890 research outputs found

    Avaliação dos efeitos ecológicos de filtros ultravioleta em ecosistemas lóticos portugueses

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    Organic UV-filters are chemicals present in several personal care products and on other materials (plastics, paints, etc) to protect against ultraviolet radiation. The use of these compounds has been increasing throughout the years and, consequently, they are now considered global emergent contaminants of the aquatic environment. In fact, UV-filters have been frequently found in river and lake waters but to date, only scarce information exists about their effects and it is mostly based in acute or chronic toxicity data for a limited number of species. Due to their physico-chemical properties, UV- filters accumulate in biota and sediments and are expected to co-occur together with other persistent contaminants. Moreover, and despite uncertainties about their specific mode of action, research has shown endocrine disruption caused by exposure to organic UV-filters in several species. Investigation on the ecological effects of organic UV-filters is urgent for a correct environmental risk assessment. For that, studies should be focused on ecotoxicological data from benthic organisms considering relevant endpoints and exposure scenarios including binary mixtures. This will allow to address potential long-term as well as community and ecosystem level effects of organic UV-filters. Thus, the purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of UV-filters using an integrated approach combining sub-organismal, organismal, population and community level responses, aiming to produce comprehensive and sound ecotoxicological data for freshwaters. With that purpose four specific objectives were proposed: i) assess the effects of selected UV-filters (Benzophenone-3 (BP3); 3-(4-methylbenzylidene)camphor (4-MBC) and Octocrylene (OC)) on two aquatic species, the dipteran Chironomus riparius (a model organism widely used in ecotoxicological assays) and the trichopteran Sericostoma vittatum (an endemic species of Iberian peninsula), both aquatic detritivores with an important role in the streams and rivers; ii) assess the effects of binary mixtures of different UV-filters and UV- filters combined with an insect repellent, DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) in C. riparius reproductive traits ; iii) assess the long-term effects of BP3 exposure over two consecutive C. riparius generations and iv) assess the effects of 4-MBC in the structure of macroinvertebrates community and functioning of ecosystem using a mesocosms approach. Obtained results showed that selected UV-filters indeed caused deleterious effects on both insect species at environmental relevant concentrations with reductions in the growth, feeding and development rates. At the sub-organismal level, C. riparius and S. vittatum showed different patterns of response to UV-filters exposure and, despite evidences of metabolic costs related with detoxification, no evidences of oxidative stress or neurotoxicity were found. Additionally, results obtained in mixture exposures showed synergistic interactions for some C. riparius reproduction related traits for binary mixture of BP3 and 4-MBC as well as for mixture containing BP3 and DEET. These suggest that individual chemical testing can underestimate toxicity of organic UV-filters under natural conditions. Concerning C. riparius long-term multigenerational exposure to BP3, our results showed that C. riparius fertility is strongly reduced by BP3 exposure being the filial (F1) generation more sensitive than the parental (P) generation. Moreover, the F1 generation exposed under control conditions but whose parents were exposed to BP3 showed to be affected. All these results indicate carry-over effects, pointing out to possible epigenetic/transgenerational effects. Finally, community ecotoxicological experiments using artificial streams (mesocosms) showed no effects of 4-MBC on the structure of macroinvertebrate community nor on leaf litter decomposition. However, primary production was strongly reduced due to 4-MBC exposure. These results, although not in agreement with the previous laboratory assays performed with detritivore species, suggest potential bottom up indirect effects caused by the presence of organic UV-filters in sediments. In conclusion, the results obtained in this work suggest that UV-filters present risk to freshwater benthic invertebrate communities and reinforce the need of using complex and higher tier ecotoxicity studies to a better environmental risk assessment of these emergent contaminants.Os Filtros ultravioleta (filtros UV) são