131 research outputs found

    Ocorrência de suicídio e variação sazonal

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    OBJECTIVE: To review the estimated suicide rates for the Region Metropolitan, the main socio-political center in Chile, for the period 1979-1994, and to determine whether they follow a seasonal pattern. METHOD: Data available for the period 1979-94 at the Forensic Services in Chile was analyzed using ANOVA. RESULTS: It was register 5.386 suicides. While the "warm" months (October, November, December & January) concentrated 39.0% of cases, the so called "cold" months reported 28,7%. This contrast is made even clearer by the month-to-month analysis, showing the highest suicide rate in December (10.9%) against the lowest rate in June (7.0%). Further statistical analysis revealed these differences to be significant. CONCLUSION: The study shows that in Chile, representing as it does the Southern Hemisphere, the suicide rates tend to present a seasonal variation as has elsewhere been determined for in the North Hemisphere.OBJETIVO: Realizou-se revisão das taxas estimadas de suicídio na Região Metropolitana, setor sociopolítico principal do Chile, no período de 1979-94, para determinar se essas taxas seguem um padrão sazonal. MÉTODO: Os dados disponíveis para o período 1979-94 no Serviço Médico Legal foram analisados pela ANOVA. RESULTADOS: Foram registrados 5.386 suicídios, porém, nos meses "cálidos" (outubro, novembro, dezembro, janeiro) concentram-se os 39,0% dos casos. Nos meses frios foram consignados 28,7%. Esta observação fica mais clara pela análise mês a mês, demonstrando taxas mais altas em dezembro (10,0%) e mais baixas em junho (7%). Através de análises estatísticas ficou demonstrado que a diferença é significativa. CONCLUSÃO: Foi demonstrado que no Chile, sendo representativo do Hemisfério Sul, o índice de suicídio tem a tendência de apresentar uma variação sazonal, assim como tem sido demonstrado em numerosas publicações no Hemisfério Norte

    Lineage-tracing methods and the kidney

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    The kidney is a complex organ with over 30 different cell types, and understanding the lineage relationships between these cells is challenging. During nephrogenesis, a central question is how the coordinated morphogenesis, growth, and differentiation of distinct cell types leads to development of a functional organ. In mature kidney, understanding cell division and fate during injury, regeneration and aging are critical topics for understanding disease. Genetic lineage tracing offers a powerful tool to decipher cellular hierarchies in both development and disease because it allows the progeny of a single cell, or group of cells, to be tracked unambiguously. Recent advances in this field include the use of inducible recombinases, multicolor reporters, and mosaic analysis. In this review, we discuss lineage-tracing methods focusing on the mouse model system and consider the impact of these methods on our understanding of kidney biology and prospects for future application

    Figurabilidad fílmica: el estatuto pictográfico del cine

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    Reality, experience, are of the order of the discontinuous, the fragmented. From these pieces of perception, the sequence of images-in-movement is used to organize a narrative, a script that disguises the horror of the gaze, the real behind the continuity. Imaginary or fantasy, which status should we give to these sequences? Playing with speed and with movement, the filmic production of David Lynch restores disarticulated fantasmatic series, referring to the original meaning of fantasm as an iconic image. On the other hand, Raul Ruiz seems to make rebuffs from the phantasmal images of Klossowsky, revealing the missing element in the set of empty and suspended icons we find in the “hypothesis of the stolen painting”. Lure or necessity, the construction of an image-movement as the basis of a narrative allows to integrate the experience, including that of trauma, deploying also instances of social recognition, an individual novel, collective myths, of a culture and a history. It is from this idea on the status of the iconic image in cinema, and its link to the fantasy and the civilizing tale, that we will analyze the absent character in Haneke’s Hidden (2005).Lo real, la experiencia, son del orden de lo discontinuo, de lo fragmentario. A partir de estos pedazos de percepción, la secuencia de imágenesen-movimiento permite la organización de un relato, de un guion que permite disfrazar el horror de la mirada, de lo real, detrás de una supuesta continuidad. ¿Imaginaria o fantasmática, qué valor dar a estas secuencias? Jugando con la velocidad y el movimiento, la producción de David Lynch restituye ciertas series fantasmáticas desarticuladas, remitiéndonos al sentido primero del fantasma como imagen icónica. Por su parte, Raúl Ruiz parece construir jeroglíficos a partir de las imágenes fantasmáticas de la escritura de Klossowsky, haciendo aparecer el elemento faltante dentro de un juego de iconos, vacíos y suspendidos, en “la hipótesis del cuadro robado”. Engaño o necesidad, la construcción de una imagen-movimiento como fundamente de un relato permita la integración de la experiencia, incluso aquella del trauma, desarrollando así las instancias de reconocimiento social, de la novela individual, del mito colectivo, de una cultura y de una historia. Es a partir de esta reflexión sobre el valor de la imagen icónica en el cine, en su relación al fantasma y al relato civilizador, que este artículo analiza el personaje ausente en el film Caché de Haneke y su relación à la reconstrucción (o a la ausencia de construcción) histórica y traumática de la guerra de Argelia en Francia

