11 research outputs found

    Utilisation des caméras de piégeage et des modÚles de capture-recapture pour l'estimation des densités de chimpanzés d'Afrique occidentale (Pan troglodytes verus) en CÎte d'Ivoire

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    Des estimations de densitĂ© exactes et prĂ©cises sont indispensables pour Ă©valuer les effets des menaces spĂ©cifiques sur une espĂšce, mesurer le succĂšs de dĂ©cisions de conservation, et pour comprendre l'Ă©cologie des populations animales. La mĂ©thode des camĂ©ras de piĂ©geage, combinĂ©e aux modĂšles de capture-recapture (C-R), a rĂ©cemment Ă©tĂ© mise au point pour surmonter les limitations des techniques conventionnelles d'inventaire des populations de grands singes. Cependant, aucune validation de la mĂ©thode n'a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  ce jour. Dans cette Ă©tude, je vise Ă  valider l'utilisation de camĂ©ras de piĂ©geage en combinaison avec les modĂšles de C-R pour estimer les densitĂ©s de chimpanzĂ©s d'Afrique occidentale (Pan troglodytes verus). Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, je vise Ă  identifier : 1) quelle est la meilleure mĂ©thode de C-R pour estimer les densitĂ©s de chimpanzĂ©s par camĂ©ras de piĂ©geage, 2) quel est l'effort de piĂ©geage minimum requis pour des estimations de densitĂ©s exactes et prĂ©cises, et 3) si un placement alĂ©atoire des camĂ©ras peut donner des mesures de densitĂ© fiables et robustes. Afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces trois objectifs, j'ai menĂ© une Ă©tude de camĂ©ras de piĂ©geage de 10 mois sur le territoire d'une communautĂ© de chimpanzĂ©s habituĂ©e Ă  la prĂ©sence humaine, et donc oĂč la densitĂ© totale de chimpanzĂ©s est dĂ©jĂ  connue. Les camĂ©ras ont Ă©tĂ© placĂ©es selon deux placements diffĂ©rents : systĂ©matiquement, oĂč les camĂ©ras ont Ă©tĂ© installĂ©es Ă  chaque kilomĂštre, ou stratĂ©giquement, Ă  des endroits frĂ©quemment visitĂ©s par les chimpanzĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que tous les modĂšles de C-R ont donnĂ© des estimations de densitĂ© plus exactes et plus prĂ©cises que les autres mĂ©thodes couramment utilisĂ©es pour le recensement des populations de grands singes. Les chimpanzĂ©s avaient deux fois plus de chances d'ĂȘtre filmĂ©s par les camĂ©ras placĂ©es de façon stratĂ©gique, mais les densitĂ©s issues des camĂ©ras systĂ©matiques Ă©taient aussi prĂ©cises et robustes. Ainsi, cette Ă©tude met l'accent sur la pertinence des camĂ©ras de piĂ©geage et des modĂšles de C-R comme outils de surveillance des populations des grands singes.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : camĂ©ras de piĂ©geage, chimpanzĂ©s, pan troglodytes verus, suivi, densitĂ©, capture-marquage-recapture, modĂšles spatiaux de capture-marquage-recapture, CĂŽte d'Ivoire

