256 research outputs found

    El papel de los corregidores en los conflictos políticos en las ciudades castellanas a comienzos del

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    Estudio sobre la actividad de los corregidores durante el reinado de los Reyes Católicos, con especial relación a las dificultades con que tropezaron en el período 1505-1520, desde la muerte de Isabel I hasta las Comunidades. El corregimiento no funcionó entonces de manera uniforme en todas las ciudades; diversos casos demuestran que con frecuencia los corregidores actuaron de forma partidista cuando se plantearon conflictos de facciones. Repercusiones que el estallido de las Comunidades tuvo sobre los corregimientos: diversidad de reacciones en unas y otras ciudades, y propuestas que hicieron los comuneros para sustituir a los corregidores.A study of the activities of corregidores (chief magistrates) during the rule of the Catholic Monarchs, especially in relation to the difficulties that they encountered during the period 1505-1520, from the death of Isabel I to the Comunero rebellion. During that time, chief magistracies did not function uniformly in all cities; diverse cases demonstrate that corregidores acted as partisans when factional conflicts arose. Repercussions of the outbreak of the Comunero rebellion on the chief magistracies: diverse reactions in different cities, and the "Comuneros" proposals to replace the corregidores

    Los intereses económicos de la reina María, esposa de Alfonso el Magnánimo, en el Reino de Castilla

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    Queen Maria, wife to Alfonso “El Magnánimo”, king of Aragon, received a very rich dowry of 200.000 “doblas” when she married his cousin. And in addition to that dowry, her brother, king John II of Castile, promised to pay her a vital rent of 400.000 mrs. every year. In this article, the author pays attention to the diffi culties this queen faced when she had to collect these sums of money, and to transfer them from the Crown of Castile to the Crown of Aragon. In this way he contributes to the analysis of the political and fi nancial relationships between these two kingdoms during the fi fteenth century, when the same dinasty ruled in both of them. And, in the second place, he also provides some pieces of evidence to prove that, as a result of the lack of resources this queen could dispose of in the kingdoms she governed on behalf of her husband, she depended, in order to attend her expenses, on the aides she received from the Castilian Royal Treasury, in spite of the difficulties she faced to collect them.Queen Maria, wife to Alfonso “El Magnánimo”, king of Aragon, received a very rich dowry of 200.000 “doblas” when she married his cousin. And in addition to that dowry, her brother, king John II of Castile, promised to pay her a vital rent of 400.000 mrs. every year. In this article, the author pays attention to the diffi culties this queen faced when she had to collect these sums of money, and to transfer them from the Crown of Castile to the Crown of Aragon. In this way he contributes to the analysis of the political and fi nancial relationships between these two kingdoms during the fi fteenth century, when the same dinasty ruled in both of them. And, in the second place, he also provides some pieces of evidence to prove that, as a result of the lack of resources this queen could dispose of in the kingdoms she governed on behalf of her husband, she depended, in order to attend her expenses, on the aides she received from the Castilian Royal Treasury, in spite of the difficulties she faced to collect them

    Las luchas de bandos nobiliarios como factor determinante del conflicto comunero en Plasencia (1520-1522)

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    The revolt of the “Comunidades” evolved in a different way in each of the Castilian towns that took part in the rebellion. In this article the author gives account of the peculiarities of this political movement in Plasencia, the city of Extremadura that supported the cause of the Comunidades with more determination. Nevertheless, he proves that in this city the movement of the Comunidades meant almost nothing else but an aggravation of the conflict that for a long time had been opposing two noble factions, named Carvajales and Zúñigas, in which the local oligarchy was then divided. This fact contributes to understand the reason why the conflict in Plasencia continued for several months after the “comunero” army had been defeated in Villalar (April 1521), and that the monarchy didn´t impose any punishment on the local leaders that supported the cause of the Comunidades

    Cambios políticos e institucionales en Aranda de Duero desde el acceso al trono de los Reyes Católicos hasta la revuelta comunera

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    El autor analiza los principales cambios que introdujeron en el régimen de gobierno local de la villa de Aranda de Duero los Reyes Católicos, y las reacciones que éstos generaron en la sociedad política local. Y, en segundo lugar, pone en relación estas reacciones con las reformas en el régimen de gobierno local que fueron introducidas por los rebeldes comuneros en esta villa en el año 1520, cuando se sumó a la revuelta de las Comunidades.The author studies the main changes that were introduced by the Catholic Monarchs in the local government institutions of the Castilian town of Aranda de Duero, and the reactions that these changes provoked in the local political society. In the second place, he establishes the connections between these reactions and the reforms that were introduced in the above-mentioned institutions by the "comunero" rebels in this town in 1520, when it adhered to the revolt of the "Comunidades"

    Some Manifestations of the Crisis of the Transhumant Sheeprearing Enterprises in the Crown of Castile during the Last Decades of the Sixteenth Century

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    Contribución al estudio de la evolución de la rentabilidad de las explotaciones ganaderas trashumantes en la Corona de Castilla durante el siglo XVI, desde la perspectiva de la incidencia que sobre la misma tuvo la evolución del mercado lanero. El autor analiza una masa documental muy diversificada, fragmentaria y dispersa, referente a un ámbito geográfico concreto, el del partido mesteño soriano. Además de las informaciones disponibles sobre beneficios o pérdidas de alguna gran explotación, analiza en particular abundantes noticias sobre precios de lanas durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, poniéndolos en relación con otros indicios sobre la evolución de la rentabilidad del negocio de la cría de ganado trashumante. Concluye que, con la información disponible para la región soriana, no se puede admitir que el período de dificultades para la ganadería trashumante se iniciase antes de la década de 1570, pues la de 1560 fue todavía de notable prosperidad.Contribution to the study of the evolution of the profitability of the transhumant sheeprearing enterprises in the Crown of Castile during the sixteenth century, from the point of view of the influence exercised upon it by the evolution of the wool market. The author annalyses a very diversified, fragmentary and dispersed group of sources referred to the region of Soria. Besides the available information about profits and losses of some transhumant sheeprearing enterprises, he takes into account the available information about wool prices during the second half of the sixteenth century, and he establishes some connexions between this information and other signs that inform about the evolution of the profitability of these enterprises. He arrives to the conclusion that, according to the information available for the region of Soria, we cannot admit that the period of economic difficulties for the transhumant sheeprearing enterprises started before the decade of 1570, because the decade of 1560 was still a very prosperous one for them

