193 research outputs found
HISPASAT launch and early operations phases: Computation and monitoring of geostationary satellite positioning
Since 1974, CNES, the French National Space Agency, has been involved in the geostationary launch and early operations phases (LEOP) of moving satellites from a transfer orbit delivered by a launcher to a geostationary point. During the operations and their preparation, the Flight Dynamics Center (FDC), part of CNES LEOP facilities, is in charge of the space mechanics aspects. What is noteworthy about the Spanish HISPASAT satellite positioning is that all the operations were performed on the customer's premises, and consequently the FDC was duplicated in Madrid, Spain. The first part of this paper is the FDC presentation: its role, its hardware configuration, and its space dynamics ground control system called MERCATOR. The second part of this paper details the preparation used by the FDC for the HISPASAT mission: hardware and software installation in Madrid, integration with the other entities, and technical and operational qualifications. The third part gives results concerning flight dynamics aspects and operational activities
Hadley circulation and precipitation changes control black shale deposition in the Late Jurassic Boreal Seaway
New climate simulations using the HadCM3L model with a paleogeography of the Late Jurassic [155.5âMa], and proxy-data corroborate that warm and wet tropical-like conditions reached as far north as the UK sector of the Jurassic Boreal Seaway [~35oN]. This is associated with a northern hemisphere Jurassic Hadley cell and an intensified subtropical jet which both extend significantly polewards than in the modern (July-September). Deposition of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation [KCF] occurred in the shallow, storm-dominated, epeiric Boreal Seaway. High resolution paleo-environmental proxy data from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation [KCF; ~155â150âMa], UK are used to test for the role of tropical atmospheric circulation on meter-scale heterogeneities in black shale deposition. Proxy and model data show that the most organic-rich section [eudoxus to mid-hudlestoni zones] is characterised by a positive ÎŽ13Corg excursion and up to 37âwt% total organic carbon [%TOC]. Orbital-modulation of organic carbon burial primarily in the long eccentricity power band combined with a clear positive correlation between %TOC carbonate-free and the kaolinite/illite ratio supports peak organic carbon burial under the influence of very humid climate conditions, similar to the modern tropics. This re-interpretation of large-scale climate relationships, supported by independent modelling and geological data, has profound implications for atmospheric circulation patterns and processes affecting marine productivity and organic carbon burial further north along the Boreal Seaway, including the Arctic
Le problÚme de l'énergie trois ans aprÚs la crise pétroliÚre
Desprairies Pierre. Le problĂšme de l'Ă©nergie trois ans aprĂšs la crise pĂ©troliĂšre. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°1 - 1977 - 42á”annĂ©e. pp. 21-34
La décision implicite d'acceptation en droit administratif français
The Law of 12 November 2013 enshrines the principle that "silence equals consent" in the French administration. Until then, the opposite was the rule: for more than a century, the silence of an administrative unit when solicited has meant dismissal of the request. This revolutionary principle has been presented by the Government as an efficient mean to streamline the relationship between the administration and its constituents and fight administrative inertia. The doctrinal opinion, however, has been quite suspicious about it. The critics focused on its scope, efficiency and relevancy. The determination of when this new principle is applicable fits partially into the critic, as there are numerous exceptions to the rule "silence equals consent". Despite its consecration as Law, the principle of implicit acceptance remains limited to specific matters. Then we should rather regard it as a partial principle, or even embrace the idea of two rival interpretations of the silence of the administration. Finally, the implementation of that principle relies strongly on how proactive the administration is. The legal regime of implicit acceptance is stuck between the general scheme of administrative decision and more specific rules, which makes it partially ill-adapted. The 2013 reform therefore shows mixed results, but the mechanism of implicit acceptance is still a step forward. It is a crucial lever to a wide-range reform of the administrative action.La loi du 12 novembre 2013 consacre le principe du « silence vaut accord » dans la relation entre lâadministration et lâadministrĂ©. Lâinversion du sens attribuĂ© du silence de lâadministration sollicitĂ©e par une demande met un terme au principe historique du « silence vaut rejet », en vigueur depuis plus de cent ans. Cette rĂ©volution est prĂ©sentĂ©e par le