9 research outputs found

    Peeking Inside the Schufa Blackbox: Explaining the German Housing Scoring System

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    Explainable Artificial Intelligence is a concept aimed at making complex algorithms transparent to users through a uniform solution. Researchers have highlighted the importance of integrating domain specific contexts to develop explanations tailored to end users. In this study, we focus on the Schufa housing scoring system in Germany and investigate how users information needs and expectations for explanations vary based on their roles. Using the speculative design approach, we asked business information students to imagine user interfaces that provide housing credit score explanations from the perspectives of both tenants and landlords. Our preliminary findings suggest that although there are general needs that apply to all users, there are also conflicting needs that depend on the practical realities of their roles and how credit scores affect them. We contribute to Human centered XAI research by proposing future research directions that examine users explanatory needs considering their roles and agencies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, ACM CHI 2023 Workshop on Human-Centered Explainable AI (HCXAI

    Apple and Sugar Feeding in Adult Codling Moths, Cydia pomonella: Effects on Longevity, Fecundity, and Egg Fertility

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    Attraction of adult codling moths, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), to sweet baits has been well documented. However, beneficial effects of sugar feeding on moth fitness have not been demonstrated. Longevity, fecundity, and egg fertility were examined for female/male pairs of moths maintained with the following food regimens: water, sucrose water, honey water, apple juice, apple flesh, or starved, i.e., no food or water provided. Longevity and total fecundity were enhanced in all treatments relative to the starved treatment moths. Sucrose water, honey water, and apple juice treatments yielded the highest longevity, but total fecundity was highest for moths maintained on honey water or apple juice. Total egg fertility did not differ among treatments. However, egg fertility declined more gradually over the female lifespan for the three aqueous solution diets of sucrose water, honey water, and apple juice. Similarly, fecundity per day declined more gradually over time for honey water and apple juice treatments. Performance of moths maintained with apple flesh was generally intermediate between that of moths with water and the three aqueous solution treatments. This suggests that moths benefit from feeding on ripe apple flesh, although apple may be more difficult to ingest or its nutrients less concentrated compared to aqueous solutions. The results presented here may explain attraction of adult moths to sweet baits as well as to odors from ripe fruit, which may be a natural source of food in the fall

    Making Order in Household Accounting - Digital Invoices as Domestic Work Artifacts

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    The digitization of financial activities in consumers' lives is increasing, and the digitalization of invoicing processes is expected to play a significant role, although this area is not well understood regarding the private sector. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) research have a long history of analyzing the socio-material and temporal aspects of work practices that are relevant for the domestic domain. The socio-material structuring of invoicing work and the working styles of consumers must be considered when designing effective consumer support systems. In this ethnomethodologically-informed, design-oriented interview study, we followed 17 consumers in their daily practices of dealing with invoices to make the invisible administrative work involved in this process visible. We identified and described the meaningful artifacts that were used in a spatial-temporal process within various storage locations such as input, reminding, intermediate (for postponing cases) buffers, and archive systems. Furthermore, we identified three different working styles that consumers exhibited: direct completion, at the next opportunity, and postpone as far as possible. This study contributes to our understanding of household economics and domestic workplace studies in the tradition of CSCW and has implications for the design of electronic invoicing systems

    The Burden of Administrative Household Labor—Measuring Temporal Workload, Mental Workload, and Satisfaction

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    This research paper investigates the temporal and mental workload as well as work satisfaction regarding bureaucratic, administrative household labor, with a focus on socio-demographic differences. The study utilizes a paid online survey with 617 socio-demographically distributed participants. The results show significant differences in the temporal workload of different chore categories and in the quality of work, whereby satisfaction and mental workload are examined. In addition, the influences of gender, age, and education are analyzed, revealing differences in temporal and mental workload as well as work satisfaction. Our findings confirm prevailing literature showing that women have lower work satisfaction and a higher workload. In addition, we also discovered that younger people and groups of people with higher incomes have a higher level of satisfaction and a higher workload. In our study, a perceived high mental workload does not necessarily go hand in hand with a low level of satisfaction. This study contributes to the understanding of the bureaucratic burden on adults in their households and the variety of activities to manage private life

    Von Personal Information Management zu Vendor Management Software

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    Personal-Information-Management-Systeme (PIMS) gelten als Chance, um die Datensouveränität der Verbraucher zu stärken. Datenschutzbezogene Fragen sind für Verbraucher immer dort relevant, wo sie Verträge und Nutzungsbedingungen mit Diensteanbietern eingehen. Vor diesem Hintergrund diskutiert dieser Beitrag die Potenziale von VRM-Systemen, die nicht nur das Datenmanagement, sondern das gesamte Vertragsmanagement von Verbrauchern unterstützen. Dabei gehen wir der Frage nach, ob diese besser geeignet sind, um Verbraucher zu souveränem Handeln zu befähigen

    Digitaler Haushalt und Markt

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    In diesem Kapitel werden die Perspektive des Privathaushalts und die Perspektive des Marktes erörtert. Ein:e Verbraucher:in, welche:r innerhalb eines Haushalts zur Bedürfnisbefriedigung wirtschaftet, erledigt dabei Hausarbeit durch Kochen, Putzen, Waschen, tätigt den Abschluss von Verträgen, die Pflege von Einkaufslisten oder eine Finanzplanung. Dabei haben Verbraucher:innen unterschiedliche Praktiken und Bewältigungsstrategien entwickelt, die es in der Verbraucherinformatik zu analysieren gilt. Physische Hausarbeit wird bereits im Smart-Home-Kontext durch intelligente Maschinen (oft Roboter genannt) ausgelagert. Kognitive Hausarbeit im alltäglichen Handeln (bspw. bei Verträgen) kann und wird in Zukunft durch Software wie auch Intermediäre unterstützt werden. Digitale Märkte stellen eine häufige Form der Intermediation dar, die Besonderheiten und Effekten unterliegt, welche das Verbraucherverhalten beeinflussen können. So gewinnen zum Beispiel einige wenige Anbieter mithilfe von Netzwerkeffekten, Skaleneffekten und Lock-in-Effekten zunehmend an Marktdominanz und verdrängen kleinere Anbieter, was zu Quasimonopolen führen kann. Digitale Märkte zeichnen sich zudem durch ihre Vertrauensfunktion in der Internet-Ökonomie aus

    The emerging role of pharmacology in understanding consumer–prey interactions in marine and freshwater systems

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