    The impact of regional jets on air service at selected US airports and markets

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    Regional jets, normally defined as jet aircraft introduced since 1993 with less than 100 seats, have been thought to have significant impacts on air services at airports, for example, in improving service frequency, allowing airlines to exploit niche markets and to feed hubs. Previous studies have focused on regional jet deployment strategy and the overall situation and they suggest that deployment was generally to larger cities first and, in addition, to locations east of the Mississippi. It has also been suggested that smaller airports might lose service when regional jets replace turbo-props and that carrier competition would increase, to the benefit of the consumer. This paper aims to throw more light on these issues from the individual airports’ point of view. Data on changes in schedules from the Official Airline Guide (OAG) at a series of case study airports from 1994 to 2002 is used to examine, the impacts on new route development, market dynamics, carrier competition and concentration and deployment status. In particular, the impact on smaller airports is examined. It is concluded, subject to the usual caveats on sample size, that there is little evidence of a uniform impact on routes or airports. The aggregate picture often described by the industry and government is shown to be a combination of highly dissimilar cases. A spectrum of effects is identified across different types of airports and routes but some of the anticipated trends, such as hub bypassing, are not observed. Some airports reaped significant benefits in terms of improved frequency and services to new destinations, whilst others gained little

    Detection of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec Associated DNA Segments in Multiresistant MSSA and Identification of Staphylococcus epidermidis ccrAB4

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    Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) can arise from methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) following partial or complete excision of staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec). This study investigated whether multiresistant MSSA isolates from Irish hospitals, where MRSA has been endemic for decades, harbor SCCmec DNA. Twenty-five multiresistant MSSA isolates recovered between 2002 and 2006 were tested for SCCmec DNA by PCR and were genotyped by multilocus sequence typing and spa typing. All isolates lacked mecA. Three isolates (12%) harbored SCCmec DNA; two of these (genotype ST8 t190) harbored a 26-kb SCCmec IID (II.3.1.2) remnant that lacked part of mecI and all of mecR1, mecA, and IS431; the third isolate (ST8 t3209) harbored the SCCmec region from dcs to orfX. All three isolates were detected as MRSA using the BD GeneOhm and Cepheid’s Xpert MRSA real-time PCR assays. Six isolates, including both isolates with the SCCmec IID remnant, harbored ccrAB4 with 100% identity to ccrAB4 from the Staphylococcus epidermidis composite island SCC CI. This ccrAB4 gene was also identified in 23 MRSA isolates representative of ST8 t190 MRSA with variant SCCmec II subtypes IIA to IIE, which predominated previously in Irish hospitals. ccrAB4 was located 5,549 bp upstream of the left SCCmec junction in both the MRSA and MSSA isolates with SCCmec elements and remnants and 5,549 bp upstream of orfX in the four MSSA isolates with ccrAB4 only on an SCC CI homologous region. This is the first description of a large SCCmec remnant with ccr and partial mec genes in MSSA and of the S. epidermidis SCC CI and ccrAB4 genes in S. aureus

    Shallow-water Benthic Foraminifera of the Galápagos Archipelago: Ecologically Sensitive Carbonate Producers in an Atypical Tropical Oceanographic Setting

