6,716 research outputs found

    Cuéntame un cuento…para soñar, narrar y escribir. Propuesta didáctica para la producción escrita de textos narrativos en estudiantes de grado preescolar y primero

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    En el presente informe se da cuenta de los resultados de una investigación acerca de la incidencia de una secuencia didáctica, de enfoque comunicativo, en la producción colectiva de textos narrativos, escritos con estudiantes de preescolar y primero de básica primaria. Para la valoración en el Pre-test y Pos-test de la variable dependiente, la cual es la producción de textos narrativos, se diseñó una rejilla compuesta por dos dimensiones y 3 indicadores por cada dimensión, esto en concordancia con el tipo cuantitativo de la investigación y su enfoque cuasi- experimental. El número de estudiantes en el estudio fue de 22, distribuidos en dos grupos, de igual número de estudiantes cada uno. Para el grupo investigador el desarrollo del proyecto deja, entre otros importantes hallazgos, que la producción de textos narrativos con niños de esta edad es posible, siempre y cuando se utilicen situaciones de comunicación reales que permitan y de igual forma se desarrollen actividades innovadoras que posibiliten la participación del estudiante en sus propias creaciones y saberes. Uno de los alcances más relevantes de este estudio fue destacar la importancia del lenguaje en los primeros años de escolaridad, ya que se pudo evidenciar como los niños, a pesar de su corta edad, fueron capaces de identificar la estructura ternaria y otros aspectos constitutivos del texto narrativo y construir de manera compartida un cuento en el que aparecen dichos aspectos. Durante el proceso de desarrollo de la S.D, las actividades se centraron en la lectura y en la promoción de las competencias oral y escritural


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    Research Purposes. This study aims to enrich findings about the underpricing phenomenon and to find underpricing trends in various economic conditions that affect stock market activity in the period of the year used in this study.Research Method. The underpricing phenomenon in this study was carried out in a reasonably long research period of 5 years from 2015 to 2019. A total of 72 companies were used as samples in the study. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis.Research Result and Findings. The results found that company size as measured by the number of company assets is the most significant factor for investors in determining their investment for companies that have just listed shares on the stock exchange. An assessment of a company's assets can be the basis for measuring risk, prospects, and the ability to provide returns in the future

    La floricultura y la matemática

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    La experiencia está fundamentada en el modelo educativo de Van Hiele. Durante el mes de abril se desarrolló el nivel inicial del proceso acorde con esta teoría, en el cual los estudiantes, con ayuda de sus maestras y una persona que se desempeña en el campo de la floricultura, diseñaron una encuesta para la comunidad carmelitana. En el segundo nivel, entre los meses de mayo y junio, los estudiantes analizaron propiedades, conocieron los elementos básicos, las relaciones y los conceptos estadísticos y geométricos involucrados en la situación que se estudiaba; además, en esta fase, se acudió a la socialización de las preguntas problematizadoras planteadas en las guías. La experiencia arrojó como principal resultado que los estudiantes lograran verbalizar, conceptualizar y formalizar distintos aspectos que emergieron de las situaciones propuestas

    Desarrollo jurisprudencial de la intersexualidad: consentimiento informado, infancia y derechos

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    Digitalitzat per Artypla

    Psychiatric Aspects of Migraine

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    Psychiatric aspects of migraine. Literature review. This section provides a survey of the literature on the multiple factors implicated in the aetiology of migraine and the links between migraine and psychiatric disorder. The relationship between epilepsy and migraine is reviewed. Olfactory auras in epilepsy are associated with depression. Cocaine abuse is suggested as a model for migraine hallucinations and the precipitation of psychiatric illness by stress. Endorphins are released along with stress hormones and are likely to play an, as yet, unspecified role in the production of stress-related psychiatric and physical illness. They are clearly involved in the experience of pain in migraine and possibly also in mood changes. Menstrual migraine is accepted as a subgroup of migraine although it can be defined objectively much less frequently than it is subjectively complained of. Finally cerebral asymmetry in physiology and cognition is discussed as it applies to migraine

