777 research outputs found

    Francisco de Campos (c.1515-1580) e a Bella Maniera : entre a Flandres, Espanha e Portugal

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    Tese de doutoramento em História (História da Arte), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Letras, 2008A periodização que nos balizou situa-se entre um certo élan de modernidade cultural e artística que caracterizou o reinado de D. João III (a arte de Gregório Lopes, por exemplo) e os anos de regência de D. Catarina em que o italianismo se acentua, até aos alvores do domínio filipino, durante o qual a produção pictórica evoluiria para uma pittura senza tempo, pautada pelos rigores do decoro tridentino. Ao estabelecer rupturas com os paradigmas tradicionais, Francisco de Campos foi capaz de se libertar dos estiolantes constrangimentos que impunham limitações aos artistas da geração anterior, gerando uma obra que assumiu um papel de referência no contexto do Maneirismo internacional. A sua pintura participa da essência maneirista dominante na Europa, demarcando-se do mimetismo formal que caracterizava os artistas coetâneos nacionais, revelando uma total compreensão do fenómeno criativo que o mesmo supõe e produzindo uma obra tão original quanto moderna, que faz eco da dimensão sócio-cultural de um tempo de mudança. Nela se pressente uma agitação íntima, que a perpassa como um murmúreo, numa busca permanente de uma ideia de beleza universal que lhe confere o sentido de “graça”, parecendo dar resposta à sua necessidade formal de resolver a contradição íntima entre o sentimento lírico pessoal, que procura na forma uma comunhão sensível, e a distância própria que impõe a imagem litúrgica, de acordo com a tradição flamenga, da qual ele é herdeiro. Ora o virtuosismo de Campos - como vemos na belíssima Epifania da Sé de Évora - consiste precisamente em encontrar também no mundo litúrgico matéria de lirismo pessoal, implicando as suas figuras a tomada de consciência de uma realidade mais natural e humana, que interpela a sensibilidade pessoal do espectador.The aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse the work of one of the great Portuguese Mannerist painters - Francisco de Campos – in order to pursue an understanding of the ways and means of expression that became of central importance in Portuguese mid 16th century Painting, and which were thus responsible for its innovative development. Francisco de Campos (ca. 1515-1580) was an artist that extended his Nordic roots whilst adapting to the emerging Italian influences. By doing so, he managed to develop an artistic approach that would challenge and serve as an alternative solution to the outworn academic tradition of the preceding 15th century. This thesis will focus on period work dating back from the Reign of John III, characterised by a cultural and artistic modern drive (e.g. Gregorio Lopes’ work), followed by the regency years of Queen Catharine, when Italianism was thriving, to the beginnings of the Spanish rule, during which painting evolved to a pittura sensa tempo, in line with the strict canons enforced by the Council of Trent. By defying the Establishment and therefore, freeing himself from the severe artistic constraints and limitations that the prior generation of artists had to endure, Francisco de Campos was able to create a work that became a prominent feature of International Mannerism. His work conveyed the essence of the Mannerism that was dominant in Europe as he detached himself from formal mimicry, a modus operandi so characteristic of his contemporary fellow-countryman. Moreover, his paintings revealed a complete understanding of the Mannerist creative process, thus producing a modern original work that echoed the social-cultural change of that time. One can feel a certain intimate restlessness across his work, where “grace” is revealed as the utmost expression of the artist’s endless quest for a universal definition of beauty. This quest was urged by the need to solve an innermost contradiction between his personal lyricism, heir to a Flemish tradition, and the required reverence for liturgical art. In conclusion, the virtuosity of Francisco de Campos - as shown by the great Epifania at the Cathedral of Évora - consists precisely in finding a way to convey his personal lyricism when painting liturgical subjects. As a result, his figures portrait a more natural and human feeling, therefore challenging the sensibility of the spectator

    O AGIR DO ESTADO CAPITALISTA CONTEMPORÂNEO: uma análise Marxista do Estado

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    O papel do Estado e a sua gênese são objeto de estudo deste artigo, que se mostra necessário e em constante debate na busca de uma melhor compreensão acerca da sua essência e aparência no processo de desenvolvimento da sociedade. Partindo de um referencial teórico marxista, analisa teorias contratualistas, tem como objeto de referência a Teoria do Estado Capitalista Contemporâneo de Flávio Farias, em especial o estudo da sua natureza, do seu papel regulador e sua imbricação com o capital

    COMPLIANCE NAS EMPRESAS ESTATAIS: Uma Análise do Programa de Integridade da Empresa Maranhense de Administração Portuária

