42 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological study of the problem of experiencing loneliness in adolescence and empirical testing of the developed program of socio-psychological training to overcome and prevent the negative manifestations of loneliness.The purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of the developed training, which was performed in three stages. At the ascertaining stage, the indicators of adolescents' loneliness, level of satisfaction with certain aspects of school life, level of development of vitality, self-esteem and emotional abilities (empathy, expression and management of emotions, acceptance of responsibility for one's emotions) were determined. At the formative stage, training was conducted with two groups of adolescents, each of which included 15 participants. At the control stage, the differences between the indicators of loneliness experienced by adolescents, the level of satisfaction with certain aspects of school life, the level of vitality, self-esteem and the level of development of emotional abilities before and after the study participants were tested. For the control group, the differences between the indicators of the first and second sections were also checked.The results of the formative stage of the study indicate the effectiveness of the implemented program of socio-psychological training for adolescents. Comparative analysis of the indicators of the first and second sections confirmed the positive changes in the experimental group after the training.Стаття присвячена теоретико-методологічному дослідженню проблеми переживання самотності у підлітковому віці та емпіричній апробації розробленої програми соціально-психологічного тренінгу щодо подолання та профілактики негативних проявів самотності.Мета дослідження полягала у перевірці ефективності розробленого тренінгу, апробація якого була здійснена у три етапи. На констатувальному етапі було визначено показники переживання самотності підлітками, рівень задоволеності певними аспектами шкільного життя, рівень розвитку життєстійкості, самооцінки та емоційних здібностей (емпатії, вираження та управління емоціями, прийняття відповідальності за свої емоції). На формувальному етапі було проведено тренінг з двома групами підлітків, до кожної з яких увійшло 15 учасників. На контрольному етапі було перевірено відмінності між показниками переживання самотності підлітками, рівнем задоволеності певними аспектами шкільного життя, рівнем життєстійкості, самооцінки та рівнем розвитку емоційних здібностей до та після участі досліджуваних у тренінгу. Для контрольної групи також була здійснена перевірка відмінностей між показниками першого та другого зрізів.Результати формувального етапу дослідження свідчать про ефективність реалізованої програми соціально-психологічного тренінгу для підлітків. Порівняльний аналіз показників першого та другого зрізів підтвердив позитивні зміни у експериментальній групі після проведення тренінгу

    Prediction of the Vaginal Microbiome Using Urine Samples

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    The vaginal microbiome is associated with women’s health, including but not limited to the pathogenesis of bacterial vaginosis, adverse pregnancy outcomes including preterm birth and sexually transmitted infections. However, there has been very limited research on the urinary microbiome and its relationship to the vaginal microbiome. We sought to predict the vaginal microbiome profile using clean catch urine samples from the same person. Here, paired vaginal and urine samples were collected and sequenced by 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing. Alpha and beta diversity analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the paired vaginal and urine microbiomes. In fact, a vaginal microbiome is generally more similar to its paired urine microbiome than it is to vaginal microbiomes from other people or to the paired buccal and rectal microbiome from that individual. Additionally, the abundance of most of the taxa in the vaginal microbiome was linearly related to that in the paired urine microbiome. These data suggested that the urine microbiome could be used to predict the vaginal microbiome of the same person. However, the urine microbiome contains a significantly larger number of taxa than the paired vaginal microbiome, which may be from the urinary infections or contamination. After removing these additional taxa from the feature table of the microbiomes, the vaginal microbiome exhibited a more similar profile to the paired urine microbiome in the analysis of diversities, linear regression of taxa abundance, and the community type of the microbiomes. In total, our data suggest that the vaginal microbiome is similar to and could be predicted by the paired urine microbiome

    Історична постать Устима Карманюка (Кармалюка) в українській діаспорній історіографії (Historical Figure of Ustym Karmaniuk (Karmaliuk) in Ukrainian Diaspora Historiography)

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    У тезах аналізується місце постаті відомого українського повстанського ватажка Устима Кармалюка в українській зарубіжній історіографії. Проаналізовано праці низки діаспорних дослідників – М. Антоновича, І. Коровицького, Д. Тягнигоре, а також енциклопедичні гасла та окремі статті про цю історичну постать. Автором розглянуто сильні та слабкі сторони розглянутих праць. Серед останніх – відірваність від архівів, послугування працями радянських істориків, тяжіння до соціологічних схем, що в сукупності нерідко спричиняло до створення необ’єктивного, ідеалізованого образу історичного діяча. (The author analyses the place of the Ukrainian well-known rebel leader Ustym Karmaliuk in Ukrainian foreign historiography. The article examines the works of a number of diaspora`s researchers (M. Antonovych. I. Korovytskyi, D. Tiahnyhore, etc.) and also the encyclopaedic slogans and some articles about this historical figure. The author considers the strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed papers. Among the latter, such weak points are stressed: the scholars could not use archives, they had to deal with the works of Soviet historians, and they were greatly attracted to sociological schemes. These factors often caused the creation of a biased, idealized image of the historical figure.