compostos químicos usados em vários produtos de higiene pessoal e materiais (plásticos, tintas, etc.) de modo a proteger contra danos causados pela radiação ultravioleta. O uso destes compostos tem vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos sendo já considerados contaminantes emergentes dos ecossistemas aquáticos. De facto, estes compostos têm vindo a ser detetados em lagos e rios, mas até à data pouca informação existe sobre os seus efeitos nos ecossistemas aquáticos, sendo que os estudos existentes se centram em ensaios laboratoriais e num reduzido número de espécies. Contudo, devido às suas propriedades físico-químicas é esperado que os filtros UV acumulem nos sedimentos e nos organismos e coocorram com outros contaminantes. No entanto, embora o modo de ação dos filtros UV não seja totalmente conhecido, estudos prévios têm mostrado disrupção endócrina causada pela exposição a estes contaminantes em organismos aquáticos. Posto isto, uma avaliação dos efeitos ecotoxicológicos dos filtros UV é urgente para uma correta avaliação do risco ambiental. Assim, os estudos ecotoxicológicos devem-se focar em organismos bentónicos considerando parâmetros e cenários de exposição relevantes, o que nos permitirá determinar potenciais efeitos a longo prazo assim como efeitos ao nível das comunidades dos ecossistemas. Este trabalho propôs avaliar e perceber quais os efeitos dos filtros UV em organismos e comunidades de água doce usando uma abordagem baseada em diferentes níveis de organização biológica e tendo como intuito gerar dados ecotoxicológicos robustos e mais abrangentes. Para tal, foram estabelecidos vários objetivos específicos: 1) avaliar os efeitos de diferentes filtros UV (Benzofenona-3 (BP3); 3-(4-methylbenzylidene)camphor (4-MBC) e Octocrileno (OC)) usando duas espécies de invertebrados aquáticos detritívoros, o díptero Chironomus riparius (uma espécie modelo amplamente utilizada em ensaios ecotoxicológicos) e o tricóptero Sericostoma vittatum (uma espécie endémica da Península Ibérica), ambos com grande importância nos ecossistemas lóticos portugueses; 2) avaliar os efeitos de misturas de diferentes filtros UV, e de filtros UV juntamente com um repelente de insetos (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide -DEET) em parâmetros relacionados com a reprodução de C. riparius; 3) avaliar os efeitos multigeracionais decorrentes de exposição a BP3 em C. riparius; 4) usando sistemas de rios artificiais avaliar os efeitos do 4-MBC na estrutura e funcionamento dos ecossistemas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, de facto, os filtros UV selecionados causaram efeitos tóxicos em ambas as espécies usadas a concentrações ambientalmente relevantes, observando-se reduções ao nível do crescimento e das taxas alimentares assim como atrasos no desenvolvimento. Ao nível subcelular C. riparius e S. vittatum mostraram diferentes padrões de resposta à exposição aos filtros UV e apesar de se observarem custos metabólicos relacionados com os processos de destoxificação, não se observaram efeitos em termos de stress oxidativo nem neurotoxicidade. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos na exposição às misturas entre químicos revelaram interações sinergísticas para alguns parâmetros reprodutivos de C. riparius para as ambas as misturas testadas (BP3 – 4-MBC; BP3 - DEET). Estes resultados sugerem que exposições individuais aos filtros UV podem subestimar a toxicidade destes contaminantes em condições naturais. Nos ensaios multigeracionais observou-se também uma forte redução na fertilidade de C. riparius expostos a BP3. Observou-se ainda que a segunda geração foi mais afetada que a geração parental mesmo se mantida em condições controlo, mas cujos pais tinham sido previamente expostos a BP3. Todos estes resultados indicam que a BP3 provoca efeitos latentes na geração parental que são posteriormente observados nos descendentes, apontando assim para efeitos epigenéticos/transgeracionais. Por último, nos ensaios dos mesocosmos, não foram observados efeitos do 4-MBC na estrutura das comunidades de macroinvertebrados nem na degradação da matéria orgânica, em contraste com o forte efeito observado na produção primária. Estes resultados, embora não concordando com os resultados obtidos em ensaios laboratoriais sugerem potenciais efeitos indiretos da presença dos filtros UV nos sedimentos. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos nesta tese indicam que os filtros UV apresentam risco para os organismos bentónicos e reforçam a necessidade de utilizar abordagens integradas com maior relevância ecológica para uma melhor avaliação do risco ambiental destes contaminantes emergentes.Programa Doutoral em Biologi