    Solving exponential situations and conceptualization

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    Students have difficulty to use different representational systems. We use the Theory of Conceptual Fields in order to describe and analyze students’ responses to situations in various representational system: numerical, first order algebraic, graphic and verbal written. We conducted the study with 59 students (aged between 15-16 years old) of secondary school. From the analysis we show that students do not "translate" the results of a representational system to another. They can solve exponentially in a representational system (RS) but in a different exponential RS they solve it in a non-exponential way. This indicates that students construct operational invariants for each representational system. That is to say, they build and use different schemes for each one of them


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan seseorang sebagai ahli waris, bagaimana seseorang menerima dan menolak suatu warisan dan pemisahan harta peninggalan, bagaimana hak ahli waris pengganti menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Dengan menggunakan penelitian hukum normative disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Apabila seorang ahli waris menerima, maka sikap tersebut harus berpedoman kepada Pasal 1048 KUHPerdata; 2. Seseorang dapat melakukan penolakan terhadap warisan yang dibuat secara tertulis di kepaniteraan Pengadilan Negeri; 3. Mewaris tidak langsung/mewaris karena penggantian ialah mewaris untuk orang yang sudah meninggal terlebih dahulu dari pada si pewaris. Ia menggantikan ahli waris yang telah meninggal lebih dulu dari si pewaris. Kata kunci: ahli waris, ahli waris penggant

    Addiction and Recovery Experiences of African American Women: A Phenomenological Study

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    Historically, substance abuse research has for the most part excluded African American women. The small body of existing substance abuse research regarding African American women does not examine gender and socio-cultural issues from African American women\u27s perspectives. The purpose of this phenomenological study is to develop a deeper, contextual understanding of the experiences and perspectives of this marginalized population of women. The major goal of the study is to examine the perspectives of African American women about their substance abuse, treatment and recovery. The knowledge gained from this research with African American women regarding their experiences and specific needs in substance abuse treatment is vital to our understanding of this special population and the complex phenomena of substance abuse. In-depth qualitative interviews were used to capture the personal accounts of 25 African American women in substance abuse treatment and recovery. The sample of women in treatment was recruited from public outpatient and residential substance abuse programs in the Richmond, Virginia metropolitan area. Recovering women were recruited through community contacts using snowball sampling techniques. A semi-structured interview guide was used for data collection and interviews were audiotape recorded with the permission of the participants. The women in this study recalled specific events and experiences related to their substance abuse, treatment and recovery. Experiences with trauma were prevalent in the lives of many of the women in this study. The women identified a plethora of needs both met and unmet that are salient to their emotional and physical wellbeing. The women\u27s perceptions of substance abuse treatment programs were influenced by a host of factors, however, the women overall expressed positive regard for substance abuse treatment. The women also evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of substance abuse treatment programs.Substance abuse disorders are complex and have far-reaching ramifications for individuals, families and communities. The paucity of funding and lack of equal access to substance abuse and other related services remains a challenge in an environment of conservatism, high health care costs and cutbacks in human services. Where substance abuse treatment is available, programs must improve services in a manner that matches the multiple and complex needs of women. If substance abuse treatment programs are to become more effective, a family-focused service model that promotes recovery of the family system must also be adopted. Moreover, the women\u27s participation in their own care is salient to their healing, empowerment and recovery. Socio-cultural factors related to oppression play a significant role in the daily lives of African American women in both direct and indirect ways and thus warrant attention in substance abuse treatment

    El Habeas Corpus: derecho fundamental y garantía constitucional

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    La importancia del Habeas corpus radica en el objeto de su función, es decir, en la salvaguarda de uno de los valores fundamentales del Estado de derecho: la libertad personal. Sin la existencia de este mecanismo, la libertad sería simplemente un postulado formal y la vigencia del Estado de derecho quedaría en entredicho. En el presente escrito pretendo, en primer lugar, realizar un análisis histórico del Habeas corpus, partiendo del derecho romano hasta la primera introducción de éste al sistema judicial en un país latinoamericano; en segundo lugar, abordar su desarrollo en otras legislaciones; en tercer lugar, indicar algunos de los documentos internacionales que lo consagran; en cuarto lugar, explicar a grandes rasgos la regulación del derecho en nuestro país, su doble naturaleza y finalmente, analizar la norma constitucional vigente, teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo jurisprudencial realizado por la Corte Constitucional