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    The article deals with professional mobility (the ability for successfully switching another activity or change the type of work) as a necessary quality of a modern pedagogical worker. It is highlighted the main qualities, which are important in the process of forming a professional mobile specialist. The result of the formed qualities is the creation of a professional style in accordance with the views of specialists, personal principles and orientations; constant search for optimal educational forms of learning, the implementation of a pedagogical experiment, production and generalization of experience in educational activities.The proposed criteria for evaluating pedagogical activity of educational workers according to the standards put forward by the society (professional self-development, professional skills, introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process, creativity in the period of reformation and modernization, the latest pedagogical technologies of activity).It is outlined the importance of the employees' professional mobility formation in accordance with the tasks of the new Concept of Pedagogical Education Development: the formation of universal skills of activity ensuring mobility as a personality; orientation to innovation activity; provision of fundamental social and humanitarian training as a mastering of professions of another profile; provision of wide professional training as a basis for possible mastering of other professions; strengthening of managerial training of future pedagogical staff;The result of the educational staff professional mobility formation is a sharp increase in the quality of training of all future teachers. The presence in society of a sufficiently large number of active, professionally mobile teachers becomes a guarantee of increasing its sustainability.У статті розглянуто професійну мобільність як необхідну якість сучасного педагогічного працівника. Виділено напрямки формування професійної мобільності у педагогів. Наголошено на основних якостях для виявлення та розвитку професійної мобільності у працівників сфери освіти. Запропоновані критерії оцінення педагогічної діяльності працівників освіти відповідно до норм суспільства. Доведено важливість наявності професійної мобільності у педагогів для вирішення завдань нової Концепції розвитку педагогічної освіти

    Дослідження життя і творчості хроніста Алессандро Ґваньїні від середини ХХ століття (польська, українська і російська історіографія)

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    W artykule przeanalizowano studia nad życiem i twórczością kronikarza Aleksandra Gwagnina podejmowane przez polskich, ukraińskich i rosyjskich historyków i filologów ostatnich sześciu dekad. Autor wyróżnia dwa okresy. W pierwszym okresie (1960–1971) opublikowano prace о biografii Gwagnina, w których do obiegu naukowego wprowadzono nowe źródła, dokonały się pozytywne zmiany w ocenie wkładu kronikarza naukowców rosyjskich, pojawiły się publikacje o korzystaniu z jego Kroniki Sarmacji europejskiej przez autorów krajów Europy zarówno zachodniej, jak i wschodniej. W drugim okresie (od początku lat 70. XX wieku) Kronika Gwagnina stała się obiektem wszechstronnej analizy: badano jej źródła, ją samą jako źródło historyczne i historiograficzne, rękopiśmienne tłumaczenia Kroniki i odrębnych fragmentów, problem autorstwa samego dzieła. Ukazały się jej nowoczesne tłumaczenia, częściowo po rosyjsku i w całości po ukraińsku z komentarzami

