77 research outputs found

    An Economic Analysis of Modern Rice Production Technology and its Adoption Behaviour in Tamil Nadu

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    Rice is the staple food in Tamil Nadu and is grown in an area of 2.6 Mha with a production of 8.19 Mt and productivity of 3.2 t/ha. In the context of high water demand by rice farmers, any strategy that would produce higher rice yield with less water is the need of the day. One such system is “System of Rice Intensification†(SRI), which was developed by Fr. Henri de Laulanie in Madagascar in 1980. The general objective of the study is to find the economics and the farmer’s adoption behaviour of the system of rice intensification. The study has revealed that the per hectare cost of cultivation is about 10 per cent lower in SRI than the conventional method. The logit framework has indicated that age, farm size, income of the farm, number of earners in the family and number of contacts with extension agencies are positive and highly influence the adoption behaviour of the farmers. Lack of skilled labour, awareness, training on new technology and experience have been opined as the main problems in adoption of this technology by the farmers. To sum-up, farmers have been vastly benefited by SRI technology and it has helped them in their socio-economic upliftment. The adoption of SRI technique has helped increase the rice production without increasing the area under its cultivation and has proved to serve as an alternative method for rice cultivation.Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    ABSTRACT Sita Muthia Devi. 8105132112. The Effect Of Self Efficacy And Adversity Quotient to Achievement Motivation Toward On Student SMA Negeri 48 East Jakarta. Script, Jakarta : Study Program Of Economic Education, Faculty Of Economy, State University Of Jakarta. 2017. The purpose of this research was to(1) determine the effect between self efficacy to achievement motivation, (2) determine the effect between adversity quotient to achievement motivation, and (3) determine the effect between self efficacy and adversity quotient to achievement motivation. This research was starting from April 2017 until July 2017. This research used survey method with quantitative approach. The population in this study is all students of SMAN 48 Jakarta, amounting to 239 students, with the inaccessible population of students of class XI IPS Program at SMAN 48 Jakarta which amounted to 119 respondents. Technique of sampling using random technique proportional, so that got amount of sample research counted 89 respondents. Data collection techniques used survey techniques, document recording and questionnaires. Data analysis technique performed is test requirement analysis consisted of test of normality and test of linearity, test of classical assumption, multiple linear regression test, hypothesis test consisting of F test and t test. Based on the result of the analysis, it is found that there is a partial influence between self efficacy and achievement motivation. Can be seen from the results of data analysis known that the value of tcount for 1998 > value ttabel 1.987. Then it is known there is a partial influence between adversity quotient and achievement motivation. Can be seen from the results of data analysis is known that the value of tcount of 4.830 > value ttabel 1.987. Self efficacy and Adversity quotient simultaneously affect the achievement motivation, this is seen from the results of data showing Fhitung value of 14.539>Ftable value of 3.10. The multiple regression equation obtained is Y '= 17,544 + 0,571X1 + 0,736X2. Based on the determination coefficient test obtained value of R2 0.253 which means Self efficacy (X1) and Adversity quotient (X2) affect the achievement motivation (Y) of 25.3%. Based on the average score of achievement motivation, the lowest indicator score is the feedback because students usually do not have feedback on the tasks it does. The lowest self-efficacy score count is magnitude because students do not have high confidence in their ability. While the adversity quotient is the lowest score is endurance because students still consider the difficulty and the cause lasts a long time and can’t be overcome with fast time. Keywords : Adversity Quotient, Achievement Motivation, Self Efficac

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Hak Asuh Anak Akibat Perceraian (Studi putusan Nomor 1034/Pdt.g/2022/Pa.Amb)