    Reified Bodies and Misplaced Identities in Elizabeth Bishop’s Narratives of Childhood Memories

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    Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979) starts exploring autobiographical material in her writing while living in Brazil, during the 1950s and 60s, as if diaspora enabled her to deal with issues of personal identity more openly. Focusing on the autobiographical short stories “In the Village” (1953) and “The Country Mouse” (1961), this essay looks at the representative strategies the writer chooses to portray the child protagonist’s body. Bishop’s traumatic childhood and her dislocation between borders and rural/urban landscapes (the Nova Scotia countryside and Boston) are inscribed in the protagonists’ bodily figurations, framed by a distanced narrator that highlights the tensions caused by the writer’s maternal and paternal families’ differentiated socialization practices. I will examine: i) the rhetorical strategies used by Bishop to exert formal control over her disturbing memories, namely through the reification of some of the characters’ bodies; ii) the deconstruction of the Great War victory narratives, with their strict gender distinctions. Considered the main index of personal identity in these fictional universes, the body will thus be read as a textual configuration that reflects the official discourses of citizenship in North America (Canada and the U.S.), and simultaneously resists these hegemonic proposals of identity, reclaiming its subjectivity.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Efeitos do cádmio em cadeias tróficas de processamento de detritos

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    Mestrado em Biologia Aplicada - Microbiologia Clínica e AmbientalA integridade ecológica dos ecossistemas é na maior parte das vezes avaliada em termos de ocorrência de espécies e composição das comunidades e não em termos de relações tróficas entre espécies ou parâmetros funcionais. O processamento de detritos é um processo ecológico vital para os ecossistemas lóticos, mediado por microrganismos e invertebrados aquáticos. Nestas cadeias tróficas, os invertebrados fragmentadores contribuem para a ciclo de nutrientes através da transformação de matéria orgânica particulada grosseira em matéria orgânica particulada fina que serve de alimento para os invertebrados coletores. O nosso objetivo passou por avaliar os efeitos combinados do cádmio e da alteração na qualidade dos recursos (espécie de folha) na cadeia trófica de detritos e na interação entre fragmentadores – coletores. Em laboratório folhas de amieiro (espécie nativa) e de eucalipto (espécie exótica) foram condicionadas em diferentes concentrações de cádmio (0, 50 e 200 μg/L). A comunidade microbiana presente nas folhas provenientes de diferentes tratamentos foi analisada através da técnica molecular DGGE e a taxa de respiração microbiana foi medida. Sericostoma vittatum (tricóptero fragmentador) e Chironomus riparius (um díptero coletor) foram expostos às mesmas concentrações de cádmio e alimentados com discos de folhas correspondentes. Foram avaliados, em microcosmos, o crescimento de C. riparius e a perda de peso das folhas. O cádmio afetou o condicionamento das folhas e provocou alterações na diversidade de fungos em ambas as espécies de folhas. A comunidade microbiana presente no amieiro e no eucalipto mostrou reagir de maneira diferente ao cádmio. Este apenas afetou a decomposição das folhas de amieiro através da redução da alimentação dos invertebrados e também afetou o crescimento larvar de C. riparius. Esta espécie mostrou não ser exclusivamente coletora sendo capaz de se alimentar de folhas de amieiro na ausência de invertebrados fragmentadores. Contudo os fragmentadores mostraram promover o crescimento dos coletores no tratamento com eucalipto como fonte de alimentação. Estes resultados levam-nos a crer que a hipótese de facilitação entre fragmentadores - coletores pode ser tida como verdadeira mas que depende da qualidade dos recursos bem como das espécies de detritívoros presentes. Os resultados sugerem ainda que as cadeias de processamento de detritos podem ser ferramentas valiosas em ecotoxicologia de comunidades. Mais estudos com a utilização de diferentes espécies de detritívoros e de outros stressores (naturais e antropogénicos) deverão continuar para melhor avaliar possíveis efeitos indiretos de contaminantes ao longo destas cadeias de processamento de detritos sob diferentes cenários ecológicos.The ecological integrity of ecosystems is often evaluated in terms of species occurrence and composition of communities and not in terms of trophic relationships between species or functional parameters. The processing of detritus is a vital ecological process for freshwater ecosystems, mediated by microorganisms and aquatic invertebrates. Here, shredders contribute to the nutrient cycle, transforming coarse into fine particulate organic matter which serve as food for collectors. The aim of this work was to evaluate the combined effects of cadmium exposure and changes in resource quality (leaf species) on detritus trophic chain and on shredder–collector interactions. In the laboratory, alder leaves (native species) and eucalyptus (exotic species) were conditioned at different cadmium concentrations (0, 50 and 200 μg/L). The microbial community present in leaves from the different treatments was analyzed by molecular DGGE technique and microbial respiration rates were measured. Sericostoma vittatum (a caddisfly shredder) and Chironomus riparius (a midge collector) were exposed to the same concentrations of cadmium and fed the corresponding leaf discs. C. riparius growth and leaf weight loss were evaluated in these multispecies microcosms. Cadmium exposure affected the leaf conditioning and the reduction in fungal diversity in both leaf species was clear. Cadmium affected the decomposition of alder leaves through reductions in invertebrate feeding and also impaired C. riparius’ growth. C. riparius showed to be a non-exclusive collector and capable of feeding on alder leaf discs in the absence of shredders. However shredders appear to promote collectors growth in treatments with eucalyptus as food source.. The observed pattern suggest that shredder-collector facilitation hypothesis can hold true and also that it might be dependent on resource quality and detritivore species present. The results suggest that detritus processing chains can be valuable tools to community ecotoxicology. We advocate that these investigations should continue with the use of different detritivore species and stressors (natural and anthropogenic) to improve our current understanding of indirect effects of contaminants in detritus based food webs under different ecological scenarios

