19 research outputs found

    Realistic Mathematics Education Principles for Designing a Learning Sequence on Number Patterns

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    The number pattern is one of mathematics topics taught for junior high school students that relate between arithmetic and algebra domain. This topic bridges arithmetical and algebraic thinking. Therefore, the learning for this topic should be designed meaningfully. This research aims to design a learning sequence on the number patterns using principles of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). To do this, we used design research method, particularly the preliminary design phase, with the following three steps. First, literature study was conducted to collect student difficulties in the learning of number patterns, relevant studies, and the theory of RME. Second, we observed Indonesian mathematics textbooks addressing the number patterns to see a learning sequence for this topic. Finally, we designed a learning sequence for the number patterns using the RME principles, particularly the reality principle, level principle, and intertwinement principle. The result of this research includes the learning sequence for the number patterns according to the RME principles, which consists of three activities: relationship between patterns and numbers; exploration of numbers; and generalization of number patterns. We conclude that the three principles of RME are fruitful for designing a meaningful learning sequence for the topic of number patterns

    Analyzing Students' Learning Obstacles on Distance Material in Three Dimensional

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    This study was intended to identify learning obstacles faced by students on the distance between two points and the distance between point-to-line materials. The data in this study was obtained through a test, interview, and documentation of students who have learned the materials. The research method used was the qualitative method with a case study approach. This study involved 33 students of class XII and a teacher as a participant. Learning obstacles found in this study were ontogenical, didactical, and epistemological obstacles. The ontogenical obstacles were the students' lack of basic geometry ability and counting operations of the square root which caused the students to make mistakes in applying the Pythagoras formula, determining the position of perpendicular lines, as well as completing arithmetic operations of the square root. The didactical obstacle was the fact that students were only emphasized on using a quick formula to solve three-dimensional problems. This fact resulted in the uncompleted concept received by students. Consequently, the students forget the proper procedure for solving the problems easily, and they tend to make mistakes in applying the quick formula. The epistemological obstacle was the lack of students' comprehension of a concept to determine the distance between a point to a line if the triangle which is formed is not a right triangle. This lack of comprehension caused the students can’t solve a mathematics problem. The implication of this study is learning materials used by students should be arranged based on students' needs which consider the analysis of learning obstacles so that the learning objectives can be achieve

    Analysis of Difficulties of Junior High School Students in Solving Closed and Open Mathematical Problems

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    This study aims to describe the difficulties of junior high school students in solving closed and open mathematical problems and to describe the causes of junior high school students experiencing these difficulties. As many as 25 students of class VIII-D from one of the State Junior High Schools in Bandung Regency were used as research samples. Data was collected by using test techniques, interviews, and document studies. The stages of data analysis carried out are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study showed that students had difficulty in converting the problem into a mathematical model, determining the required decision variables, calculating multiplication and division operations, and determining more than one answer in solving open problems. The difficulties experienced by these students are caused by the following: students feel that the problem given is something new, students are less careful in understanding the problems given, students still do not master the material, students are less careful in performing arithmetic operations, and students not accustomed to solving problems in the form of problem solving and open questions

    The Effect of Mathematical Habits of Mind and Early Mathematical Ability on Modeling Ability of High School Students

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    Modeling mathematics serves as a bridge between the processes of translating real-world problems into mathematics. In reality, however, students' mathematical modeling skills, including their knowledge of derivative applications, remain subpar. This study is intended to determine the relationship between mathematical modeling skills, mathematical habits of mind (MHoM), and early mathematical ability (EMA). This research employed a quantitative methodology with mix method sequential explanatory design. The method used a quantitative and qualitative approach. The first quantitative phase is used, then explained more deeply through the qualitative phase. Sample in this study were 36 eleventh-grade students from one of Tasikmalaya's senior high schools. In this investigation, the EMA was the previous semester's math report card grade. A mathematical modeling ability test question and an MHoM questionnaire were administered to students, and the quantitative analysis of the results followed. This study demonstrates that the relationship between MHoM and EMA has a 31.2% modeling capability. In addition, a one-point increase in MHoM and EMA increases the average mathematical modeling ability of pupils by 1,570 and 2,241. Therefore, it can be concluded that MHoM and EMA have a positive effect on mathematical modeling ability

    Improving Mathematical Communication Skills Through the Geogebra-helped PBL and Direct Instruction Reviewed from the Level of Learning Independence