    Model selection with overdispersed distance sampling data

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    We thank the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Max Planck Society and the University of St Andrews for funding.1. Distance sampling (DS) is a widely used framework for estimating animal abundance. DS models assume that observations of distances to animals are independent. Non‐independent observations introduce overdispersion, causing model selection criteria such as AIC or AICc to favour overly complex models, with adverse effects on accuracy and precision. 2. We describe, and evaluate via simulation and with real data, estimators of an overdispersion factor (ĉ), and associated adjusted model selection criteria (QAIC) for use with overdispersed DS data. In other contexts, a single value of ĉ is calculated from the “global” model, that is the most highly parameterised model in the candidate set, and used to calculate QAIC for all models in the set; the resulting QAIC values, and associated ΔQAIC values and QAIC weights, are comparable across the entire set. Candidate models of the DS detection function include models with different general forms (e.g. half‐normal, hazard rate, uniform), so it may not be possible to identify a single global model. We therefore propose a two‐step model selection procedure by which QAIC is used to select among models with the same general form, and then a goodness‐of‐fit statistic is used to select among models with different forms. A drawback of thi approach is that QAIC values are not comparable across all models in the candidate set. 3. Relative to AIC, QAIC and the two‐step model selection procedure avoided overfitting and improved the accuracy and precision of densities estimated from simulated data. When applied to six real datasets, adjusted criteria and procedures selected either the same model as AIC or a model that yielded a more accurate density estimate in five cases, and a model that yielded a less accurate estimate in one case. 4. Many DS surveys yield overdispersed data, including cue counting surveys of songbirds and cetaceans, surveys of social species including primates, and camera‐trapping surveys. Methods that adjust for overdispersion during the model selection stage of DS analyses therefore address a conspicuous gap in the DS analytical framework as applied to species of conservation concern.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Observed distances from camera traps to Maxwell's duikers

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    Filmed Maxwell's duikers were assigned to distance intervals; recorded distances are the midpoints of the intervals. "Sample.Label" references the trap location. "Effort" is temporal effort, i.e. the number of 2-second time-steps over which the camera operated. "multiplier" describes spatial effort, as the proportion of a circle covered by the angle of view of the camera. The data is formatted as a "flatfile" suitable for use with distance sampling software including Distance and associated R packages

    Observed distances from camera traps to Maxwell's duikers at times of peak activity

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    Filmed Maxwell's duikers were assigned to distance intervals; recorded distances are the midpoints of the intervals. "Sample.Label" references the trap location. "Effort" is temporal effort, i.e. the number of 2-second time-steps over which the camera operated. "multiplier" describes spatial effort, as the proportion of a circle covered by the angle of view of the camera. The data is formatted as a "flatfile" suitable for use with distance sampling software including Distance and associated R packages. This file includes only observations recorded at times of peak activity


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    Raw cue count data from songbirds at Montrave Estate, Scotland, originally presented in Buckland ST (2006). Point transect surveys for songbirds: robust methodologies. The Auk 123:345–357, and reanalyzed by Howe, Buckland, Despres-Einspenner, and Kuehl (2018). Model selection with overdispersed distance sampling data. Data were copied from program Distance and uploaded as a .csv file. A Distance project file is available at distancesampling.org

    Data from: Model selection with overdispersed distance sampling data

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    1. Distance sampling (DS) is a widely-used framework for estimating animal abundance. DS models assume that observations of distances to animals are independent. Non-independent observations introduce overdispersion, causing model selection criteria such as AIC or AICc to favour overly complex models, with adverse effects on accuracy and precision. 2. We describe, and evaluate via simulation and with real data, estimators of an overdispersion factor (c ̂), and associated adjusted model selection criteria (QAIC) for use with overdispersed DS data. In other contexts, a single value of c ̂ is calculated from the “global” model, i.e., the most highly-parameterized model in the candidate set, and used to calculate QAIC for all models in the set; the resulting QAIC values, and associated ΔQAIC values and QAIC weights, are comparable across the entire set. Candidate models of the DS detection function include models with different general forms (e.g., half-normal, hazard rate, uniform), so it may not be possible to identify a single global model. We therefore propose a two-step model selection procedure by which QAIC is used to select among models with the same general form, and then a goodness-of-fit statistic is used to select among models with different forms. A drawback of this approach is that QAIC values are not comparable across all models in the candidate set. 3. Relative to AIC, QAIC and the two-step model selection procedure avoided overfitting and improved the accuracy and precision of densities estimated from simulated data. When applied to six real data sets, adjusted criteria and procedures selected either the same model as AIC or a model that yielded a more accurate density estimate in 5 cases, and a model that yielded a less accurate estimate in 1 case. 4. Many DS surveys yield overdispersed data, including cue counting surveys of songbirds and cetaceans, surveys of social species including primates, and camera-trapping surveys. Methods that adjust for overdispersion during the model selection stage of DS analyses therefore address a conspicuous gap in the DS analytical framework as applied to species of conservation concern