    Determinantes motivacionais para as aulas de Educação Física : O Caso dos alunos do Ensino Secundário do Concelho de Vila Nova de Gaia

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências do Desporto, especialização de Desporto para Crianças e Jovens, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do Port

    Fatores críticos num processo de Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos : perceções de estudantes de 1º ano de Engenharia

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    This paper presents the students’ perceptions about the interdisciplinary project implemented in the first year of the Integrated Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) at the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. This project was supported by four curricular units (UCs): General Chemistry (GC); Calculus (C); Introduction to Industrial Engineering (IIE) and Computer Programming 1 (PC1). In order to collect data on the perceptions of students regarding their participation and motivation on 2011/2012 edition, a questionnaire with 46 closed items and 3 open questions was developed and applied to 35 students and the results discussed on a final workshop. Based on the results of the research, the final workshop shows that the students recognize the benefits of Project Based Learning (PBL) as a learning methodology, its contribution and motivation to development of competences and skills for future career and the importance of teamwork. However, the findings showed that the roles of teachers and tutors must be reviewed as well as the grade’s weight of project related with UCs. Furthermore, students also pointed out some additional constraints during the project, namely: time required for the project; the integration of UCs’ contents in the project and the effort put in the project and its impact in final grades

    Papel do enfermeiro e envolvimento do cliente no processo de tomada de decisão clínica

