106 research outputs found

    Manejo y uso de Cnidoscolus spp. en el Totonacapan, Puebla y Mixteca Baja, Oaxaca

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    The ethnobotanical study of two species of Cnidoscolus (Euphorbiaceae) is discussed; C. rostratus and C. multilobus, both of which are considered to be of anthropocentric importance in the communities involved in this study: Acaquizapan, Oaxaca, and Ecatlán, Puebla, respectively. The aim of this study was to establish the first qualitative-quantitative approach related to the documentation of its use. Considering a sample of 47 informants from Ecatlán and 90 from Acaquizapan, and employing participatory research and ethnobotanical indices, interviews that included 14 variables were conducted. Regarding the degree of management, C. rostratus in the wild, was observed to be tolerated and promoted, being used as food (seeds), medicine (branches and leaves) and live fence; obtaining a value of use of 3, value of importance of use 0.92 and cultural significance 34.5. C. multilobus, “mala mujer” (bad woman), appeared to be subject to a degree of wild management and toleration, the flowers are consumed as quelites, the leaves have medicinal use and as a domestic tool; a value of use of 3, value of importance of use 0.234 and cultural significance 5. This information is considered to be important for expanding the use and conservation of its genetic diversity, as well as in terms of the culture involved, in addition to representing a potential source of economic income for the residents.Se aborda el estudio etnobotánico de dos especies de Cnidoscolus (Euphorbiaceae); C. rostratus y C. multilobus siendo ambas consideradas de importancia antropocéntrica en las comunidades involucradas en el presente trabajo: Acaquizapan, Oaxaca y Ecatlán, Puebla, respectivamente. El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer la primera aproximación documental cuali-cuantitativa relacionada con su aprovechamiento. Considerando una muestra de 47 informantes de Ecatlán y 90 de Acaquizapan. Mediante investigación participativa y la utilización de índices etnobotánicos, se hicieron entrevistas incluyendo 14 variables. Con relación a el grado de manejo, C. rostratus, se registró en forma silvestre, tolerada y fomentada, usándose como alimento (semillas), medicina (ramas y hojas) y cerco vivo; obtuvó un valor de uso de 3, valor de importancia de uso 0.92 y significancia cultural 34.5. C. multilobus, ‘mala mujer’, con grado de manejo silvestre y tolerada, las flores se consumen como quelite, las hojas tienen uso medicinal y como utensilio doméstico; valor de uso de 3, valor de importancia de uso 0.234 y significancia cultural 5. Se considera que esta información es importante para ampliar el uso y conservación de su diversidad genética, así como de la cultura involucrada, además de representar fuente potencial de ingreso económico para los pobladores

    Cambios en el recuento de cuatro grupos bacterianos durante la maduración del Queso de Prensa (Costeño) de Cuajinicuilapa, México

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    Prensa Cheese, also called Costeño, is made in an artisanal way from raw cow’s milk in the Costa Chica region of the state of Guerrero. In order to know the characteristics of Mexican artisanal cheeses, the objective of this research was to analyze the changes in the count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria (AMB), total coliform (TCs) microorganisms, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS), during the ripening (5, 30, 60 and 90 d) of Prensa cheeses, made by four different cheese factories (A, B, C and D) of Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero, Mexico. A portion (25 g) of each cheese sample was homogenized with peptone diluent (225 mL) and dilutions from 10-1 to 10-6 were prepared with which 3MTM PetrifilmTM plates were sown. After incubating under different conditions, depending on the type of microorganism, AMB, TCs, LAB and CPS counts were made. The results showed that as the ripening time of the Prensa Cheese progressed, the microbial load decreased: AMB from 4 to 2, TCs from 6 to 3, LAB from 6 to 2 and CPS from 5 to 2 log10 CFU g-1. The changes in the counts of the bacterial groups studied can be attributed to the physicochemical and microbiological transitions typical of cheese maturation and to the characteristics of the microbiota present in each of the cheese factories. The results of this research provide elements for the microbial characterization of Mexican artisanal cheeses.El Queso de Prensa, también llamado Costeño es elaborado artesanalmente a partir de leche cruda de vaca en la región de la Costa Chica del estado de Guerrero. Con el fin de conocer las características de los quesos artesanales mexicanos, el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar los cambios en el recuento de bacterias mesófilas aerobias (BMA), microorganismos coliformes totales (CT), bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL) y estafilococos coagulasa positivos (ECP), durante la maduración (5, 30, 60 y 90 días) de quesos de prensa, elaborados por cuatro diferentes queserías (A, B, C y D) de Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero, México. Una porción (25 g) de cada muestra de queso se homogeneizó con diluyente de peptona (225 ml) y se prepararon diluciones desde 10 -1 a 10 -6 con las que se sembraron placas 3M TM PetrifilmTM. Después de incubar a diferentes condiciones, según el tipo de microorganismo, se hicieron recuentos de BMA, CT, BAL y ECP. Los resultados mostraron que conforme avanzó el tiempo de maduración del Queso de Prensa, la carga microbiana disminuyó: BMA de 4 a 2, CT de 6 a 3, BAL de 6 a 2 y ECP de 5 a 2 log10 UFC g-1. Los cambios en los recuentos de los grupos bacterianos estudiados, pueden ser atribuidos a las transiciones fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas propias de la maduración del queso y a las características de la microbiota presente en cada una de las queserías. Los resultados de esta investigación aportan elementos para la caracterización microbiana de los quesos artesanales mexicanos

