72 research outputs found

    Using ordinal logistic regression to evaluate the performance of laser-Doppler predictions of burn-healing time

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    Background Laser-Doppler imaging (LDI) of cutaneous blood flow is beginning to be used by burn surgeons to predict the healing time of burn wounds; predicted healing time is used to determine wound treatment as either dressings or surgery. In this paper, we do a statistical analysis of the performance of the technique. Methods We used data from a study carried out by five burn centers: LDI was done once between days 2 to 5 post burn, and healing was assessed at both 14 days and 21 days post burn. Random-effects ordinal logistic regression and other models such as the continuation ratio model were used to model healing-time as a function of the LDI data, and of demographic and wound history variables. Statistical methods were also used to study the false-color palette, which enables the laser-Doppler imager to be used by clinicians as a decision-support tool. Results Overall performance is that diagnoses are over 90% correct. Related questions addressed were what was the best blood flow summary statistic and whether, given the blood flow measurements, demographic and observational variables had any additional predictive power (age, sex, race, % total body surface area burned (%TBSA), site and cause of burn, day of LDI scan, burn center). It was found that mean laser-Doppler flux over a wound area was the best statistic, and that, given the same mean flux, women recover slightly more slowly than men. Further, the likely degradation in predictive performance on moving to a patient group with larger %TBSA than those in the data sample was studied, and shown to be small. Conclusion Modeling healing time is a complex statistical problem, with random effects due to multiple burn areas per individual, and censoring caused by patients missing hospital visits and undergoing surgery. This analysis applies state-of-the art statistical methods such as the bootstrap and permutation tests to a medical problem of topical interest. New medical findings are that age and %TBSA are not important predictors of healing time when the LDI results are known, whereas gender does influence recovery time, even when blood flow is controlled for. The conclusion regarding the palette is that an optimum three-color palette can be chosen 'automatically', but the optimum choice of a 5-color palette cannot be made solely by optimizing the percentage of correct diagnoses

    p21 as a Transcriptional Co-Repressor of S-Phase and Mitotic Control Genes

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    It has been previously described that p21 functions not only as a CDK inhibitor but also as a transcriptional co-repressor in some systems. To investigate the roles of p21 in transcriptional control, we studied the gene expression changes in two human cell systems. Using a human leukemia cell line (K562) with inducible p21 expression and human primary keratinocytes with adenoviral-mediated p21 expression, we carried out microarray-based gene expression profiling. We found that p21 rapidly and strongly repressed the mRNA levels of a number of genes involved in cell cycle and mitosis. One of the most strongly down-regulated genes was CCNE2 (cyclin E2 gene). Mutational analysis in K562 cells showed that the N-terminal region of p21 is required for repression of gene expression of CCNE2 and other genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that p21 was bound to human CCNE2 and other p21-repressed genes gene in the vicinity of the transcription start site. Moreover, p21 repressed human CCNE2 promoter-luciferase constructs in K562 cells. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the CDE motif is present in most of the promoters of the p21-regulated genes. Altogether, the results suggest that p21 exerts a repressive effect on a relevant number of genes controlling S phase and mitosis. Thus, p21 activity as inhibitor of cell cycle progression would be mediated not only by the inhibition of CDKs but also by the transcriptional down-regulation of key genes

    MAS NMR investigation of molecular order in an ionic liquid crystal

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    The structure and molecular order in the thermotropic ionic liquid crystal (ILC), [choline][geranate(H)octanoate], an analogue of Choline And GEranate (CAGE), which has potential for use as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and transdermal and oral delivery agent, were investigated by magic-angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), polarizing optical microscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometry and the 1H NMR chemical shift reveal that CAGE-oct is a dynamic system, with metathesis (the exchange of interacting ions) and hydrogen exchange occurring between hydrogen-bonded/ionic complexes such as [(choline)(geranate)(H)(octanoate)], [(choline)(octanoate)2(H)], and [(choline)(geranate)2(H)]. These clusters, which are shown by mass spectrometry to be significantly more stable than expected for typical electrostatic ion clusters, involve hydrogen bonding between the carboxylic acid, carboxylate, and hydroxyl groups, with rapid hydrogen bond breaking and re-formation observed to average the 1H chemical shifts. The formation of a partial bilayer liquid crystal (LC) phase was identified by SAXS and polarizing optical microscopy at temperatures below ∼293 K. The occurrence of this transition close to room temperature could be utilized as a potential temperature-induced “switch” of the anisotropic properties for particular applications. The presence of an isotropic component of approximately 23% was observed to coexist with the LC phase, as detected by polarizing optical microscopy and quantified by both 1H–13C dipolar-chemical shift correlation (DIPSHIFT) and 1H double-quantum (DQ) MAS NMR experiments. At temperatures above the LC-to-isotropic transition, intermediate-range order (clustering of polar and nonpolar domains), a feature of many ILs, persists. Site-specific order parameters for the LC phase of CAGE-oct were obtained from the MAS NMR measurement of the partially averaged 13C–1H dipolar couplings (DCH) by cross-polarization (CP) build-up curves and DIPSHIFT experiments, and 1H–1H dipolar couplings (DHH) by double-quantum (DQ) build-up curves. The corresponding order parameters, SCH and SHH, are in the range 0–0.2 and are lower compared to those for smectic (i.e., layered) phases of conventional nonionic liquid crystals, resembling those of lamellar phases formed by lyotropic surfactant–solvent systems

