56 research outputs found

    Poder polític i societat a la segona meitat del segle XVIII

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    Campesinos pobres y absolutismo reformista

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    El artículo estudia los conflictos originados a partir de los años `60 del siglo XVIII en dos señoríos bajo-andaluces de la Casa de Osuna (Osuna y Morón de la Frontera), a raíz de la puesta en práctica de las Provisiones del Consejo de Castilla sobre el reparto de las tierras de Propios y Arbitrios. Se parte de una visión del municipio como espacio político dinámico, que funcionaba según sus propias reglas, pero estaba al mismo tiempo integrado en estructuras de poder más amplias -estatales y señoriales- por un complejo entramado de relaciones institucionales y personales. Los casos de Osuna y Morón permiten analizar las posibilidades de los campesinos pobres de acudir a los tribunales reales y exigir el cumplimiento de las medidas de la Corona en su favor. Los campesinos buscaban la protección de vecinos poderosos, quienes por su parte intentaban instrumentalizar la oposición campesina, destacando que en Osuna la Casa ducal intervino protegiendo discretamente a los campesinos pobres.This paper is about the conflicts in two agro-towns of Lower Andalucia (Osuna and Morón de la Frontera) caused by the distribution of communal lands to poor peasants, landless farmers and labourers, which was ordered by the Council of Castile from 1767. The municipalities are described as dynamic and still largely autonomous political units, which are however bound up in complex networks of institutional and personal relationships within the structures of seigneurial jurisdictions and the State. The paper investigates the possibilities which poor peasants had of legally enforcing the ordinances of the Council of Castile against the resistance of the local governments. The peasants tried to use the patronage of the urban elites, the seigneurial administration of the Duke of Osuna or the clergy. They in turn used the peasants' protest movements as an instrument in their own struggle against the local governments

    Advancements in the Photocatalysis of Iron Complexes and the Electrocatalysis of Cobalt Complexes for Hydrogen Generation

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    A family of highly active iron polypyridyl complexes are reported due to their highly active and stable photocatalytic activity. The photocatalytic system produces hydrogen for 24 hours, with a turnover number (TON) of \u3e2000. The photochemical quenching mechanism is explored, as well as the limiting factors of the photocatalytic system. In addition, a family of cobalt Schiff base complexes are reported due to their facile synthesis, cost-effectiveness, and electrocatalytic activity and efficiency. Foot-of-the-wave analysis (FOWA) is used to more ideally describe the kinetics of the electrocatalysts. Tafel plots are used to describe the relationship between activity and efficiency in both the catalysts. One electrocatalyst has a maximum theoretical turnover frequency (TOF) of 80,000 s-1

    Diffusion Monte Carlo Using Machine Learning Potential Energy Surfaces

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    Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) is a technique for obtaining the ground-state solution to the vibrational time-independent Schrödinger equation based on a stochastic sampling of an electronic potential energy surface (PES). Ideally, the electronic energies used in DMC are calculated at the CCSD(T) level of theory. Recently, Tom Miller’s group at Caltech has developed a technique for calculating accurate CCSD(T) corrections to the electronic energy at the cost of a standard Hartree-Fock calculation using Gaussian process regression, a machine learning technique\footnote{Welborn, M. , Cheng, L., Miller, T. M. JCTC. 2018 14 (9), 4772-4779}\footnote{Cheng, L., Kovachki, N. B., Welborn, M., Miller, T. M. JCTC. 2019 15 (12), 6668-6677}. DMC is a well-suited technique to validate these PESs, referred to as MOB-ML surfaces, since DMC samples the entire region of the PES in which the vibrational ground state wave function has amplitude. Despite the speed of these MOB-ML PESs relative to an \emph{ab initio} calculation, calculating the Hartree-Fock energy for every one of thousands of DMC configurations over tens of thousands of time-steps makes the use of these surfaces computationally challenging. To this end, we combined two techniques to bring these calculations into computational feasibility. First, we implemented a DMC algorithm to take advantage of massively parallel high performance computing environments. Second, we use this DMC code to collect training data for a neural network (NN). We use a generic algorithm to train the NN to learn the MOB-ML surface based on the points sampled by the DMC. Using TensorFlow, the evaluation of the NN can then easily be done using graphics processing units (GPUs). We have performed small-scale DMC calculations on \chem{H2O} and \chem{CH5+} using these MOB-ML surfaces, and have also run large-scale NN+MOB-ML DMC simulations to obtain a high resolution ground state vibrational wave function and measure of the zero-point energy. Due to the generality of both the MOB-ML surface generation and the NN fitting workflow, we can easily extend this work to larger systems, such as large ion-water clusters or a Criegee intermediate, where running the DMC with traditional electronic structure would be intractable

