51 research outputs found

    Complications of bone metastases from malignant melanoma

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    Introduction: Metastatic bone disease (MBD) carries significant morbidity for patients with cancer. MBD from malignant melanoma (MM) is understudied. We examined the characteristics, morbidity, management and outcome of MBD in patients with MM. Methods: Patients with metastatic MM managed at two referral cancer centres in England were identified. Those with bone metastases (BMs) were selected. Patient and disease characteristics including skeletal related events (SREs) were extracted from medical records. The Kaplan Meier method was used to calculate median survival. Results: Five hundred and eighteen patients with metastatic MM were managed between years 2000 and 2008. Eighty nine (17.2%) patients had BMs and are the subject of this study. Median age at diagnosis was 53 years and 55% were males. BMs were identified at the time of diagnosis of metastatic disease in 68.5% patients. Sixty-six (74.2%) had multiple bone lesions and 80.9% had axial skeleton involvement. One hundred and twenty nine skeletal related events occurred in 59 (66.3%) patients (50 radiotherapy, 28 hypercalcaemia, 20 bone fractures, 18 spinal cord compression and 13 orthopaedic surgery). The annual skeletal morbidity rate was 2.5. Median survival from diagnosis of BMs was 17.3 weeks and was 5.6 weeks from the first episode of hypercalcaemia. Conclusion: MBD affects a clinically important proportion (17.2%) of patients with metastatic MM. It carries a substantial morbidity and mortality exceeding that caused by BMs from breast and prostate cancer. These patients should receive the currently licensed bone modifying agents and should be included in clinical trials addressing MBD

    Adult Height in Patients with Advanced CKD Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy during Childhood.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Growth and final height are of major concern in children with ESRD. This study sought to describe the distribution of adult height of patients who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) during childhood and to identify determinants of final height in a large cohort of RRT children. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: A total of 1612 patients from 20 European countries who started RRT before 19 years of age and reached final height between 1990 and 2011 were included. Linear regression analyses were performed to calculate adjusted mean final height SD score (SDS) and to investigate its potential determinants. RESULTS: The median final height SDS was -1.65 (median of 168 cm in boys and 155 cm in girls). Fifty-five percent of patients attained an adult height within the normal range. Adjusted for age at start of RRT and primary renal diseases, final height increased significantly over time from -2.06 SDS in children who reached adulthood in 1990-1995 to -1.33 SDS among those reaching adulthood in 2006-2011. Older age at start of RRT, more recent period of start of RRT, cumulative percentage time on a functioning graft, and greater height SDS at initiation of RRT were independently associated with a higher final height SDS. Patients with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract and metabolic disorders had a lower final height than those with other primary renal diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Although final height remains suboptimal in children with ESRD, it has consistently improved over time

    The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2017 : a summary

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    Background. This article presents a summary of the 2017 Annual Report of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry and describes the epidemiology of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in 37 countries. Methods. The ERA-EDTA Registry received individual patient data on patients undergoing RRT for ESRD in 2017 from 32 national or regional renal registries and aggregated data from 21 registries. The incidence and prevalence of RRT, kidney transplantation activity and survival probabilities of these patients were calculated. Results. In 2017, the ERA-EDTA Registry covered a general population of 694 million people. The incidence of RRT for ESRD was 127 per million population (pmp), ranging from 37 pmp in Ukraine to 252 pmp in Greece. A total of 62% of patients were men, 52% were >= 65 years of age and 23% had diabetes mellitus as the primary renal disease. The treatment modality at the onset of RRT was haemodialysis for 85% of patients. On 31 December 2017, the prevalence of RRT was 854 pmp, ranging from 210 pmp in Ukraine to 1965 pmp in Portugal. The transplant rate in 2017 was 33 pmp, ranging from 3 pmp in Ukraine to 103 pmp in the Spanish region of Catalonia. For patients commencing RRT during 2008-12, the unadjusted 5-year patient survival probability for all RRT modalities combined was 50.8%.Peer reviewe

    The European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry Annual Report 2014 : a summary

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    Background: This article summarizes the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry's 2014 annual report. It describes the epidemiology of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in 2014 within 35 countries. Methods: In 2016, the ERA-EDTA Registry received data on patients who in 2014 where undergoing RRT for ESRD, from 51 national or regional renal registries. Thirty-two registries provided individual patient level data and 19 provided aggregated patient level data. The incidence, prevalence and survival probabilities of these patients were determined. Results: In 2014, 70 953 individuals commenced RRT for ESRD, equating to an overall unadjusted incidence rate of 133 per million population (pmp). The incidence ranged by 10-fold; from 23 pmp in the Ukraine to 237 pmp in Portugal. Of the patients commencing RRT, almost two-thirds were men, over half were aged >= 65 years and a quarter had diabetes mellitus as their primary renal diagnosis. By day 91 of commencing RRT, 81% of patients were receiving haemodialysis. On 31 December 2014, 490 743 individuals were receiving RRT for ESRD, equating to an unadjusted prevalence of 924 pmp. This ranged throughout Europe by more than 10-fold, from 157 pmp in the Ukraine to 1794 pmp in Portugal. In 2014, 19 406 kidney transplantations were performed, equating to an overall unadjusted transplant rate of 36 pmp. Again this varied considerably throughout Europe. For patients commencing RRT during 2005-09, the 5-year-adjusted patient survival probabilities on all RRT modalities was 63.3% (95% confidence interval 63.0-63.6). The expected remaining lifetime of a 20-to 24-year-old patient with ESRD receiving dialysis or living with a kidney transplant was 21.9 and 44.0 years, respectively. This was substantially lower than the 61.8 years of expected remaining lifetime of a 20-year-old patient without ESRD.Peer reviewe

