, to which questions regarding the reasons to initiate swimming and regarding asthma management had been added. In addition, the participants underwent spirometry prior to a swimming competition. Results: The prevalence of asthma symptoms in the last 12 months was 11.5%, and 327 (29.4%) of the participants reported "wheezing or whistling" in the past. Of the 223 swimmers who reported "asthma ever" or "bronchitis ever", only 102 (45.7%) reported having ever been treated: the most common "treatment" was swimming (in 37.3%), and only 12.7% used inhaled corticosteroids. Of the 254 participants (22.7%) with airflow obstruction, only 52 (20.5%) reported having asthma symptoms. Conclusions: Asthma symptoms are present in amateur swimmers, and a considerable number of such swimmers have airflow obstruction without symptoms. It is therefore likely that the prevalence of asthma is underestimated in this population. It is worrisome that, in our study sample, the swimmers previously diagnosed with asthma were not using the recommended treatments for asthma. The clinical implications of these findings underscore the importance of implementing educational measures for amateur swimmers, as well as for their parents and coaches, to help them recognize asthma symptoms and the consequent risks in the sports environment, in order to allow prompt diagnosis and early clinical intervention.Novartis S.A.Novartis S.A
Variabilidade do armazenamento de água no Brasil
Brazil hosts a large amount of freshwater. Knowing how this stored water is partitioned in space and time between surface and subsurface components is a crucial step towards a more correct depiction of the country’s water cycle, which has major implications for decision making related to water resources management. Here, we extracted monthly water storage (WS) variability, from 2003 to 2020, based on multiple state-of-the-art datasets representing different WS components – groundwater (GW), soil moisture (SM), surface waters (SW), and artificial reservoirs (RS) – in all Brazilian Hydrographic Regions (BHRs), and computed each component’s contribution to the total variability. Most of the variability can be attributed to SM (40-68%), followed by GW (18-40%). SW has great influence in the north-western BHRs (humid monsoon influenced) with 18-40% and the southern BHRs (subtropical system influenced) with 5-10%. RS has important contributions in the Paraná with 12.1%, São Francisco with 3.5%, and Tocantins-Araguaia with 2.1%. In terms of long-term variability, water storages have been generally decreasing in the eastern and increasing in north-western and southern BHRs, with GW and RS being the most affected, although it can also be observed in SW peaks. Comparisons made with previous studies show that the approach and datasets used can have a considerable impact in the results. Such analysis can have broad implications in identifying the nature of amplitude and phase variability across regions in order to better characterize them and to obtain better evaluations of hydrological trends under a changing environment.O Brasil abriga uma grande quantidade de água doce. Saber como essa água armazenada é repartida no espaço e no tempo entre os componentes superficiais e subsuperficiais é crucial para uma representação mais correta do ciclo hídrico do país, o que tem grandes implicações para a tomada de decisões relacionadas à gestão dos recursos hídricos. Neste estudo, extraímos a variabilidade mensal do armazenamento de água, de 2003 a 2020, com base em diferentes fontes que representam o estado da arte da informação sobre diferentes componentes de armazenamento águas subterrâneas, umidade do solo, águas superficiais, e reservatórios artificiais – em todas as regiões hidrográficas brasileiras, e computamos a contribuição de cada componente em relação a variabilidade total. A maior parte da variabilidade pode ser atribuída a umidade do solo (4068%), seguida por águas subterrâneas (18-40%). Águas superficiais tem grande influência nas regiões hidrográficas do noroeste (influência de sistemas de monção) com 18-40% e nas BHRs do sul (influência de sistemas subtropicais) com 5-10%. O estoque em reservatórios artificiais tem contribuições importantes nas regiões do Paraná com 12,1%, do São Francisco com 3,5% e do Tocantins-Araguaia com 2,1%. Em termos de variabilidade de longo prazo, os estoques de água têm geralmente diminuído nas regiões leste e aumentado no noroeste e no sul, sendo os estoques de águas subterrâneas e reservatórios os mais afetados, embora essa tendência também possa ser observada nos picos de água superficial. Comparações feitas com estudos anteriores mostram que a abordagem e os conjuntos de dados utilizados podem ter um impacto considerável nos resultados. Tal análise pode ter amplas implicações na identificação da natureza da variabilidade de amplitude e fase entre as regiões, a fim de melhor caracterizá-las e obter melhores avaliações das tendências hidrológicas
Aerobic exercise inhibits acute lung injury: from mouse to human evidence Exercise reduced lung injury markers in mouse and in cells
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is defined as hypoxemic respiratory failure with intense pulmonary inflammation, involving hyperactivation of endothelial cells and neutrophils. Given the anti-inflammatory effects of aerobic exercise (AE), this study investigated whether AE performed daily for 5 weeks would inhibit extra-pulmonary LPS-induced ARDS. C57Bl/6 mice were distributed into Control, Exercise, LPS and Exercise+ LPS groups. AE was performed on a treadmill for 5x/week for four weeks before LPS administration. 24hours after the final AE physical test, animals received 100ug of LPS intra-peritoneally. In addition, whole blood cell culture, neutrophils and human endothelial cells were pre-incubated with IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine induced by exercise. AE reduced total protein levels (p<0.01) and neutrophil accumulation in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) (p<0.01) and lung parenchyma (p<0.01). AE reduced BAL inflammatory cytokines IL-1 beta, IL-6 and GM-CSF (p<0.001), CXCL1/KC, IL-17, TNF-alpha and IGF-1 (p<0.01). Systemically, AE reduced IL-1 beta, IL-6 and IFN-gamma (p<0.001), CXCL1/KC (p<0.01) and TNF-alpha (p<0.05). AE increased IL-10 levels in serum (p<0.001) and BAL (p<0.001). Furthermore, AE increased superoxide dismutase SOD (p<0.01) and decreased superoxide anion accumulation in the lungs (p<0.01). Lastly, pre-incubation with IL-10 significantly reduced LPS-induced activation of whole blood cells, neutrophils and HUVECs, as observed by reduced production of IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-alpha. Our data suggest that AE inhibited LPS-induced lung inflammation by attenuating inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers in mice and human cell culture via enhanced IL-10 production.Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [2012/15165-2]Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq) [311335-2015-2]Comissao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) [12804/13-4, 1303/13-9]FAPESP [2013/24076-6, 2014/23196-0, 2012/14604-8, 2012/25435-7, 2012/24880-7]CAPESNove Julho Univ, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilBrazilian Inst Teaching & Res Pulm & Exercise Imm, Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Postgrad Program Sci Human Movement & Rehabil, Santos, SP, BrazilUniv Brasil, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Sch Med, Dept Pathol LIM 59, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Lavras UFLA, Sci Dept Hlth, Lavras, MG, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Campus Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHarbor UCLA Med Ctr, Div Resp & Crit Care Physiol & Med, Los Angeles Biomed Res Inst, Torrance, CA 90509 USAUniv Tubingen, Inst Clin & Expt Transfus Med IKET, Tubingen, GermanyFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Postgrad Program Sci Human Movement & Rehabil, Santos, SP, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Campus Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP [2012/15165-2]CNPq [311335-2015-2]CAPES [12804/13-4, 1303/13-9]FAPESP [2013/24076-6, 2014/23196-0, 2012/14604-8, 2012/25435-7, 2012/24880-7]Web of Scienc
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