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    Coral reefs are currently exposed to a number of anthropogenic pressures worldwide. With ocean warming and acidification expected to continue in the near future, it is important to study coral environments within natural oceanographic gradients, particularly with respect to their effects on environmental indicator species. Benthic foraminifera are sensitive to environmental change, making them ideal indicators of reef water quality and health. Hence, we studied benthic foraminifera from samples collected throughout the Galápagos Archipelago, an equatorial island chain strongly influenced by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and deep water upwelling—resulting in an atypical natural temperature, nutrient, and pH transition zone throughout the tropical latitudes of the archipelago. While foraminiferal abundances averaged 0.7% of all sand-sized carbonate grains, assemblages were characterized by a total of 161 species in 72 genera. The northern archipelago was dominated by Miliolida and contained the highest percentages of symbiont-bearing taxa in the Galápagos. However, the archipelago as a whole strongly favored heterotrophic Rotaliida, particularly throughout the southern islands, which are directly impacted by high nutrient and low pH upwelling from the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC). While the Eastern Tropical Pacific does not show the diversity of its western counterpart, Galápagos foraminiferal assemblages revealed a relatively high foraminiferal diversity for the region as well as evidence in support of earlier reports of high endemism within the archipelago

    Variable El Niño-Southern Oscillation influence on biofacies dynamics of eastern Pacific shallow-water carbonate systems

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    The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a periodic climatic and oceanic event caused by sea-surface temperature and nutrient anomalies over the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETP). Recurring ENSO events have a significant impact on climate and the ecosystems of the circum-Pacific region. In the marine realm, ENSO is known for altering temperature and nutrient patterns, affecting the pelagic food chain, and causing widespread bleaching of corals due to temperature stress. The potential impacts of ENSO on shallow benthic ecosystems as a whole, however, are poorly understood. Here, we compared biogenic sedimentary facies of ETP shallow-water carbonate systems in a strongly ENSO-influenced area (Galápagos Islands, Ecuador [GAL]) with similar systems in an area less stronglyinfluenced by ENSO (Gulf of California, Mexico [GOC]). Carbonate assemblages in both study regions range from coral-algal-dominated (photozoan) to molluscan-dominated (heterozoan) assemblages. Linear statistical models, comparing the distribution of carbonates against prominent local oceanographic parameters, show that minimum chlorophyll-a and maximum sea-surface temperature (which are both strongly influenced by ENSO) are dominant drivers shaping carbonate sediment facies in the GAL. In contrast, GOC carbonates have a distinct mean chlorophyll-a signature that is the result of anupwelling-induced north-south nutrient gradient not significantly influenced by ENSO

    Collective Cell Migration Drives Morphogenesis of the Kidney Nephron

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    Tissue organization in epithelial organs is achieved during development by the combined processes of cell differentiation and morphogenetic cell movements. In the kidney, the nephron is the functional organ unit. Each nephron is an epithelial tubule that is subdivided into discrete segments with specific transport functions. Little is known about how nephron segments are defined or how segments acquire their distinctive morphology and cell shape. Using live, in vivo cell imaging of the forming zebrafish pronephric nephron, we found that the migration of fully differentiated epithelial cells accounts for both the final position of nephron segment boundaries and the characteristic convolution of the proximal tubule. Pronephric cells maintain adherens junctions and polarized apical brush border membranes while they migrate collectively. Individual tubule cells exhibit basal membrane protrusions in the direction of movement and appear to establish transient, phosphorylated Focal Adhesion Kinase–positive adhesions to the basement membrane. Cell migration continued in the presence of camptothecin, indicating that cell division does not drive migration. Lengthening of the nephron was, however, accompanied by an increase in tubule cell number, specifically in the most distal, ret1-positive nephron segment. The initiation of cell migration coincided with the onset of fluid flow in the pronephros. Complete blockade of pronephric fluid flow prevented cell migration and proximal nephron convolution. Selective blockade of proximal, filtration-driven fluid flow shifted the position of tubule convolution distally and revealed a role for cilia-driven fluid flow in persistent migration of distal nephron cells. We conclude that nephron morphogenesis is driven by fluid flow–dependent, collective epithelial cell migration within the confines of the tubule basement membrane. Our results establish intimate links between nephron function, fluid flow, and morphogenesis