    The Use of APT Satellite Imagery in a Subarctic Airborne Oceanographic Survey

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    During an airborne oceanographic survey of ice conditions in the east Greenland drift-stream in April 1972, earth-oriented satellite photographs were received aboard the research aircraft Arctic Fox of the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. These photographs, broadcast directly from the satellites Nimbus 4 and ESSA 8 (Environmental Survey Satellite) were received by means of an APT (automatic picture transmission) satellite receiver station equipped with a specially-modified airborne satellite communication antenna. The satellite photographs showed the ice and cloud conditions for the Greenland Sea as they existed during each flight. This information was used both as a planning and operational aid during the survey and as a post-survey data source of ice and cloud conditions. ... The satellites used during the experiment were in polar orbits. ... In the latitudes of the study area, the overlap in the paths of each consecutive orbit was approximately 50 per cent. Thus, it was possible during the experiment to use the early morning satellite photographs in the pre-flight planning sessions to examine the general conditions of ice distribution and weather over the entire Greenland Sea, and to locate regions within the study area having the specific ice and cloud conditions required for that day's survey. Photographs obtained late in the morning and early in the afternoon were used to delineate the exact extent of the ice and cloud conditions in the chosen survey region. As mentioned earlier, these later photographs were retained as a data source of the survey region's ice and cloud conditions. ... The region examined during the survey by the Arctic Fox was the ice-entrained area in the east Greenland drift-stream bounded by the latitudes 68° and 73°N, and the longitudes 5° and 20° W. Altogether, six flights were made over the ice during the period 16-26 April. ... A necessary environmental condition for the successful utilization of the aircraft's remote sensing equipment under these conditions is good visibility. By using the satellite photographs provided by the APT station, essentially no flight time was lost searching for cloud free regions suitable for operations. In addition to cloud-free regions, each day's survey required specific ice conditions. ... Again, the photographs obtained by the Arctic Fox APT station showed the ice conditions in the cloud-free areas, so that a selection could be made of a region with the desired ice conditions. ... The satellite APT photographs received during this survey were the first operationally received aboard an aircraft. Their successful utilization during the survey demonstrated that satellite photographs provided by an airborne APT station can be useful in the planning and operation of a subarctic airborne oceanographic survey. In addition, the experiment showed that the photographs collected during the survey can provide valuable data on the regional and local ice and weather conditions for use in the post-survey analysis

    A Word and a Word Combination in Language and Speech

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    Objective of the research is to identify and describe a nominative linguistic unit and its structural modifications based on the non-word-centered approach to the study of linguistic tasks: 1) to determine differential and integral features of a word and a word combination as the universal language and/or speech (textual) units; 2) to describe the differentiation parameters of a word and a word combination as the nominative units; 3) to single out principles of the classification of language and speech (textual) units. Descriptive and structural methods are the basic research methods helping demonstrate the characteristic features of the language and speech units under consideration as well as the processes of their origin and functioning. A method of distributive analysis is applied to determine the transformation forms of nominative units. Theorization is based on a genetic method, in terms of which some specified objects and some system of the “admissible actions on the objects” are considered to be the starting point. The abovementioned facts demonstrate that the definition of a main nominative linguistic unit is the singling out of such a unit that encompasses the main – nominative – function. A lingual substance of any form (synthetic and analytic) may be considered as that unit – the unit capable of comprehensive conveying of the concept content and complete expressing of the meaning of a subject, object, sign, action etc. In general, the nomeme is defined as some abstract linguistic unit implemented in verbal and polyverbal forms (glosses and doublets)

    Dual Education Models in Modern Educational Institutions

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    The aim of the research is to verify the effectiveness of the dual education in modern educational institutions. The research involved the following methods: testing method (Self-Attitude Test) and methods of studying self-assessment through the ranking procedure; the peer-review method; Human Volitional Qualities Questionnaire; Student’s t-test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient; Survey Response Rate calculation. Students expressed the greatest satisfaction with such aspects as the relationship with the tutor (0.84), tutor’s objectivity in work evaluation (0.91), safe working environment (0.92), individual workplace (0.89). There were 58% of respondents who favoured dual education compared to traditional education. A group of experts who studied academic performance noted the advantage of the flipped classroom-based model. The level of special competencies in the control group was 4.5 units, while it was 4.9 units in the experimental group. The results of the study showed the high efficiency of dual education based on the flipped classroom model. The research identified a more effective implementation model. This model shows significant positive results, both in the context of higher education and vocational education. Future research should be aimed at finding an effective model for implementing the dual system in vocational education. Also, it is necessary to study the effectiveness of such innovations in modern realities

    The role of the media in the professional education of future social workers

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    The article describes the role of the media in the professional education of future social workers. The influence of mass media in the professional education of a future social worker is represented - it is an opportunity for an individual to choose the information he wants to receive, and not what is imposed on him from outside, although this is due to certain technical and political difficulties; the use of reliable information flows for vocational education by taking into account the influence of various public organizations, cultural and educational activities. The influence of mass media in the professional training of future social workers has been developed, which includes internal and external factors influencing its components, inflows and outflows. Features of professional education of the future employee are characterized. The role of mass media in the activity of the future social worker is singled out. The role of mass media in the professional education of the future social worker is emphasized.