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    This research aims to analyze the improvement of junior high school students' mathematical communication skills through Problem Based Learning (PBL) assisted by Geogebra and Direct Instruction assisted by Geogebra. The research also considers the level of student learning independence. The research method used was a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest design and a control group, involving two treatment groups. groups that underwent the PBL approach with the help of Geogebra and Direct Instruction with the help of Geogebra. Students in this study were divided based on their level of learning independence. Data was collected through an initial test (pretest), implementation of learning, and a final test (posttest). Data analysis involved a comparison between the increase in students' mathematical communication skills before and after treatment in the two treatment groups, as well as the influence of the level of learning independence on increasing mathematical communication skills. The research results show that both learning approaches contribute to improving students' mathematical communication skills. However, the group that took part in PBL assisted by Geogebra showed more significant improvement compared to the Direct Instruction group assisted by Geogebra. In addition, it was identified that the level of student learning independence influences the results of improving mathematical communication skills, where students with a high level of learning independence tend to benefit more from PBL assisted by Geogebra. In order to improve students' mathematical communication skills in learning spatial material, it is recommended that educators consider using Geogebra-assisted PBL and pay attention to students' level of learning independence in designing effective learning strategies

    Dampak Perkuliahan Geometri Pada Penalaran Deduktif Mahasiswa: Kasus Pembelajaran Teorema Ceva

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    Geometry is one of branches of mathematics that can develop deductive thinking ability for anyone, including students of prospective mathematics teachers, who learning it. This deductive thinking ability is needed by prospective mathematics teachers for their future careers as mathematics educators. This research therefore aims to investigate the influence of the learning process of a geometry course toward deductive reasoning ability of students of prospective mathematics teachers. To do so, this qualitative research was carried out through an observation of the learning process and assessment of the geometry course, involving 56 students of prospective mathematics teachers, in one of mathematics education program, in one of state universities in Bandung. A geometry topic observed in the learning process was the Ceva’s theorem, and the assessment was in the form of an individual written test on the application of the Ceva’s theorem in a proving process. The results showed that the learning process emphasizes on proving of theorems and mathematical statements. In addition, the test revealed that ten students are able to use the Ceva’s theorem in a proving process and different strategies of proving are found, including the use of properties of similarity between triangles and of the concept of trigonometry. This indicates a creativity of student deductive thinking in proving process. In conclusion, the geometry course that emphasizes on proving of theorems and mathematical statements has influenced on filexibility of student deductive thinking in proving processes


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    Selama 10 tahun terakhir, telah banyak studi mengenai penerapan strategi REACT terhadap kemampuan komunikasi. Namun dari penelitian studi primer belum menjelaskan secara menyeluruh mengenai pengaruh karakteristik studi yang memiliki peran dalam tingkat variasi antar studi. Penelitian   ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar pengaruh strategi REACT terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa di Indonesia. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode meta analisis. Pengumpulan data  dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi jurnal yang telah dipublikasikan di jurnal nasional, jurnal internasional dan prosiding. Berdasarkan kriteria inklusi diperoleh 12 artikel yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan software Comprehensive Meta Analysis (CMA) dan model efek acak sebagai metode estimasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan model efek acak pada effect size secara keseluruhan dari penerapan strategi REACT terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa adalah 1,040 termasuk kategori efek sangat tinggi. Karakteristik studi dalam penelitian ini yaitu jenjang pendidikan, tahun penelitian, dan ukuran sampel. Hasil analisis statistik dari karakteristik studi menunjukkan bahwa jenjang pendidikan, tahun publikasi, dan ukuran sampel tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa ketika menerapkan strategi REACT. Penerapan strategi REACT secara keseluruhan lebih efektif terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa dibandingkan dengan penerapan pembelajaran konvensional

    Systematic Literature Review: Pengaruh Resiliensi Matematis Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Matematis Tingkat Tinggi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh resiliensi matematis terhadap kemampuan berpikir matematis tingkat tinggi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Systematic Literature Review. Subjek penelitian pada kasus ini adalah siswa dan mahasiswa. Setelah melalui tahap inklusi dan uji kualitas, literatur yang dikaji sebanyak 25 artikel. Hasil dan temuan dalam artikel-artikel menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh resiliensi matematis terhadap kemampuan berpikir matematis tingkat tinggi. Kemampuan berpikir matematis tingkat tinggi yang dimaksud merujuk pada level taksonomi bloom yaitu kemampuan penalaran, kemampuan pemecahan masalah, kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan berpikir kreatif. Namun 20% dari kajian literatur tersebut menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh resiliensi matematis terhadap kemampuan berpikir matematis tingkat tinggi, khususnya pada kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis dan kreatif matematis