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    O compliance enquanto estratégia de combate à corrupção nas estatais, é objeto de estudo que se mostra atual e em constante debate na busca do aprimoramento de medidas que delineiam a ética e a integridade como valores empresariais. Uma análise que parte da teoria e alcança a prática sob a ótica do Programa de Integridade do Porto do Itaqui é o objeto deste artigo, de maneira a elucidar as principais concepções sobre o tema e demonstrar como o compliance, enquanto ferramenta pautada pela Lei n.º 13.303/2016, auxilia na gestão pública e na concretização do combate à corrupção nas empresas públicas

    O ensino da arquitetura militar no Colégio de Santo Antão no século XVII

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    A Companhia de Jesus foi uma ordem religiosa Católica que, tendo sido criada em meados do século XVI, se distinguia das restantes devido aos seus métodos de conversão através do ensino. Para este efeito, os seus membros, os Jesuítas, criaram diversos colégios em todos os países onde tinham influência, incluindo Portugal, onde foi aberto o Colégio de Santo Antão em Lisboa. Apesar de já se tratar de uma matéria existente desde o início do século XVII, é especulado que o ensino da Arquitetura Militar em Portugal ganhou bastante relevância com o começo da Guerra da Restauração da Independência em 1640, devido à necessidade do país se defender contra a ameaça Espanhola, sendo que a disciplina continuou a ser valorizada por futuros monarcas, que pretendiam evitar que Portugal perdesse a sua independência novamente. Esta dissertação pretende estudar o ensino da disciplina no Colégio de Santo Antão através da análise de um importante documento que foi redigido por Luís Gonzaga, padre jesuíta e professor no Colégio, para orientar as suas aulas sobre Arquitetura Militar, assim como o contexto Português e Europeu no qual este documento foi escrito, como forma de entender a quantidade de conhecimento que já existia sobre esta disciplina em Portugal no final do século XVII.The Society of Jesus was a catholic religious order that, having been created in the middle of the 16th century, distinguished itself from the rest with their method of conversion through education. To accomplish this, its members, the Jesuits, created several colleges in countries where they had influence, including Portugal, where the College of Santo Antão was opened. Though already an existing subject since the beginning of the 17th century, it is speculated that the teaching of Military Architecture gained a lot of relevance with the beginning of the Portuguese War of Independence in 1640 due to the necessity that the country had to defend itself against the Spanish threat, though the discipline continued to be highly valued by future monarchs, who sought to prevent Portugal from losing its independency again. This dissertation’s goal is to study the teaching of this discipline in the College of Santo Antão through the analysis of an important document that was used by Luis Gonzaga, a Jesuit priest and professor in the College, to guide his classes on Military Architecture, as well as the Portuguese and European context in which the document was written, as a way of understanding the amount of knowledge that existed regarding this discipline in Portugal at the end of the 17th Century


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    Recently, the use of mobile devices has been proposed for dose assessment during nuclear accidents. The idea is to support field teams, providing an approximated estimation of the dose distribution map in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant (NPP), without needing to be connected to the NPP systems. In order to provide such stand-alone execution, the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) has been proposed in substitution of the complex and time consuming physical models executed by the atmospheric dispersion radionuclide (ADR) system. One limitation observed on such approach is the very time-consuming training of the ANNs. Moreover, if the number of input parameters increases the performance of standard ANNs, like Multilayer-Perceptron (MLP) with backpropagation training, is affected leading to unreasonable training time. To improve learning, allowing better dose estimations, more complex ANN architectures are required. ANNs with many layers (much more than a typical number of layers), referred to as Deep Neural Networks (DNN), for example, have demonstrating to achieve better results. On the other hand, the training of such ANNs is very much slow. In order to allow the use of such DNNs in a reasonable training time, a parallel programming solution, using Graphic Processing Units (GPU) and Computing Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is proposed. This work focuses on the study of computational technologies for improvement of the ANNs to be used in the mobile application, as well as their training algorithms

    SUMO chain-induced dimerization activates RNF4

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    Dimeric RING E3 ligases interact with protein substrates and conformationally restrain the ubiquitin-E2-conjugating enzyme thioester complex such that it is primed for catalysis. RNF4 is an E3 ligase containing an N-terminal domain that binds its polySUMO substrates and a C-terminal RING domain responsible for dimerization. To investigate how RNF4 activity is controlled, we increased polySUMO substrate concentration by ablating expression of SUMO protease SENP6. Accumulation of SUMO chains in vivo leads to ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of RNF4. In vitro we demonstrate that at concentrations equivalent to those found in vivo RNF4 is predominantly monomeric and inactive as an ubiquitin E3 ligase. However, in the presence of SUMO chains, RNF4 is activated by dimerization, leading to both substrate ubiquitylation and autoubiquitylation, responsible for degradation of RNF4. Thus the ubiquitin E3 ligase activity of RNF4 is directly linked to the availability of its polySUMO substrates