    Evaluación económica de dos sistemas de pastoreo para la producción de leche con bajos insumos en suelo vertisol

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    An economic an financial appraisal of a typical livestock cooperative collective venture in Valle del Cauto, Granma province, Cuba, was performed. A data-base was built taking into account the information collected from surveys to the venture administra- tion board and the statistical and financial registers from 1996, 1997, and 1998. Technical indexes such as soil use and herd struc- ture, and financial indexes like solvency and debt level at a short run were discussed. The average guideline for animal current production inventory and bills to be collected and paid were also analyzed. This last analysis showed the venture financial status. There was just a 9,6% and 9% solvency to pay debts in the years under study. They invested 1,31; 1,28 and 1,16 pesos (national currency) from foreing resources for each own financing peso.Se evaluó económicamente el empleo de dos sistemas de pastoreo en una vaquería comercial, en condiciones de secano. Se uti- lizaron los métodos de pastoreo racional Voisin (PRV) y el pastoreo porcionado, cada uno con 37 vacas 5/8 Holstein-3/8 Cebú. Para valorar la eficiencia económica, se tuvieron en cuenta indicadores del volumen, valor y costo de producción, ganancia económica, costo por peso, relación beneficio costo, costo del kg de leche y se calculó el punto de equilibrio y período de recu- peración de la inversión. Los resultados mostraron que los indicadores del volumen de producción (producción de leche), valor de la producción (leche y carne), los costos de producción (gastos fijos y variables) y la ganancia económica revelaron un mejor comportamiento en el método porcionado, donde el costo por peso producido promedio (moneda nacional) es inferior en 0,06,larelacioˊnbeneficiocostoseincrementoˊen 0,06, la relación beneficio costo se incrementó en 0,11 y el costo del kg de la leche disminuyó en 0,03,conrespectoalPRV.Ademaˊs,sedeterminoˊquesoloesnecesarioinvertirentre 0,03, con respecto al PRV. Además, se determinó que solo es necesario invertir entre 0,08 y 0,12USDporcadapesoenmonedanacional,enelmeˊtodoporcionado,mientrasqueenelPRVsenecesitainvertir 0,12 USD por cada peso en moneda nacional, en el método porcionado, mientras que en el PRV se necesita invertir 0,02 adicionales. El costo para producir un kilogramo de leche fue bajo en sentido general y osciló entre 0,05y 0,05 y 0,07 en el PRV y entre 0,04y 0,04 y 0,05 en el porcionado

    Cardiovascular risk factors in older adults at the "Fermín Valdés Domínguez" University Polyclinic

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are a set of conditions of the heart and blood vessels. There are risk factors that have a greater contribution in the development of these diseases. Objective: To identify cardiovascular risk factors in older adults belonging to the family doctor's office No. 6 from January 2020 to April 2022. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, from a universe of 192 older adults, 152 were selected by non-probabilistic purposive sampling. Theoretical and empirical methods, such as surveys, were used for data collection. For statistical analysis, the distribution of absolute frequencies and percentages were used, in addition to the Odds ratio, to verify the association between risk factors and cardiovascular diseases. Results: The predominant age group in the sample studied was between 60 and 69 years and female sex. Alcohol consumption, smoking, dyslipidemia, and hypertension were the cardiovascular risk factors significantly associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases; more than half of the sample presented a diagnostic conclusion of high risk for the development of a cardiovascular event. Conclusions: cardiovascular risk factors in older adults constitute a problem to be faced by Primary Health Care in order to reduce the development of cardiovascular diseases in this age group

    Antioxidants in processed fruit, essential oil, and seed oils of feijoa

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    The degradation of nutraceutical properties during processing of the fruits of feijoa (Acca sellowiana), and the characterization of seed oils, and volatile compounds were evaluated. In feijoa fruit dehydrated by a standard convective air process, the total phenols and total flavonoids declined 42%, and the antioxidant capacity determined by ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP declined 26% with respect to lyophilized fruit. In feijoa jam, the reduction of total phenols and flavonoids was 52%, and the reduction in antioxidant capacity was 72%. Vitamin C in the jam was also reduced by the processing. Feijoa seeds had 69.4% unsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic (46.2%) and linolenic (3.7%) acids. Behenic acid was also detected in the seeds but in small amounts (0.91%). The feijoa skin had 31 volatile compounds in two orchards with different climate, one in a tropical highland and the other in a temperate zone. The extraction yield was on average 0.45%. The major compounds in the essential oil of the feijoa skin were 3-hexen-1-yl benzoate, elixene, spathulenol, D-germacrene and alpha-cadinol. In general, the concentration of volatile oils was higher in the temperate zone