Gouvernement comme un moyen de simplifier la relation entre lâadministration et lâadministrĂ© et comme lâinstrument dâune lutte contre lâinertie administrative. Elle suscite pourtant une certaine suspicion de la part de la doctrine. Sa portĂ©e, son utilitĂ© et sa pertinence sont contestĂ©es. Lâidentification des situations dans lesquelles le nouveau principe est applicable confirme partiellement cette critique. En effet, les exclusions Ă la rĂšgle du « silence vaut accord » sont lĂ©gion. En dĂ©pit de sa consĂ©cration lĂ©gislative, la dĂ©cision implicite dâacception demeure circonscrite Ă des domaines spĂ©cifiques. Il est alors plus juste de considĂ©rer que le « silence vaut accord » nâest quâun principe « fermĂ© » ou, plus radicalement, dâadmettre lâexistence de deux interprĂ©tations concurrentes du sens du silence administratif. Par ailleurs, la mise en Ćuvre du mĂ©canisme apparaĂźt trĂšs largement tributaire dâun comportement actif de lâadministration. Le rĂ©gime juridique de la dĂ©cision implicite dâacceptation, oscillant entre le rĂ©gime gĂ©nĂ©ral de la dĂ©cision administrative et la proclamation de rĂšgles spĂ©cifiques, semble partiellement inadaptĂ©. Si le bilan des effets de la rĂ©forme de 2013 est en demi-teinte, le mĂ©canisme de la dĂ©cision implicite dâacceptation nâest pas Ă condamner. Il demeure lâun des leviers essentiels dâune rĂ©forme dâampleur de lâaction administrative
Marine minerals â Advances in Research and Resource Assessment. EditĂ© par P. G. Teleki, M.R. Dobson, J.R. Moore et U. Von Stackelberg
Desprairies Alain. Marine minerals â Advances in Research and Resource Assessment. EditĂ© par P. G. Teleki, M.R. Dobson, J.R. Moore et U. Von Stackelberg. In: Bulletin de MinĂ©ralogie, volume 110, 4, 1987. pp. 467-468
Les besoins mondiaux en Ă©nergie et leur couverture
The world's energetic consumption is presently covered by hydrocarbons for its two thirds ; it is now equivalent to a little over six billions metric tons of petroleum. A general economic growth of 3 to 4 % a year, still unsufficient according to some people to guarantee full employment, would require in 2000 an energetic consumption equivalent to some 12 billions metric tons of petroleum. In the present state of things the entry of new energy sources in big quantifies on the market cannot be expected before thirty years. In 2000, petroleum will still have to supply almost 40 % of the consumpted energy, and natural gas 15 to 18 %, coal 10 to 15 % and nuclear energy 15 to 20 %. So we would need 3 to 3,5 billions metric tons of oil per year. There is an evident risk to let the largest part of the international trade of oil to the will of a de facto cartel of big, geographically-concentrated producers. Thus we must make available relaying reserves among which are the underwater reservoirs. But they are less grouped and without no doubt more expensive to work. It would be wiser to invest now very big sums into the prospecting and the availability of the energy sources, and to lead a cautious policy of prior distribution of petroleum and gas to specific uses of hydrocarbons.La consommation mondiale d'énergie, assurée actuellement pour prÚs des deux tiers par les hydrocarbures s'élÚve actuellement à un peu plus de 6 milliards de tonnes d'équivalents-pétrole. Une croissance générale de l'économie de l'ordre de 3 à 4 % par an, considérée par certains comme insuffisante pour garantir le plein emploi, appellerait en 2000 une consommation d'énergie de l'ordre de 12 milliards de tonnes d'équivalents-pétrole. En l'état actuel des choses il n'est pas possible de prévoir la pénétration en quantités importantes de nouvelles sources d'énergie sur le marché avant trente ans. En 2000 le pétrole devra encore fournir prÚs de 40 % et le gaz naturel 15 à 18 % de l'énergie consommée, tandis que le charbon interviendra pour 10 à 15 % et l'énergie nucléaire pour 15 à 20 %. Il faudrait donc disposer de 3 à 3,5 milliards de tonnes de pétrole par an. Le risque de faire reposer l'essentiel du commerce international de pétrole sur les intentions d'un cartel de fait de trÚs gros fournisseurs géographiquement concentrés est évident. Il est donc nécessaire de mobiliser des réserves de relais parmi lesquelles les réserves sous-marines. Mais elles sont moins groupées et incomparablement plus coûteuses à extraire. La sagesse voudrait que l'on engage dÚs à présent de trÚs gros investissements dans la recherche et la mobilisation des sources d'énergie et que l'on mÚne une politique attentive d'attribution du pétrole et du gaz par priorité aux emplois spécifiques des hydrocarbures.Desprairies Pierre. Les besoins mondiaux en énergie et leur couverture. In: Annales de Géographie, t. 88, n°486, 1979. pp. 130-141
PĂ©trole et gaz
L'auteur fait le point sur la situation actuelle de la production de pétrole et de gaz et ses perspectives d'évolution. Il évoque ensuite les principaux problÚmes que posera l'approvisionnement pétrolier jusqu'à l'horizon 2 000, au niveau mondial et au niveau français
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