    Dynamic association of RNA-editing enzymes with the nucleolus

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    © The Company of Biologists Limited 2003ADAR1 and ADAR2 are editing enzymes that deaminate adenosine to inosine in long double stranded RNA duplexes and specific pre-mRNA transcripts. Here, we show that full-length and N-terminally truncated forms of ADAR1 are simultaneously expressed in HeLa and COS7 cells owing to the usage of alternative starting methionines. Because the N-terminus of ADAR1 contains a nuclear export signal, the full-length protein localizes predominantly in the cytoplasm, whereas the N-terminally truncated forms are exclusively nuclear and accumulate in the nucleolus. ADAR2, which lacks a region homologous to the N-terminal domain of ADAR1, localizes exclusively to the nucleus and similarly accumulates in the nucleolus. Within the nucleolus, ADAR1 and ADAR2 co-localize in a novel compartment. Photobleaching experiments demonstrate that, in live cells, ADAR1 and ADAR2 are in constant flux in and out of the nucleolus. When cells express the editing-competent glutamate receptor GluR-B RNA, endogenous ADAR1 and ADAR2 de-localize from the nucleolus and accumulate at sites where the substrate transcripts accumulate. This suggests that ADAR1 and ADAR2 are constantly moving through the nucleolus and might be recruited onto specific editing substrates present elsewhere in the cell.This study was supported by grants from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,Portugal, and the European Commission (QLG2-CT-2001-01554). This work was also supported by the MRC, a grant from the British Heart Foundation (PG/98086),Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia of Spain (BFI2002-00454) and Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla' of Santander, Spain (A05/02). J.M.P.D. was supported by a long-term fellowship of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO-ALTF 239-2000).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Introdução: As Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária (CSAP) são um excelente indicador da efetividade dessa atenção. Objetivo:Analisar as internações no setor de pediatria de um Hospital Universitário no Maranhão, em 2012, em estudo descritivo eretrospectivo. Métodos: Dados de prontuários de pacientes até 16 anos e 11 meses de idade foram avaliados pelo software IBMSPSS Statistics 20, tendo como parâmetro a Lista Brasileira de CSAP. Para frequências de CSAP por faixa etária aplicou-se teste de2 x de aderência, com 5% de significância. Resultados: Das 506 internações, 17% foram por CSAP, 51% do sexo masculino e 36%da faixa etária de 1 a 4 anos; 50% eram residentes na capital do estado e 65,1% em zona urbana; em 57% dos municípios de residêncianão havia Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família. A média do tempo de internação foi 23,2 dias. O grupo CSAP mais frequentefoi o das pneumonias (25,5%). Conclusão: As internações por CSAP mais frequentes foram Pneumonias e Infecções nos rins etrato urinário e a faixa etária com mais internações foi a de 1 a 4 anos, sendo semelhantes a outros estudos e são um alerta paraa investigação dos determinantes da população e para melhorias na Atenção Primária.Palavras-chave: Atenção Primária. Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária. Hospitalização.AbstractIntroduction: The Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC) are an excellent indicator of the effectiveness of this care.Objective: It was analyzed hospitalizations in the pediatric sector of a University Hospital in Maranhão in 2012, in a descriptiveand retrospective study. Methods: Secondary data, collected in medical records of patients of up to 16 years old, were analyzedby IBM SPSS Statistics 20 software, classified according to Brazilian List of ACSC. To analyze frequencies of ACSC among age2 groups was applied x test of adherence and 5% of significance. Results: Among 506 hospitalizations, 17% were by ACSC, malesex (51%) and age 1 to 4 years old (36%); 50% were resident on the capital of state and 65,1% were from urban areas; and 57%did not have support of Family Health Strategy. Mean hospitalization time was of 23,2 days. The most frequent ACSC group waspneumonias (25,5%). Conclusion: The hospitalizations by ACSC the most frequent groups were Pneumonias and Kidney andurinary tract infections and the age range with more hospitalizations was 1 to 4 years, being similar to other studies and are analert for investigation of the determinants of the population and for improvements in Primary Care.Keywords: Primary Health Care. Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. Hospitalization