    OneMile: An Interactive Journey to Wellness for Those with Chronic Illness

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    Using interaction design, video, and social media to create an application that will encourage people to maintain or improve their quality of life when dealing with a chronic illness. There are many tools, both tangible and online, for people with debilitating illnesses. There are websites and apps that focus on symptom management, medication monitoring or general wellness. The majority of these resources are mainly used for rehabilitation. There is technology used to help people, both healthy and those with an illness, to improve their health–featuring exercise, eating healthy, tips and tricks. Most people with a chronic illness are looking for ways they can be healthy, or ways to maintain their health; they want to be pro-active in their healthy journey. Multiple Sclerosis is one of these chronic illness–the people who have it may be active and mobile and they are looking for something to help them stay motivated and/or to improve their health. They are not looking for something to help with rehabilitation, because most of these people do not need rehab; they want something to encourage them on quest to healthy and wellness. The needs of the target audience (people with MS) would benefit from a combination of mediums that would lend itself to the idea of activities to fully explore all of the potential aspects of a person’s illness and to motivate them to life a healthy life. The purpose of the activities would be so each user could choose exactly what he or she wants and needs to work on. Cognitive exercises, fine motor skill exercises, social connections and suggested physical movement and recipes will help the user stay motivated. Elements of gamification will help create an active environment for the user and allow them to be motivated and excited to pursue wellness in their lives

    Taft-Hartley Sections 301 and 303 Procedural Aspects

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    The motives and purposes behind the binate Sections 301 and 303, no less than other sections of the Taft-Hartley Act,\u27 are mixed and ambiguous. Foremost, however, seems the notion that Congress intended to create new federal rights, contract and tort, enforceable nationally in a federal forum. In broad terms, where the required relationship to interstate commerce exists, Section 301 permits suits by either employers or unions for violation of collective bargaining agreements; Section 303 permits those injured by certain boycotts and unlawful combinations to bring suit-- in both cases, the forum provided is the district court of the United States. It is not the purpose of this Note to discuss the elements or validity of a collective bargaining agreement or a breach thereof, nor of concern is the problem of the existence of the prohibited boycotts and combinations. The procedural provisions of Section 301 are incorporated by specific reference in Section 303. Subject to the always inherent difficulties of distinguishing substance from procedure, this Note will be concerned with procedural aspects of suits under the binate sections


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    ¿Súbditos o ciudadanos?. Las Reales Sociedades Económicas y los cambios de las formas de comunicación

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    Artículo de la sección: *.Partiendo de las tesis de Manheim y Habermas sobre el papel de las asociaciones de la Ilustración en la transformación de la esfera pública (“Öffentlichkeit”), se estudian, desde la perspectiva de las Sociedades Económicas fundadas en la Baja Andalucía, las relaciones existentes entre el absolutismo reformista de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y la formación de una esfera pública en la cual se reunieron los súbditos como ciudadanos. Se concluye que mientras que en las condiciones socioeconómicas, políticas y culturales bastante particulares de la región de Cádiz-Jerez de la Frontera se observa un cambio hacia una nueva relación entre individuos ciudadanos y poder político, las regiones más alejadas de la Bahía de Cádiz se caracterizaron por la continuidad de formas de organización estamentales.Assuming the thesis of Manheim and Habermas about the role of associations at the Enlightment times changing the public sphere (“Öffentlichkeit”), we study, under the perspective of the Economic Societies established in south Andalusia, the relationships between reformist absolutism in the second half of the 18th century and the constitution of a public sphere in wich subjects where considered as citizens. We may conclude that a change has been noted in the region of Cadiz-Jerez de la Frontera because of the particular socio-economical, political and cultural conditions of this area, and continuity in the way to conceive social stratification was found in areas far from the Bahia de Cadiz.Departamento de Historia Moderna y de América, Universidad de Granada