    A p53-Dependent Response Limits Epidermal Stem Cell Functionality and Organismal Size in Mice with Short Telomeres

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    Telomere maintenance is essential to ensure proper size and function of organs with a high turnover. In particular, a dwarf phenotype as well as phenotypes associated to premature loss of tissue regeneration, including the skin (hair loss, hair graying, decreased wound healing), are found in mice deficient for telomerase, the enzyme responsible for maintaining telomere length. Coincidental with the appearance of these phenotypes, p53 is found activated in several tissues from these mice, where is thought to trigger cellular senescence and/or apoptotic responses. Here, we show that p53 abrogation rescues both the small size phenotype and restitutes the functionality of epidermal stem cells (ESC) of telomerase-deficient mice with dysfunctional telomeres. In particular, p53 ablation restores hair growth, skin renewal and wound healing responses upon mitogenic induction, as well as rescues ESCmobilization defects in vivo and defective ESC clonogenic activity in vitro. This recovery of ESC functions is accompanied by a downregulation of senescence markers and an increased proliferation in the skin and kidney of telomerase-deficient mice with critically short telomeres without changes in apoptosis rates. Together, these findings indicate the existence of a p53-dependent senescence response acting on stem/progenitor cells with dysfunctional telomeres that is actively limiting their contribution to tissue regeneration, thereby impinging on tissue fitness

    Restoration of Regenerative Osteoblastogenesis in Aged Mice: Modulation of TNF

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    Skeletal changes accompanying aging are associated with both increased risk of fractures and impaired fracture healing, which, in turn, is due to compromised bone regeneration potential. These changes are associated with increased serum levels of selected proinflammatory cytokines, e.g., tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). We have used a unique model of bone regeneration to demonstrate (1) that aged-related deficits in direct bone formation can be restored to young mice by treatment with TNF blockers and (2) that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 is a candidate for mediation of the osteoinhibitory effects of TNF. It has been hypothesized recently that TNF antagonists may represent novel anabolic agents, and we believe that the data presented here represent a successful test of this hypothesis. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Researc

    Molecular signatures for CCN1, p21 and p27 in progressive mantle cell lymphoma

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    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a comparatively rare non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma characterised by overexpression of cyclin D1.Many patients present with or progress to advanced stage disease within 3 years. MCL is considered an incurable disease withmedian survival between 3 and 4 years. We have investigated the role(s) of CCN1 (CYR61) and cell cycle regulators inprogressive MCL. We have used the human MCL cell lines REC1 G519 > JVM2 cells by RQ-PCR, depicting a decrease in CCN1expression with disease progression. Investigation of CCN1 isoform expression by western blotting showed that whilst expres-sion of full-length CCN1 was barely altered in the cell lines, expression of truncated forms (18–20 and 28–30 kDa) decreasedwith disease progression. We have then demonstrated that cyclin D1 and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (p21CIP1and p27KIP1)are also involved in disease progression. Cyclin D1 was highly expressed in REC1 cells (OD: 1.0), reduced to one fifth in G519cells (OD: 0.2) and not detected by western blotting in JVM2 cells. p27KIP1followed a similar profile of expression as cyclin D1.Conversely, p21CIP1was absent in the REC1 cells and showed increasing expression in G519 and JVM2 cells. Subcellularlocalization detected p21CIP1/p27KIP1primarily within the cytoplasm and absent from the nucleus, consistent with altered roles in treatment resistance. Dysregulation of the CCN1 truncated forms are associated with MCL progression. In conjunction withreduced expression of cyclin D1 and increased expression of p21, this molecular signature may depict aggressive disease andtreatment resistance

    Can Imaging Put the “ Advanced”

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