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    This paper is a literature review based on articles in the nursing field about shared clinical decision. The objectives are to examine the role of nurses and patients in the decision-making process in the context of clinical practice. To support these themes, a review of recent literature was conducted with the following results: patients prefer shared decision-making with professionals who should support and provide information to patients in order to overcome the barriers hampering patients' involvement in decision-making. There is a clear need for more research studies that address the problems in the clinical decision-making process so as to contribute to healthcare improvement.El presente trabajo es de revisión de literatura, está basado en artículos de investigación del área de enfermería, abordando el tema: decisión clínica compartida. Los objetivos fueron dirigidos a analizar el papel del enfermero y del paciente en el proceso de la toma de decisiones en contextos de la práctica clínica. Para fundamentar esas temáticas, se hizo una revisión de la literatura reciente, la que reveló los siguientes resultados: los pacientes prefieren compartir la toma de decisiones con los profesionales y los profesionales deben apoyar y dar información a los clientes de forma a diluir las barreras que dificultan su participación en el proceso de decisión. Quedó clara la necesidad de realizar más estudios que presenten evidencias problemáticas en el proceso de decisión en el contexto clínico, con la finalidad de contribuir para la evolución de los cuidados.O presente trabalho é de revisão de literatura, baseada em artigos de investigação da área da enfermagem, abordando o tema: decisão clínica partilhada. Os objetivos estão direcionados para o analisar do papel do enfermeiro e do paciente no processo de tomada de decisão em contextos da prática clínica. Para fundamentar essas temáticas, fez-se revisão de literatura recente que revelou os seguintes resultados: os pacientes preferem partilhar a tomada de decisão com os profissionais e os profissionais devem apoiar e dar informação aos clientes de forma a diluir as barreiras que dificultam o seu envolvimento no processo de decisão. Ficou clara a necessidade de mais estudos que evidenciem problemáticas no processo de decisão em contexto clínico, no sentido de contribuir para a evolução dos cuidados

    Adaptação transcultural e validação para o português brasileiro do Stanford Presenteeism Scale para avaliação do presenteísmo

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    OBJECTIVE: describe the process of transcultural adaptation and validation of the Stanford Presenteeism Scale for Brazilian Portuguese. METHODS: Methodological study of the cultural adaptation and validation of the tool which involved 153 nursing staff and included six aspects of equivalence, obtained through the following stages: translation, first version of consent, retranslation, specialist committee, pre-test, study of test-retest credibleness and dimensional validity. RESULTS: The stability of the items varied from moderate to almost perfect and the sequence constancy was almost perfect. Two factors were identified through the exploratory fact analysis: the first one included the physical aspects - completing work; and the second one the psychological aspects - avoided distraction . CONCLUSIONS: the results suggest adequacy of the tool in the Brazilian Portuguese version, indicating its use in the context of the study group and in similar groups, contributing to the study of evidences which consolidate strategies that favor the health conditions of the jobholders.OBJETIVO: describir el proceso de adaptación transcultural y validación para el portugués brasileño del Stanford Presenteeism Scale. MÉTODOS: se trata de un estudio metodológico de adaptación cultural y validación de instrumento en que participaron 153 trabajadores de enfermería, incluyendo seis aspectos de equivalencia obtenidos en las siguientes etapas: traducción, primera versión de consenso, retrotraducción, comité de especialistas, prueba piloto, estudio de confiabilidad prueba-reprueba y validez dimensional. RESULTADOS: La estabilidad de los ítems varió de moderado a casi perfecto y el de la escala fue casi perfecto. Dos factores fueron identificados por el análisis factorial exploratorio: el primero incluye los aspectos físicos - trabajo finalizado y el segundo a los aspectos psicológicos - concentración mantenida. CONCLUSIONES: los resultados sugieren que el instrumento es adecuado en la versión en portugués brasileño, indicando su uso en el contexto de la población de estudio y en poblaciones semejantes, contribuyendo así para el estudio de evidencias que contienen estrategias que favorezcan las condiciones de salud de los trabajadores.OBJETIVO: descrever o processo de adaptação transcultural e validação para o português brasileiro do Stanford Presenteeism Scale. MÉTODOS: trata-se de estudo metodológico de adaptação cultural e validação de instrumento que envolveu 153 trabalhadores de enfermagem, incluindo seis aspectos de equivalência, obtidos pelas seguintes etapas: tradução, primeira versão de consenso, retrotradução, comitê de especialistas, pré-teste, estudo de confiabilidade teste/reteste e validade dimensional. RESULTADOS: a estabilidade dos itens variou de moderado a quase perfeito e da escala foi quase perfeito. Dois fatores foram identificados pela análise fatorial exploratória: o primeiro incluiu os aspectos físicos - trabalho finalizado e o segundo incluiu os aspectos psicológicos - distração evitada. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados sugerem adequação do instrumento na versão em português brasileiro, indicando seu uso no contexto da população de estudo e em populações semelhantes, contribuindo para o estudo de evidências que embasem estratégias que favoreçam as condições de saúde dos trabalhadores