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    Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) is a stochastic method used to generate the ground state vibrational wave function of a molecular system. Using DMC, one can understand the effects of vibrational zero-point energy on the structure of interest. Due to the informative physics in the ground state wave function, our group has previously implemented a technique to generate excited state energies and wave functions from DMC in order to understand the vibrational spectroscopy of small water-ion complexes.\footnote{McCoy, A.B; Diken, E. G; Johnson, M.A. JPCA. 2009 113 (26), 7346-7352} \footnote{Timothy L. Guasco, T.L.; Johnson,M.A.; McCoy, A.B. JPCA. 2011 115 (23), 5847-5858} In this work, we extend this approach and apply it to larger protonated water clusters. Specifically, we are investigating the zero-order molecular vibrations and strong vibrational couplings that lead to spectral broadening. To begin, we use DMC to generate the ground state vibrational wave functions of H+(H2O)n=3,4\mathrm{H^{+}(H_{2}O)_{n=3,4}} and D+(D2O)n=3,4\mathrm{D^{+}(D_{2}O)_{n=3,4}}. We discover tunneling in a few modes: the umbrella mode of the central hydronium, as well as the rotational coordinate of the outer water molecules. From these observations, we conclude that there are planar, high-symmetry, vibrationally-averaged structures sampled by these ions in their ground states. Using the saddle-point structures to define vibrational coordinates, we build our excited state approximation to investigate which vibrational states contribute intensity to the complicated infrared spectra. In the method’s extension, we refine our approximation of higher order excited states, and we accommodate for strong vibrational coupling through a reduced-dimensional Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian couples states that are energetically near the fundamental excitation of the hydrogen-bonded OH stretches. The method, in general, allows us to go beyond harmonic approximations by including the anharmonicity of the ground state wave function, yet it also allows us to calculate excited state energies using simple approximations akin to the harmonic oscillator. We find the results of our calculation reinforce the previously held idea that there exist strong couplings between the hydrogen-bonded OH stretch fundamentals and a series of dark modes, which lead to intensity borrowing in both size clusters

    Subjects or citizens? The economic royal societies and the changes in the communication system

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    Partiendo de las tesis de Manheim y Habermas sobre el papel de las asociaciones de la Ilustración en la transformación de la esfera pública (“Öffentlichkeit”), se estudian, desde la perspectiva de las Sociedades Económicas fundadas en la Baja Andalucía, las relaciones existentes entre el absolutismo reformista de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y la formación de una esfera pública en la cual se reunieron los súbditos como ciudadanos. Se concluye que mientras que en las condiciones socioeconómicas, políticas y culturales bastante particulares de la región de Cádiz-Jerez de la Frontera se observa un cambio hacia una nueva relación entre individuos ciudadanos y poder político, las regiones más alejadas de la Bahía de Cádiz se caracterizaron por la continuidad de formas de organización estamentales.Assuming the thesis of Manheim and Habermas about the role of associations at the Enlightment times changing the public sphere (“Öffentlichkeit”), we study, under the perspective of the Economic Societies established in south Andalusia, the relationships between reformist absolutism in the second half of the 18th century and the constitution of a public sphere in wich subjects where considered as citizens. We may conclude that a change has been noted in the region of Cadiz-Jerez de la Frontera because of the particular socio-economical, political and cultural conditions of this area, and continuity in the way to conceive social stratification was found in areas far from the Bahia de Cadiz.