    Increased hypothalamic anti‐inflammatory mediators in non‐diabetic insulin receptor substrate 2‐deficient mice

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    © 2021 by the authors.Insulin receptor substrate (IRS) 2 is a key mediator of insulin signaling and IRS-2 knockout (IRS2−/−) mice are a preclinical model to study the development of diabetes, as they develop peripheral insulin resistance and beta-cell failure. The differential inflammatory profile and insulin signaling in the hypothalamus of non-diabetic (ND) and diabetic (D) IRS2−/− mice might be implicated in the onset of diabetes. Because the lipid profile is related to changes in inflammation and insulin sensitivity, we analyzed whether ND IRS2−/− mice presented a different hypothalamic fatty acid metabolism and lipid pattern than D IRS2−/− mice and the relationship with inflammation and markers of insulin sensitivity. ND IRS2−/− mice showed elevated hypothalamic anti-inflammatory cytokines, while D IRS2−/− mice displayed a proinflammatory profile. The increased activity of enzymes related to the pentose-phosphate route and lipid anabolism and elevated polyunsaturated fatty acid levels were found in the hypothalamus of ND IRS2−/− mice. Conversely, D IRS2−/− mice have no changes in fatty acid composition, but hypothalamic energy balance and markers related to anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing properties were reduced. The data suggest that the concurrence of an anti-inflammatory profile, increased insulin sensitivity and polyunsaturated fatty acids content in the hypothalamus may slow down or delay the onset of diabetes.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with the help of European FEDER funding (grant numbers FIS PI19/00166, BFU 2017-82565-C2-1-R, and RTI2018-094052-B-100), Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (S2017/BMD-3684) and the Network Center for Biomedical Research on Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) and Diabetes (CIBERDEM) Instituto Carlos III. S.C. was supported by CIBEROBN and A.G.M. by Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús

    Estrategias para la implementación de políticas que aporten el mejoramiento del clima laboral

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    Implementar acciones efectivas que permitan mejorar el ambiente laboral en la compañía la Red abastecimiento comercial tiene como objetivo desarrollar, fortalecer y mejorar el ambiente interno y externo de todos los grupos de interés que permiten la consecución de las metas propuestas; de esta manera se realiza e indaga sobre el clima laboral y las oportunidades de mejora dentro de las instalaciones de La red con el fin de obtener el material adecuado como insumo a la investigación y a partir de este poder generar ideas para la intervención del mismo con el objetivo de motivar, apoyar, e implementar las políticas adecuadas que junto con el apoyo de todos los involucrados se compenetre y fortalezca el capital humano conociendo a fondo sus necesidades, proyecciones, capacitaciones y demás, para que en conjunto se logre el desarrollo de un grupo compenetrado, funcional, motivado, eficiente pero más importante con un clima laboral adecuado para la ejecución de la labor.Implement an action plan that allows the improvement of the working environment in the company. The commercial supply network aims to develop, strengthen and improve the internal and external environment of all those involved in order to achieve the proposed objectives and goals; In this way, it is carried out and investigates about the work environment and the opportunities for improvement within the facilities of the network in order to obtain the appropriate material as input to the research and from this power to generate ideas for the intervention of the same with the objective of motivating, supporting, and implementing the appropriate policies that together with the support of all those involved, the human capital is penetrated and strengthened, knowing in depth their needs, projections, training and others, so that together the development of a group is achieved well-versed, functional, motivated, efficient but more importantly with a suitable work environment for the execution of the work

    Blind spots in global soil biodiversity and ecosystem function research

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    Soils harbor a substantial fraction of the world’s biodiversity, contributing to many crucial ecosystem functions. It is thus essential to identify general macroecological patterns related to the distribution and functioning of soil organisms to support their conservation and consideration by governance. These macroecological analyses need to represent the diversity of environmental conditions that can be found worldwide. Here we identify and characterize existing environmental gaps in soil taxa and ecosystem functioning data across soil macroecological studies and 17,186 sampling sites across the globe. These data gaps include important spatial, environmental, taxonomic, and functional gaps, and an almost complete absence of temporally explicit data. We also identify the limitations of soil macroecological studies to explore general patterns in soil biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships, with only 0.3% of all sampling sites having both information about biodiversity and function, although with different taxonomic groups and functions at each site. Based on this information, we provide clear priorities to support and expand soil macroecological research.This manuscript developed from discussions within the German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG FZT118). CAG and NE acknowledge funding by iDiv (DFG FZT118) Flexpool proposal 34600850. C.A.G., A.H.B., J.S., A.C., N.G.R., S.C., L.B., M.C.R., F.B., J.O., G.P., H.R.P.P., M.W., T.W., K.K., and N.E. acknowledge funding by iDiv (DFG FZT118) Flexpool proposal 34600844. N.E. acknowledges funding by the DFG (FOR 1451) and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 677232). Finally we would like to acknowledge the contribution of all the authors that provided their datasets for analysis within this paper. Open access funding provided by Projekt DEAL