    Grandes y pequeños ganaderos trashumantes en las sierras sorianas en el tránsito de la Edad Media a la Moderna

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    Editada en la Universidad Carlos IIISe trata de llamar la atención en e este artículo sobre el papel de primera fila que jugaron los grandes señores de ganados en la actividad ganadera trashumante en el ámbito que abarcaba la cuadrilla mesteña de Soria durante los siglos XV y XVI. Para ello se establecen comparaciones entre el tamaño de sus rebaños y los de otros medianos y pequeños propietarios de la región, teniendo en cuenta entre otros indicios las noticias sobre sus ventas de lanas. Al mismo tiempo se profundiza en su caracterización desde el punto de vista sociopolítico, matizando algunas hipótesis que se han venido manejando para definir la base social mesteña y su evolución a lo largo del siglo XVI. Y por fin se repasan algunos aspectos referentes a la gestión de las explotaciones ganaderas trashumantes, que revelan la presencia de numerosos factores que hacían más rentables a las grandes frente a las medianas y pequeñas.Big sheep owners played a key role in nomadic sheeprearing in the Spanish region around Soria during the XVth. and XVIth. centuries. By using the volume of wool sales, the author compares the size of their flocks with those of other middle and small owners in the region and analyzes the owner’s sociopolitical profile, in order to qualify traditional hypotheses about the social basis of the «Mesta» and its evolution during the XVIth. Century. Lastly, some aspects of the management of sheeprrearing enterprises are examined, and its factors identified. In particular, the analyses focus on those aspects of sheeprearing that made big enterprises more profitable than the small ones.Publicad

    Una explotación trashumante en la Castilla moderna: la cabaña del Río de Soria

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    En el artículo se analiza el funcionamiento de una gran explotación ganadera trashumante del partido serrano de Soria en los siglos XVI y XVII. Se presta atención al régimen de acceso a los pastos de invierno y de verano, a su coste relativo, y al pago de impuestos (diezmos y alcabalas). Se analiza el régimen de comercialización de las lanas, que proporcionaban el grueso de los ingresos.The article focuses on a big transhumant sheepbreeding enterprise in the mountain province of Soria during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Attention is paid to the procedures that regulated access to the winter and summer pastures for the sheep flocks, and to the weight of taxation (tithes and taxes on sales) in the total costs. Commercialization of the wool, the main source of income, is also analyzed

    El aprovechamiento de pastos de verano en las comarcas ganaderas del Sistema Ibérico castellano en los siglos XV Y XVI

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    El autor aborda en este trabajo el análisis del régimen de aprovechamiento de pastos de verano en las comarcas serranas de asentamiento de los ganaderos de las cuadrillas mesteñas de Soria y Cuenca. Da cuenta de cómo se regulaba el acceso gratuito a los pastos de aprovechamiento comunal en las distintas comunidades de villa y Tierra, llamando la atención sobre las diferencias más apreciables existentes entre unas y otras. Y en un segundo apartado se refiere a los problemas surgidos a raíz del avance de la práctica del arrendamiento de pastos en estos ámbitos serranos.This study analyzes some aspects of the history of the transhumance in the kingdom of Castile during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, when this economic activity experienced a certain “boom”, as a result of the fact that the “merino” wool was then increasingly demanded in the European markets. Particular attention is paid to the question of how the transhumant sheep owners provided summer pastures to their flocks, especially in the mountain areas of the Iberian System of Castile. Conflicts between local and foreign sheep owners are described, and finally some contrasts between the northern and the southern sector of the region are analyzed

    El acceso a las dehesas de La Serena por los ganaderos trashumantes sorianos, 1590-1650

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    En este artículo el autor analiza las condiciones en que las dehesas de la mesa maestral de Alcántara en La Serena, pertenecientes al rey de Castilla, eran arrendadas a los ganaderos trashumantes sorianos que llevaban a pastar allí sus ganados durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI y primera mitad del siglo XVII, Demuestra que los arrendatarios sorianos de estas dehesas fueron siempre grandes propietarios, pertenecientes a unas pocas familias, que con frecuencia tomaban a renta pastos para más de 20.000 cabezas. y pone de manifiesto que las condiciones de arrendamiento de estas dehesas eran más favorables que las habituales en otras dehesas de invernadero, por lo que los arrendatarios de las mismas podlan ser considerados como privilegiados.This article analyzes the terms and conditions under which the “deheasas” or pasture land in La Serena (province of Betieios} that belonged to the king of Castile as Master of the Military Order of Alcántara, were leased to the transhumant shepherds from Soria who took their livestock to that region in winter during the second half of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. The author shows that the Soria shepherds that leased these "dehesas" always owned very large flocks and were members of a reduced circle of fammilies, and that they usually rented pastures for more than 20,000 sheep. He also proves that the terms and conditions for renting these "dehesas" that belonged to the king were much better for the tenants than the standard ones for other "dehesas". These tenants were therefore considered as being in privileged positions