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    One of the obligations of parents after marriage is to maintain, protect, educate and care for children until adulthood. The determination of the person who takes care of the child after the divorce is largely determined by the judge's decision. Sometimes child custody is given to the mother and sometimes child custody is given to the father. This study aims to determine the scope of custody of underage children (not yet mumayyiz) and custody of children who are already mumayyiz based on laws and regulations as well as judges' obstacles in making decisions regarding post-divorce child custody. This study uses primary legal material in the form of Law Number 16 of 2019 Amendment to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, secondary legal material in the form of judge's decisions and tertiary legal material in the form of legal dictionaries and encyclopedias. Data presentation was carried out descriptively and the data analysis method was qualitative, namely with a case study approach at the Ambarawa Religious Court, where this research could obtain the truth of a problem. The results of the study show that the appointment of a mother or father as a caregiver does not conflict with applicable laws and regulations as long as it guarantees the best interests of the child and both the mother and father have the right to care for the child even though the mother is more entitled to care for it. It is suggested to the judges that in deciding on a babysitter not only pay attention to the sex of the parents, but must guarantee the best interests of the child. It is suggested to policy makers to use this study as a reference in formulating new policies and to parents not to fight over child custody if they are unable to care for them properly. Abstrak Salah satu kewajiban orangtua pasca terjadinya perkawinan adalah memelihara, melindungi, mendidik dan mengasuh anak hingga dewasa. Penentuan orang yang mengasuh anak pasca perceraian sangat ditentukan oleh putusan hakim. Adakalanya hak asuh anak diberikan kepada ibu dan ada pula hak asuh anak diberikan kepada ayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ruang lingkup hak asuh anak dibawah umur (belum mumayyiz) dan hak asuh anak yang sudah mumayyiz berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan serta hambatan hakim dalam memberikan putusan tentang hak asuh anak pasca perceraian. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer berupa Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2019 Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, bahan hukum sekunder berupa putusan hakim dan bahan hukum tersier berupa kamus dan eksiklopedia hukum. Penyajian data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan metode analisis data secara kualitatif yaitu dengan pendekatan studi kasus di Pengadilan Agama Ambarawa, dimana dengan penelitian ini dapat memperoleh kebenaran dari suatu permasalahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penetapan ibu atau ayah sebagai pengasuh anak tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku selama menjamin kepentingan terbaik bagi anak dan baik ibu maupun ayah memiliki hak untuk mengasuh anak meskipun ibu orang yang lebih berhak mengasuhnya. Disarankan kepada hakim agar dalam memutuskan pengasuh anak tidak hanya memperhatikan jenis kelamin orangtua, akan tetapi harus menjamin kepentingan terbaik bagi anak. Disarankan kepada pengambil kebijakan agar menjadi kajian ini sebagai referensi dalam merumuskan kebijakan baru dan disarankan kepada orangtua agar tidak memperebutkan hak asuh anak jikalau tidak mampu mengasuhnya dengan baik

    The effect of flexible work arrangements on ethical decision-making

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    This study aimed to compare the impact of different types of flexible work arrangements (flextime and telecommuting) on ethical decision-making. Ethical decision-making is when individuals use their moral basis to determine what is right and wrong in a given situation. It involves an awareness of moral dilemmas and consideration of the consequences of decisions. Flexible work arrangements are offered to promote individuals’ ethical decision-making by balancing their needs at work and outside work, such as spending time with family. This research was conducted on 185 employees and used a quantitative approach that utilizes experimental methods with a post-test-only design. Employees’ ethical decision-making was measured using two vignettes. Data analysis was conducted using the independent sample t-test parametric statistical technique. The study results indicated a t-value of 4.21 and a significance level of 0.00 (p-value 0.05), which showed that this study's working hypothesis was acceptable. It concluded that there were differences in ethical decision-making between two types of flexible work arrangements: flextime and telecommuting groups

    The effect of flexible work arrangements on ethical decision-making

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    This study aimed to compare the impact of different types of flexible work arrangements (flextime and telecommuting) on ethical decision-making. Ethical decision-making is when individuals use their moral basis to determine what is right and wrong in a given situation. It involves an awareness of moral dilemmas and consideration of the consequences of decisions. Flexible work arrangements are offered to promote individuals’ ethical decision-making by balancing their needs at work and outside work, such as spending time with family. This research was conducted on 185 employees and used a quantitative approach that utilizes experimental methods with a post-test-only design. Employees’ ethical decision-making was measured using two vignettes. Data analysis was conducted using the independent sample t-test parametric statistical technique. The study results indicated a t = 4.21 and a significance level of .00 (p .05), which showed that this study's working hypothesis was acceptable. It concluded that there were differences in ethical decision-making between two types of flexible work arrangements: flextime and telecommuting groups

    Full range autoregressive time series models

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    EnA new family of time series models, called the Full Range Autoregressive model, is introduced which avoids the difficult problem of order determination in time series analysis. Some of the basic statistical properties of the new model are studied

    Analisa penyalahgunaan social crowdfunding

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    Social crowdfunding is fundraising is done voluntarily without any reward. If not properly supervised, this activity can be abused by irresponsible parties. For example, the Cak Budi case in 2017, which used the proceeds from social fundraising not in line with its original purpose. Departing from this case, this study aims to analyze the background of the case and the response from the authorities, as well as to find out how to respond to the case. The research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods based on news platforms and literature reviews. Based on the results of the analysis in this case, fundraising was only done by individuals, who raised funds through their own personal accounts. The total funds that Cak Budi has collected from 2016-2017 are Rp. 1,066,256,646 which is used for personal purposes. The response from the OJK itself was quite sad, the OJK seemed to be hands off because this fundraising activity was carried out through Cak Budi's personal account. With the occurrence of the Cak Budi case, most people have started to open their eyes about fundraising by a community or individual whether using a platform that collaborates with the authorities in operating a crowdfunding platform
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