    La Turquie et l'Organisation de la Coopération Economique de la Mer Noire (CEMN)

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    Rapport de stage rĂ©alisĂ© par Alban des Grottes sous la direction de Jean Marcou Istanbul AoĂ»t 2007 TĂ©lĂ©charger La Turquie et l'Organisation de la CoopĂ©ration Économique de la Mer Noire (CEMN) SOMMAIRE 1. L’organisation de la CEMN : une initiative de la Turquie destinĂ©e Ă  asseoir sa puissance dans une rĂ©gion pacifiĂ©e et ouverte Ă  ses exportations. 1.1. La crĂ©ation de la CEMN, ou comment la Turquie tente d’asseoir sa puissance dans une mer Noire renaissante. 1.1.1. Dans le contexte de la Guer..

    Pamidronic acid

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    Istanbul, capitale éphémÚre de la mer Noire

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    Le 25 juin dernier, Istanbul a accueilli le quinziĂšme sommet annuel de l’organisation de CoopĂ©ration Economique de la Mer Noire (CEMN). Chaque Etat membre y Ă©tait reprĂ©sentĂ© par son chef d’Etat ou de gouvernement, Ă  l’exception de l’ArmĂ©nie qui avait choisi de n’envoyer que son ministre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres. Il s’agissait d’un sommet symbolique puisqu’il intervenait quinze ans jour pour jour aprĂšs la rĂ©union des chefs d’Etat des onze pays fondateurs qui lancĂšrent le processus qui devait ab..

    Istanbul, capitale éphémÚre de la mer Noire

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    Le 25 juin dernier, Istanbul a accueilli le quinziĂšme sommet annuel de l’organisation de CoopĂ©ration Economique de la Mer Noire (CEMN). Chaque Etat membre y Ă©tait reprĂ©sentĂ© par son chef d’Etat ou de gouvernement, Ă  l’exception de l’ArmĂ©nie qui avait choisi de n’envoyer que son ministre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres. Il s’agissait d’un sommet symbolique puisqu’il intervenait quinze ans jour pour jour aprĂšs la rĂ©union des chefs d’Etat des onze pays fondateurs qui lancĂšrent le processus qui devait ab..

    Comment la littĂ©rature de jeunesse s’approprie-t-elle un objet scientifique tel qu’un animal comme la poule, et comment joue-t-elle sur ses caractĂ©ristiques ?

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    Les recherches concernant l'animal au coeur de la littĂ©rature de jeunesse sont principalement d'ordre gĂ©nĂ©ral : il s'agit alors de « l'animal » et non « des animaux » et l'analyse se concentre plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur les contes. Des auteurs comme Georges Jean (1990) et Sylvie Loiseau (1992) s'interrogent sur l'origine de la prĂ©sence animale dans les contes et leur valeur symbolique. Ce sont en particulier les travaux de Paulette Lequeux (1976) qui permettent une observation de diffĂ©rents animaux traditionnels dans la littĂ©rature de jeunesse et leur lien particulier qu'elle exploite. Le personnage de la poule dans la littĂ©rature de jeunesse est un animal intĂ©ressant Ă  analyser car il n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© le sujet de recherches (Paulette Lequeux choisit d'accorder un long chapitre au coq et non Ă  la poule). Il s'agit d'un animal populaire et familier. Si la poule, est d'abord un objet scientifique, son traitement Ă  travers la littĂ©rature de jeunesse est riche et divers. Dans ce mĂ©moire, nous tentons de dĂ©crire les diffĂ©rentes utilisations et reprĂ©sentations de la poule en lien avec les stĂ©rĂ©otypes, les expressions populaires concernant l'animal. Nous cherchons Ă©galement Ă  savoir ce qu'elle devient en tant qu'objet de crĂ©ation littĂ©raire. Dans cette perspective, qui n'a pas pour but d'ĂȘtre exhaustive, le critĂšre de sĂ©lection des Ɠuvres est principalement l'accessibilitĂ© et la disponibilitĂ© des ouvrages dans les lieux publics. L'analyse de ces nombreux ouvrages a permis de dĂ©gager des tendances mais Ă©galement des traitements originaux. Ce dispositif permet un large dĂ©cryptage du personnage de la poule Ă  travers diffĂ©rents auteurs