    Psychometric study of the European Portuguese version of the PedsQL 3.0 Cancer Module

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    Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is an important outcome to assess the impact of cancer. This article examines the psychometric properties of the European Portuguese self-report version of the Pediatric Quality of Life InventoryTM Cancer Module (PedsQLTM 3.0 Cancer Module) in children and adolescents with cancer. Methods: The participants, 332 children/adolescents diagnosed with cancer (8–18 years old), completed measures to assess HRQoL (PedsQLTM 3.0 Cancer Module and DISABKIDS Chronic Generic Measure; DCGM-12) and anxiety (Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale - second edition; RCMAS-2). A subsample (n = 52) completed the PedsQLTM 3.0 Cancer Module a second time following one-week. The pediatric oncologists completed the Intensity of Treatment Rating Scale 3.0 (ITR 3.0). Results: For the whole sample, the PedsQLTM 3.0 Cancer Module demonstrated good item discrimination (rs = .30 to .54). The confirmatory factor analysis testing the presence of eight first-order factors loading significantly in a second-order factor revealed an acceptable fit (CFI = .91; RMSEA = .05). The correlation of PedsQLTM 3.0 Cancer Module with DCGM-12 (rs = .17 to .58), and with RCMAS-2 (rs = −.16 to–.51) attested convergent validity. This inventory demonstrated minimally acceptable to very good internal consistency (αs = .65 to .87) and temporal stability (ICCs = .61 to .81). Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the European Portuguese self-report version of the PedsQLTM 3.0 Cancer Module is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing HRQoL in pediatric cancer. Keywords: European Portuguese version, PedsQLTM 3.0 Cancer Module, Health-related quality of life, Pediatric cancer, Psychometric propertie

    Projects with the industry for the development of professional competences in industrial engineering and management

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    Training engineering students has been evolving towards the development of professional competences, both technical and transversal. These competences will enable new engineers to apply learning resources in professional contexts with greater efficacy. Thus, these engineers will be closer to the needs of industry. A learning methodology that has been used in these contexts is Project Based Learning (PBL). This paper presents a learning process based on PBL concepts, in which five teams of 5 to 7 students of Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Minho, Portugal, developed projects in interaction with companies during a semester. This project is supported by 5 courses of the 7th semester: Organization of Production Systems, Information Systems for Production, Integrated Production Management, Ergonomic Study of Workplaces and Simulation. The objective of the students’ project is to make the analysis and present proposals for improvement of a part of the production system of a company. With the support of teachers, students should manage the interaction with an industrial company under the established partnership and present suggestions for improvements to their production system, considering contributions from the 5 courses of the semester. The aim of this paper is to describe the operational model of this PBL process, evaluate the results in terms of students’ learning and in terms of the perception of industry, and finally make proposals for improving the model. The evaluation of learning outcomes is based on the analysis of students’ project results, a questionnaire and a closing workshop of the project with students. The evaluation of the perception of industry partners is achieved using informal interviews with company representatives. The evaluation process shows that, from the participants’ perceptions, students have developed the competences that are expected and, in general, the teams are motivated by the outcome of their projects. They referred that there should exist better mechanisms of differentiation of individual classifications within the team. From the point of view of industry, the results are considered good, but there is a tendency to propose a greater focus on the objectives and results of the project. Considering these results, a change to the model is proposed, in order to increase the direction of the project. The proposal organizes the project into two very distinct phases: (1) analysis and diagnosis phase; (2) improvement phase. This change would explore the contents and competences expected of all courses during the analysis and diagnosis phase, and in second phase, the project would focus on developing specific solutions for the enterprise